minutes of the annual general meeting of community of owners
minutes of the annual general meeting of community of owners
MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF COMMUNITY OF OWNERS URBANIZACIÓN DE GOLF LA FINCA R5-A Held on the 27th July 2007 (ENGLISH LOOSE TRANSLATION) In Algorfa, at 10:30 hours on second call, met the owners in the Restaurante La Finca, previously summoned in term and form by the President, in order to hold the AGM (Annual General Meeting) of Community of Owners Urbanización de Golf La Finca R5-A. The agenda of the day was the following: 1.- Review meeting minutes from 1st Owners General Meeting. 2.- Approval of the Accountancy of last year. 3.- Approval of the Ordinary Budget of the annual exercise. 4.- Agreements to adopt about outstanding community fees, and if necessary, judicial processes against debtors. 5.- Appointment of President, Vice-president and Secretary-administrator of the Community. 6.- Code of conduct – car parking within gated community 7.- Proposal from Mr. Baljinder Dhaliwa: community charge should be standardised and not be linked to property. This would mean that all community charge would be one sixty eight of the total annual budget. 8.- Proposal form Mr. Baljinder Dhaliwa: community president should have their community charge term in office. 9.- Agree date of 3rd Owners General Meeting. 10.- Any Other Business. Attendance for the AGM was as follows: Kelleher, Catherine Benferri 701 1,75 Dredge, Bradley (1) Benferri 706 1,86 Tosh, Stuart Mcbeath (1) Benferri 707 1,82 Rushby, Keith (1) Benferri 710 1,83 Robertson, Jim Benferri 711 1,87 Holden, Nigel Benferri 712 2,12 Francombe, Jill Benferri 713 2,16 Frankenmolen, Robertus Petrus M. Benferri 714 2,15 Myers, John Benferri 715 2,12 Cuff, Christine Frances (1) Benferri 716 2,14 Robb, Kenneth Benferri 718 2,25 Surdhur, Kanvaljit (1) Benferri 721 2,05 Dhaliwal, Baljinder Singh (1) Benferri 722 2,25 Reid, Pamela Ann Valverde 1-724 1,35 Royds, Michael (2) Valverde 1-725 1,19 Weeson, Barry Valverde 1-726 1,10 Merry, Joan Charteris (1) Valverde 1-728 0,95 Hartley, Brian John Valverde 2-729 0,95 Bennet, Martin John (2) Valverde 2-730 0,95 Fraser, Ross Finlayson (3) Valverde 2-731 1,10 Parrot, Timothy Malcolm (1) Valverde 2-733 0,95 Langan, Paul Gerard (2) Valverde 3-736 0,95 Bruton, David Valverde 3-737 1,10 Poskitt, Ian Richards Valverde 3-739 0,95 Gingell, Roger John Valverde 4-741 0,95 Levy, Anthony Howard (1) Valverde 4-742 0,95 Sayers, Richard John (2) Valverde 4-743 Williams, Hefin (1) Valverde 4-744 Smith, Nicholas (4) Valverde 4-745 Attree, Steven Colin (3) Valverde 5-749 Henderson, Alan John (1) Valverde 5-750 Bentham, Terrie Ann (1) Valverde 6-755 Desborough-Brown, Joanna P. (2) Valverde 6-756 Spinks, Terence Valverde 7-757 Colmer, Maurice George Valverde 7-759 Main, Samuel John (2) Valverde 8-763 Keoshgerian, Tsolag Diran Valverde 8-764 Pearson, Michael John (2) Valverde 8-765 Farell, Deirdre Valverde 8-766 (1) Represented by John Myers (2) Represented by Maurice Colmer (3) Represented by Laura Silvestre (4) Represented by Steve Turner 1,10 1,19 1,35 0,95 0,95 0,95 0,95 0,95 1,10 0,95 1,35 1,10 0,95 Apologies were given to Regina Fernández, Property Administrator, who could not attend due to unforeseen circumstances. Laura Silvestre acts as secretary for this meeting. The meeting was called to order by Laura Silvestre. She welcomed people who attended and the agenda of the day was discussed. FIRST. REVIEW MEETING MINUTES FROM 1ST OWNERS GENERAL MEETING. The minutes from the constitution meeting were unanimously passed. SECOND. APPROVAL OF THE ACCOUNTANCY OF LAST YEAR. The accountancy of the year June, 2006 – July, 2007, enclosed below, was unanimously passed, although there were a number of discrepancies highlighted in schedule of debtors: CONTABILIDAD / ACCOUNTANCY LA FINCA GOLF R5A 6/2006 - 7/2007 IMPORTE / AMOUNT - INGRESOS /INCOMES: CUOTA ANNUAL / ANUAL FEE 26.146,35 PISCINA / SWIMMING-POOL 4.199,68 JARDINES PRIVADOS / PRIVATES GARDENS 6.000,32 PROVISION DE FONDOS / CONTINGENCY FUNDS 1.517,19 FORMACIÓN COMUNIDAD / CONSTITUTION EXPENSES 300,00 Ingresos por diferencias deriv. Red. / rounding up differences 0,04 ________________________________________________ TOTAL INGRESOS / TOTAL INCOMES 32.163,26 -GASTOS / EXPENSES -GRUPO 01 GASTOS GENERALES / GROUP 01 GENERAL EXPENSES: - Alumbrado exterior / Outside lighting Ref.: 261385409 786,60 - Mantenimiento jardines / Garden maintenance 3.200,00 - Panel de anuncios / Noticeboard 230,00 - Honorarios administrador / administrator fees 4.760,00 - Material de oficina / Stationery 34,40 - Fotocopias / Photocopies 73,53 - Correo / Mail 150,19 - Copias llaves / Keys 215,46 - Libro de actas / Minutes book 12,00 - Registro de la propiedad / Land Registry 13,94 - Modelos Hacienda / Inland Revenue form 3,20 - IVA / VAT 761,60 - Protección de datos / Data protection 100,00 - Seguro multirriesgo/ Multipurposes insurance 1.698,25 - Comisiones bancarias / Bank comissions 86,29 - Formación comunidad / Constitution expenses 300,00 - Diferencia redondeo moneda / Rounding difference 0,01 ________________________________________________ TOTAL GRUPO / GROUP TOTAL 12.425,47 -GRUPO 02 GASTOS A PARTES IGUALES / GROUP 02 EQUAL SHARES EXPENSES: - Agua / Water Ref.. 0947207 239,66 - Mantenimiento piscina / Pool maintenance 4.020,67 - Cartel y soporte normas piscina / pool rules sign & stand 280,00 - Salvavidas piscina y soporte / Pool lifeguard and stand 277,24 - Alumbrado piscina / Pool lighting Ref.: 264519164 321,39 ________________________________________________ TOTAL GRUPO / GROUP TOTAL 5.138,96 TOTAL GASTOS /TOTAL EXPENSES RESUMEN / SUMMARY Saldo anterior / previous amount Total ingresos / Total incomes Gastos / Expenses Saldo actual / Current amount 17.564,43 IMPORTE / AMOUNT 32.163,26 17.564,43 14.598,83 JUSTIFICACIÓN DEL SALDO / ACCOUNTABLE AMOUNT: Bancos / Banks 12.979,82 Otras cuentas financieras -37,17 Benferri 703 Smith, Andrew Gordon 735,69 Benferri 704 Quara 140,32 Benferri 705 Quara 142,65 Benferri 717 Quara 660,18 Benferri 719 Quara 231,24 (Graham Ian Joseph, current owner has paid 462,50 on the 20/2/07. This balance Shown here is owed by Quara) Benferri 721 Quara 635,02 (Surdhur Kanvaljit has paid 423,34 on the14/05/07. The rest of the balance will have to be paid by Quara) (This payment was in the unallocated payments) Benferri 723 Quara 127,02 Valverde 2-731 Fraser, Ross Finlayson 374,29 Valverde 2-732 Stanley, Philip James 439,27 (This property has been sold / transferred to Chris Sheppart) Valverde 3-738 Griffiths, Ann 439,27 Valverde 4-745 Smyth, Nicholas 439,27 (Paid by the owner on the 27/01/07) (This payment was in the unallocated payments) Valverde 5-746 Quara 73,21 Valverde 6-752 Brandrick, William David 327,41 Valverde 7-758 Gurrieri, Gian Battista -327,41 Valverde 7-761 Quara 73,21 Ingresos desconocidos / Unallocated payments -1.881,92 Pagos pendientes de realizar / Payments to do -972,54 Total……………………………………………………….14.598,83 Owners were informed that there are some payments into the Community account that were not detailed saying to what property they were for (some of them now located). Owners who did pay and see their names in the list of outstanding community fees should contact the administrator and provide their bank receipts. THIRD. APPROVAL OF THE ORDINARY BUDGET OF THE ANNUAL EXERCISE. The following budget for the year 2007-2008 was unanimously passed: CONCEPTO GASTOS VARIOS GENERALES / GENERAL EXPENSES Reparaciones Alumbrado exterior / Outside lightning Comisiones bancarias / Bank expenses Honorarios / Administrator Fees Seguro Multirriesgo / Insurance MANTENIMIENTO JARDINES / GARDEN MAINTENANCE PISCINA / POOL Alumbrado /Electricity Agua / Water Mantenimiento piscina y Limpieza/Pool Maintenance + Cleaning TOTAL PRESUPUESTO / TOTAL BUDGET PRESUPUESTO 2007/08 700,00 € 2.000,00 € 1.600,00 € 100,00 € 4.732,80 € 1.750,00 € 5.000,00 € 5.840,00 € 1.000,00 € 1.000,00 € 3.840,00 € 21.722,80 € As last year, it will be one single down payment that could be paid by direct debit or transferring the money into the community account on or before the end of August, 2007. FOURTH. AGREEMENTS TO ADOPT ABOUT OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY FEES, AND IF NECESSARY, JUDICIAL PROCESSES AGAINST DEBTORS. It was unanimously passed to start legal proceedings against debtors, at the same time giving authority to the President and / or Administrator to give general authority for legal actions. The community will starts legal proceedings against the following debtors: Property Benferri 703 Benferri 704 Benferri 705 Benferri 717 Benferri 719 Benferri 721 Benferri 723 Valverde 2-731 Valverde 2-732 Valverde 3-738 Valverde 5-746 Valverde 6-752 Valverde 7-761 Owner Andrew Gordon Smith Quara Quara Quara Quara Quara Quara Ross Finlayson Fraser Philip James Stanley Ann Griffiths Quara William D. J. Brandrick Quara Outstanding amount (€) 735,69 140,32 142,65 660,18 231,24 211,67 127,02 374,29 439,27 439,27 73,21 327,41 73,21 Owners must add to the debt the expense of a recorded letter and any other expenses caused by the proceedings. Reminder: there are some income payments into the community account which are unidentifiable. Therefore, if someone paid their fees and they are on this list, they should contact the administrator as soon as possible and provide evidence of payment. FIFTH. APPOINTMENT OF PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT AND SECRETARYADMINISTRATOR FOR THE COMMUNITY. Regina Fernández stood down. The President proposed a new administrator, who attended the meeting. The below mentioned nominated their proposal and were unanimously passed. President.......................................... John Myers Vice-Presidents………………… Nigel Holden, Maurice Colmer and David Bruton Secretary-Administrator……….. Letralia Lawyers Laura Silvestre said thank you to the President for his work and also thanked Nigel Holden for his work with the community web page. SIXTH. CODE OF CONDUCT – CAR PARKING WITHIN GATED COMMUNITY It was unanimously agreed the following rule: “Vehicles should always be parked in the designated parking spaces except for loading/unloading”. Please do not park on the white lines in the community thoroughfare. The president informed that the police will enforce this rule. SEVENTH. PROPOSAL FROM MR. BALJINDER DHALIWA: COMMUNITY CHARGE SHOULD BE STANDARIZED AND NOT BE LINKED TO PROPERTY. THIS WOULD MEAN THAT ALL COMMUNITY CHARGE WOULD BE ONE SIXTY EIGHT OF THE TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET. This proposal was not passed as this would need a unanimous vote and there were some owners against. EIGHTH. PROPOSAL FORM MR. BALJINDER DHALIWA: COMMUNITY PRESIDENT SHOULD HAVE THEIR COMMUNITY CHARGE TERM IN OFFICE. It was unanimously passed. NINETH. AGREE DATE OF 3rd OWNERS GENERAL MEETING. It was agreed the date for the next annual meeting on Friday, July 25th, 2008 at 10:00 hours on first call and at 10:30 on second call. TENTH. ANY OTHER BUSINESS. An owner proposed that the community maintain all the private gardens - - - - - - - to improve the appearance of the overall community. After discussion, it was agreed that the community gardeners would be requested to provide a cost to maintain all private gardens. This cost will be added to the community charge for the relevant properties. It was agreed that this approach would be phased in taking into account any existing arrangements. An owner asked about when the urbanization is going to be finished. The President informed that he spoke to the Mayor and the Mayor said that the Town Hall is going to compel Quara to finish the area by certain date and if this is not finished by then, the Town Hall will do the work and will charge Quara for the cost of the works. The President informed that there is a Councillor in the Town Hall who speaks English and Spanish, and she represents the English speakers at the Town Hall. Owners can contact her on the following telephone number: 661 897 918, and her name is Samantha. Owners informed that lights around the community do not work. It will be looked into to sort out the problem. The President informed that the post boxes at La Finca are now finished but post is not being delivered yet. The Administrator will get information from the post office. Maurice Colmer said thank you to the President and Nigel Holden. The Snagging List provided last year to Quara has not been completed. The president is still insisting on, and he advices owners to go and complain to Quara to get more done. Nigel Holden proposes that when the gates are fixed we should have the configuration of the gates changed so that they automatically close after a predefined time delay. All the attendants agreed. There are people who are not part of the community using the community facilities. The president informed that he was asked by Quara if some owners from a new community that was not finished yet could use this swimming-pool while theirs were not finished. The President gave them temporary permission but he is going to stop this now. Nigel Holden requested that all community lighting (pool, pool area and road) be left on throughout the year. As the agenda of the meeting was finished by 12:10 hours, the meeting stands adjourned, with the signature of the President and Secretary. PRESIDENT SECRETARY John Myers Laura Silvestre