CURRICULUM VITAE (April 12th, 2010).
CURRICULUM VITAE (April 12th, 2010).
CURRICULUM VITAE (April 12th, 2010). PERSONAL DATA. Full Name: René Alberto Ortega Minakata. Personal email: [email protected] Birth date: Mar. 12th, 1985 (age, 25). CURRENT POSITION. 20092010: UNIVERSIDAD DE GUANAJUATO (UG) [UNIVERSITY OF GUANAJUATO] Departamento de Astronomía (DA) [Department of Astronomy] Maestría en Ciencias (Astrofísica) – [M.Sc. (Astrophysics)] 3rd semester student; estimated finishing date: Dec., 2010. Postal Adress: Callejón Jalisco S/N, Valenciana; C.P. 36240, Apdo. Postal 144, Guanajuato, Gto.; México. Telephone: +52 473 7329548 and 7329670, ext. 2510. Fax: +52 473 7320253. Institutional email: [email protected] EDUCATION. 20032008: UNIVERSIDAD DE GUADALAJARA (U. de G.) [UNIVERSITY OF GUADALAJARA] Licenciatura en Física. [B.Sc. in Physicis] General Grade: 93.55/100; with the Recognition: 'Best Grade of the 2007B Generation'. Thesis Title: 'Fotometría Halpha de Galaxias Locales de Tipo Temprano' – ['Halpha Photometry of Local Early Type Galaxies']. Defended on: Feb. 2009. Thesis Grade: 100/100. ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES. PUBLICATIONS. ● OrtegaMinakata, R. A. et al.; 'Star Formation Rates of Local EarlyType Galaxies from Halpha emission maps'; 2010 (in prep.) TALKS AND SEMINARS GIVEN. In local and regional level events. ● 'Estudio de galaxias más brillantes en cúmulos de galaxias', ['Study on Brightest Cluster Galaxies']; ○ To present results of the work done with Dr. Heinz Andernach (advisor; UG), within the Summer Research program for undergraduate students, organized by the Mexican Academy of Sciences (Jun.Aug., 2006); UG, Guanajuato, Gto., Aug. 2006. ○ At the Seminar 'Verano de la Investigación 2006' ['Research Summer, 2006'], U. de G.; Guadalajara, Jal.; Sept. 2006. ○ At the Seminar 'Seminario de Astronomía 2007A', U. de G.; Guadalajara, Jal.; Feb. 2007. ● 'Estudio multicolor y Halpha de Galaxias Locales de Tipo Temprano', ['BRI & Halpha study on Local EarlyType Galaxies']; ○ At the meeting 'XI Reunión Regional de Occidente en Astronomía 2007', ['11 th Regional Astornomy Meeting]; U. de G.; Chapala, Jal.; Nov. 2007. ○ At the Seminar 'Seminario de Astronomía 2007B', U. de G.; Guadalajara, Jal.; Dec. 2007. In National level events. 'Fotometría BRI y Halpha de Galaxias Locales de Tipo Temprano', ['BRI & Halpha Photometry of Local EarlyType Galaxies']; ○ At the Student Program of the meeting 'XXII Congreso Nacional de Astronomía' ['22nd National Astronomy Meeting']; Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City; Apr. 2008. ● 'Fotometría Halpha de Galaxias Locales de Tipo temprano', ['Halpha Photometry of Local EarlyType Galaxies']; ○ At the Student Program of the meeting 'XXIII Congreso Nacional de Astronomía' ['23rd National Astronomy Meeting']; Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Ensenada, B.C.; Sep. 2009. In International level events. ● 'Astronomy in Mexico'; ○ At the Summer School 'Novicosmo 2009'; organized by the University of Rijeka (Croatia), and the SISSA, International School for Advanced Studies (Triste, Italy); Rabac, Croatia; Sep. 2009. ● POSTER CONTRIBUTIONS. In National level events. ● 'Dinámica de las galaxias más brillantes en cúmulos ricos' ['Dynamics of Brightest richCluster Galaxies'] (coauthor); ○ At the meeting 'XXI Congreso Nacional de Astronomía' ['21st National Astronomy Meeting]; Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE); Tonantzintla, Pue.; Mar. 2007. ● 'Estudio multicolor y Halpha de Galaxias Locales de Tipo Temprano', ['BRI & Halpha study on Local EarlyType Galaxies']; ○ At the meeting 'XXI Congreso Nacional de Astronomía' ['21st National Astronomy Meeting]; INAOE; Tonantzintla, Pue.; Mar. 2007. ● 'Fotometría BRI y Halpha de Galaxias Locales de Tipo Temprano', ['BRI & Halpha Photometry of Local EarlyType Galaxies']; ○ At the Main Program of the meeting 'XXII Congreso Nacional de Astronomía' ['22nd National Astronomy Meeting']; Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Apr. 2008. In International level events. ● 'BRI & Halpha Photometry of Local EarlyType Galaxies. Halpha Preliminary Results'; ○ At the Conference 'Galactic Structure and the Structure of Galaxies'; organized by the 'Instituto de Astronomía' (IA), which belongs to the 'Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México' (UNAM), and the MaxPlanckIntitut für Astrophysik; Ensenada, B.C., México; Mar., 2008. PARTICIPATION IN OTHTER SCHOOLS, CONFERENCES OR MEETINGS (without talk or poster contribution). In local and regional level events. ● 'XII Reunión Regional de Occidente en Astronomía 2008', ['12th Regional Astornomy Meeting]'; organized by the 'Centro de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica' (CRyA), which belongs to the UNAM; Morelia, Mich.; Nov. 2008. ● 'XIII Reunión Regional de Occidente en Astronomía 2008', ['13th Regional Astornomy Meeting]; organized by the DAUG; Guanajuato, Gto; Nov. 2009. In National level events. ● '5a Escuela de Verano en Astrofísica' ['5th Summer School in Astrophysics'], organized by the CryA UNAM; Morelia, Mich., JunJul., 2007. MEMBER OF ORGANIZING COMMITTEE OR STAFF. ● Part of the Student Staff at the 'XLVIII Congreso Nacional de Física' [48th National Physics Conference], organized by the Mexican Physics Society and the U. de G.; Guadalajara, Jal.; Oct. 2005. ● Member of the Organizing Committee of the Student Program at the 'XXII Congreso Nacional de Astronomía' ['22nd National Astronomy Meeting']; Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Apr. 2008. ● Member of the Organizing Committee of the Student Program at the 'XXIII Congreso Nacional de Astronomía' ['23rd National Astronomy Meeting']; Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Ensenada, B.C.; Sep. 2009. OUTREACH ACTIVITIES. 'Astronomía en Xalapa' ['Astronomy in Xalapa']: a weeklong series of activities in the city of Xalapa, Ver. and surrounding area; May 2009, including: ● A general public talk: 'El Universo al desnudo: Astronomía multifrecuencias' ['The naked Universe: multi frequency Astronomy']; at the Escuela de Bachilleres 'Artículo Tercero' [public preparatory or high school]; Xalapa, Ver., May 2009. ● Astronomy and science activities for kids; at the rural primary school 'Adolfo L. Sosa'; at Mesa del Espinal, Naolinco, Ver.; May 2009. IYA 2009: participant and staff on several IYA2009related events: ● Inauguration ('Star Party' with ~5000 participants); 'Plazuelas' Archeological site, Pénjamo, Gto.; Jan. 2009. ● 6 other 'Star Parties': ○ Rural area at 'El Cubo' hills, San Felipe, Gto.; Apr. 2009; ○ Rural area at 'Peña Alta' natural park, San Diego de la Unión, Gto.; Jun. 2009; ○ 'Reto México' (Guiness World Record estabished by México (country) for most telescopes observing a single astronomical object the Moon simulteneously), Guanajuato site, Gto.; Oct. 2009. ○ 'Júpiter y las lunas Galileanas' ['Jupiter and the Galilean Satellites']; Guanajuato, Gto.; Oct. 2009. ○ At the rural community 'Cieneguilla', Tierra Blanca, Gto.; Nov. 2009. ○ At the 'Feria Estatal de las Ciencias' ['State Science Fair']; Guanajuato, Gto.; Nov. 2009. ● One generalpublic talk: 'El Universo al desnudo: Astronomía multifrecuencias' ['The naked Universe: multifrequency Astronomy']; 'La Azotea' Observatory, Guanajuato, Gto.; May 2009. Other outreach events: Assistance on one event for preschool and primary school children; La Azotea' Observatory, Guanajuato, Gto.; Mar. 2010. RELATED JOBS. ● 20022008, Guadalajara, Jal.: Independent, onetoone classes on several Math, Physics and Science topics, at Secondary (JuniorHigh), Preparatory (High) and 'Licenciatura' (Bachelor) levels. ● 20072008, Guadalajara, Jal.: Secondary (at a private school) and 'Licenciatura' (at the University of Guadalajara) teaching (as substitute teacher) on several Physics and Astronomy topics, in theory and laboratory courses (including theching a whole Basic Optics Laboratory course, during one semester). ● 2010, Guanajuato, Gto.: 'Licenciatura' (at the University of Guanajuato) teaching (as substitute teacher), during a Waves and Fluids Physics course. VARIOUS INFORMATION. ● ● ● ● Languages: ○ Spanish (native language). ○ Fluent English (read 95%, written 95%, spoken 95%). ○ FCECambridge Certificate (2003); Grade: A. ○ TOEFL ITP (Jun. 2009); Score: 663. Computer Skills: Office software (Ms. & opensource); use of Windows & Linux OS's, LaTeX, and Astronomyrelated software (IRAF, DS9); working knowledge of perl programming; basic knowledge of C++, Fortran, HTML and shell programming; basic knowledge of Matlab / Scilab. Other Courses: 'Leadership and Group Management' (20 hrs., Guadalalajara, Jal.; Jul. 2008); 'Intermediate course of Community Brigades' (4 hrs., Guadalalajara, Jal.; Oct. 2008); Member of the Scouting Movement since 1993: participant, organizer or member of the OC or staff, of numerous scout projects and events at local, regional, national and international levels; scoutleader (an adult responsible of a group of young scouts).