St. Mary`s Catholic Church Parroquia Santa María


St. Mary`s Catholic Church Parroquia Santa María
August 21st, 2016
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Parroquia Santa María
2211 East Lakeview Drive
Johnson City, TN 37601
Office: 423-282-6367
Fax: 423-282-6145
Father Peter Iorio, Pastor
Fr. Jesús Guerrero-Rodríguez, Associate Pastor
Deacon Mike Jacobs
Deacon John Hackett
Deacon Don Griffith
Deacon George Fredericks (retired)
Our Mission
“St Mary’s Catholic Church
in Johnson City, Tennessee, gathers as
a diverse and welcoming
Eucharistic community
baptized in Jesus Christ
to proclaim the Gospel.
We celebrate the sacraments and serve
our community through works of
compassion, love, and mercy.”
Church Office Hours
Horas de Oficina de la Parroquia
Monday-Thursday/Lunes a Jueves:
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
School Office Hours
Horas de Oficina de la Escuela
Monday-Friday/Lunes a Viernes: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Phone: 423-282-3397 Fax: 423-282-0224
6:00 - 7:00 PM
9:00 - 10:00 AM
or by appointment calling the church office
o por cita llamando a la oficina parroquial
Parish Staff/Personal de la Oficina
Dolores Fredericks
Judy Holt
Stephanie Mann
Maureen Raible
Debbie Tester
Mildret Godwin
Randi McKee
Pat Marek
Zejna Ajanovic
Director of Music and Liturgy
Children’s Faith Formation
Youth Ministry
Parish Nurse
Parish Secretary (Bilingual)
School Principal
Maintenance Supervisor
Nuestra Misión
“La Parroquia de Santa Maria
en Johnson City, Tennessee,
se congrega como una comunidad
Eucarística diversa y acogedora
bautizada en Jesucristo,
para proclamar el Evangelio.
Celebramos los sacramentos y servimos a
nuestra comunidad mediante obras de
compasión, amor y misericordia”.
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas
8:30 AM, 5:00 PM (Vigil/Vigilia)
Sunday/Domingo: 8:00 & 10:00 AM (English)
12:00 PM (Español)
Monday-Friday/Lunes a Viernes: 7:00 AM & 8:30 AM
We pray the Rosary every day after the 8:30 Mass
Se reza el rosario diariamente después
de la Misa de 8:30 AM
Nursery available during 10 and 12 M ass. P lease
bring your child 15 minutes prior to Mass to register.
Guardería disponible durante las M isas de 10 y 12.
Por favor registre a su hijo(a) 15 minutos antes de Misa.
Bulletin Deadline
Thursday at 12 PM for the bulletin to be published
eight days later. Send your announcements to
[email protected]
Plazo para el Boletín
Jueves a las 12 PM para el boletín que se publica
ocho días después. Mande sus anuncios a
[email protected]
Pulpit Announcements
Please send your pulpit announcements on Fridays
before 10 AM to [email protected]
Anuncios desde el Púlpito
Por favor envíe sus anuncios los Viernes antes de
las 10 AM a [email protected]
/L S
Sunday/Domingo 8/21
All Masses
10:00 AM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
Children’s Faith Formation Registration (Gathering Area)
Spanish Men’s CRSP (Art & Religion Classrooms)
Latin Mass (Church, Gathering Area, Kitchen)
Potluck for Steubenville w/Parish (Gathering Area)
Aug 21
12 Noon
3:00 PM
Monday/Lunes 8/22
Spanish Women’s CRSP (Art & Religion Classroom)
8 AM Mass Choir Rehearsal (Church)
St. Mary’s Men’s Group (St. Anne’s Hall)
Tuesday/Martes 8/23
9:00 AM Tuesday Morning Coffee (Church Kitchen)
10:00 AM Wisdom & Works of Mercy (Gathering Area)
12:00 PM VA Mass (Chapel, VA)
4:00 PM Cursillo Women’s Prayer Group (Day Chapel)
5:30 PM English as Second Language (Classroom-B16)
6:00 PM Contemporary Missionaries (Basement)
6:30 PM Latin Mass Choir Rehearsal (Church)
6:30 PM CRHP English Women’s (Classroom A10)
7:00 PM Wisdom & Works of Mercy (Gathering Area)
7:15 PM Cursillo Men’s Prayer Group (Day Chapel)
Wednesday/Miércoles 8/24
4:00 PM Healing Ministry (Conference Room)
6:30 PM 10:00 Choir Rehearsal (Church)
6:30 PM 12:00 Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
6:30 PM English Men’s CRHP (Classroom A-10)
6:30 PM Youth Ministry (Basement)
Thursday/Jueves 8/25
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 AM
Aug 22
7:00 AM
Aug 23
6:30 PM
English RCIA (School Library Teacher’s Lounge,Classroom B11)
Women Support Group (Basement)
5:00 Choir Rehearsal (Church)
3:15 PM
6:00 PM
Friday/Viernes 8/26
Girl Scout Meeting (Basement)
Knights of Columbus Dinner (School Gym, Kitchen)
Saturday/Sábado 8/27
8:30 AM
12 Noon
7:00 AM
Aug 24
8:30 AM
7:00 AM
Aug 25
8:30 AM
7:00 AM
Aug 26
10:00 AM Divine Mercy Cenacle (Church Kitchen)
5:30 PM English as Second Language (Classroom-B16)
6:00 PM Spanish RICA (Art Room)
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
Aug 27
5:00 PM
SEPI (School Gym)
St.Vincent de Paul Food Pantry (Church Kitchen)
Parish Baptism: Feliz Ramirez (Church)
Quinceañera: Luz Elena Terrazas
Blood Pressure Check (Conference Room)
Youth Ministry Family Cookout (Basement, Kitchen, Soccer Field)
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
1:00 PM
6:00 PM
SEPI (School Gym)
Spanish Men’s CRSP (Art & Religion Classrooms)
Walk TN Challenge (Basement)
Confirmation Class (Basement)
Carleigh Blaylock
By Bill & Lynn Hewa
(†) Joseph Saurer
By Joan Reiser
Raible Family
By Raible Family
Mary Ann Trimborn
By McCarten Family
(†) Casimir Cerniauskas
By Cerniauskas Family
Henry Holt
By Judy Holt
Kelly Driscoll
By Stephanie Mann
John Vermillion
By Stephanie Mann
Dan Klug and Camryn
By Stephanie Mann
David Graham
By Mary and Joseph Graham
Carleigh Blaylock
By Bill & Lynn Hewa
Darren Brown
By Patty Brown
(†) Laurence Spelman
By Hamm Family
Joseph Reiser
By Joan Reiser
10:00 AM People of the Parish
(†) Agustina Rodriguez
12 Noon
By Fr. Jesús Guerrero
Aug 28
Please welcome Father Wilson
Moreno who is visiting us. He is from
Colombia, South America and will be
with us for 6 weeks.
Sunday/Domingo 8/28
People of the Parish
(†) Angela Donovan
By Brian and Patsy Donovan
(†) Lourdes Garza
By Fr. Pete Iorio
(†) Howard Jewett
By Carl and Debbie Bailey
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:15 PM
Monday: 2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Ps 96:1-5; Mt 23:13-22
Tuesday: 2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Ps 96:10-13; Mt 23:23-26
Wednesday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51
Thursday: 1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7; Mt 24:42-51
Friday: 1 Cor 1:17-25; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11; Mt 25:1-13
Saturday: 1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 33:12-13, 18-21; Mt 25:14-30
Sunday: Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Ps 68:4-7, 10-11;
Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a; Lk 14:1, 7-14
Catholic ABC’s (page 5)
Habitat of Humanity Invitation (page 4)
Special Second Collection (page 3)
Women’s Support Group (page 3)
T-shirt Sale, St. Mary’s 110th Anniversary ( page 4)
Health Chat (page 4)
Study of Book of Revelation (page 5)
Year of Mercy (page 8)
Parish News
’ I
That sports may be an opportunity for friendly
encounters between peoples and may contribute
to peace in the world.
RCIA classes are already in session at 7 PM in the school
library. If you know someone who is interested in the Catholic
faith, please have them join us each Thursday at 7 PM.
S .M
’ C
For the Week Ending August 15, 2016
Week 7 of 52
Offertory Envelopes (Sobre para ofrendas)
$ 15,641.53
Online Giving (Donations por Internet)
$ 2,847.50
School Income (Ingreso Escolar)
$ 7,467.65
Other Income (Otro Ingrego)
$ 4,676.46
Actual Income YTD
(Ingreso Actual hasta la fecha)
$ 169,727.39
Budgeted Income YTD
Ingreso Presupuestado hasta la fecha)
$ 295,789.72
Actual Expenses YTD
(Gastos Actuales hasta la fecha)
$ 281,033.87
Debt Balance as of June 30th
(Saldo de la Deuda a partir del 30 de junio)
$ 699,085.54
Designated for Debt
(Designado para la deuda)
Designated Funds (Fondos designados)
’ S
St. Mary’s women’s group, Ladies
United, will be holding their first
support group this Thursday, August
25th at 7 PM in the downstairs
basement. This group is open to all
ladies 18 years and over. Our
facilitator will be our church therapist, Jean Daniels. Come and
receive guidance, prayer, or support for any struggles you may
be dealing with in your life. Please email
[email protected] for any questions. Thank you.
A note from Rina Gonzales,
Food for the Poor, Inc.
“Many blessings to you and your
parishioners and staff ! Thank you for your kindness and
$ 25.00
$ 2,183.33
The annual World Day of prayer for the Care of
Creation offers to individual believers and to the
community a precious opportunity to renew our
personal participation in this vocation as
custodians of creation, raising to God our thanks
for the marvelous works that He has entrusted to
our care, invoking his help for the protection of
creation and his mercy for the sins committed against the world
in which we live. -- Pope Francis, A ugust 6, 2015.
St. Mary's will hold our second annual Care for Creation Prayer
Service on Thursday, September 1st, 2016 in the Day Chapel at
7:00 PM. There will be hymns, prayers, and readings from
scripture and Catholic writers during this celebration. Please
come and bring your family and friends. All are welcome!
That Christians may live the Gospel, giving
witness to faith, honesty, and love of neighbor.
Please consider supporting the Second
Collection for Tuition Support of our
Catholic School Families in the Diocese of
Knoxville which will take place this
weekend of August 20th and 21st. The
Diocese of Knoxville Catholic schools provide spiritual and
intellectual growth for over 3,300 students. We welcome you to
visit the Diocesan website at to find
out more about our schools, including highlights and links to
individual school websites. By providing tuition support for our
students, you are investing in Catholic families of our Diocese
and the future of our Church in East Tennessee. 100% of the
money collected in the 2nd collection for Diocesan Catholic
School Tuition Support goes directly towards tuition support.
Please be as generous as you possibly can. Thank you! May
God bless you for your generosity and please be assured of my
prayers for you.
Please pick up a new member packet in the
bookrack next to the office in the Gathering
Area, complete the forms and return them to
the church office. Also stop by our office to
let us give you a warm welcome and your own personal tour!
Let us know how we can serve you!
Parish News
S .V
Volunteers are invited to a celebration in
Boones Creek Christian Church on August
25 at 305 Christian Church Rd. Johnson
City. Doors will open at 5:45 PM. For
more information , please call
2016 B
Have a sudden prayer request? Would you
like hundreds more to pray for you or
someone else in need? This praying group
maintains a list of Prayer Partners who
receive invitations in their personal email
inbox to pray for special needs throughout
the week and provides a safe place to share
them. Anyone can send a prayer request in
English or Spanish. If you would like to be added to this email
list to receive prayer requests throughout the week, please send
to [email protected] or leave your information in
the church office.
The Focolare of East Tennessee invites you
to “Unity-One People, One World,” a one
day program that will focus on what our role
is as individuals in unity to bring love and
healing to our community and world. All are
invited to attend. J oin other s as we gather
to have conversation on how to build unity
in our community. It is free! Donations
appreciated. Lunch will be provided. Childcare will be
available. For more information or to register, please call
James Bowman at 423-929-0391. For information about the
Focolare Movement visit Space is limited,
so please register early. Deadline to register is September 1st,
Please notify our parish nurse, Debbie Tester, when someone is
hospitalized or sick or in a nursing home and requires a pastoral
visit. Also, let us know if you would like to receive Holy
Communion or the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Call
Debbie at the church office.
Saturday, September 10th at 10 AM - 4 PM
Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan College
One Walker Drive, Johnson City, Tennessee
We are in need of any current Eucharistic Ministers to assist
with serving our parishioners who are in facilities or
homebound. If anyone feels led to serve in this ministry, please
contact the parish nurse, Debbie Tester, at 423-794-9651 or
Cindy Davis at 423-854-0152. Please consider volunteering for
this wonderful ministry.
Brian Scott, Licensed Professional, nationally certified
counselor with 22 years of behavioral health experience,
Christian Counselor, will be speaking on the topic of cutting.
All parents are encouraged to join us in learning about this
troubling trend and how we can help our youth. This chat will
take place on August 24th at 6:30 PM in the Gathering area.
Aug. 20/21 - T-shirt Sale, St. Mary’s 110
Anniversary ($15 a shirt. All proceeds help youth
go on retreat.)
Aug. 24 Health Chat for par ents of youth students
Is your child in danger of cutting? 6:30pm in Gathering Area
Aug. 28 - 6-8 PM, Confirmation Registration & first class in
church basement for Youth 9-12 grades.
Number of requests / Personas que pidieron ayuda -15
Number of boxes distributed / Cajas de comidas distribuidas –20
Number of individuals served / Numero de personas ayudadas-53
Thank you for your very generous support of the food pantry.
The most urgent needs are: Tomato sauce ,Spaghetti sauce,
Baked beans, Cookies, Crackers, Instant mashed potatoes and
The Food Pantry Challenge for August is for every family to
bring a box of crackers, cookies, tomato sauce, instant potatoes or
can of soup.
Report for July 2016
Uncommitted Hours / Horas No Comprometidas
12 AM, 5PM, 11PM
3 AM 4 AM
12 M, 1 AM, 11AM
Wednesday/Miércoles 1 AM, 2 AM, 7 AM, 12 M, 11PM
’ A
1 AM, 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM, 12 M, 2 PM
1 AM, 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM
3 AM, 4 AM, 2 PM, 9 PM, 10 PM,
“So, could you not watch with me one hour?”
“¿Ni siquiera han podido velar una hora conmigo?”
(Mt. 26:40)
The Adoration Chapel is located
next to the school kitchen’s
back entrance.
La Capilla está al lado de la
entrada a la cocina en la parte
lateral de la escuela.
Parish News
Our Adoration Chapel is open any day, any
hour, for those who wish to spend time with
our Eucharistic Lord. However, we ask that
silence be maintained if more than one person
is present, unless those present have agreed to
pray aloud together. If a group of people
would like to pray together aloud, sing together, etc., they are
most welcome to sign up for a regular weekly hour to do so.
We have a number of open times. But Adorers should cease
praying aloud if someone else enters. Please respect the right
of another to pray without disruption.
«We believe in
Please mark your calendars for Saturday, October 1 for our one-day
retreat "Called to Bear Fruit: A One Day Retreat for All Ladies by
Ladies". We are currently still planning our classes. For information,
please contact Catherine at [email protected].
The Lord once again gives a grace-filled
invitation for us to join Him in agreement in
prayer and fasting for the end of abortion in
the Tri-cities on location at the Bristol
Regional Women’s Center, September 28November 6. The Rally will be on Sunday
afternoon, September 18 at 4 PM at Hosanna
Fellowship, 715 Sunset Dr. Johnson City. The website calendar
is up and running for volunteer sign-up at .
Ladies Conference Coming in October
, 7 PM-8:30 PM, S
Did you know that there is a Mass each
Tuesday at our local VA Hospital? At 12
noon, a Mass is celebrated at the Veterans
Administration Medical Center Chapel on the
ground floor of the main building. We also
welcome our parishioners to offer Mass
Intentions for this Mass.
Do you have a child 7 years or older who has not been
baptized? St. Mary's has a program to prepare school-aged
children to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation,
and First Eucharist. Classes will be starting Thursday, August
11 at 7 PM in the school library. A parent must attend the first
class with the child. For more information please contact
Kendra Dowlatshahi at 423-929-3481 or Shawn Solinsky at
For weddings, quinceañeras or other special Masses or
receptions requested by parishioners:
$150 for use of church
$150 for reception
$95 non-refundable for liability insurance
$100 refundable damage deposit
$35 refundable Key FOB deposit
Would you like to know more about the book of Revelation
from a Catholic perspective? It is perhaps the most
misunderstood book in the entire Bible. There are many different
interpretations of Revelation from other faith communities and
popular literature which paint a very confusing and misinformed
picture of what the book is really about. This study of
Revelation is not an academic one but rather centered on basic
information about the book from the perspective of the Church.
Discussions will center around the teachings and how they are
relevant to our own faith journey. Come and join us!! Email
Deacon George at [email protected] for more information.
Please stop by the church office for additional information or
to inquire about fees for non-parishioners or sports-related
events. If a parishioner wishes to reserve church/school space
and/or equipment for non-parish events (baby showers,
birthday parties, anniversaries, etc.), the following fees will
$50 non-refundable for use of space
$95 non-refundable for liability insurance
$100 refundable damage deposit
$35 refundable Key FOB deposit
-- From the Nicene Creed.
Let’s learn together words from the Catholic alphabet
beginning with the letter C...
St. Mary’s Church has a counselor who can help
you and your family:
La Iglesia Santa María tiene una consejera que
puede ayudarle a usted y a su familia:
The Catholic Church is Ceaseless
but not Churly.
Jean Lucas Daniels, PhD 423-975-6552 or
Last week’s word definitions
[email protected]
is Broad-minded: fr ee fr om pr ejudice; toler ant
but not Bantam: ver y small
Diocesan News
In light of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Diocese of Knoxville
presents four Mornings of Reflection for married couples
facilitated by Msgr. Al Humbrecht, Missionary Priest of
Mercy. Cost is $20 per couple and lunch is included. Time is
from 9 AM until 1 PM. Contact Marian Christians to RSVP
and for any babysitting needs at (423) 892-2310 or
[email protected]. Host parishes are:
Holy Trinity, Jefferson City
Saturday, November 12, 2016
RSVP by November 4
St. Stephen Church, Chattanooga
Saturday, January 14, 2017
RSVP by January 6
The purpose of a Catholic Scouting Retreat is to provide a fun
experience for Catholic Scouts and youth while learning more about
their faith, spirituality, and themselves. Scouts will participate in group
activities such as nature hikes, games, and a fun, yet theme-related
service project. We are also collecting canned goods to be taken to
Crazy Quilt Friendship Center in Newcomb, TN. This is for our Acts
of Mercy activity. It will also go towards our Messengers of Peace
’ H
St. Joseph Catholic Church, located in 3425
Andersonville Hwy, Norris, TN 37828, is
proud to be hosting Deacons Eddie Ensley
and Robert Herrmann as they present a 3-day
Mission Retreat on September 11, 12, and 13,
2016, from 6:30-8:00 PM. The retreat’s focus
is dedicated to spiritual awakening, healing
relationships, and meeting God in authentic
conversation. Light refreshments will be
served after each presentation, and free child
care is available. There is no cost to
participate. For more information, please contact Deacon Dan
Hosford at (865) 494-7746 or [email protected].
Come join us!
September 17-18, 2016
Whispering River Resort, Walland TN
Sponsored by the Knoxville Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting
St. Francis of Assisi, Fairfield Glade
Saturday, November 19, 2016
RSVP by November 14
August 2016
In Jesus name, and through the
intercession of St. Thomas More, the patron
saint of politicians, please join me in praying
for the wisdom of our nation to choose
leadership that reflects our core beliefs as
Americans, as Catholics, and as a Christian
St. John Neumann, Knoxville
Saturday, September 10, 2016
RSVP by August 26
Older Scouts (6th grade and up) One of the r equir ements for those
working toward their religious emblem is to attend a retreat. This will
satisfy that requirement. Cost for the weekend retreat is $20.00, plus 5
cans of food (food to be collected upon arrival) or pay an additional
$5.00 at check-in.
Cub Scouts and other youth (grades 1st through 5th) ar e invited to
join us on September 17 from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. They'll be able to join in
on the fun and games, have lunch, receive the Sacrament of
Reconciliation and attend Mass. They will also receive an exclusive
retreat patch! Cost for Cub Scouts is $10.00 and 3 cans of food (food to
be collected upon arrival) or pay an additional $5.00 at check-in.
Registration deadline September 6, 2016.
Forms are available at website.
Saturday, October 1 at 10 AM - 4 PM
Notre Dame Catholic Church
212 Mt Bethel Rd, Greeneville, Tennessee 37745
For more information contact one of our co-directors:
Kimberly Turnmire at (865) 936-0235
or [email protected].
More details in the following weeks.
Christy Bohon at (865) 441-2078
or [email protected].
S .D
’ P
St. Dominic's Parish in Kingsport is looking
for a person who would be willing to develop
a Parish Senior Ministry. It would be only a
three to four month position. It will pay
$6,000. The person will be charged with the
study of best practices of senior ministry with other churches in
the area, researching Catholic Church resources regarding senior
ministry, surveying the St. Dominic parish community regarding senior ministry needs.
La Coordinadora de Asistencia
para Víctimas de la Diócesis de
The Diocese of Knoxville
Knoxville es Marla Lenihan. Si
Victim’s Assistance
tiene preguntas sobre el proceso
Coordinator, Marla Lenihan,
de cómo reportar un caso de
can be reached at 865-482-1388
abuso, puede contactarla
to answer any questions
llamando al 865-482-1388
regarding the reporting
Cualquier persona con
procedure. Anyone with
conocimiento o causa razonable
knowledge of or reasonable
para sospechar de un incidente
cause to suspect an incident of
de abuso, deberá informarlo a abuse is asked to report it to the
las autoridades civiles y a la
appropriate civil authorities and
Diócesis de Knoxville llamando
the Diocese of Knoxville at
Noticias Parroquiales
-U P
,U M
Sábado10 de Septiembre 10 AM - 4 PM
Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan College
One Walker Drive, Johnson City, Tennessee
Si su hija cumplirá sus quince años durante este año escolar, su
participarticipacion en el grupo de jóvenes es obligatoria para recibir
educación religiosa y la preparación para esta celebración. ¡Más
detalles muy pronto!
The Focolare de East Tennessee los invita a “Unidad-Un Pueblo, Un
Mundo,” un programa de un día que se centrará en nuestro papel como
individuos en la unidad para llevar amor y sanación a nuestra
comunidad y al mundo. Todos están invitados a asistir. Unámonos para
conversar sobre cómo construir la unidad en nuestra comunidad. ¡Es
gratis! Se agradecen donaciones. El almuerzo será proporcionado.
Cuidado de niños estará disponible. Para obtener más información o
para inscribirse, por favor llame a James Bowman 423-929-0391.
Para obtener información acerca del Movimiento Focolare, visite la
pagina El espacio es limitado, así que por favor
regístrese temprano. La fecha límite para inscribirse es el 1 de
septiembre de 2016.
Voluntarios están invitados a una celebración el 25 de agosto en Boones Creek
Christian Church, 305 Christian Church Rd., Johnson City. Las puertas se
abrirán a las 5:45 PM. Para más información,llamar al 423-239-7689.
Una nota de agradecimiento de Rita Gonzales
“Muchas bendiciones para usted , sus
feligreses, y el personal en la oficina.
Gracias por su generosidad y compasión.”
Las reuniones del Grupo de Jóvenes de nuestra parroquia ya
comenzaron. Las clases son para estudiantes cursando grados 7º-12º.
Las mismas se llevan a cabo todos los miércoles de 6:30 a 8:00 PM
en el sótano. Les exsortamos a que hablen con sus hijos sobre la
importancia de continuar su educación en la fe y los estimulen a
participar en el grupo de jóvenes. Pueden inscribirlos antes de las
reuniones los miércoles o visitando la página de Internet https:// Los formularios están
disponibles en español. La cuota de inscripción es $30 por estudiante
pero se ofrece asistencia económica si la necesita.
El curso de preparación para el sacramento de la Confirmación dará
comienzo el domingo 28 de agosto de 6-8 PM en el sótano de la
iglesia. El programa este año será para estudiantes cursando grados
9º-12º. Los candidatos para la Confirmación también deberán asistir
al grupo de jóvenes. Las clases se ofrecerán una vez al mes en día
domingo. Pueden inscribirse ese día o visitando la página de Internet Los formularios están
disponibles en español. La cuota de inscripción es $50 por estudiante
pero se ofrece asistencia económica si la necesita.
Brian Scott, licenciado profesional, consejero cristiano certificado a
nivel nacional con 22 años de experiencia en la salud del
comportamiento, hablará sobre el tema del hábito destructivo de
cortarse la piel. Todos los padres de familia están invitados para
aprender acerca de esta tendencia preocupante y cómo podemos ayudar
a nuestros jóvenes. Esta charla se llevará a cabo el 24 de agosto a las
6:30 PM en el área de convivencia.
St. Patrick
2518 W Andrew Johnson Highway, Morristown, TN 37814
8 de septiembre a las 6 PM
El Instituto Pasotral del Sureste (SEPI) ofrecerá su Escuela de Ministerios (Nivel
II). El objetivo es dar una formación doctrinal básica a todos los que deseen
brindar su servicio a la comunidad hispana de esta región. Las clases se llevarán a
cabo un fin de semana al mes comenzando el 27-28 de agosto. Cada mes el lugar
del evento se alternará entre las comunidades de Santa María en Johnson City y
de Santo Domingo en Kingsport. Para más información, por favor llame a la
Hna. Carmen Lina al 423-335-2915. También puede inscribirse llamando a la
oficina parroquial al 423-282-6367.
All Saints (Todos los Santos)
620 North Cedar Bluff Rd., Knoxville, TN 37923
29 de agosto a las 7 PM
El Reto de la Dispensa de Alimentos para el Mes de Agosto
Es que cada familia traiga: una caja de galletas de soda, una lata de
sopas, avena, mermelada y galletas dulces. Si conoce de alguien que
puede estar en necesidad de alimentos o ayuda financiera, por favor
llame al 423-434-0836 y deje un mensaje.
Este ministerio no acepta ropa.
, FL
En el Marco del Año de la Misericordia los invitamos a la
conferencia sobre el libro del Papa Francisco “El Nombre de Dios es
Misericordia” a cargo del Padre Luis A. Santiago, de la Diócesis de
Tapachula, Chiapas, México. Todos son bienvenidos!! La
conferencia se llevará acabo en las siguientes parroquias:
Gracias por su generoso apoyo. La necesidad más urgente que tenemos:
caja de galletas saladas, sopa enlatada, avena, mermelada y galletas
En el marco del Año de la Misericordia los animamos a ir en
peregrinación a San Agustín, FL. Costo $180 por persona. Pueden
viajar niños mayores de 16 años acompañados de sus padres. Incluye
transporte, inscripción y comidas. Salimos el viernes 2 de sept. de la
Cancillería (805 S. Northshore Dr., Knoxville). El bus parte a las 5
PM. Llegada a Knoxville el domingo 4 de septiembre 8 AM. Para
inscribirse por favor llamar a la Oficina del Apostolado Hispano al
Lunes: 2 Tes 1:1-5, 11-12; Sal 96 (95):1-5; Mt 23:13-22
Martes: 2 Tes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Sal 96 (95):10-13; Mt 23:23-26
Miércoles: Ap 21:9b-14; Sal 145 (144):10-13, 17-18;
Jn 1:45-51
Jueves: 1 Cor 1:1-9; Sal 145 (144):2-7; Mt 24:42-51
Viernes: 1 Cor 1:17-25; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 10-11; Mt 25:1-13
Sábado: 1 Cor 1:26-31; Sal 33 (32):12-13, 18-21; Mt 25:14-30
Domingo: Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Sal 68 (67):4-7, 10-11;
Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a; Lc 14:1, 7-14
Year of Mercy / Año de La Misericordia
Theme for this Sunday: The Narrow Door
Tema para este Domingo: La Puerta Angosta
Jesus answered them, “Strive to enter through the narrow
door; for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be
able.” (Luke 13:24)
Adult: What daily choices are you making that will allow you
to be recognized at the doorway of the reign of God?
Jesús les respondió: “Esfuércense por entrar por la puerta
angosta, porque yo les digo que muchos tratarán de entrar y no
lo lograrán.” (Lucas 13:24)
Adulto: ¿Qué elecciones estás haciendo diar iamente que te
permitirán ser reconocido en la puerta del reino de Dios?
Youth: What good habits ar e you pr acticing in or der to be
a good Christian?
Jóvenes: ¿Qué hábitos buenos estás practicando con el fin de ser
un buen cristiano?
. C
In their statement on Forming Consciences for Faithful
Citizenship, the U.S. Catholic bishops remind Catholics
about the call to participate in political life. "In the
Catholic tradition," they write, "responsible citizenship
is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral
obligation" (no. 13). Visit today
to read the statement, watch videos, and access other great
En su declaración sobre Formando la Conciencia para ser
Ciudadanos Fieles, los obispos católicos de los Estados
Unidos recuerdan a los católicos acerca de la llamada a
participar en la vida política. "En la tradición católica",
escriben, "ser ciudadano responsable es una virtud y la
participación en la vida política es una obligación moral” (no
13). Para más información sobre éste y otros temas, visite
Instruir al que no sabe, es pr oclamar el Evangelio a los que no lo han escuchado, acercar a la
gente más a Dios mediante la transmisión de los
conocimientos que carecen. El candidato para esta
instrucción podría ser alguien que está dando los
primeros pasos en la fe - un niño, o alguien que
nunca ha encontrado a Cristo. O podría ser alguien
que vá por un rumbo diferente - alguien en busca
de una verdad que todavia no ha encontrado, alguien que ha rechazado lo que habia entendido del
amor de Dios, o tal vez incluso alguien cuyo celo le
ha llevado lejos del corazón del Evangelio. En
cualquier caso, podemos pensar de ésto como un
intento para llevar la fe y la razón a una relación
correcta entre sí para experimentar la plenitud de la
vida. El Papa Juan Pablo II no utiliza la palabra
"ignorancia" en su encíclica Fides et Ratio, pero de
una manera él llega al corazón de lo que esta obra
de misericordia está tratando de lograr cuando pone
de manifiesto por qué la fe y la razón se necesitan
Es una ilusión pensar que la fe, ligada a una
razón débil, podría ser más penetrante; por el
contrario, la fe corre el grave riesgo de marchitarse en mito o superstición. De la misma manera,
la razón que no está relacionada con una fe adulta no se siente motivada a dirigir la mirada hacia
la novedad y radicalidad del ser[3]
To instruct the ignorant, then, is to pr oclaim the
gospel to those who have not heard it, to lead people closer to God by imparting knowledge to them
that they do not yet have. The recipient of this instruction might be someone who is taking the first
steps in faith – a child, or someone who has never
encountered Christ. Or it might be someone who is
on a different journey – someone seeking a truth
they haven’t quite found, someone who has rejected what they have understood of God’s love, or
perhaps even someone whose zeal has led them
away from the heart of the gospel. In any case, we
can think of it as an attempt to bring faith and reason into right relationship with one another so that
the fullness of life might be experienced. Pope John
Paul II does not use the word ‘ignorance’ in his encyclical Fides et Ratio, but in a sense he cuts to the
heart of what this work of mercy is trying to
achieve when he highlights why faith and reason
need one another:
It is an illusion to think that faith, tied to weak
reasoning, might be more penetrating; on the
contrary, faith then runs the grave risk of withering into myth or superstition. By the same token,
reason which is unrelated to an adult faith is not
prompted to turn its gaze to the newness and
radicality of being.[3]
General Parish Information - Información General de la Parroquia
If you are the head of a ministry and wish to put your contact
information in the bulletin, please call the church office or
email [email protected].
Si usted es el líder de un ministerio y desea poner su
información de contacto en el boletín, por favor llame a la
oficina parroquial o por email a [email protected].
Church Secretary: mildr et.godwin@stmar ysjc.or g
Parish Council: Nick Johnson at [email protected]
Finance Committee: Mary Finucane, 423-283-9130
Children’s Faith Formation: Judy Holt, [email protected]
Youth Ministry: Stephanie Mann, [email protected]
Adult Faith Formation: Deacon Mike Jacobs, [email protected]
Music Ministry: Dolores Fredericks, 423-283-0103
Knights of Columbus: Mike Pagel, [email protected]
Ladies United: stmar [email protected]
The Disciple: Julianne Wiley, [email protected]
Labyrinth Ministry: Roz Seymour, [email protected]
St. Mary’s Prayer Warriors: pr ayingwar r ior [email protected]
Garden Ministry: Roz Seymour at r oz@char ter
Sacristán: Guadalupe Tapia, 423-943-8908
Ministros Eucarísticos: Victor y Rosalba Granados, 423-470-5747
Lectores: Dielta Oakley, 423-952-0357
Monaguillos: Cris Reyes 423-737-4500 o Cristina García, 423-297-3234
Coro: Raymond Isaac, 423-467-3330
Ujieres: Agustín Raygoza o Daniela Castellanos, 423-534-1252 ó
Cristo Renueva a Su Parroquia: Julian Ríos, 423-647-1944 ó
Josefina Estrada, 423-213-7333.
Registro Parroquial: Los paquetes de inscr ipción se encuentr an
en el Área de Convivencia o en la oficina parroquial. Después de
llenar la información, por favor llévela a la oficina o póngalo en la
canasta de la colecta.
Mudanza: Por favor , póngase en contacto con la oficina
parroquial si ha cambiado su dirección o número de teléfono. Esto
ayudará a mantener nuestra base de datos lo más actualizada
Solicitud de Intenciones para Misas: Llame o vaya a la oficina
parroquial durante las horas laborables para solicitar misas.
Solicitud de Espacio: Si necesita r eser var espacio par a un
evento en la iglesia, por favor contacte a la oficina parroquial.
Deberá llenar un formulario de reserva y pagar la cuota por lo
menos 30 días antes del evento.
Cita con Sacerdote/Diácono: Por favor , llame a la oficina
parroquial para hacer una cita.
Adoración Eucarística Perpetua: Llame a la oficina par r oquial
para hacerse adorador permanente o sustituto, o pase por la capilla
de adoración para tomar un paquete de nuevo adorador.
Funeral: Favor de llamar a la oficina par a hacer cita con el
sacerdote, anotar el funeral en el calendario y preparar la liturgia.
Quinceañera: Favor de llamar a Guadalupe Tapia, 423-9438908 para apartar la fecha y comenzar la preparación. La joven
debe haber asistido al Grupo de Jóvenes por lo menos por un año
antes de solicitar esta celebración.
Presentaciones de 3 Años: Favor de hablar con el sacer dote
para coordinar la fecha.
Parishioner’s Registration: Registration packets can be
found in the Gathering Area or the church office. After filling
out the packet, please drop it off at the office or place it in the
collection basket.
Moving: Please contact the Church office if you have changed
your address or phone number. This will help keep our
database as up to date as possible.
Mass Intention Request: You may call or come to the
church office to request a Mass intention.
Space Request: If you need to reserve space within our
church for an event, please contact the church office. You
must fill out a reservation form and pay the fees at least 30
days prior to event.
Appointment with Priest/Deacon: Please call the church
office to set up an appointment.
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration: Please contact the church
office to become a permanent or substitute adorer or stop by
the Adoration Chapel to get a packet for new adorers.
Funeral: Please contact the chur ch office to schedule a
priest and time for the funeral on the church calendar.
Baptism: Baptismal forms are available in the church office. Please
prepare all information, including godparents. You must be registered as a
parishioner. English baptismal preparation class is on the fourth Saturday
of each month from 9:30-11 AM in the conference room.
Reconciliation: See the front page of this bulletin for a schedule.
First Communion: Please contact Judy Holt at the church office to
register your child . The child has to have attended at least a year of faith
formation prior to registering for this sacrament. Please provide a copy of
your child’s baptismal certificate.
Confirmation: Please contact Stephanie Mann at 423-612-2272 or
[email protected] to register your child. The child has to have
attended Youth Group on a regular basis for at least a year prior to
registering for this sacrament. Please provide a copy of your child’s
baptismal certificate.
RCIA: Please contact Deacon Griffith through the church office to
begin preparation for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.
Marriage: Please contact the church office to begin the process for
Marriage preparation or to celebrate it within our parish.
Anointing of the Sick: Contact the church office to schedule the
celebration of this sacrament. It could be received at church or privately.
Holy Orders: Please talk to one of the priests and then contact the
Diocese of Knoxville office at 865-584-3307 or visit their website at
Bautismo: Llene los for mular ios que se encuentr an en la oficina.
Incluya la información de los padrinos. Debe estar registrado como
miembro de la parroquia. Las clases pre-bautismales son los cuartos
domingos del mes después de la misa de las 12 en la Capilla Diaria.
Reconciliación: Vea la por tada de este boletín par a el hor ar io.
Primera Comunión: Favor de contactar a J udy Holt en la oficina
parroquial para registrar a su hijo. El niño debe haber asistido al
programa de formación en la fe por lo menos por un año antes de
solicitar este sacramento. Favor de proveer una copia del certificado de
Confirmación: Por favor contacte a Stephanie Mann al 423-6122272 o [email protected] para registrar a su hijo. El joven debe
haber asistido al Grupo de Jóvenes por lo menos por un año antes de
solicitar este sacramento. Favor de proveer una copia del certificado de
RICA: Favor de contactar a Luz Mar ía Vélez al 423-946-7787 para
comenzar la preparación para el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos.
Matrimonio: Si desea contr aer matr imonio en nuestr a par r oquia,
por favor contacte a Padre Jesús Guerrero al 423-282-6367.
Unción de los Enfermos: Llame a la oficina par r oquial par a r ecibir
este sacramento. Puede recibirlo en la iglesia o privadamente.
Orden Sacerdotal: Favor de hablar con uno de los sacer dotes y
luego llamar a la Diócesis de Knoxville al 865-584-3307 o visite su
página de Internet en