SJV Bulletin March 27, 2016 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church


SJV Bulletin March 27, 2016 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church
St. John Vianney Catholic Church
1920 Skyview Drive • Lithia Springs, GA 30122
Phone/Teléfono (770) 941-2807
Fax (770) 941-5821
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. 4:30p.m..
Wednesday 9:00 a.m.—7:30 p.m.
Easter Sunday
Domingo de Pascua
Happy Easter!
Christ is risen! Alleluia!
Today we celebrate the feast of Easter and the call to
live as if Jesus’ resurrection has truly taken place. The
news of Jesus risen and among us can sometimes feel
like nonsense in a world where sin and death may
appear to have the last word. Yet Jesus’ rising affirms
that God is faithful and that the promises of God will be
fulfilled. Let us live this Easter and every day as an
emphatic witness to our faith in a God truly alive and in
our midst.
Felices Pascuas!
Cristo ha resucitado! Aleluya!
Al celebrar hoy la resurrección del Señor, estamos
llamados a vivir este evento verdaderamente. La noticia
de que Jesús ha resucitado, a veces no tiene mucho
sentido entre nosotros. Sobre todo en un mundo donde
el pecado y la muerte parecen tener la última palabra.
Sin embargo, la resurrección de Jesús nos confirma que
Dios es fiel y que ha cumplido sus promesas. Vivamos
esta Pascua y cada día como testigos contundentes de
nuestra fe en un Dios vivo y que está entre nosotros.
MARCH 27, 2016
Mass Intentions for the Week of
March 28th, 2016—April 3rd, 2016
Monday, March 28
7:00PM Intention of CCW
Tuesday, March29
8:00 AM +Fr Linus De Santis:
Jack and Pat Clower
Wednesday, March 30
8:00AM + Barb Dormer: Jack and Pat Clower
7:30 PM +Gerardo Perez: Sergio Perez
Thursday, March 31
7:00 PM Veronique Monay: Tim Eddington
Friday, April 01
8:00 AM 34th Wedding Anniversary, Francois
and Marie Metellus
Saturday, April 2
5:00 PM Teresa Bell: K of C Council 12580
Sunday April 3
7:00 AM
9:00 AM Skeeter Johnston: Pat Clower
10:30 AM Intention of Chidebere:Ubbaonu
12:00 PM +Fred Leo: His Family
1:30 PM All Parishioners, Living and deceased
Fr. Ignacio Morales
In your prayers/ En Nuestras
Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. Wednesday: 6:00 - 7:15 p.m.
Any other time by appointment.
Arrangements must be made by calling the parish office.
Para recibir el sacramento lo único es llamar a la oficina. 770-941-2807
Call Mrs. Mónica Aguirre for further details.
Llame a Sra. Mónica Aguirre para más detalles. 678-981-5229
Contact a Priest or Deacon for further details.
Contacte al Sacerdote o a unos de los Diáconos para más detalle
Pilar and Carlos Otero, Judy
Sheridan, Phillip Bazzinett, Grace
Bringman, Winefred MotonConnor, Patricia Lee, Terry Brown,
Carolyn West, Oneida Chapple,
Angelica Hernandez-Ortiz, Rina Reyes, Beverlee Leo,
Cooper Hayes, Carlos Handal, Jose Epifanio Botello,
Olga Caubo, Carlos Silva, Rita Parr, Marie White, Dianne
Blanchard, Pat Stewart, David Merryman, Richard Ernst,
Stella Carlson, Earl Thibodeau, Louis Panezich, Ron
Gaillard, Merry Trahan, Flavia Recendiz, Sharon Byce,
Anne Brown, Shirley Fields , Consuelo Zaragoza, Santos
Aguirre, Shirley Grimmer, Herb Spencer, Barbara
Monday—Friday 9AM—4:30PM
Parish Office will be closed from Thursday,
March 24th—March 28th for the
Easter Holiday.
The office will reopen on Tuesday, March 29th.
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
Parish Office Closed
Hispanic Intercession Prayer Group
CCW Meeting
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Bible Study
Bible Study Spanish
Traditional Choir
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
K of C First Degree
Hispanic Charismatic Prayer group core
8:30 PM
7:30 PM
Charismatic Prayer Group
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 AM
6:00 PM
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
Baptisms English
Wedding, Medina & Boyzo
Quinceañera , Melanie Olivares
Hispanic Choir
Hispanic Choir
Baptimal Prep
SJV Lawn Volunteers
Lawn Team responsible for
weekend of April 2:
Team Leader: Skip Heinrich
Council of Catholic Women
Our next meeting is Monday,
March 28th at 7:30 p.m., after 7:00
pm Mass, in the St. John room.
Light refreshments will be served.
All women of the Parish are welcome.
We hope to see you there.
CCW needs you! We have open posi ons for
President and other roles for the upcoming year
2016-2017. These posi ons are open to all women
of our parish. Please prayerfully consider being a
leader for the CCW in one of the open roles. If you
are interested, please contact Sheila Riley at
[email protected]
Administración de Tesoro
As disciples we are called to be faithful
stewards of me, talent and
March 13th $ 12,348.07
March 20th unavailable due to print schedule for
Holy week.
Thank you for your con nued generosity! Please remember
SJV in your will and estate planning!
¡Gracias por su conƟnua generosidad!
Por favor recuerden a SJV en su planificación de úlƟma
disposición y testamento.
The Atlanta Black Catholic Clergy personally invites you and parishioners of the Archdiocese of Atlanta to a end an important
upcoming event en tled “Faith in Ac on: A Response to the Pastoral Plan from Black Catholics in the Archdiocese of
Atlanta,” (published in the Georgia Bulle n under the name “Faith in Ac on II”).
The event will take place on Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church, located
at 551 Harwell Road NW, Atlanta, GA 30318.
The event contains a Morning Prayer Service followed by four workshop tracks which will offer resources directly related to the
four areas of focus listed in the Atlanta Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan: Black & Catholic History (Knowing Our Faith), Systema c
Theology from a Black Perspec ve (Knowing Our Faith), Liturgy and the Black Experience (Living Our Faith), and Youth
Ministry (Spreading/Keeping Our Faith). Our guest speaker for the event will be Fr. David Jones (Pastor, St. Benedict the
African Parish, Chicago), liaison to the Archbishop of Chicago and host of the Black Catholic Ini a ve of the Archdiocese of
Registra on for this event is free, which also includes breakfast and lunch for guests. To register, please visit
www.saintpaulo on, or contact Gwendolyn Mason at 404-349-2633.
Pro-Life Notes
Lecturas de esta semana
March 28st, 2016—April 3rd, 2016
Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11;
Mt 28:8-15
Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22;
Jn 20:11-18
Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35
Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48
Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27;
Jn 21:1-14
Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21;
Mk 16:9-15
Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24;
Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31
For Christians worldwide:
May Christ’s Resurrection daily inspire us
to bear witness to the truth
that every life is worth living;
Connect With Your Parish
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We pray to the Lord:
Our relationships on earth are meant to help us and others
grow in perfect love. We are meant to depend on one
another, serve each other in humility, and walk together
in times of suffering.
—2015-16 Respect Life Program Flyer,
USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
Por los cristianos en el mundo
entero: Para que la Resurrección de
Cristo nos inspire diariamente a dar
testimonio de la verdad
de que cada vida merece vivir;
Roguemos al Señor
Nuestras relaciones en la Tierra tienen el fin de
ayudarnos a nosotros y a otros a crecer en el amor
perfecto. Estamos hechos para depender unos de otros,
servir a cada uno en humildad y caminar juntos en
momentos de sufrimiento.
—Volante del Programa Respetemos la Vida 2015-16,
Horarios para Atención en Español
Lunes: 12:00 pm. a 4:00 pm
Martes: 12:00 pm a 4:00pm
Miércoles: 3:30pm a 7:30pm
Jueves: 12:00pm a 4:00pm
Viernes: 12:00pm a 4:00pm
Current Pantry Needs: Spaghe
Sauce, Peanut Bu er & Jelly, And
Canned Soup
He has Risen – The gates of heaven are opened for each one of us to enter!
We have just experienced the great Feast of Easter and Jesus has risen into heaven a er suffering and dying
for all the sins of everyone who was ever born and ever will be born. With the Sunday a er Easter being
Mercy Sunday and all turn to St. Faus na and her Diary with the image of Jesus with His red and white rays
emi ng to all of mankind with the words: ”Jesus, I Trust in You!” This fits in very well with Pope Francis
calling for the year of Mercy. In a le er from Pope Francis he states, “It is indeed my wish that the Jubilee be
a living experience of the closeness of the Father, whose tenderness is almost tangible, so that the faith of
every believer may be strengthened and thus tes mony to it be ever more effec ve.” What be er way to be
close to the Father than to spend an hour before the Blessed Sacrament this coming Friday, April 1, 2016
between 8:00AM and 7:00PM when Jesus will be exposed in the Monstrance for us to show our Love for
Him. HE WAITS YOUR VISIT! NOTE: If you would like to commit to a
Se les invita a todos
par cular me monthly or have any ques ons, please call Herb Blanchard
A la adoración del Sanơsimo Sacramento,
at 678-945-7585 or e-mail me at [email protected].
Please sign in and out on the table in the rear of the chapel so we can
be sure that someone is visi ng our Lord all the me He is exposed in
the Monstrance. Thanks for your me spent with HIM!
Los primeros Viernes de cada mes
En la capilla (Lyke Chapel) De 8:00am a
Próxima fecha es 1 de Abril del 2016
First Communion Retreat:
Saturday, April 16th 10AM—Noon
Rehearsal for English Mass on 4/23
Tuesday, April 19th at 7PM
Rehearsal for Spanish Mass on 4/23
Wednesday, April 20th at 7PM
Rehearsal for Spanish Mass on 4/30
Wednesday, April 26th at 7PM
Calling All SENIORS!
We will hold our Baccalaureate Mass
on Sunday, May 15th at 9:00 AM.
Plan on being there...
There will be a recepƟon to follow.
This Mass is tradi onally the first me that
you will be seen in cap and gown.
Please email Karl at [email protected] to make
sure you are included in the Mass.
Beginning on Thursday, April 21st at 10:30AM, we will start a new study at St. John
Vianney. This new study is tled:
A Biblical Walk through the Mass.
Based on the revised transla on of the Mass, this five-part program takes par cipants
on an exci ng tour of the Liturgy as it explores the biblical roots of the words and
gestures we experience at Mass and explains their profound significance. See, perhaps
for the first me, why we say what we say and do what we do every week at Mass. The
words and gestures will be seen in a new light, giving new life to the liturgical
The cost is $20.00 per par cipant. Financial Assistance is available.
First class is on Thursday, April 21st from 10:30AM—12:00PM
This is a five session class—with the last class being Thursday, May 19th.
You can sign up on our website: or
complete a registra on form located on our Communica on Wall and return it to the office.
Any ques ons, do not hesitate to call Chris ne Butler at 678-981-5230 or email her at : [email protected]
Weekly Stewardship Scripture Reflections
Reflexión de Corresponsabilidad
In the second reading today, St. Paul reminds the
Colossians that they have been raised with Christ,
exhor ng them to “think about the things above
rather than things of earth.” We, too, have been raised
with Christ. Let us rejoice and be glad!
En la segunda lectura de hoy, San Pablo les recuerda a
los Colosenses que ellos han sido resucitados con
Cristo, exhortándolos a que “se preocupen por las
cosas de arriba, no por las de la erra”. Nosotros
también, hemos sido resucitados con Cristo.
¡Regocijémonos y alegrémonos!
Todays Readings
Lecturas de hoy
Acts/ Hechos 10:34a, 37-43
Colossians/ Colosenses 3: 1-4 or
1 Corinthians/ 1 Corin os 5:6b-8
In Acts, Peter’s proclamation of the good news
to the household of Cornelius acknowledges that
“God shows no partiality” (v 34b). While he is
speaking, “the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were
listening to the word” (v
44). These people are gentiles and they will be the first gentiles to be baptized. Christ died for all of us, and his resurrection is a promise of the new life God offers to “everyone who
believes in him” (v 43). We are called to witness to this by
our words and actions.
Writing to the Corinthians, Paul reminds them that
baptism is not a guarantee of eternal life. Some risk losing the
gift because they have fallen into sin. This “little yeast” can
leaven “all the dough” (v 6b) and so is a danger to the community at large. Paul exhorts them to “clear out the old yeast” (v
7). Easter is a time to renew ourselves and reaffirm our faith
in God’s power to save us and make all things new.
In the Gospel, Mary Magdalene’s visit to the tomb
“while it was still dark” (v 1) sets the stage for a new beginning. Jesus had been entombed in a garden (19:41), reminiscent of the story of the Fall in Genesis 3. Jesus’ resurrection
occurs “on the first day of the week” (20:1). In the resurrection, God is re-creating, turning death into life. Mary’s announcement to the disciples that “they have taken the Lord
from the tomb, / and we don’t know where they put him” (v 2)
suggests that even Jesus’ closest followers were not anticipating the resurrection. She thinks the body has been stolen. In
the visit of Peter and “the other disciple” (v 8), we learn that
the empty tomb finds meaning only through the lens of faith.
For Reflection: Do I believe the gospel is for all people or
just a select group? What meaning does Jesus’ resurrection
give to my life?
Psalms/Salmos 118
John / Juan 20:1-9 or
Mark / Marcos 16: 1-7
En los Hechos, la
proclamación de Pedro de
la Buena Nueva a la casa
de Cornelio, da a conocer
que “Dios no hace
diferencia entre las
personas” (v34b).
Mientras él esta hablando,
“El Espíritu Santo cae
sobre todos los que estaban escuchando la palabra” (v44).
Estas personas son gentiles y serán los primeros gentiles en
ser bautizados. Jesucristo murió por todos nosotros, y su
resurrección es una promesa de nueva vida que Dios ofrece a
“quien cree en él” (v43). Todos somos llamados a dar
testimonio de ello, con nuestras palabras y acciones.
Escribiendo a los Corintios, Pablo les recuerda que el
bautismo no es garantía de vida eterna. Algunos arriesgan
perder este regalo por haber caído en pecado. Este “poco de
levadura”, hace fermentar “toda la maza” (v 6b) y así es un
gran peligro a la comunidad entera. Pablo les exhorta a que
“echen fuera la vieja levadura” (v7). La Pascua es el tiempo
para renovarnos y reafirmar nuestra fe en el Poder de Dios
para salvarnos y hacer todo nuevo.
En el Evangelio, la visita de María Magdalena a la
tumba “cuando todavía estaba oscuro” (v1) prepara el escenario para un Nuevo comienzo. Jesús fue sepultado en un jardín
(19:41), evocativo de la historia de la Caída en Génesis 3. La
resurrección ocurre “el primer día de la semana” (20:1) En la
resurrección, Dios esta re-creando, convirtiendo la muerte en
vida. El anuncio de María a los discípulos de que “Se han
llevado del sepulcro al Señor, / y no sabemos donde lo han
puesto.”(v2) sugiere que ni los seguidores mas cercanos de
Jesús estaban anticipando la resurrección. Ella piensa que el
cuerpo ha sido robado. En la visita de Pedro y “el otro discípulo” (v8), aprendemos que la tumba vacía encuentra significado
solo atreves del lente de la fe.
Para Reflexión: ¿Creo que el evangelio es para toda la
gente o solo para un grupo selecto? ¿Que significado le da
la resurrección de Jesús a mi vida?
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