. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. Application of: ) ) TAXIS AEREOS DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA, ) S.A. de C.V. ) Docket OST-05-22826 ) for a renewal of an exemption (MEXICO- ' ) ) US) under 49 U.S.C. Section 40109 APPLICATION FOR A RENEWAL OF AN EXEMPTION FILED BY TAXIS AEREOS DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA, S.A. de C.V. FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS We are relying on the automatic extension provisions of Federal Law Specifically 5 USC 558(c), as implemented by 14 CFR Part 377, to keep our exemption authority in effect, pending final department action on this renewal application. It should be noted that no changes have occurred in the company management, stock holders, their nationality, aircraft or aircraft crews. This carrier's Ops Specs are managed at the Fort FAA/FSDO, and the aircraft has fewer than 30 seats. COMMUNICATIONS TO: WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENT SHOULD Mr. Eugene E. Smith 7717 Village Oak San Antonio, Tx. 78233 Tel (210) 590-1630 Fax (210) 653-9281 Agent for Service for: TAXIS AEREOS DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA, S.A. de C.V. 06 September 2013 Worth, Tx, BE ADDRESSED In support Department's 1. TAVTOL, TAVTOL Procedural that Name, is in Mexico 100% and to the TAVTOL states the following: in 1992, owned citizenship are enumerated and pursuant Regulations, incorporated corporation citizens. of this application, and is a privately controlled percentage of by held Mexican ownership of in Exhibit A. The full name and corporate address of TAVTOL is: TAXIS AEREOS DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA, S.A. Felix Guzman # 16 Colonia El Parque Naucalpan de Juarez, Edo. de Mexico 53398 MEXICO 2. The name and official authority in Mexico address of the government having regulatory air transport jurisdiction over TAVTOL is: Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes Direccion General de Aeronautica Civil ("DGAC") Av. Providencia No. 807, Pi so 1-7 Colonia del Valle Delegacion Benito Juarez Mexico, D.F. 03100 MEXICO 3. As authority noted TAVTOL is seeking transborder to engage in foreign air transportation their belongings of each flight, stopover above, without the need for prior or series of flights. privileges. 2 charter of persons Department and approval TAVTOL is also requesting 4. TAVTOL is operationally and financially the service for which authority qualified is requested to perform herein. As evidence a permit authorizing thereof: (a) The Mexican TAVTOL to conduct transportation Continents. Exhibit of passengers In in the North TAVTOL provides and air South taxi American and is attached as which and stock holders Future operations, consisting DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA, including Mexico load of five passengers permits and From its base in Toluca, form part of of the to domestic members of governing the body, and S.A. its proposed U.S. service, of this type of operation. that it will operate between DGAC of TAVTOL: likely to be a continuation estimates its air transportation passengers, institutions TAXIS AEREOS received flight operations. TAVTOL international following 2004, commercial Edo. de Mexico, annually international B. commenced owners, non-scheduled, This permit is valid indefinitely (b) and DGAC has issued are TAVTOL 15 round trip flights the United per flight; 3 States with an average all of which will originate in Mexico. (c) TAVTOL Cessna Citation owns and operates Mod 650 Jet aircraft a single with Mexican 9 passenger registration XA-SLB. (d) TAVTOL maintenance service maintains its aircraft agreement Centro Toluca, Mexico, an authorized Cessna Citation Centers In accordance Mexican with the international an airworthiness necessary with ICAO Annexes approved by the 1,6 (Part I) and 7. a well qualified experience since its inception of TAVTOL Capt. since program in providing management domestic and Franco Macias has served as the President Ing. Guillermo Manager ; in air taxi services. Ing. Agustin of TAVTOL Avemex in San Antonio, Texas and Wichita Kansas. DGAC in compliance with Servicio to a D.G.A.C. Service Center; and in the (e) TAVTOL has established team de pursuant Cerda Salazar has served as the General since its inecption Emilio the company in 1988 J. Luebbert was founded in 1988 has been with the in 1989. Capt. Luebbert 4 company received his Pilot's License during the License in 1975. He received in 1981 and has accumulated his years Citation company's courses of aviation Jet. Cessna at Capt. Flight Safety over 8800 hours experience, Luebbert Citation. his Commercial He is with over licensed attends annual in San Antonio, to of flight 50 hours operate flight Texas, Pilot's and in the training Wichita, Kansas. He also holds the position Capt. 2002. Capt. received Francisco Mina his of Chief Pilot in the company. F. received Commercial Mina his Pilot's has been Pilot's with License License in TAVTOL since in 1998. 1998 and He has accumulated over 950 hours of flight during his years of aviation experience, with over 50 hours in the Citation Jet. Capt. Mina is licensed to operate the company's Citation Jet. He attends annual flight training and Wichita, courses at Flight Safety in San Antonio, Texas Kansas. A composite of TAVTOL's key personnel 5 is shown in Exhibit C. (g) A copy of OST form 6411, Foreign Air Carriers Certificate of Insurance, is attached as Exhibit D. As shown therein, TAVTOL's limits of liability exceed the requirements of 14 CFR Part 205. (h) TAVTOL violations, tariff has not been violations or involved fatal in accidents any safety since its inception. (i) TAVTOL does not have any agreement or cooperative working arrangements with any U.S. air carrier affecting its proposed services to the United States 5. TAVTOL's proposed U.S. services are consistent with the public interest for the following reasons: (a) TAVTOL will be carrying executives to the U.S. on business, United thereby States fostering COmmerce between Mexico consistent with the objectives of and the the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). (b) TAVTOL's request for stopover privileges is consistent with the need of the executives using its services who 6 will, from time to time, need to stop at two or more places the U.S. as part of their round trip itineraries. that no regulatory from responding WHEREFORE, to engage their herein, purpose foreign baggage requests exemption air transportation with small aircraft as Agent for Service in the U.S. for TAXIS AEREOS DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA, S.A. 2013 7 authority of persons and such other relief as may be in the public 06 September TAVTOL needs of its customers. TAVTOL respectfully accompanying submits would be served by preventing to the stopover in charter TAVTOL in set and forth interest. TAVTOL EXHIBIT A OWNERSHIP of TAXIS AEREOS DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA, SHAREHOLDER ING. AGUSTIN LIC. ALONSO S.A. de C.V. CITIZENSHIP FRANCO MACIAS ASPE FRANCO PORCENTAGE MEXICAN 50% MEXICAN 50% T FOR SERVICE for TAXIS AEREOS DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA, S.A. de C.V. TAVTOL EXHIBIT D.G.A.C. INTERNATIONAL AIR TAXI PERMIT of TAXIS AEREOS DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA, S.A. de C.V. B . ~~\OOS.,,( ,l'~~~<:; •. '~45,~~ ~ DlRECCI6N GENERAL DE AERONAunCA CIVIL. DlRECCI6N GENERAL ADJUNTA DE TRANSPORTE Y CONTROL AERONAuTICO. SUBDlRECCI6N DE AVlACI6N GENERAL Y SERVICIOSAEREOS. 101.309. f, . ~ ~~J.lI) ~ ::; ")1 ~4:l ~~ SECRETARIA OE CONUNICACIONES Y TRANSPORTES Mexico, D.F. a 19 de enero del 2005. O()299 . TAXIS AEREOS DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA, SA DE C.V. NC. GUILLERMO CERDA SALAZAR. FELIX GUZMAN No. 161°. PISO COL. EL PARQUE c.P. 53390, NAUCALPAN DE JUAREZ, EDO. DE ME><. En relacion a su escrito del 18 de enero del presente, por el que esa empresa en su car.kter de perm isionaria de un servicio publico para operar TRANSPORTE NO REGUlAR DE TAXI AEREO INTERNACIONAL DE PASAJEROS, desde su base de operaciones en Toluca, Edo. de Mex., otorgado en oficio No. 102.419-3748 de fecha 21 de febrero de 1996, solicita incluir en su equipo de vuelo la aeronave CESSNA 650 MATRICULA XA-SLB, asf mismo, dar de baja la aeronave CESSNA 550 MATRICULA XA-REN. . AI respecto, esta Direccion General, con fundamento en los artfculos 30., fraccion VI, VIII, IX, XII Y XIII, 49, 51 Y 120 de la Ley de Vfas Generales de Comunicacion; 10., 30., 40., 50., fraccion I, inciso a), 60., fracciones IV, V, XI Y XII, 70., 12., 14., 15., 17., 18., 24., 32., 35., 38., 42., 44., 47., fracciones II, IV Y V, 61., 70., 74., 76., 84. Y demas aplicables a la Ley de Aviacion y en relacion con el articulo 18 fraccion VI, del Reglamento Interior de la Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes, autoriza la inclusion e inicio de operaciones, asf como, la baja de las aeronaves en referencia, por 10que con esta fecha se modifica la condici6n SEGUNDA del permiso No. 102.419-3748 de fecha 21 de febrero de 1996. EQUIPO AUTORJZADO A OPERAR HACIA TODO EL MUNDO (EXCLUYENDO 1RAJ< AFGANISTAN, PAKISTAN Y YEMEN, ASl COMO pAiSES EN CONFLICTO Y cLAUSULA LSW6IlD.) CESSNA 650 e MATRICULA: XA-SLB. Para la operaci6n de 10(5) vuelo(s) internacional(es) que se autoriza(n), esa empresa queda obligada a mantener vigente en todo momento, su Certificado de Operador Aereo, asi como las Limitaciones a dicho Certificado, expedidas por esta Direcci6n General de Aeron<lutica Civil, sin cuya vigencia 0 documento que acredite la misma, no podra realizar operaciones al amparo del permiso antes citado, con base en la NOM-OOSSCT3-2002. Esta modificacion debe apegarse a 10 establecido en su permiso No. 102.419-3748, de fecha 21 de brero de 1996. )£ J o . C.PE./2-DTCA-GRL.P-02.FE.B20 ...J . ",,'005.,,~. ~,fr,(' g:a~~; <f'~ \"t DlRECCI6N GENERAL DE AERONAuTICA CIVIL. DlRECCI6N GENERAL ADJUNTA DE TRANS PORTE Y CONTROL AERONAUTIco. SUBDlRECCI6N DE AVlACI6N GEl'JERAL Y SERVICIOS AEREOS. ~~ SF;CRETARIA .DE COIIIUNICACIONES Y TRANSPORTES o i) 2 9 9 2 De conformidad con la Ley Federal de Derechos, vigente, esta modificaci6n causa derechos par expedici6n de la misma, articulo 159, fracci6n II, $ 2,513.00 M.N. (DOS MIL QUINIENTOS TRECE PESOS 00/1 . or registro, articulo 153, fracci6n IX, $ 402.00 M.N. (CUATROCIENTOS DOS PESOS S.C.T. D.G.A.C. SA! ""Tf"'A, *CO InA 20 ENE 2005 RKr:;;)/" + c.c.p. c.c.p. c.c.p. c.c.p. c.c.p. c.c.p. c.c.p. c.c.p. 1 iJ l~ iJ I:I~ C IA 3U~~\\W;~q,N ll,1i,AVIACION AERESOSVICIOS ~ DIRECTOR GENERAL ADJUNTO DE SPORTE Y CONTROL AERONAuTICO. £fI;:Z.ROORfGUEZ GARDUNO. !;;'~;-," '.:'". Direccion Generiit. Ofnas. Direccion General Adjunta de Aviacion.- Ofnas. Direccion General Adjunta de Seguridad.- Ofnas. Direccion de Aeropuertos.- Ofnas. Subdireccion de Recursos Financieros.- Ofnas. Direccion de Desarrollo Estrategico.- Ofnas. Direccion de Registro Aeronautico y Control de Empresas.- Ofnas. Oficina de Seguros y Fianzas.- Ofnas. DGAC-PE-12-DTCA-GRl-P-02-FE-B20 TAVTOL EXHIBIT C LIST OF KEY PERSONNEL NAME POSITION CITIZENSHIP ===================================================================== ING. AGUSTIN FRANCO M. PRESIDENT C.P. GASTON PEREZ ING. GUILLERMO CAP. EMILIO CERDA S. CHIEF OPS J. LUEBBERT CAP. CARLOS JUAREZ G. COMPANY ACCOUNTANT ADDRESS FOR ABOVE DIRECTOR OPS -. . 011-52555-329':'3348 MEXICAN 011-52555-329-3348 011-52722-273-0110 MEXICAN 011-52722-273-0110 IS: TAXIS AEREOS DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA, S.A. de C.V. FELIX GUZMAN # 16 1er PISO COL. EL PARQUE NAUCALPAN DE JUAREZ, EDO. DE MEXICO MEXICO 5339'\2, -~ MEXICAN MEXICAN CHIEF PILOT PERSONNEL TELEPHONE MEXICAN 011-52722-273-0110 TAVTOL EXHIBIT D FOREIGN AIR CARRIERS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE OST FORM 6411 of TAXIS AEREOS DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA, S.A. de C.V. i ~.' FOREtGN AIR CARRIERS OPERATING SMALL AIRCRAFT The aircraft covered by this policy are SMALL AIRCRAFT (i.e., with 60 or fewer passenger seats or with a maximum capacity of 18.000 pounds or less). (Check separate or combined coverage as aporopriate}: i, i !, Separate Coverages' payload /.,1;nimum Limit Policy No. Type of LiabiNty Each person Combined Bodily Injury (Excluding Passengers other than cargo attendants) and Property Damage Uability $300,000 Passenger $300.000 Bodily Injury Liability Each Occurrence $2,000.000 • (see note) $300,000 x 75% of total number of passenger seats installed in the airetaft Combined Coverage. This combined coverage is a single limit of liability for each occurrence at least equal to the required minimums slated above for bodily injury (exduding passengers). property damaged, and passenger bodily injury. Policy No. 3601300000125 This policy covers CARGO i c. operatIons only and excludes Amount of Coverage passenger liability insurance. USD 5,000.000 FOREIGN AIR CARRIERS OPERATING LARGE AIRCRAFT The aircraft covered by this policy are LARGE AIRCRAFT (Le., with mere than 60 p2ssenger more than 18,000 pounds). (Check separate or combined coverage as aporopriate): ! Separate seats or with a maximum Coverages. Policv No. ____ T~.~peof Uability _. Passenger ~Minimum Umit Each Combined Bodily Injury (Exduding Passengers other than congo attendants) and Property Damage uabilily person Each Occf)(rence $300.000 Bodily Injury payload capaCIty of $20,000.000. $300.000 $300,000 x 75% of total number of passenger seals installed in the aircraft Combined Coverage: This combined coverage is a single limit of liabilily for each occurrence alleast equal 10 the required stated above for bodily injury (excluding passengers), property damaged. and passenger bodily injury. Policy No,________________ ThIS policy covers CARGO , i ,~._. ! 3. The Amount of Coverage. nlln,mums _ only and exCludes passenger liability insurance. ------------------------------------------------ Ii policy or policies listed in this certificate Operations Operations , I operations (see note) X conducted conducted insure(s) (Check One): Make and Model with all aircraft operated by the insured with the following types of aircraft: Operations with the following aIrcraft: CESSNA (Use additional page if necessary) CITATION FAA or Foreign Flag Registration No. VI XA-SLB SIN 650-0228 f~~~----==-=--=========-===-~====--===========~====~ ! -1 Each policy lIsted in this certificate meets or exceeds the requirements I I ! MAPFRE TEPEYAC S.A GLOBAL ASSURANCE BROKERS AGENTE DE SEGUROS Y DE FIANZAS, SA DE c.v. (Name of Broker, if applicable) (Name of InstKer) PASEO DE LA REFORMA #243 COL CUAUHTEMOC, i AV. i i , I Ii I VASCO DE QUIROGA (Address) j I in 14 CFR Part 205. 06500. DEL CUAUHTEMOC. MEXICO, D.F. DEL. CUAUHTEMOC (Cily, State. z,p Code) RAQUEL MENDOZA DIAZ C-ontact (person who ca FERNANDO verily the effectiveness 5255 5230 7000 {A,-p,a Code. P COL. PENA BLANCA / e of fhe coverage) 52555246.75.90 (Area Code. Fax Number) NO. 2121 PISO 1, CORPORATIVO (Address) SANTA FE. CP. 01210 MEXICO, (City, State, Zip Code) GOMEZ BARRIENTOS (Officer or authorized (521155)36877016 " 2013 (Date) (Signature) AUGUST D.F representative) / (Area Code. Phone Number) I~OPIi;;;:; PIRAMIDE 29", 2013 (Date)) (Area Code. Fax Number) I U.s. Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary Transportation of AGENCY. DISPLAY OF ESTIMATED BURDEN The public reporting bun:len for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes PH response. II you wish to comment on the accuracy of the eslimate or make suggeslions for reduCing this burd&" please direct your comments to: DOT and OMB at the following addresses: U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Management and Bucget Federal Aviation Adminis1ralion and Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Flight Standards Service, AFS 260 Paperwork Reduction Proyect 2106-0030 800 Independence Avenue. S.W .. Washington, D.C. 20591 FOREIGN AIR CARRIERS - CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE POUCIES OF INSURANCE FOR AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE UABIUTY I FlUNG INSTRUCTIONS: File an original of this form with the Federal Aviation Administration. Flight Standards Service. Air Trans::lOrtalion Division, Program Management Branch. AF5-260, 600 Independence Avenue. S.W.. Washington DC 20591 (Please type information, except signatures.) THIS CERTIFIES THAT: MAPFRE TEPEYAC SA (Name of Insurer) has issued a policy or policies of Aircraft Uability Insurance to TAXIS AEREOS DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA. SA DE C.V. CALLE FELIX GUZMAN No 16 1 ER PISO COL. EL PARQUE. NAUCALPAN. EDO DE MEXICO (Name and address of In•••. ed Foreign Air Carrier) effective from AUGUST 23~ 2013 until ten (10) days after written noIice iTem the insurer or carrier of the intent to terminate coverage is received by the Department of Transportation. NOTE: Part 205 of the Department's Regulations does not allow for a predetermined !erminalion date, and a certificate showing suoll a date is unacceplabie. I 1. The Insurer (Check One): .-; is licensed to issue aircraft insurance policies in the United States: ,. is licensed or approved by the government of MEXICO C is an approved surplus line insurer in the State(s) of to issue airaall insurance policies: or 2. The insurer assumes, under the policy or policies listed below, aircraft accident liability insured to minimums at least equal to the following during operalion, maintenance. or use of aircraft in "foreign air transportation. as that term is defined in the Federal Avialion Act (Complete aoolicable section A. (s) belowl." CANADIAN CHARTER AIR TAXI OPERATORS WITH PART 294 AUTHORITY ONLY The aircraft covered by this policy ,have; (1) 30 or fewer passenger seats and a maximum payload capacity of 7,500 pounds or less; and/or (2) a maximum authorized takeoff weight on wheels of no more than 35,000 pounds. (Check seParate or combined coveraoe as appropriate): IJ Separate Coverages; WnilmJm Urr.:t Policy No. Tvee of Uab/lily Combined Bodily Injury (Excluding Passengers other than cargo atlendsnts) and Property Damage Uabllity EachpetSQn $75.000 Passenger Bodily Injury Uability .J $2.000,000.(5.", note) $75.000 x 75% of total numbe:-of passeoger seats install&<!in the aircraft Combined Coverage: This combined coverage is a single limit of liability for each occurrence at least equal to the required minimums stated above for bodily injuTy(excluding passengers), property damage. and passenger bodily injury. Policy No.______________ :.: $75,000 Eacn OCCurrence Amount of COverage. _ This policy covers CARGO operalions only and excludes passenger liability insurance. NOTE: If the aircraft covered by this policy have more than 30 passenger seats or more than a maximum payload capacity of 7.500 pounds, the minimum limit per occurrence shan be '$20,000,000. OST Form 6<'11 OMB tio. 2106-0030