SJV Bulletin September 18, 2016 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church
SJV Bulletin September 18, 2016 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church
Saint John Vianney Catholic Church 1920 Skyview Drive • Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Phone/Teléfono (770) 941-2807 Fax (770) 941-5821 Sacramental Emergency: 404-895-8479 Vision Statement The Vision for Saint John Vianney Catholic Church for the next five years is that we become a Parish that will LIVE what it celebrates in faith, BUILD communion within diversity and BE an inspiraƟon for others. Nuestra Visión La Visón para la Parroquia de San Juan María Vianney para los próximos cinco años es converƟrnos en una Parroquia que VIVA lo que celebra en fe, CONSTRUYA comunión en la diversidad y SEA una inspiración para los demás. EucharisƟc Liturgies / Misas Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. , 10:30 a.m., Noon. Misas en Español 7:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Monday & Thursday 7:00p.m. (Lyke Chapel) Tuesday 8:00 a.m. (Lyke Chapel) Wednesday 8:00 a.m. (Lyke Chapel) 7:00 p.m. (Español—Main Church) Friday 8:00 a.m. (Lyke Chapel) NEW HOURS! !Nuevo Horario¡ PARISH OFFICE HOURS / OFICINA Monday - Tuesday, Thursday—Friday 10:00 a.m.—4:00p.m. Parish Office Closed on Wednesday Horarios para Atención en Español Lunes—Martes Jueves—Viernes 10 a.m. a 4 p.m. La Oficina Parroquial cerrará los Miércoles STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Administración de Tesoro As disciples we are called to be faithful stewards of Ɵme, talent and treasure. September 4, 2016 $12,894.58 September 11, 2016 $11,677.46 Ultreya Mee ng This Monday at 7PM in the St. John’s Room Thank you for your conƟnued generosity! ¡Gracias por su conƟnua generosidad! PASTORAL STAFF PARISH OFFICE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Rev. Ignacio Morales, Pastor. Email: [email protected] Phone: 678-981-5226 Mrs. Judy Sheridan Admin. Asst. Email: [email protected] Phone: 678-981-5228 Mrs. Frances Rentas Evangelization Coordinator, Confirmation Coordinator, and RCIA Email: [email protected] Phone: 678-981-5232 Rev. Mark Thomas, Parochial Vicar Email: [email protected] Phone: 678-981-5227 Deacons Rev. Mr. Frank Przybylek Rev. Mr. Johnny Rentas Rev. Mr. Rich Searls Phone: 678-981-5233 Mrs. Mónica Aguirre Parish Secretary Email: [email protected] Phone: 678-981-5229 Mrs. Christine Butler Communication Coordinator Email: [email protected] Phone: 678-981-5230 Ms. Silvia Razo Middle School Coordinator Email: [email protected] Phone: 678-217-8412 Ms. Kristine Dulski High School Coordinator Email: [email protected] Phone: 678-981-5231 In your prayers/ En Nuestras Oraciones: Judy Sheridan The LORD also restored the prosperity of Job, aŌer he had prayed for his friends; the LORD even gave to Job twice as much as he had before. Job 42:10 Phillip Bazzine Pilar & Carlos Otero Grace Bringman Terry Brown Winefred Moton-Connor Carolyn West Oneida Chapple Rina Reyes Angelica Hernandez-Or z Beverlee Leo Cooper Hayes Carlos Handal Jose Epifanio Botello Olga Caubo The Jones Family Rita Parr Bob Robinson Carlos Silva Stella Carlson Louis Panezich Ron Gaillard Merry Trahan Flavia Recendiz Sharon Byce Anne Brown Shirley Fields Consuelo Zaragoza Santos Aguirre Shirley Grimmer Herb Spencer Barbara Hallstrom Bob Weatherly Elena Carollo Jorge Cervantes Steve Standridge Doug Spivey Jemaan Green Erick Davis Denise Willson Patricia Ernst Dorothy Doyle Pat Stewart Joe Wellinghoff Joe Mykytyn Jamie Posey Richard & Dee Smith Please include the above parishioners in your prayers this week. If you are aware of others who are in need of prayers, please call the parish office at 770-941-2807 or send an email to parishoffi[email protected] SJV Landscaping Crew September 23: Team 3 Team Leader: Ray Bell A en on Tradi onal Choir Members: There will be no tradi onal choir (10:30AM Mass choir) rehearsal on Tuesday September 20, 2016. Mass Intentions for the Week of September 19—September 25, 2016 Monday, September 19 7:00PM † Sue Meyer : Jane Meyer Tuesday, September 20 8:00AM † Theresa Moore: Rose Eddington Wednesday, September 21 8:00AM † Richard Ernst: His Family 7:00PM † Pedro Arangure: Laura Arangure Thursday, September 22 7:00 PM † David Phillipp: Terry Phillipp Friday, September 23 8:00 AM Tommy Mitchell: Pat & Joe Schival Saturday, September 24 5:00 PM All Parishioners living and deceased Sunday, September 25 7:00 AM † Fidencio Xochitla Vasquez: Maria Xochitla 9:00 AM Dan Crawford: Joe and Pat Schival 10:30 AM For Thelma Weatherly, In Thanksgiving for 75 years of God’s Blessing: From her Husband 12:00 PM All Parishioners Living and Deceased 1:30 PM † Maria Del Rosario Lujan: Familia Hernandez Lujan Sacrament Information/ Sacramentos CONFESIÓN / CONFESSION Saturday/Sábado: 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. Wednesday/ Miércoles: 6:00 - 6:50 p.m. Any other time by appointment. / Otros horarios por cita. BAUTISMO / BAPTISM Call Mrs. Mónica Aguirre for further details. Llame a Sra. Mónica Aguirre para más detalles. 678-981-5229 MATRIMONIO / MATRIMONY Contact a Priest or Deacon for further details. Contacte al Sacerdote o a uno de los Diáconos para más información UNCIÓN DE ENFERMOS / ANOINTING OF THE SICK. Arrangements must be made by calling the parish office. Para recibir este sacramento llame a la oficina. 770-941-2807 The St. John Vianney Knights of Columbus Council 12580 Annual Frank Lewis Memorial Golf Classic Our Knights of Columbus St. John Vianney Council #12580 is sponsoring their annual Frank Lewis Memorial Golf Classic to support: Special Olympics, Coats for Kids, Paulding County Pregnancy Center, and the K of C scholarship fund. Even if you are not a golfer, consider making a dona on or sponsoring a hole. This is a great way of helping your local Knights and local community! Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2016 Loca on: Dogwood Hills Country Club Austell, GA There will food and prizes. For more details on how you can support us or sign-up your team contact Gary Major, 678.265.8353 or email [email protected] . Sign-up sheets are located on the SJV Bulle n Board Please Support this Youth Fundraiser. Proceeds will go towards their summer mission trip. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION EVERY FRIDAY 8:30AM—7:00PM ¡Nuevo! Venga y pase Ɵempo con Jesús Adoración EucarísƟca todos los viernes en San Juan Vianney 8:30AM-7PM As an ongoing fundraiser, the teens would like to make rosaries to sell in the Church store but are in need of your help to furnish supplies. They would like 16-18-gauge silver, gold, or bronze wire, 4-8 millimeter beads, and especially crucifixes and centerpieces (an que ones would be great). Please either donate the supplies or money toward the supplies. On a further note, the teens would be happy to repair rosaries or take special orders. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Kris Dulski for further informa on. Por favor, apoya esta causa. Lo recaudado apoyará a la misión en verano. A modo de recaudación de fondos, a los adolescentes les gustaría hacer rosarios para vender en la enda de la iglesia, pero están en necesidad de su ayuda para obtener materiales A ellos les gustaría plata de calibre 16-18, oro, o alambre de bronce, perlas de 4-8 milímetros, y especialmente los crucifijos y centros del rosario (an guos serían magníficos). Por favor, si pueden donar materiales o dinero para comprarlos se lo agradeceríamos. En una nota adicional, los adolescentes también están dispuestos a reparar rosarios o tomar pedidos especiales. Su ayuda sería muy apreciada. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Kris Dulski para más información. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Georgia Archdiocese Annual Second CollecƟon September 24th and 25th 2016 The annual second collec on for St. Vincent de Paul Georgia will happen during all masses next weekend, September 24th and 25th. This collec on goes not only to helping people in our area, but also to families and individuals in need across the state. A large network of volunteers, community partners, and a central support staff allows SVdP Georgia to provide life-changing programs and services, including direct aid assistance, Client Choice Food Pantries, and support that helps clients move toward stability and self-sufficiency. With a commitment to compassion and respect, SVdP works relessly to help thousands of families and individuals in need. Last year, St. Vincent de Paul Georgia delivered nearly $15 million in financial, material, educa onal, and spiritual support to more than 126,000 people. This support helps keep people in their homes, ensures that their u li es stay on, and puts food on their tables. This special second collec on helps St. Vincent de Paul con nue this mission. Please be generous during this collec on, and know that your dona on goes directly to help families and individuals move from crisis to stability. La Sociedad de St. Vincent de Paul Georgia Segunda Colecta Anual de la Arquidiócesis 24 y 25 de sepƟembre de 2016 La segunda colecta anual para St. Vincent de Paul Georgia ocurrirá durante todas las misas del próximo fin de semana (24 y 25 de sep embre). Esta colecta no sólo ayudará a las personas en nuestra área, sino también a familias y personas necesitadas en todo el estado. Una amplia red de voluntarios, socios de la comunidad y personal de apoyo central permiten a SVdP Georgia proveer programas y servicios que cambian vidas, incluyendo asistencia de ayuda directa, despensas de alimentos y apoyo en general que ayuda a los clientes a lograr la estabilidad y la autosuficiencia. Con un compromiso de compasión y respeto, SVdP trabaja incansablemente para ayudar a miles de familias e individuos necesitados. El año pasado, St. Vincent de Paul Georgia proporcionó casi $15 millones en ayuda financiera, material, educa va y espiritual a más de 126.000 personas. Este apoyo, ayuda a mantener a la gente en sus hogares, asegura que sus servicios públicos con núen funcionando y pone comida en sus mesas. Esta segunda colecta especial ayuda a St. Vincent de Paul a con nuar con esta misión. Por favor sean generosos en esta colecta y sepan que su dona vo va directamente a ayudar a las Current Pantry Needs/ Ahora se necesita: Canned meats, soups and paper goods Volunteers are needed to help handle the numerous requests for assistance that come into the St. Vincent de Paul Society. If you can donate some time to assist in this ministry, please call the parish office at 770-941-2807. All Parishioners are Invited to the St. John Vianney Book Club! Next MeeƟng: Saturday, October 8, 2016 in the Social Hall aŌer 5PM Mass Please bring a dessert or appeƟzer to share. The Book that will be discussed: “The Name of God is Mercy” by Pope Francis “The name of God is mercy. There are no situaƟons we cannot get out of, we are not condemned to sink into quicksand.”—Pope Francis Middle School and High School Upcoming Sunday MeeƟng Dates: Sept. 18th from 6pm—8:30pm Oct. 2nd from 6pm—8:30pm Middle and High School Próximas reuniones: Sept. 18th de 6pm—8:30pm Oct. 2nd de 6pm—8:30pm All Are Welcome to AƩend: Next EvangelizaƟon Class : Saturday, October 8th at 9AM Topic: Mary and the Saints We are excited to announce that St. John Vianney Catholic Church has become a partner in an exci ng 24/7 on-line web-based digital forma on series called FORMED, produced by the Augus ne Ins tute and Igna us Press. This series is designed to help adults grow in their faith at all levels—how we think, how we pray, and how we live. Be er yet, access is FREE to all St. John Vianney Catholic Church parishioners and their families anywhere, any me on computers, tablets, or phones. How To Register Go to Enter our PARISH CODE CJ69YC on the homepage Create a personal account with your name/email and password Start enjoying the best Catholic content all in one place! In the future, log in by going directly to and entering your user name/email and password. IMPORTANT DO NOT sign up as an individual—the parish access code provides more content than the individual subscrip on. Today! WHO IS BEST? The clarity in Amos and the psalm, God's insistence on fair dealing and honesty especially regarding the poor, seems at odds with a clever steward working only for himself. These conflicting themes are reconciled if we recognize that we are stewards of all God's creation with the expectation that we will achieve the greatest return on investment possible. The "return on investment" is measured, not by "dishonest wealth" but by how it benefits the poor and lowly. We live and work in a world in which wealth, not work, is more often rewarded. These readings together remind us that the standards of success in this world are not the standards by which God measures us. God's standards are not the accumulation of wealth, power, or prestige, but rather standing with the poor, the needy, the outcast, the foreigner, the sick, the hungry, the homeless, the unemployed, and the prisoner. Stand with God. Today’s Readings: Am 8:4-7; Ps 113:1-2, 4-8; 1 Tm 2:1-8; Luke 16:1-13 [10-13 ¿QUIÉN ES EL MEJOR? La claridad de Amós y el salmo, la insistencia de Dios en un trato justo y honesto especialmente en lo que se refiere a los pobres, parece contrastar con un administrador inteligente que sólo trabaja para sí mismo. Estas situaciones conflictivas se reconcilian si reconocemos que somos administradores de toda la Creación de Dios con la esperanza de que vamos a lograr el mayor rendimiento posible de la inversión. El “rendimiento de la inversión” se mide, no por “la riqueza deshonesta” sino por cómo se beneficia a los pobres y más necesitados. Vivimos y trabajamos en un mundo en el cual la riqueza, no el trabajo, se recompensa más a menudo. Estas lecturas juntas nos recuerdan que las normas para el éxito en este mundo no son las normas que Dios usa para medirnos. Las normas de Dios no son la acumulación de la riqueza, el poder, el prestigio sino estar al lado de los pobres, los desamparados, los marginados, los extranjeros, los enfermos, los sin techo, los desempleados y los encarcelados. De pie, con Dios. Lecturas del día: Am 8:4–7; Sal 113 (112):1–2, 4–8; 1 Tim 2:1–8; Lc 16:1–13 [10–13] Readings For The Week Sep 19—Sep 25, 2016 MONDAY Prv 3:27-34; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 8:16-18 TUESDAY Prv 21:1-6, 10-13; Ps 119:1, 27, 30, 34, 35, 44; Lk 8:19-21 WEDNESDAY Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 9:9-13 THURSDAY Eccl 1:2-11; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17bc; Lk 9:7-9 FRIDAY Eccl 3:1-11; Ps 144:1b, 2abc, 3-4; Lk 9:18-22 SATURDAY Eccl 11:9 — 12:8; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17; Lk 9:43b-45 SUNDAY Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146:7-10; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31 Informa on Page 398455—St John Windows 7 Publisher 2010 Upload Tuesday: Thank You!