Dear Friends, Parish Lenten Penance Service and Individual


Dear Friends, Parish Lenten Penance Service and Individual
Dear Friends,
Today is the 5 Sunday of Lent. Prior to the
liturgical reforms following the Second Vacan Council, this
Sunday was known as “Passion Sunday”. It was also the
day that all crosses and images were veiled. The reforms of
the liturgy following the Council retained this pracce but
no longer required it. The current liturgical norms of the
Church state: “The pracce of covering crosses and images
in the church may be observed…. The crosses are to be
covered unl the end of the celebraon of the Lord’s
passion on Good Friday. Images are to remain covered
unl the beginning of the Easter Vigil.”
Some believe that this pracce originated in
Germany during the Middle Ages when it was customary to
veil the enre sanctuary with purple cloth blocking the
view of all. This was perhaps a way of calling to mind the
pracce of the early church which required penitents to
remain outside the church building unl their penance was
complete. Once reconciled, they were welcomed back into
the church and could again parcipate in offering the
sacred mysteries in the midst of the community. The
purple cloth was a sign that by sin we all place ourselves
“outside” the church which is the Body of Christ.
While scholarly opinions concerning the origin of
covering statues and crosses during this period of Lent
vary, the covering of crosses emphasizes the “unveiling” or
“revealing” of the cross during the Good Friday liturgy. The
covering of images is meant to help us focus our a3enon
on the central mysteries of our faith – the death and
resurrecon of Jesus. The covering and then unveiling of
the cross and other images expresses the reality of sin as
that which separates us from God and the community of
the Church and that true repentance brings about
We celebrate our Penance Service this Sunday
evening (March 17) at 7:30 PM. Join with fellow
parishioners and approximately 18 vising priests as we
approach with confidence the Lord of Mercy. “Forge@ng
what lies behind but straining forward to what lies ahead, I
connue my pursuit toward the goal, the prize of God’s
upward calling, in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14)
In Christ,
Rev. David A. Whitestone, Pastor
March 17, 2013
Parish Lenten Penance Service
Individual Confessions
There will be a Lenten Penance
Service tonight, Sunday, March 17th
at 7:30 pm in the Church. Visiting
priests will join our parish priests to hear
individual Confessions. Please plan to take
advantage of this wonderful opportunity to
participate in the sacrament before Easter.
VOLUNTEERS Ongoing refresher training is required each
year for diocesan employees and volunteers who work with
children. This is accomplished by viewing a short (30minute) video called "Keeping the Promise Alive." The next
follow-up training sessions at St. Leo will be held Monday &
Tuesday, April 22 & 23, and Wednesday & Thursday May
15 & 16. The film will be shown at 3 times: 8:15—8:45am,
2:15-2:45pm, and 6:00-6:30pm, all in the Guadalupe room,
Parish Hall. This is not a replacement for the original 4hour training, but is a follow-up for persons whose
original training took place a year or more ago. You do
not need to sign up ahead of time, but you will be asked to
sign out at the conclusion of the session to confirm your
attendance. Contact Mary Adams at 703-273-5369 for more
2013 Annual St Leo Parish Retreat
4pm, Friday, April 26 – 1pm,
Sunday, April 28 at Loyola Jesuit
Retreat House, Faulkner, MD
Jesus, frequently, often went off to a
quiet place to pray and listen to God
the Father. Each of us needs to do the same. Here is your
chance. The theme of the Parish-Based Weekend Retreat
is “Speaking As One Friend To Another”. This is an
opportunity for deepening our faith and love for Jesus
through honest dialogue in prayer. Suggested retreat
offering is $235 (more if you can) covers 2 nights lodging, 6
meals & snacks. Register at:
or mail your $115 deposit to Loyola Retreat House, PO Box
9, 9270 Retreat Rd, Faulkner, MD 20632. This retreat is
one of a limited number for both men & women. Make your
reservation early. Loyola’s policy is that no one will be
denied a retreat because of finances. To set up a
confidential payment plan call 301-392-0819.
questions, contact St Leo retreat captain, Jim Caputo: 703691-0479. Come away to a beautiful quiet place and listen.
See you there. God bless.
—Please remember in your prayers the repose of the
souls of the faithful departed, especially: Agnes S.H.
Yeo, mother of Clara Tan; Eileen Ivers, mother of
Marian Hartzell; Elsie Miller, mother of James Miller;
Matthew LaMarche, son of Bertrand La Marche;
Hazel Cranford, mother of Brenda Fowler.
Monday Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; Jn 8:12-20
Tuesday 2 Sm 7:4-5a; 12-14a, 16; Rom 4:13, 16-18,
22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a
Dn 3:14-20; 91-92, 95; Jn 8:31-42
Thursday Gn 17:3-9; Jn 8:51-59
Jer 20:10-13; Jn 10:31-42
Saturday Ez 37:21-28; Jn 11:45-56
Lk 19:28-40; Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11;
Lk 22:14—23:56
—We ask you to remember those in need of our daily prayers,
especially: Gabriel Calvo.
Kitchen Lead Assistant for the current school year. Hours
are 10:30-1:30, Monday—Friday. Please call 703-273-1211
ext. 650 or send cover letter and resume to Jessica Cabrera:
[email protected].
Want to learn more about the Marian Consecration? You
are invited to watch a short, moving, 30 minute video about
what it means to consecrate to Jesus through our Blessed
Mother according to St Louis de Montfort. The movie is titled
"Giving God the Love We Should." It will be shown on
Tuesday, March 19 at 7:30pm (St. John room), on Thursday,
March 21 at 7:30pm (St. Mark room), & on Saturday, March
23, at 9:45am (Guadalupe room) Questions contact Fr. Baez.
March 18 through March 24
Enrico Gedse (anniv.)
Dr. Rafael Madan
William P. Burke
Need a great book to read over spring break? Saint Leo the
Great School Spring Book Fair will be held in the school
library Sunday March 17th (10am-12:30pm) — Thursday,
March 21st (weekday hours 8:30-3:00). Don’t need another
book? Please consider donating a book fair book to the
library. Just stop by the library during book fair hours and pull
a “wish list” form from the library pocket! Please stop by and
support the library! Thank you!!
Special Intention
Stephen Pepin
Mark Rice
Dorothy Fearing
Virginia Boschi
Leonard Monteleone
Epiphany of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church invites all
to join them for Meatless Meals every Friday during Lent (3410
Woodburn Rd., Annandale.) Take out: 4-7pm, dine in: 5-7pm.
Serving savory, meatless, Eastern European meals. Slovak &
Ukrainian handiwork & ceramics, nutrolls & cookbooks also on
sale. Questions? Call the Parish Center Fridays after noon:
703-573-0777. A Pre-Sanctified Liturgy will be celebrated at
7:30pm following the dinner. Visit:
Ingrid Boelema Robertus
Russ McGaffic
Joseph Boes
Bernice Dunn
Kenneth Mast
Orlando Castillo Burzzio
Joseph Zelibor
Tony Sieve
extra Mass at 7:00pm each week night. We will also have
Eucharistic Adoration between the 6:15 and 9am Masses
each weekday. During Lent, on Fridays instead of the Holy
Hour, we will have Stations of the Cross at 7:30pm, and on
Wednesdays we will have Confessions beginning at 6:30 pm
and Holy Hour from 7:30-8:30pm.
Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence.
In addition to the regular schedule of Masses, Mass has
been offered for the following intentions: Bei Fang Qian.
Throughout Lent, Saint Leo Parish will offer an
Every Friday in Lent is a day of Abstinence.
Fast means 1 main meal per day and 2 smaller, meatless
meals for all between the ages of 18 and 59 (inclusive.)
Abstinence means no meat or meat products are to be
eaten. This is applicable to all who are 14 years or older.
These are minimum standards for the observance of the
Lenten penitential period of preparation and no Catholic may
lightly excuse him/herself from them.
For the Parish
Sam Storage
Cecilio S. Obejero
Luis Carranza
Nassif Cannon
at Saint Leo. The next class is Tuesday, April 9th at
7:30 pm in the St. Mark room. Please call the
rectory office (703-273-5369) to register.
Low Gluten Hosts are available for those who need them.
Please inform the sacristan before Mass begins.
“Christ Jesus has made me His own.” Are you
called to belong to Christ alone as a priest,
deacon or through the consecrated life? Call
Father Brian Bashista: 703-841-2514, or write him:
[email protected].
Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary, in Emmitsburg, MD.
FIAT DAYS– for high school young women:
Sunday, June 30—Thursday, July 4
QUO VADIS DAYS– for high school young men:
Sunday, July 28— Thursday, August 1.
Quo Vadis and Fiat Days are camps for young Catholics to
deepen their faith, learn about all vocations, and to better
discern God’s call in their lives. Online registration at: For more information, contact
Fr. JD Jaffe, Promoter of Vocations: 703-841-2514 or email
to: [email protected]. Fee: $125.00.
Saint Leo the Great
Catholic School
invites interested parents to visit the
school and learn what makes us a
National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
An Open House for Preschool and
Kindergarten through Grade 8, for school
year 2013-2014 will be held on Wednesday,
April 10th at 10 am in the Guadalupe room,
Parish Hall. Principal’s welcome will begin at
10am followed by a tour of the school.
Applications are available for pickup at the open house, and
during the school day from 9am to 2pm, and on the school
website: Please RSVP to
Mrs. Cynthia Washington, Assistant Principal and Director of
Admissions at 703-273-1211, ext. 645 to reserve a place.
All completed applications, with
copies of supporting documents, may
be sent through the mail or handcarried to the school between the
hours of 9am and 2pm. Acceptance
letters for the 2013–2014 school year
will be mailed once completed applications are received.
Financial Aid packets are also available upon request. In the
event of inclement weather, please check the website, or call
the school office, 703-273-1211 for information.
Applications available:
PLEASE NOTE: Saint Leo parishioners receive preferential
status in Pre-School through eighth grade applications.
In-parish families must be registered.
March 17, 2013
Faith & Food at P.J. Skidoos Returns!
Join your parish priests at P.J. Skidoos, 9908 Fairfax
Boulevard Fairfax, on April 8, at 7:00 pm, for an evening
of fellowship & lively discussion over dinner (appetizers on
us!). Be sure to bring your friends! All ages are welcome!
To suggest topics or submit questions you would like
answered, contact Carolyn: [email protected]
or 703-273-7277.
For addional informaon regarding any of the above
events, please contact Carolyn Smith:
[email protected] or 703-273-5369.
Welcome Home
Are you, or someone you know,
questioning or struggling to accept
teachings? Are you unable to
participate in the Sacraments of the Church? Do you think
that the Catholic faith is irrelevant? Welcome Home is an
opportunity for Catholics to find answers & support in a
respectful, welcoming setting. Our next session of Welcome
Home meetings will be today, Sunday, March 17. The
meeting will include a brief talk, small group discussions, and
opportunities for private individual meetings. Please join us
and invite any Catholic who is questioning or is away from
the Church. The meetings begin at 7pm in the St. John
Room, Parish Hall. For information, contact Deacon Dave
Maurer or Carolyn Smith at 703-273-5369.
Gabriel Project Ministry Are you an expectant mother?
Would you like to have a friend supporting and accompanying
you on your journey to motherhood? Gabriel Project is a
parish-based ministry that assists pregnant women with
material, emotional, and spiritual support. Please call our
confidential helpline at 1-866-444-3553.
For volunteer information or to donate items, contact
[email protected]
March for Marriage March 26th Join us Tuesday, March 26
as the US Supreme Court convenes to hear arguments in a
case that could determine the future of marriage! We will
stand united to support marriage, religious liberty, & the right
of every child to both a mom and a dad. For more information,
visit: and
MarchForMarriage Phone: (888) 894-3604
Diocesan Mass and Anointing of the Sick will be
celebrated by Bishop Loverde Saturday, March 23, at
11am at St. Ambrose Catholic Church (3901 Woodburn
Rd., Annandale.) All members of the Diocese who are sick or
physically/mentally challenged are invited to attend. Light
lunch to follow provided by Knights and Dames NoVa Region
Order of Malta. Please RSVP by March 18 to Elizabeth
Scheuren: RSVPMalta [email protected] or 202-258-7459.
Religious Education News
VBS Mandatory mtg. for VIRTUS Compliance
1st Communion Rehearsal – 6:45 pm in the school
FIRST COMMUNION Mass 11:00 am (divided by
classes/teacher and will meet in classrooms at
10:15 am); reception in gym following Mass
1st Communion Rehearsal – 6:45 pm in the school
FIRST COMMUNION Mass 11:00 am (divided by
classes/teacher and will meet in classrooms at
10:15 am); reception in gym following Mass
May Crowning, all family members are invited to
participate; 1st session @ 4:00 pm in the church;
2nd session @ 7:15 pm in the church
Religious Education Office:
Finding life with your teen like a roller coaster ride? Nationally
renowned adolescent expert, neuropsychologist, Dr. William
Stixrud, will present The Mysteries of the Adolescent
Brain at Paul VI Catholic High School, Fairfax, on Monday,
March 18, at 7:00pm. Don’t miss this informative talk and
opportunity to learn more about the adolescent mind and how
to handle the teenage years’ challenges with humor &
optimism. Contact [email protected] for reservations/
questions Sponsored by Paul VI Catholic High School PTO.
St. Leo Adult Softball We are looking for addition adults to
join us for Adult Co-ed softball. Must be 18+. In need of both
women and men. Games are played in Fairfax Adult Softball
league. We usually play Sunday evenings. For more info,
contact Tom LaBue at 703-938-0695 or at: [email protected]
You are invited to attend the next World Wide Marriage
Encounter weekend and learn how to love one another as
God loves us. Allow God to strengthen, renew, and transform
your marriage sacrament. The next weekend is being held in
Herndon April 26-28. For info, call Mark & Cathy Stangler: 703378-4150 or visit: http://RenewMarriage-VANorth. org.
Father Diamond Council
Events & Calendar
Meetings – 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
8:00 PM
Providence Hall
Family Breakfast after 7:30 & 9am Masses Providence Hall
Columbiette’s Meeting 7 PM
Grey Gost Social Hour 11 AM, Lunch Noon
Fr. Malloy Assembly Rosary 7:30 PM,
Food 7:45 PM followed by Business Meeting.
Food Drive at all Masses
Join the Knights of Columbus. Call Pat McGuire 703-218-2986
High School Students: SNYG TONIGHT 6-8pm. Dinner
provided. Sr. Clare is coming, & has awesome things
to say! Come check it out! Also: Living Staons will
rehearse from 7:30-9:00pm!
Middle School Students: There is NO Edge on Friday, March
22. Instead, come on the March Madness Retreat on
Saturday March 23! 2pm-10pm. See Below for details!
“March Madness” Middle School Retreat will be 2pm-10pm
March 23 with St. Mary of Sorrows. Sports, crazy games,
Saints and Jesus. What could be be3er?
All forms online. Retreat includes Mass, opportunity for
Confession, Adoraon and Praise and Worship. It’s a great
way to meet new people, build community and go deeper
into your faith. See you there!
Quesons? Email Melissa or Erik at [email protected]
Are you an adult who has a desire to do relaƟonal ministry
with Middle or High School age youth? We're looking for
YOU! We need adult volunteers who are willing to help with
our Youth Nights this school year. Contact Erik or Melissa
for more informaƟon, at [email protected]
Girls CLC Meets THIS Monday, March 18th. Each week we
break open the Gospels, grow deeper in our faith and build
strong relaonships. Usually cupcakes or other sweet treats
are involved. Meet in the Youth Room from 7:30-9:00pm.
Boys CLC Meets THIS Wednesday, March 20th. Each week we
break open the Gospels, grow deeper in our faith and build
strong relaonships. Crazy madness and creave games
usually ensue. Meet in the Youth Room from 7:30-9:00pm
Our annual Nail Sale fundraiser will conƟnue all throughout
Lent. Proceeds support our high school workcamp. Envelopes
with Nail crosses are available in the vesbule. Please return
envelopes with your donaon by dropping it off in the rectory
office. Thank you for supporng this awesome opportunity for
our young people to answer the call of service.
Want to stay updated on youth events? Visit our website for
calendar & registraon forms. h3p://
"It is love alone that gives worth to all things." -St. Teresa of Avila
Please pray for our youth, that they will come to know the
love of Christ and rediscover their faith.
The Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC), a national non-profit serving the
needs of the poor through volunteer work of retired persons, seeks a
Director for its No. Va. Region to plan for & manage anticipated growth.
Submit online letter of application & resume, with names & contact info
for 2 references, to Tom Ulrich, Director of Programs: [email protected]
no later than March 29. Job description on request.
Are you seeking a closer relationship with Christ? Consider a
Cursillo Weekend. Cursillo is a lay Catholic movement; the name
means 'short course in Christianity.' On the Weekend you examine and
celebrate yourself, your relationship with Christ, and your relationship
with the Christian Community. There are times of quiet, spiritual
direction, a series of talks, Mass & Reconciliation. The next Women's
Weekend is March 14-17 at Missionhurst, Arlington. The next Men's
Weekend is April 18-21 at Missionhurst. Brochures available at the
entrance of the church. For more details, please contact Jeff Wolfhope:
703-597-3638, [email protected].
Horarios e Información
Santas Misas:
domingos a la 1:00 pm
sábados–5 pm (Vigilia),
domingos–7:30, 9, 11:00, 5pm
Confesiones en español: Todos los viernes a las 7pm
Todos los sábados de 3:30 a 5:00pm. Los domingos desde
las 12:00pm a 12:50pm.
Bautizos: Preparación- llamar a Carlos Cea: 703-8362139 ó Padre Ramon: 703-273-5369.
RCIA Para Adultos: domingos 10:30 am—12pm Salon
Juan al lado de la iglesia. Para información, llamar al
Diacono Jose Lopez 703-222-7704
Matrimonio: Todo Católico que desee contraer
matrimonio debe contactar la parroquia por lo menos seis
meses antes del evento. Para mayor información
comunicarse con el Padre Ramon al 703-273-5369.
Grupo de Jóvenes: domingos 2:30–5pm—
Información: Guadalupe Barrera 703– 655–2729.
Catequesis Para Niños y Jóvenes: domingos 11–
12:30. Llamar a Lee Cena: 703-273-4868.
Catequesis para Niños especiales ó sordos:
domingos 11:00am—12:30pm
Información - Lee Cena: 703-273-4868.
Sacramentos para Estudiantes de Secundaria:
llamar a la Oficina de Jovenes al teléfono 703-591-6089, ó
email a [email protected].
Legion de Maria: lunes 7:30—9 pm ó domingo 11 am—
12:30 pm. Llamar a Padre Ramon: 703-273-5369.
Información general: llamar a Diacono Jose Lopez
San Leo Magno ofrece clases de ingles ¡Aprender inglés! Inscríbase en clases de inglés los sábados, a las
10am. Clases son los sábados de 10am a 12pm. Las
clases cuestan $50 por el semestre. Puede pagar solo con
efectivo o money orden. Para más información, llame a
Hogar Immigrant Services, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington al (703) 534-9805 ext. 222.
March 17, 2013
"Jesucristo me hizo a Su propia imagen."
¿Estás llamado a pertenecer sólo a Cristo
como sacerdote, diácono o en la vida
consagrada? Llamar al Padre Brian
Bashista (703) 841-2514, o escriba a:
[email protected].
Grupo Divina Misericordia y Compasión ¿Conoce a alguien
que se encuentre solo y enfermo? ¿Sabe de alguien que
necesite de la palabra de Dios y de la compañía de miembros
de su iglesia? Un grupo de personas de nuestra parroquia
visita a los miembros de la comunidad que se encuentran
enfermos en los hospitales ó en sus casas. Se brinda
oraciones y compañía a todas aquellas personas delicadas de
salud. Tambien un ministro le puede traer comunión ó puede
pedir que un sacerdote le visite para recibir los sacramentos.
Por favor llamen a Gilma Orozco al 571-238-6634.
¡Vamos a Adorarlo! Todos los últimos sábados del més,
adoramos al Santisimo Jesucristo durante una Hora
Santa. Estan invitados a la proxima Hora Santa que sera el 26
de enero, 2013 a las 6:30 pm en la iglesia para prepararnos
para la llegada del año nuevo.
Curso de Matrimonios Todas las parejas que están casados
por lo civil o están juntados por mas de 5 años están invitados
al curso de matrimonio que comenzará el 26 de enero, 2013
en el Salón de San Juan a las 6:30 pm. Tenemos cuidado de
niños. Para mas información, llame a Padre Ramon Baez al
Grupo de Oración Sábados 6-8:30pm, Salon de Nuestra Sra
de La Guadalupe. Información: Jose Ferrufino: 703-250-1343.
Educación Religiosa
NO HABRA CLASES Domingo de Ramos
NO HABRA CLASES Domingo de Resurreccion
(Jueves) Ensayo de la Primera Comunion
(nos reuniremos en la escuela a las 6:45)
(Sabado) Primera Comunion: (asignados según la
clase) Nos reuniremos en la escuela a las 9:30 am;
Santa Misa sera a las 11:00
(Jueves) Ensayo de la Primera Comunion
(nos reuniremos en la escuela a las 6:45)
5/11 (Sabado) Primera Comunion: (asignados según la
clase) Nos reuniremos en la escuela a las 9:30 am;
Santa Misa sera a las 11:00.
NO HABRA CLASES – Dia de Madres
Cena de las Catequistas –salon Guadalupe a las 7:00
Clausura de clases 11:00 – 12:30 y tendremos la
con ofrenda floral y rezo del Santo Rosario
Catequesis: Se necesitan catequistas bilingues para los
domingos de 11:00 am a 12:30 pm. Intresados por favor
comunicarse a la oficina de Educacion Religiosa 703-2734868, o por correo electrónico: [email protected].