SPAN 1115 Beginning Spanish
SPAN 1115 Beginning Spanish
SPAN 1115 Beginning Spanish The University of Oklahoma Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics Fall 2016 Monday-Friday Class Schedule Abbreviations: PP: Puntos de Partida (Textbook) LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS 22 SM: Supplementary Materials (Blue Book) HOMEWORK DUE PRIOR TO CLASS WITH PUNTOS DE PARTIDA WITH CONNECT PP: Saludos y expresiones de cortesía. p. 4 PP: Conversación A, B, C. p. 6 24 Capítulo 1: Introducing yourself and finding out who other people are August 29 Expressing likes and dislikes PP: Los gustos y preferencias. P. 14 PP: Práctica A, B. p.14 Exercises assigned by your instructor Telling time SM: Diálogo p. 6 Exercises assigned by your instructor PP: Los numerous del 0 al 30. p. 12 PP: Práctica A, B, C. p. 13 30 2nd Week 31 Telling time PP: ¿Qué hora es? p. 16 Exercises assigned by your PP: Práctica B–Conversación B. p.17 instructor PP: Alfabeto español. p. 7 PP: Práctica A. p. 7 PP: Reading La geografía del mundo hispano. P. 20 1 2 PP: ¿Cómo es usted? p. 8 PP: Conversación C (Paso 1). p. 9 PP: Reading: ¡Aquí se habla español! p. 10 25 26 CLASS WORK Introduction to Course: Present students to class format and materials. Syllabus review. 23 1st Week TG: Teacher´s Guide (Green Book) Chapter Review PP: Nota cultural y Nota comunicativa. p.5 Practicing Greetings in different contexts. PP: Conversación D, E. p. 6 TG-Speaking Activities: A p. 3 PP: Conversación A, B. p. 9 TG- Speaking Activities: B p. 3 SM: Exercise p. 2 Listing Spanish-speaking countries and their capitals. Working in groups, have students give examples of uses of Spanish in this country: place and street names, restaurants, music, etc. PP: Conversación A, B. p.15 In your class, find 5 people who share your likes. Make a list of what you like creating different categories (sports, food, etc.) SM: Compare Diálogo on p. 6 with a partner. SM: Bingo p. 7 PP: Conversación 1, 2, 3 p. 13 PP: Nota comunicativa. p. 16. PP: Práctica A– Conversación A. p. 17 SM: p. 3. PP: Práctica B p. 8 PP: Práctica A, B. p. 18 PP: La geografía del mundo hispano. p. 20 Comprensión p. 21 PP: Telepuntos. Salu2. p. 19 TG: Listening Comprehension A, B. p. 2 Listening Activity: Telling time OUTSIDE AND INCLASS ASSIGNMENTS LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS 5 3rd week Capítulo 2: Telling what objects are around you; Stating who is present and who is not. Being able to ask and answer questions about what you do and where you are from. 8 September 9 4th Week 16 PP: En el salón de clase Vocabulary p. 26 Las materias p. 28 PP: Conversación A. p. 27 PP: Reading p. 33-34 PP: Práctica A, B. p. 34 PP: Práctica A, B, p. 36 Being able to ask and answer questions about what classes/credits you are taking & Telling someone what classes you are PP: Nota Comunicativa p. 30 taking. Being able to interview someone about his or her basic schedule and activities (routine behaviors). Exercises assigned by your instructor Being able to interview someone about his or her basic schedule and activities (routine behaviors). PP: Reading Del mundo hisp. p. 53 SM: Los artículos p. 10 SM: Práctica p. 12 SM: Present Tense p. 11 Prepare five questions on your own to interview a classmate about her/his routine activities. OUTSIDE AND INCLASS ASSIGNMENTS SM: Gramática A, B, C, D p. 14-15 Working by pairs, describe your classroom/your room (Vocab Review) PP: Conversación B. p. 27 SM: p. 20. Describe the picture. PP: Conversación A, B. p. 35 PP: Conversación A, B. p. 37 TG: Exercise B p. 10 PP: Práctica A, B. p. 41 PP: Práctica D. p. 42 PP: Leer Nota Comunicativa C (Modify 1-2) p.44 SM: Bingo p. 19 PP: Conversación A, B. p. 47 PP: Un poco de todo – B, C. p. 48-49 PP: Conversación A, B. p. 29 PP: C–Intercambios. p. 30 (Working by pairs) SM: Práctica p. 13 PP: Del mundo hispano p. 53 In groups of 3 students create your own brochure for a summer course in a LatinAmerican country /Spain and present it to the class. PP: A escuchar. p. 54 TG-Situations and Dialogues. p. 9 Reading Activity: Mi primer día en el instituto SM: Diálogos p. 17 Interview a classmate about his/her routine activities. Exercises assigned by your instructor Talking about schedules and activities CLASS WORK PP: Conversación B (paso 2) p. 43 SM: Present Tense p. 11 SM: InfoGapActivity p. 18 Look for online brochures or advertisements in Spanish promoting summer courses. Highlight the most important information and bring them to class. 19 20 Exercises assigned by your instructor PP: Los pronombres personales. p. 38-41 PP: Práctica A. p. 41 PP: Práctica C. p. 42 PP: Práctica A, B. p. 46 14 15 WITH CONNECT Being able to ask and answer questions PP: Conversación A, B (paso 1) p.43 about what classes/credits you are taking PP: Reading Getting Information. & Telling someone what classes you are Auto-prueba p.45-46 taking 12 13 WITH PUNTOS DE PARTIDA Labor Day: No Class 6 7 HOMEWORK DUE PRIOR TO CLASS Reading Comprehension 1 SM: Exercise F p. 16 SM: Listening comprehension p. 9 (TG:p. 6) Reading Comprehension 1 (In-Class) LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS 5th Week Listing some important points about the PP: Reading Los Estados Unidos – Hispanic presence in Oklahoma/US. Comprensión p. 52 22 Chapter Review. 23 Capítulo 3: Talking about your family. Interviewing PP: Vocabulario p. 60 a classmate in order to draw that PP: Conversación A, B p. 61 person’s family tree. 26 Being able to describe what family members look like. September Exercises assigned by your instructor PP: Expressing Possession. p. 77 PP: Práctica A-D. p. 78-79 Exercises assigned by your instructor 29 PP: Expressing Actions. p. 80-82 Autoprueba p. 82 PP: Práctica A, B. p. 82-83 Exercises assigned by your instructor 30 PP: Los numerous del 31-100. p. 62 PP: Conversación A. p 62 3 SM: Una familia grande. p. 27 Bring magazine pictures. Being able to tell what your family members do. October Being able to compare family structures between Mexican and American cultures. . OUTSIDE AND INCLASS ASSIGNMENTS Group work: Make a list of Hispanic groups at OU and Oklahoma – Internet search. Report about findings. PP: Telepuntos. Salu2. p. 50-51 SM: ¿Cómo es esta familia? p. 23 TG: Exercise C p. 15 TG: The Family Reunion Game p. 18-19 Picture Based List (In Class) PP: Exercise B Descripciones. p. 71 Práctica A, B, C p. 74 Exercises assigned by your instructor PP: Reading México Comprensión p. 90 -Bring pictures of famous American people with Mexican background (Politicians, TV actresses; singers etc.) CLASS WORK PP: Describe the picture p. 58 PP: Conversación C p. 61 SM: Family Tree Diagram p. 22 Draw your partner’s family tree 28 5 Exercises assigned by your instructor PP: Expressing to be. p. 72-73 Autoprueba p. 74 PP: Exercises E. p. 70 / E. p. 75 4 7 week PP: Gramática p. 66-68 PP: Práctica B, C p.69-70 WITH CONNECT 27 Being able to tell what your family members do. th WITH PUNTOS DE PARTIDA 21 6th Week 7th Week HOMEWORK DUE PRIOR TO CLASS Exercises assigned by your instructor SM: Las nacionalidades. P. 25 PP: Conversación A, B. p. 79-80 SM: Bingo p. 35 PP: Práctica D. p. 84 PP: Conversación A, B. p. 85 SM: Listening Comprehension. p. 21 PP: Conversación B, C. p 63 Reading Activity: Complete la ficha that your instructor gives to you. Then compare your answers with a classmate, and report your findings to the class. SM: Descripciones y preguntas. p. 24 TG: Exercise B. p. 15 Review PP p. 90 Mexico Reading Activity: Organizing a Text -Famous people you never knew were Mexican. Find and describe the families of famous Americans with a Mexican background. Picture-based List (In class) LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS 7 FALL BREAK-NO HAY CLASE 10 Chapter Review 11 Exam 1 12 Capítulo 4: Being able to describe clothing items. 13 October 14 9th week Planning to go shopping/do other activities. 18 Being able to buy clothing or other familiar items and ask questions about them. WITH CONNECT Being able to compare shopping practices in Guatemala and Honduras with the ones in Oklahoma/US. Chapter Review CLASS WORK PP: ¡A escuchar! Exercises A, B. p. 92 PP: Exercises B, C. p. 86-87 Listening Exam 1 Exercises assigned by your instructor OUTSIDE AND INCLASS ASSIGNMENTS Listening Exam 1 PP: Telepuntos. Salu2. p. 88-89 TG: Listening Comprehension D. p. 13 EXAM 1 PP: Vocabulario p. 98 Exercises assigned by your PP: Conversación A, B. p. 99-100 instructor Bring catalogues of someone dressed in interesting clothes. Conversación A, B, C, D. p. 101-102 SM: El regalo perfecto p. 49 TG: Exercise C. p. 25 SM: B p. 45 PP: Pointing out people and things. p. 107-108. Autoprueba PP: Práctica A, B, C. 109-110 PP: Conversación C. p. 100 PP: Conversación. p. 110 TG: Games. Exercise A. p. 27 PP: Expressing actions and states. p. 111-112. Autoprueba PP: Práctica A, B. p. 113 . Exercises assigned by your instructor PP: Expressing destination and future actions. P. 116-117. PP: Práctica A, B PP: Los números a partir del 100. p. 103 PP: Conversación B, C. p. 104 19 21 Describing what people wear according to the places/circumstances/ activities they do. 17 20 WITH PUNTOS DE PARTIDA PP: Reading Del mundo hispano Números útiles p. 91. Comprensión A, B. p. 91 6 8th Week HOMEWORK DUE PRIOR TO CLASS Look for some touristic information about Central America. Select a place you would like to stay for a month. Bring your laptop, phone, or iPad to the class. PP: Reading Guatemala y Honduras. Comprensión p. 122. Exercises assigned by your instructor PP: Conversación A, B, C. p. 114-5 PP: Del mundo hispano. P. 123 Your instructor will present some pictures. Working in groups, you will describe what people look like, what they are wearing, and what they do. PP: Conversación B. p. 118 PP: Exercise C. p. 119 PP: ¡A escuchar! Exercises A, B. p. 124 SM: Entrevista. p. 48 SM: Diálogos. P. 51 SM: Exercises A, B. p. 38 Script for Oral Presentation (Video) Composition 1 First draft (Writing & Peer Review) (In class) PP: Comprensión p. 122. Reading Comprehension 2 With a classmate select a place you would like to visit for a month. Do some research Reading Comprehension by visiting different Spanish websites in 2 (In-Class) order to buy what you need for this trip. Make a list and write down the prices. Then explain why you select that place; what you plan to do and to buy. PP: Telepuntos. Salu2. p. 120-121 Composition 1 TG: Listening Comprehension. p. 39 Final Version LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS 10th week 24 25 Capítulo 5: Being able to describe a place (where you live, take classes, or study). Being able to talk about what you or someone are doing at a specific time of day (Routine behaviors). October 26 27 Comparing and contrasting your typical activities with those of someone else. 28 Indicating what and where you do certain activities around town. 31 1 Being able to tell what someone is doing at a specific time of day (Routine behaviors). HOMEWORK DUE PRIOR TO CLASS WITH PUNTOS DE PARTIDA PP: Vocabulario p. 130 PP: Conversación A. p. 131 November 3 12th week Exercises assigned by your instructor PP: Las casas en el mundo hispano. p. 132 PP: Reading ¿Qué día es hoy? P. 132 PP: Conversación A. p. 133 Exercises assigned by your PP:¿Cuándo? Las preposic. p. 134 instructor PP: Conversación A. p. 135 PP: Expressing actions. p. 136-138 PP: Práctica A, B. p. 139 4 Being able to compare house/apartments characteristics between some Latin American countries and Oklahoma/US Famous Hispanic people’s lives 7 Chapter Review. 8 Exam 2 PP: Reading review. PP: A escuchar. p. 158 SM: Una casa nueva. P. 53 SM: Exercise D. p. 61 PP: Conversación. Exercise B. p. 135 PP: A escribir. Preparar. p. 159 (Only this section) PP: Conversación A, B. p. 140 PP: Práctica C. p. 139 SM: Bingo: Mi casa y mi rutina. p. 66 PP: Reading Expressing –self/selves. Exercises assigned by your Reflexive Pronouns. p. 147-149 instructor PP: Práctica A, B. p. 149-150 SM: Práctica de verbos. p. 56 Un lunes difícil para Pepe. P. 58 Reflexive actions. p. 59 PP: Exercise C, D. p. 150-151 PP: Conversación B. p. 151 SM: Exercise B. p. 61 SM: La rutina de Marisol y Carlos. p. 60 PP: Conversación A. p. 151 PP: Un poco de todo. P. 152 SM: La rutina de Chela. p. 54 SM: Diálogo. p. 62 SM: Communicat. Goals Practice #2. P. 67 PP: Reading review. P. 153 -Work with a partner. There is an exchange student from Chile and you will be his/her tourist guide, so you should tell him/her what people do in Norman & OKC, and describe the most important places to visit. Present your guide plan to the class. Phone Message (In Class) PP: Del mundo hispano. p. 157 With a classmate, compare those rental state ads you brought to class with the ones on p. 157. Make a list of the differences and similarities between the two. PP: Telepuntos. Salu2. p.154-155 TG: Preguntas personales (Only 10). p. 28 PP: Exercise B (Reading El día de la cruz). P. 152-153 Comprensión. p. 153 Select and describe 6 places people should visit in Norman and OKC. PP: Reading El Salvador y Nicaragua. p. 156 PP: Comprensión. p. 156 Bring real state ads about renting & selling houses/apartments in Norman & Oklahoma City Exercises assigned by your instructor OUTSIDE AND INCLASS ASSIGNMENTS PP: Conversación B, C, D. p. 131 Describing different places: classroom, home, and the OU library. PP: Exercise C. p. 145 PP: Conversación A, B. p. 146 SM: ¡A conversar! En una fiesta. p. 63 Exercises assigned by your instructor Comparing and contrasting your typical activities with those of someone else. Indicating what and where you do certain activities around town. CLASS WORK PP: Expressing actions. p. 142-144 PP: Práctica A, B (Paso 1) p. 144-145 2 11th week WITH CONNECT Phone message (In class) LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS 9 Comparing and contrasting your favorite season with that of someone else. November 13th Week 14th week Comparing and contrasting your favorite season with that of someone else. Expressing actions that are happening right now 16 PP: Reading Los meses y las estaciones del año. Exercises A, B. p. 166-167. PP: Reading El clima en el mundo hispano. p. 167 Bring paper and color pencils to class. 17 18 Listening Exam 2 Exercises assigned by your instructor PP: Reading ¿Qué están haciendo? p. 170-171 PP: Práctica A, B. p. 172 SM: Práctica. p. 71 Being able to compare people, things, and actions. 21 WITH CONNECT PP: Describing. p. 182-185 PP: Práctica A. p. 185 11 15 WITH PUNTOS DE PARTIDA Capítulo 6: PP: Reading ¿Qué tiempo…? P. 164 Exercises assigned by your Being able to talk about the weather and PP: Conversación A, B, C. p. 164-5 instructor activities you do. 10 14 HOMEWORK DUE PRIOR TO CLASS Exercises assigned by your instructor PP:¿Ser o estar? p. 175-177 Autoprueba. PP: Práctica A, B. p. 178 PP: Exercise F. p. 180 (Paso 1 and 2) SM: Práctica I, II. p. 76 SM: Exercise C. p. 78 CLASS WORK OUTSIDE AND INCLASS ASSIGNMENTS PP: Exercise D. p. 165 PP: A escuchar. p. 194 SM: Exercise B. p. 77 El boletín metereológico. p. 69. PP: Answer the questions after reading Nota Cultural: ¿Cómo es el clima de su estado? ¿Están las estaciones bien diferenciadas? PP: Práctica B (In pairs) and C (paso 1). p. 186 PP: Conversación B. p. 187 PP: A escribir. Preparar (only this section) p. 195 SM: Las comparaciones. Exercise II. p. 76 Exercise A. p. 77 Then in groups, design a poster for an elementary class comparing the seasons and showing activities that should and should not be done in a season. PP: Práctica C. p. 173 SM: En casa. p. 64 Exercises D, E. p. 79 SM: En la residencia. Exercise A. p. 83 SM: Picture descriptions. P. 75 Game: Partners, music, and telling what everybody is wearing. PP: Práctica C. p. 178 Práctica D, E (Paso 1). p. 179 Conversación A. p. 181 Exercises assigned by your instructor SM: El boletín meteorológico p. 69 Listening Exam II PP: Conversación B. p. 181 PP: Conversación A. p. 187 PP: Un poco de todo. Exercise A. p. 188 Listening Exam 2 LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS 22 Being able to compare people, things, and actions. HOMEWORK DUE PRIOR TO CLASS WITH PUNTOS DE PARTIDA WITH CONNECT CLASS WORK OUTSIDE AND INCLASS ASSIGNMENTS SM: ¿Quién es? p. 70 ¿Cómo estás? p. 81 PP: Exercise B. p. 188 Exercise C. p. 189 SM: ¿Ser o estar? p. 72 Verbos: Ser vs. Estar. p. 74 23-25 Thanksgiving Break-No hay clase 28 Being able to compare people, things and actions Print and bring handouts to class from CANVAS page. Exercises assigned by your instructor Reading/Speaking Activity: La Mejor Idea Listening Activity: Tocando el cielo Writing Activity: Adivina la película November 29 15th week 30 December 1 16th Week Exercises assigned by your instructor Being able to compare and contrast Costa Rica and OK/US weather PP: Reading Costa Rica. p. 192 2 Chapter review 5 6 7 Oral presentations (Video) Oral presentations (Video) -- Review Oral presentations (Video) – Review 8 Review 9 Review 13 Final Exam: Tuesday, December 13th 7:30-9:30pm Location TBA Reading Activity-TBA PP: Comprensión. p. 192 -Listen to the weather news in Costa Rica and OK. Make a list of the recognizable words and expressions. -Select a city in Costa Rica and create your own weather forecast. Present to the class. PP: Telepuntos. Salu2. p.190-191 TG: Preguntas personales (Only 10). p. 36