
a graphical representation. This forces to the control and systematization
of the line as a being that can communicate between the different phases
of a process without loss of information: the diagram.
The second implication of the premise is the dissolution of the binomial
analysis – creation, artificially articulated around the relation technology
- architecture. The diagram, in this sense, ceases to be a mere
representation of “objective” data to become reality in itself, with which
the architect can work and design of an proactive way. The strategic
representation of the information manages, this way, to bridge across the
objective and subjective reality the design.
The Bolivian Catholic University has been developing a series of
post graduate courses aimed at offering to Bolivian professionals the
opportunity to complete its academic formation. The third course in
this series is Earthscapes La Paz, proposed as an intensive Design
Workshop in architecture, urbanism and landscape.
The proposal has its origin in the necessity to rethink our attitude
towards the appropriation and colonization of the slope in the ravines
in La Paz as well as its “recovery”, in an urban context located in the
middle of the tension generated by its urgent necessities of expansion
and the unstable economic, social and political conditions of the country
and their population.
Another part of this present conjuncture is the Projects of the Central
Urban Park, the Project of Urban Revitalización and the Project
of Improvement of Districts, which have come to constitute as the
referential frame for future urban regeneration for La Paz, proposed by
the Municipal Government.
Earthscapes La Paz tries to be integrated in this means by accepting
the chaotic condition of its agents and being opportunistic in the
intervention in the spaces “in-between” that the ravines of the city of La
Paz generate. Taking in account that but from 70% of the urban space in
La Paz is seating on its ravines and slopes and in permanent risk before
some natural eventuality.
The condition generated by the underutilization of these spaces allows to
think the problem about terms of recognition of densificación gradients,
connectivity, technology, etc.,
Earthscapes La Paz adopts design and planning strategies in which
environmental, social and tectonic processes belonging to traditionally
separated scopes in urbanism, architecture or landscape are conjugated
under a common frame. The projects are centered around the main
subjects concerning the planning of the Bolivian capital: problems of
geomorphologic instability in slopes of the gorges, informal creation of
house, lack of adequate means of transport, etc. Earthscapes La Paz
tries to generate projects that are able to understand the state of the
question of urbanism in Bolivia and propose strategies of occupation
coherent with the policies at local level.
The understanding of the design as a strategy that receives tectonic
quality through the accretion of numerous layers of decisions and its
correct diagramming, confers to Earthscapes La Paz the character of
instrument of territorial planning in a reality that requires a complex and
aggregate understanding.
On design operations: the diagram
The understanding of the design not like a moment, but like a processm,
opens to the door towards the study of the mechanisms of creation and
work of the line. Considering the design as a process of accumulation
and densificación of information on the drawing we are implicitly
recognizing its character as the result of a slow mental evolution.
The drawing at this moment becomes an instance in the complex
process of self-communication that allows the projection of relations into
Earthscapes La Paz tries to understand the relation architecture
- landscape as the proliferation of prototypical units in what we
denominate as an intensive dynamic. The Interpretation of the typology
as a set of relations and its propagation through a studied field, allow a
design on landscaping and architectonic scales (or we would have to say
with attitudes) at the same time.
La base teórica de diseño que se destila tanto en el estudio como en
las clases, se complementará con una serie de seminarios y mesas
redondas en las que se debatirán una serie de temas relevantes
seleccionados conjuntamente con una bibliografía recomendada.
De Landa, Manuel “Deleuze and the genetic algorithm in architecture”
Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Felix “Rizome” A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism
and Schizophrenia
E. Bonabeau, M Dorigo, G. Theraulaz, “Swarm Intelligence”
Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Felix “From Chaos to the Brain” What is
Deleuze, Gilles “Bergsonism”
On the interpretation of the city and the landscape: genius loci +
Earthscapes La Paz proposes the overcoming of the ideas of genius loci
and datascapes in its way of approaching the site. The consideration
of the analytical processes commonly denominated as “objective”
jointly with an approach to “the subjective” idea of place tries to obtain
design attitudes able to contemplate the diverse angles and ways of
understanding of the context.
It also looks for the development of a critical understanding in relation to
the different problems that appear in urban design; density, connectivity,
typology, spaciality, infrastructures, etc. It is tried yet that the student
understands his relative position within a wider frame of discussion of the
different effects of the space performances of the design in the gorges
of La Paz.
On the use of technology: adobe and bioclimatic architecture
Eathscapes La Paz recognizes the potential solutions of so called “lowtech” (can al technology be understood as “low”) or “local” wisdom, due
to its independency of globalizing currents, and its availability to the
Also it promotes the appropriation of the inherent potentials of the
technical discipline by its abstract and systematic understanding of the
reality. The course is centered in the capacity of basic technologies
understood by the population in its capacity to solve problems and
to serve like potential space with architecture and identifiable and
controlable space qualities.
The course is centered in the use of the one of the construction of
marinates, the slope treatment and the bioclimática architecture of the
own house of the Bolivian plateau like basic tipologías with which to work
in the recovery of broken of the city of La Paz.
The overcoming of the idea of technology as a discipline separated from
other forms of appropriation of the space, must allow the student to adopt
interdisciplinary strategies able to confront the decision and strategic
problems of contemporary urbanism.
Inerview with Michel Foucault “The eye of power”
Deleuze, Gilles “The Diagram”, Francis Bacon, The Logic of Sensation
Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Felix “On several regimes of signs” A Thousand
Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia p. 140-8
Moneo “On Typology” Oppositions 1978, n.13, p.23-45
Rem Koolhaas “Bigness” S,M,L,XL
Alexander, Christopher “A city is not a tree”
Sarkis, Hashim, “Case: Le Corbusier’s Venice Hospital and the Mat Building
Cook, Edward, “Landscape Planning and Ecological networks”
Berque, Augustin, “The origin of Landscape”
Varios “Landscape Urbanism”
Allen, Stan, “From Object to Field”
Serres, Michel, “The Natural Contract”
J. B. Jackson “A sense of place, a sense of time”
Earthcapes La Paz es un taller intensivo en diseño de tres meses de
duración con clases presenciales de lunes a viernes de 18:00 a
22:00 y sábado de 9:00 a 13:00. El idioma del curso es el Castellano
y requiere del idioma ingles para la lectura de textos.
Comienzo del curso 23 de Mayo
Finalización del curso 15 de Agosto
GradDG(AA) Eduardo Rico Carranza, Masters in Landscape
Urbanism, Professor of Landscape Urbanism Masters, Architectural
Association London UK
Professor de Paisaje y Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental, Universidad
de Castilla La Mancha, (España)
GradDG(AA) Ivan Valdez Torrico, Masters in Landscape Urbanism,
Architectural Association London UK
Reddin & Co. Ltd. UK, London
Design workshops
Los talleres de diseño tienen como objetivo el desarrollo de las
técnicas de diagramado, creación y proliferación de organizaciones
arquitectónicas prototípicas.
Arq. Msc. Gastón Gallardo Dávila, Masters in Urban Design,
wU.M.S.A (Bolivia)
DDW / Diagram Development Workshop
OT/ Operadores Topográficos
Model design
Clases sobre tecnologías
La introducción de las condicionantes tecnológicas que deben facilitar la
creación del prototipo y el entendimiento del sitio se realizará a través de
una serie de clases magistrales sobre:
Contención de tierras
Αrquitectura Bioclimatica
Manejo de aguas servidas y pluviales
Uso de adobe
Colaboración a nivel teórico: Lawrence Barth, Professor Graduate
School (AA): MA Housing and Urbanism y PHD. External
Consultant Zaha Hadid Architects, Urban strategies expert.
Coordinador General: Arq. Javier Bedoya Saenz
Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo, La Paz - Bolivia
e-mail: [email protected]
Secretaría del Departamanto de arquitectura,UCB, Av. 14 de
septiembre, Obrajes,La Paz, Bolivia, Tel: +591 2 2782222/+591 2
2786749 int 2172 Fax: +591 2 2786707
Horario: 9:00 a 12:00 hs y 16:30 a 20:00 hs
Imagenes portada: Eduardo Rico, Caterina Padoa Schioppa, Carmen Peña y Camelia Navarro