Spectroscopic study of star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Spectroscopic study of star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Asociación Argentina de Astronomı́a BAAA, Vol. 48, 2005 E.M. Arnal, A. Brunini, J.J. Clariá Olmedo, J.C. Forte, D.O. Gómez, D. Garcı́a Lambas, Z. López Garcı́a, S. M. Malaroda, & G.E. Romero, eds. COMUNICACIÓN DE TRABAJO – CONTRIBUTED PAPER Spectroscopic study of star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud: star formation history Juan J. Clariá Observatorio Astronómico, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, [email protected] Andrés E. Piatti IAFE, Buenos Aires, Argentina, [email protected] João F.C. Santos Jr. Dpto. de Fı́sica, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, [email protected] Eduardo Bica Instituto de Fı́sica, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brasil, [email protected] Andrea V. Ahumada and M. Celeste Parisi Observatorio Astronómico, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, andrea, [email protected] Abstract. We present integrated spectra in the range (3600-6800) Å for 18 concentrated clusters of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). By using the template matching and equivalent width methods, ages and metallicities were respectively determined and a very good agreement between ages derived from both methods was found. Combining the present sample with 19 additional SMC clusters whose ages and metallicities were put onto a homogeneous scale, we analyze the clusters’ age and metallicity distributions. By considering the deprojected distances of the clusters from the SMC center instead of their projections onto the right ascension and declination axes, the ensuing analysis seems to indicate that the SMC inner disk could have been the result of a cluster formation episode which reached a peak ∼ 2.5 Gyr ago. Evidence for a metallicity gradient in the SMC disk is also presented. Resumen. Presentamos espectros integrados en el rango (3600-6800) Å de 18 cúmulos concentrados de la Nube Menor de Magallanes (NMM). Las edades y metalicidades fueron derivadas a partir del método de ajuste de templates y de los anchos equivalentes, respectivamente. Las edades obtenidas por ambos métodos muestran muy buen acuerdo. Combinando la presente muestra con 19 cúmulos adicionales para los cuales las edades y metalicidades fueron determinadas en una escala homogénea, analizamos 140 Star clusters in the SMC: star formation history 141 las distribuciones de edad y metalicidad de los cúmulos. Considerando las distancias deproyectadas de los cúmulos al centro de la NMM, en lugar de sus proyecciones sobre los ejes de ascensión recta y declinación, este análisis sugiere que el disco interior de la NMM podrı́a haberse formado como consecuencia de un episodio de formación estelar ocurrido hace ∼ 2.5x109 años. Presentamos además evidencia sobre la existencia de un gradiente de metalicidad en el disco de la NMM. 1. Introduction In order to analize star clusters in dwarf galaxies which can be observed through ground-based large telescopes as well as through the Hubble Space Telescope, a star cluster spectral library at the SMC metallicity level can prove useful. We present here integrated spectra for 18 concentrated SMC clusters. Previous cluster samples are complemented by the present one in an attempt to provide a spectral library with several clusters per age bin. At the same time, the cluster parameters are determined and the age and metallicity distributions analized. This aims at looking into the SMC star formation history and the chemical enrichment processes. 2. Spectroscopic observations By using the CASLEO (Argentina) 2.15 m and CTIO (Chile) 1.5 m telescopes, integrated spectra for a sample of 18 concentrated SMC clusters were obtained during 13 observing nights. The spectral coverage was (3600-6800) Å, while the typical resolution and dispersion were 12 Å and 3.5 Å/pixel, respectively. The observations were performed by scanning the slit across the objects in the NorthSouth direction. 3. The template-matching and equivalent widths methods We resorted to two independent methods to derive the cluster parameters: the template-matching method, which entails comparing and matching the observed spectra to template spectra with well-determined properties (e.g., Piatti et al. 2002a), and the equivalent width (EW) method, which consists in utilizing diagnostic diagrams involving the sum of EWs of selected spectral lines, along with their calibrations with age and metallicity (Santos & Piatti 2004, hereafter SP). Cluster reddening values were first estimated by interpolation between the extinction maps of Burstein & Heiles (1982) and Schlegel et al. (1998). Before measuring EWs, the spectra were set to the rest-frame according to the Doppler shift of H Balmer lines. The EWs of H Balmer, K CaII, G band (CH) and MgI (5167+5173+5184) Å were measured using IRAF task splot. Subsequently, the sum of EWs of the 3 metallic lines (S m ) and of the 3 Balmer lines Hβ, Hγ and Hδ (Sh ) were used to estimate cluster parameters. Summing up, the calibrations, aided by diagnostic diagrams involving S m and Sh , allowed us to derive age for star clusters younger than ∼ 10 Gyr and metallicity for older ones. For intermediate-age clusters (2.5 < t(Gyr) < 10) with [Fe/H] > -1.4, it 142 J.J. Clariá et al. is necessary to constrain age by using the template-matching method and then obtain metallicity with the SP’s calibration, if the cluster is old. We found a very good agreement between ages derived from both methods. As examples, we show in Fig. 1 the best template combination for K5, i.e., the average of Ia and Yh templates (equivalent to 0.8 Gyr), compared with the reddening-corrected spectrum, and K3, i.e., the average of G3 and Ia templates (equivalent to 7 Gyr), compared with the reddening-corrected spectrum. For K5, its metallicity has been corrected to [Fe/H] = -0.5, following an age revision on the Piatti et al. (2005) value. Brocato et al. (2001) presented a HST CMD of K3 making its photometry available, on which we have superimposed Padova isochrones (Girardi et al. 2002) to obtain [Fe/H] = -1.2 and t = 6 Gyr. Good agreement was reached between age and metallicity values obtained in the present analysis for K3 and the results of previous studies (see, e.g., Mighell et al. 1998). The derived ages and metallicities for the cluster sample are summarized in Table 1. The methods used to obtain age and metallicity are indicated in columns 6 and 9. All clusters were age-ranked according to the EW method with the only exception of K28, with a low S/N spectrum. The template method was applied to the whole sample either independently from the EW method (minus sign in column 6) or in conjunction with the EW method (plus sign in column 6). The last two columns of Table 1 show the cluster metallicities adopted whenever possible as well as their corresponding sources, respectively. For K3, we used equation (8) of SP. We also fitted Padova isochrones to the K6 CMD obtained by Matteuci et al. (2002) and yielded a cluster metallicity of [Fe/H] = -0.7, assuming the SMC apparent distance modulus (m-M) = 19.0 (Cioni et al. 2000). Table 1. Cluster Cluster parameters tliterature Ref. tm method tadopted [Fe/H] Ref. (Gyr) (Gyr) (Gyr) L5 0.03 4.1 1 0.8 Sh ,Sm - template 3.0±1.5 -1.1±0.2 1,9 K5 0.02 2.0 1 0.8 Sh ,Sm - template 1.2±0.5 -0.5±0.2 1,9 K3 0.02 7.0±1.0 2,4 7.0 Sh ,Sm + template 7.0±1.0 -1.20±0.2 2,9 K6 0.03 1.3 7 2.0 Sh ,Sm + template 1.6±0.4 -0.7 9 K7 0.02 3.5 3 4.0 Sh ,Sm + template 3.5±0.5 -1.0 3 HW 8 0.03 0.05 Sh ,Sm - template 0.05±0.02 NGC 269 0.01 0.6 Sm - template 0.6±0.2 L 39 0.01 0.015 Sh ,Sm - template 0.015±0.010 K 28 0.06 2.1 2 1.0 template 1.5±0.6 -1.0±0.2 2,9 NGC 294 0.02 0.3 Sh ,Sm - template 0.3±0.1 L 51 0.07 0.015 Sh ,Sm - template 0.015±0.010 K 42 0.06 0.045 Sh ,Sm - template 0.045±0.015 L 66 0.06 0.015 Sh ,Sm - template 0.015±0.010 NGC 411 0.03 1.5±0.2 2,6,8 1.0 Sh ,Sm - template 1.5±0.3 -0.7±0.2 2,6,8 NGC 419 0.03 1.6±0.4 2,4 0.8 Sh ,Sm - template 1.2±0.4 -0.7 2 NGC 422 0.03 0.3 Sh ,Sm - template 0.3±0.1 IC 1641 0.03 0.3 Sh ,Sm - template 0.3±0.1 NGC 458 0.02 0.17±0.03 2,5 0.05 Sh ,Sm - template 0.13±0.06 -0.23 2 References: (1) Piatti et al. (2005); (2) Piatti et al. (2002b); (3) Mould et al. (1992); (4) Rich et al. (2000); (5) Alcaino et al. (2003); (6) Alves & Sarajedini (1999); (7) Matteucci et al. (2002); (8) Leonardi & Rose (2003); (9) this work. 4. E(B − V ) Cluster age and metallicity distributions In order to examine the cluster age and metallicity distributions, we computed for each cluster its deprojected distance from the SMC optical center using the expression: Star clusters in the SMC: star formation history 143 d = d(p)[1 + [sen(p − p0 )2 ][tang(i)]2 ]0.5 , (1) where d is the deprojected distance from the SMC optical centre, d(p) the projected distance on the plane of the sky, p the position angle of the cluster, p 0 the position angle of the line of nodes and i the tilt of the SMC plane to the plane of the sky. In equation (1), the factor sen(p − p 0 )2 considers how distant the object lies from the line of nodes. If the object were lying over the line of nodes, d and d(p) will coincide, regardless of the disk tilt. The SMC optical centre was assumed to be placed (J2000) at: α = 00 h 52m 45s , δ = -72◦ 49’ 43” (Crowl et al. 2001). To compute d from equation (1), we used p 0 = 45◦ and i = 60◦ (de Vaucouleurs & Freeman 1973). The left panel of Fig. 2 shows how the derived ages vary as a function of the computed deprojected distances. There are very few clusters younger than 4 Gyr in the outer disk, defined as the portion of the SMC disk with d ≥ 3.5 ◦ , while there are very few clusters older than 4 Gyr in the inner disk. What is more, in the inner disk, as the clusters become older, their corresponding deprojected distances get proportionally larger, a fact which surprisingly suggests the possibility that the clusters may have been formed outside in, as in a relatively rapid collapse. Piatti et al. (2005) confirmed that ∼ 2.5 Gyr ago the SMC reached the peak of a burst of cluster formation, which corresponds to a very close encounter with the LMC, according to the recent dynamical models of Bekki et al. (2004). Piatti et al. (2005) studied 10 clusters with ages and metallicities in the ranges 1.5-4 Gyr and -1.3 < [Fe/H] < -0.6, respectively. They were more inclined to believe in a bursting cluster formation history rather than a continuous one for the SMC. The age-position relation shown in Fig. 2 (left-hand panel) for clusters younger than 4 Gyr adds, if confirmed, a new nuance to the bursting theory of cluster formation. In the cluster formation episode peaking at ∼ 2.5 Gyr, the burst could have originated the formation process which continued producing clusters from the outermost regions to the innermost ones in the inner SMC disk. Under these circumstances, the inner disk could have been formed during this period. Fig. 2 (right panel) depicts the distribution of the cluster metallicities as a function of the deprojected distances from the SMC center. Note that in the outer disk, there are no clusters with [Fe/H] values larger than ∼ -1.2, with only one exception. The inner disk, however, is shared by both metal-poor and metal-rich clusters, the averaged metallicity being clearly larger than that for the outer disk. We then confirm the existence of a metal abundance gradient for the SMC disk, given the fact that the farther a cluster from the galaxy centre, the poorer its metal content. Nonetheless, all the clusters with [Fe/H] > -1.2 in the inner disk were formed during the last 4 Gyr, whereas the metal-poor ones are as old as those in the outer disk. Accordingly, the abundance gradient seems to be representative of the combination of an older and more metal-poor 144 J.J. Clariá et al. Figure 1. Integrated spectra of K5 (left-hand panel) and K3 (righthand panel), corrected for reddening, and the templates which best match them. population of clusters spread all through the SMC and a younger and metalricher one predominantly born in the inner disk. Note that some few clusters were also formed in the inner disk with [Fe/H] ∼ -1.2. 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