SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Photo by Rita Summers THE INSPIRING JOURNEY OF A REMARKABLE COWBOY WHO TRIUMPHS IN HIS QUEST TO PROTECT WILD HORSES AND THE AMERICAN WEST runningwildfilm.com Full Motion Pictures & Telecom2 in association with Free Running Films and the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary Produced by Suzanne Mitchell Co-Produced by R.A. Fedde Music by Steve Poltz Visual Effects by Beehive Edited by R.A. Fedde Director of Photography Mauro Brattoli Executive Producers Barbara Kopple Robert Johnson Alejandro Perez Directed by Suzanne Mitchell Contents About the Film – pg 3 Overview – pg 4 Sponsorship Opportunities: Why you should partner with Running Wild – pg 5 In Theaters & Video on Demand -- Film Marketing & Exposure – pg 6 How to Fund your Partnership - pg 7 Presenting Sponsorship Package – pg 8 Local/Festival Friends Packages – pg 9 About Director Suzanne Mitchell – pg 10 About Exec. Producer Barbara Kopple – pg 11 About Dayton O. Hyde – pg 12 Running Wild Press Releases – pg 13-16 Contact info – pg 17 Note: all photos in this document were taken at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary ABOUT THE FILM BOY WHO TRIU MPH S IN Y OF A REM ARK ABL E COW T THE INSP IRIN G JOU RNE AND THE AME RICA N WES SES HOR D WIL T TEC TO PRO Genre: Feature Documentary Cast/Featuring: Dayton O. Hyde Director: Suzanne Mitchell Producer: Suzanne Mitchell Executive Producers: Barbara Kopple, Robert Johnson, Alejandro Perez Editor: R.A. Fedde Director of Photography: Mauro Brattoli Original Music: Steve Poltz (Arrival Records) Shooting Format: Color, HDCam HIS QUE ST Running Time: 92 minutes Short Synopsis: Dayton Hyde’s destiny leads him on a dramatic journey through the West. From rodeos, conservation battles, and wild horse rescues, to award-winning books, personal heartbreak and new found love, RUNNING WILD is a self-told tale of a 6’5” cowboy who demonstrates the importance of defending our natural world before it’s too late. Through his protection of wild horses, Hyde finds personal freedom. Breathtaking scenery, intimate conversations and a dynamic score create a powerful film that delivers the message that we can truly make a difference if we try. e Sanctuary Horstuary WildSanc k Hills BlacWild theHills Filmstheand Horse ingand Black with Free Runn ciatio Films in asso Poltz Telec StevePoltz withn Free Running resn&Pictu iation MusiccbybySteve Pictu e Musi in assoc Fedd resom2 Full MotionFull R.A. by ced Motio rodu Co-P e Fedd hell R.A. oli nne Mitc ell Co-Produced by tor of Photography Mauro Bratt by Suza ucedced ProdProdu by Suzanne Mitch o Brattoli Mitchell y MaurSuza R.A. Feddee Direc of Photograph ive Edited by DirectorPere nneMitchell tedbybySuzanne l Effects byts Beeh d by R.A. Fedd Directed Visua z Direc ndro by Beehive leEdite Aleja son Visual Effec John rt Robe Perez Kopp ndro ara Aleja Barb s son ucercers Barbara Kopple Robert John ProdProdu utiveutive ExecExec runningwildfilm.com 3 ! OVERVIEW RUNNING WILD is the new documentary film by Emmy Award winning Producer, Director Suzanne Mitchell and two-time Academy Award winning Executive Producer Barbara Kopple. The film is a cinematic adventure that explores the vibrant life of a cowboy, conservationist and award-winning writer, who through sheer determination is preserving part of America’s prairieland and its wild horses. From cattle drives, rodeos and conservation battles, to wild horse rescues, personal heartbreak and new-found love, this is the self-told tale of a colorful 6’5” cowboy who has balanced the ways of the old West with the protection of our natural resources. RUNNING WILD is an inspirational testament of a motivating personal journey that reassures each of us that we can make a difference if we try. These accomplished documentary filmmakers have once again delivered a powerful, touching and beautiful film, from the hoofbeats of the wild horses to the scenic vistas of the Cheyenne River, Black Hills of South Dakota and the Yamsi Ranch in Oregon. 4 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Why you should partner with the film Increase your brand visibility by becoming a sponsor of RUNNING WILD. Partnering allows your brand to reach specific target consumers and audiences through customized marketing tactics and an association with a spectacular and festival award-winning film that delivers a positive message. Customizable sponsorship packages consist of inclusion on the RUNNING WILD website, online and social media exposure, experiential marketing (onsite presence such as signage, marketing materials, event access and product sampling opportunities at RUNNING WILD screenings, events or select film festivals), inclusion in press releases and marketing materials and mailings, promotions and prize packages, private screenings, inclusion in advertising, and more. A partnership with RUNNING WILD is especially appropriate for brands that reflect a concern for environmental and social responsibility, produce green products, or connect with demographics that work hard or play hard outdoors, are nature enthusiasts, or value the landscape of the iconic American west. Also a great partnership for those who want to align with a message of personal determination, making a difference, and the importance of pursuing what you believe is right. 5 Coming soon to a theater near you – and available through Video On Demand! RUNNING WILD has partnered with Screen Media Films for North American theatrical and Video On Demand (VOD) distribution. In October 2013, you can expect to see RUNNING WILD in theaters in major markets as well as nationwide through VOD. Marketing and Exposure RUNNING WILD has a comprehensive marketing and PR campaign underway, developed to provide exposure and increase visibility of the film and its partners to various target demographics, both male and female, across various age, education and income parameters: general audiences, animal and conservation minded, those who work hard or play hard outdoors, horse, ranch and pet owners, natural and ‘green’ products consumers, those who are also working to make a difference in their communities. If you choose a sponsorship with Running Wild, you will receive extensive and ongoing exposure for your brand as you benefit from our marketing, advertising and PR campaigns to support our North American screenings and VOD availability. 6 UR O Y ND U F TH I O T W HOW ERSHIP TN R A P 3 - Through your Advertising budget at NO COST for the sponsorship! If you lack the marketing funding and cannot make a financial commitment but wish to partner with Running Wild, we can implement a partnership AT A ZERO COST BASIS. We have a partnership with trade agency EvergreenPartners and through them, Horizon Media’s Eden Road Trading division. In simplest terms, this means that if you place a small percentage of your usual advertising spend with Evergreen (through Horizon), you will receive your same rates and same quality of programming, and your agency will receive their normal fee or commission, you will then receive, at no additional cost, the added value of a fully funded sponsorship with RUNNING WILD! Again, placement of the advertising you are planning to run through your normal media schedule, when run through our media partner, will give you both your media buy as well as a ‘no cost’ RUNNING WILD sponsorship. Tom Cotner, Senior Vice President, Evergreen-Partners (212-652-0672 www.evergreen-partners.com) can discuss this option with you and your media colleagues to easily make this unique opportunity work for you. PARTNERSHIP FUNDING OPTIONS: 1 – Through your Marketing funding: Sponsorships and partnerships with RUNNING WILD can be established through traditional monetary commitment, allocated from your marketing budget. 4 – Through Trade of your Products or Services: You may fund your sponsorship with a combination of products, services and cash, or fully without cash, by providing RUNNING WILD with goods, services, media or marketing exposure that the film requires. Or, you may secure your sponsorship by working through trade agency Evergreen-Partners, trading your slow moving, excess or overstocked products for proceeds that are utilized to purchase a sponsorship with RUNNING WILD. 2 – Through your company’s Community Affairs, Sustainability, or Corporate Giving programs: Your company may have funding available and specifically allocated to support charitable causes and 501c3 organizations (such as RUNNING WILD’s Free Running Films), or projects that align with your ‘green’ messaging and sustainability initiatives. 7 ORT N R LO N A N O NATI MERICA IP A RSH O S N SPO PRESENTING SPONSOR H Benefits may include: • • • • • • • • • • We will work with you to customize a partnership that is a perfect fit for your marketing and branding needs. • • • • 8 Category Exclusivity Film credit: Receive a credit/logo in the film (edit is approaching in July 2013 – come on board now!) Inclusion in planned local market advertising to support the film showings at theaters in each city Inclusion in online marketing campaign Inclusion in grassroots and local marketing and outreach campaign materials Inclusion in PR/media outreach to national/local/online/print/ broadcast/trade Branding/presence within RUNNING WILD participation in theaters for the October theatrical release, and at upcoming events (such as at the Hamptons Center in the Hamptons, Long Island, NY on July 19, and newportFILM in RI on August 8). Potential for sweepstakes giveaway package for your promotional use (such as trip for two to the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, and/or VIP trip to NY or LA film premiere) Private screening of the film for your company or your key partners and clients (with Director Suzanne Mitchell) Tickets/VIP access to upcoming events (such RUNNING WILD screenings and concerts featuring soundtrack composer Steve Poltz) Experiential marketing opportunities at special events Potential exclusive footage from the film or from the “Director’s Vault” (not featured in the film) for your promotional use in addition to film clips and trailer Use of RUNNING WILD logo, posters, handouts, photos, apparel/promotional items (your logo included) Potential inclusion on RUNNING WILD DVD LOCAL FRIENDS OF RUNNING WILD As a Festival or Local Partner with RUNNING WILD, you will receive pre-event and onsite opportunities for inclusion in local and festival related marketing campaigns and press exposure, onsite branding, and direct connection with festival and event audiences and the local demographic. ! ! Partner Benefits WĂůŵĞĂĐŚ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů&ŝůŵ&ĞƐƚŝǀĂůŝŶǀŝƚĞƐLJŽƵƚŽďĞĂĨĨŝůŝĂƚĞĚǁŝƚŚƵƐ͊! ZĞĐŽŐŶŝnjĞĚĂƐĂdŽƉϮϱ/ŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚ&ŝůŵ&ĞƐƚŝǀĂůƐŝŶƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚ!! • x F/%%.,,'G!,/!1H66/-,.+9!,)'!'%'-9.+9!8.$%%#B'-1!/8!,/G#I!#+G!,/%/--/4! x J2'-!K<!%.$$./+!G/+#,'G!,/!$/(#$!1()//$!8.$%!6-/9-#%1! x ^ĐƌĞĞŶĞĚͲϮ͕ϭϲϴĨŝůŵƐͲϯϮϮǁŽƌůĚƉƌĞŵŝĞƌĞƐͲϭEE!1,HG'+,!8.$%1!ʹ!;:!(/H+,-.'1!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-'6-'1'+,'G! x A.$$./+1!/8!G/$$#-1!.+!$/(#$!7H1.+'11!-'2'+H'!9'+'-#,'G!7I!LJL=$/(#$!8'1,.2#$!!#,,'+G''1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x ?5;!&*MM*JL!%'G.#!.%6-'11./+1!4/-$G4.G'! x N:O!/8!"&*00!#,,'+G''1!-',H-+!,)'!+'P,!I'#-! x <:Q@@@R!$/I#$!#,,'+G''1!4.,)!G.16/1#7$'!.+(/%'! ! RUNNING WILD is proud to have been selected to participate in the above film festivals & events! tŚĂƚƚŚĞLJĂƌĞƐĂLJŝŶŐ͍! ! ͙͞ƚŚĞ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů&ŝůŵ&ĞƐƚŝǀĂůŚĂƐŽǀĞƌƚŚĞLJĞĂƌƐĚŽŶĞĂǁŽŶĚĞƌĨƵůũŽďďƌŝŶŐŝŶŐ,ŽůůLJǁŽŽĚ ƚŽ^ŽƵƚŚ&ůŽƌŝĚĂĂŶĚƉƌŽǀŝĚŝŶŐĨƵŶĚƐĨŽƌƚŚĞŶĞdžƚŐĞŶĞƌĂƚŝŽŶŽĨĐƌĞĂƚŝǀĞƐƵƉĞƌƐƚĂƌƐ͙͕͟! ŽŶĂůĚ:͘dƌƵŵƉʹŽĐĂZĂƚŽŶEĞǁƐ ! ͞dŚĞƚŚŝŶŐ/ůŝŬĞĂďŽƵƚƚŚŝƐĨĞƐƚŝǀĂůŝƐƚŚĂƚŝƚ͛ƐĂďŽƵƚŚĞůƉŝŶŐLJŽƵŶŐƉĞŽƉůĞ͕ŐŝǀŝŶŐƚŚĞŵ ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚŝĞƐ͕͟ ĚǁĂƌĚEŽƌƚŽŶʹWĂůŵĞĂĐŚWŽƐƚ Upcoming Festivals and screenings: • Southampton Center (former Parish Art Museum), Southampton, Long Island, NY, July 19, 2013 ͙͞dŚĞWĂůŵĞĂĐŚ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů&ŝůŵ&ĞƐƚŝǀĂů͕ŽŶĞŽĨƚŚĞďĞƐƚƌĞŐŝŽŶĂůĨĞƐƚŝǀĂůƐŽŶƚŚĞ • newportFILM, Newport, RI, August 8, 2013 ĐŝƌĐƵŝƚ͙͕͟ • • • • RUNNING WILD website: Placement of your brand logo, link to your website and a paragraph about your product or campaign on the RUNNING WILD website • FACEBOOK: Posts on RUNNING WILD Facebook page of your brand’s sponsorship and association with the film. Shares of your Facebook posts to Running Wild page. ^ĂŶĚLJDĂŶĚĞůďĞƌŐĞƌʹ&ŝůŵ&ĞƐƚŝǀĂůƐ͘ĐŽŵ !! "#$!%&'($)*(!*+'(,!-".!'+,+/+0+123!! Recently completed: 45&!%&'($,!6)07!8()%5!9:1($:)1+&:)0!;+07!;(,1+')0<! • The Slamdance Film Festival, Park City, UT, January 18–23, 2013 • The Sedona International Film Festival, Sedona, AZ, February 23 – March 3, 2013 • Cinequest Film Festival, San Jose, CA, February 26 – March 10, 2013 – the film took second place in Audience Favorites and earned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"#$%!&'#()!*+,'-+#,./+#$!0.$%!0'1,.2#$!3!444567.8.$%8'1,5/-9!3!:;<=>;?=@@@>! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A#-B!"/$$#(B!3!%#-BC67.8.$%8'1,5/-9!3!:;<=:D<=??E>! an encore screening! ! • The Palm Beach International Film Festival, Palm Beach, FL – April 4 – 11, 2013 • The Sarasota Film Festival, Sarasota, FL – April 5 – 14, 2013 winner of the SFF Audience Award for Best Documentary! • Cinema Falls, Sioux Falls, SD – April 21, 2013 • Black Hills Film Festival, Rapid City and Hill City, SD – May 1 and 3, 2013. Winner of juried award for Best Documentary! • Special screenings in Hot Springs, SD and Spearfish, SD – May 2 and 5, 2013 ! 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Premium online exposure: • • • • • Depending on level of sponsorship, potential screening of the film with experiential marketing opportunity for your brand, sampling, logo’d gift bag and gift items, marketing materials, onsite signage. Photos of RUNNING WILD and your brand’s participation at Festival/local events for your marketing and press use. Use of RUNNING WILD logo for your approved local brand marketing Depending on level of sponsorship, giveaway package for promotion (Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary visitor pass for 2 people) Marketing category sponsorship exclusivity locally Suzanne Mitchell has produced numerous long and short form television series and specials as well as feature length documentaries. She has won two Emmys, two Gracie Awards and an Omni Intermedia Award. Running Wild: The Life of Dayton O. Hyde is her directorial debut and was selected to premiere at the 2013 Slamdance Film Festival. After a start in broadcast news, Mitchell was hired by Fox Television to help create their first news magazine show, The Reporters. In 1996 and 1997 Mitchell collaborated with Academy Award-winning director Barbara Kopple to create the ABC special, New Passages. In 2001 reteamed with Kopple on the four-hour special, The Hamptons and then went on to produce Kopple’s Woodstock: Now & Then, and her most recent film, now showing at a variety of film festivals, Force of Nature, where the team traveled to South Sudan to present the humanitarian work of philanthropist Ellen Ratner. PRODUCER AND DIRECTOR SUZANNE MITCHELL In 1997 and 1998 Mitchell produced two comprehensive historical documentary programs -- ABC's The Century, with Peter Jennings, and A&E's The Millennium Biography Special, which focused on 100 of the most influential people of the last 1000 years. As Supervising Producer for HBO in 2000 and 2001, Suzanne managed a multi-million dollar budget for the 13 part docu-drama, G-String Divas. In 2005 Mitchell was the Executive Producer of A&E’s Fatal Fathers. She also created six PBS documentaries focused on women’s issues, for which she won two Gracie awards and one Emmy. Mitchell’s experience as independent producer includes work for The Oprah Winfrey Show Harpo Productions’ 2008 Martin Luther King special and the 2011 Freedom Riders special. Mitchell developed and produced 52 episodes of The Hugh Thompson Show, a variety-talk show dedicated to science and technology. She produced and directed behind-thescenes shorts and webisodes chronicling the making of FX’s acclaimed series, Rescue Me, starring Denis Leary and Damages, starring Glenn Close. In 2010 Mitchell produced a series of mini documentaries as part of History’s epic series America The Story of Us. 10 Barbara Kopple is a two-time Academy Award winning filmmaker and is Executive Producer of Running Wild: The Life of Dayton O. Hyde. A director of documentaries as well as narrative TV and film, her most recent project Running From Crazy, a documentary examining the personal journey of model and actress Mariel Hemingway, has been selected to premiere at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival. Barbara produced and directed Harlan County USA and American Dream, both winners of the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. Her other films include The House of Steinbrenner; Woodstock: Now and Then; Shut Up and Sing; A Conversation with Gregory Peck; My Generation, Wild Man Blues for which she won the National Board of Review Award for Best Documentary; Fallen Champ: The Untold Story of Mike Tyson for which she was nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Directing; and A Force of Nature, featured in many festivals. EXECUTIVE PRODUCER BARBARA KOPPLE In 1991, Harlan County USA was named to the National Film Registry by the Librarian of Congress and designated an American Film Classic. Harlan County USA was recently restored and preserved by the Women’s Preservation Fund and the Academy Film Archive. Barbara has been awarded the Human Rights Watch Film Festival Irene Diamond Award, Los Angeles Film Critics Award, National Society of Film Critics Award, the SilverDocs/ Charles Guggenheim Award, New York Women in Film & Television Muse Award, the Maya Deren Independent Film and Video Award, the Woodstock Film Festival Maverick Award, Women in Film & Video of Washington, DC Women of Vision Award, the White House Project’s EPIC Award, the International Documentary Association Career Achievement Award and the Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize, Filmmakers Trophy & Audience Award. 11 FEATURED: DAYTON O. HYDE Dayton Hyde is a rancher, photographer, essayist and author of 17 books, including “Sandy,” “Don Coyote,” and “Yamsi.” Dayton has been called a rancher’s rancher and a naturalist’s naturalist. He is a man whose wonderful observations bring home the powerful fact that a human being is responsible to the land and is not its master. All his life his curiosity has compelled him to learn all he could about every creature inhabiting the land he nurtures. As a result, he has become an exceptional self-trained naturalist whose experiences enrich us all. Yamsi, a 6,000 acre working cattle ranch in Oregon’s Klamath Basin, is the setting for Dayton’s lively meditation on what it means to be a rancher in the West in the late twentieth century. Hard work and hardships at Yamsi coexist with dedication to principles of conservation and sound ecology. His exuberant, hard-fisted, often humorous portrait of a rancher’s life is told the way it ought to be told. He now runs The Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, an 12,000-acre ranch in Western South Dakota where he protects wild horses. 12 PRESS RELEASE “Running Wild” To Be Shown At newportFILM At The Newport International Polo Grounds in Rhode Island Film marks the inspiring journey of a remarkable South Dakota cowboy who triumphs in his quest to protect wild horses and the American West. New York, NY – June 3, 2013 – Free Running Films is pleased to announce the participation of Running Wild: The Life of Dayton O. Hyde at newportFILM in Rhode Island, Thursday, August 8, 2013. This cinematic adventure explores the compelling life of Hyde, a cowboy conservationist who has dedicated his life to protecting the wild horses, land and water of the American West. It is a captivating story of incredible determination and accomplishment, heartwarming and poignant emotional moments. Running Wild features spectacular footage of wild horses, Hyde’s Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary in Hot Springs, South Dakota and his Yamsi Ranch in Oregon’s Klamath Basin. The film marks Emmy Award winning producer Suzanne Mitchell’s feature directorial debut and was executive produced by two time Academy Award winner Barbara Kopple. Running Wild and Dayton O. Hyde have received incredible audience response at the film’s previous showings at the Slamdance Film Festival, Sedona International Film Festival, Cinequest Film Festival, Palm Beach International Film Festival, and at Sioux Fall’s Cinema Falls screenings. The film just received both the Sarasota Film Festival Audience Award for Best Documentary Feature, and the Black Hills Film Festival Award for Best Documentary. At Cinequest, Running Wild was voted to Audience Favorite status, resulting in an encore screening. The film has been screened to sold out, standing ovation audiences who have left theaters awed and inspired. Running Wild will be shown on Thursday, August 8 at 8pm at the Newport International Polo Grounds at 715 East Main Road, Portsmouth. The film will be preceded by an hour-long concert performance by singer/songwriter and Running Wild soundtrack composer Steve Poltz, beginning at 7pm. Admission to the concert and film is free (suggested donation at the event is $5). To RSVP for the concert and film or for further information, please visit www.newportfilm.com. The film chronicles Hyde’s dramatic journey of challenges and successes that began in Michigan and took him across the West. From rodeos, conservation battles and wild horse rescues to his award-winning books, personal heartbreak and new found love, Running Wild is the self-told tale of a 6’5” cowboy who demonstrates the importance of defending our natural world. Dayton has a breathtaking 12,000-acre prairieland sanctuary, where more than 500 mustangs rescued from the controversial wild horse roundups in the west, slaughter or misery now run free. The film includes never-before-seen footage of a Lakota Naming Ceremony, held to recognize Hyde as a protector of sacred land. Hyde continues to fight to protect the land and reveals his current effort against a uranium mining company that is poised to pollute the water and contaminate the ecosystems that support the residents, wildlife, and horses of the Black Hills. At 88, Hyde says, "It's going to be my last great battle, but I'm going to win this one.” Press release page 1 of 2 (Continued from Page 1) Upon meeting Hyde years ago, Mitchell was captivated by his passion for wildlife, the clatter of hooves on the prairie, and by the stunning backdrop of the Cheyenne River and Black Hills. She immediately began filming. Said Mitchell, “I had to make a film about this incredible man who has handed his heart over to the West and accomplished so much through sheer will.” Mitchell has created television series, specials and documentaries and has won awards including two Emmys, two Gracie’s, and an Omni Intermedia Award. Producing celebrated specials for Oprah, HBO, A&E and others, Mitchell collaborates and produces a number of documentaries with Kopple. Running Wild is scored with an original soundtrack and soon to be released album by singer/songwriter Steve Poltz, featuring the singles “Song For Hawk" and “I Pray It Never Comes To This” on Arrival Records. Poltz’ music has charted on Billboard and various radio charts and he is as well known for his impressive collection of ballads, rockers and uniquely melodic finger picking acoustic tunes as he is for “You Were Meant For Me,” which he co-wrote with Jewel. Steve debuted live performances of songs from the film’s soundtrack at the Slamdance Film Festival in January 2013, accompanied by Allie Gonino on violin/vocals (actress ABC Family’s “The Lying Game”), John Castro on bass and Jeff “Stinky” Aafedt on percussion/drums (both formerly of The Rugburns). Poltz delivered heartfelt acoustic performances of songs featured in the film’s soundtrack to theater audiences at the Cinequest, Sedona, Palm Beach, Sarasota, and the Black Hills film festivals. Having just returned from major showcase performances at the Folk Alliance and SXSW, Poltz is actively touring and will open Jewel’s west coast concerts this summer. Suzanne Mitchell, Dayton O. Hyde, and Steve Poltz are available for interview. Film Credits: Director and Producer: Suzanne Mitchell, Editor: R.A. Fedde, Cinematographer: Mauro Brattoli, Executive Producer: Barbara Kopple, Executive Producers: Robert Johnson and Alejandro Perez About newportFILM: newportFILM was founded in 2010 to nurture discovery and encourage community dialogue through the art of documentary film. More than a festival, newportFILM brings year-round programming that features filmmaker conversations, premiere parties and panel discussions. The program includes "newportFILM YOUTH," an inspiring series that showcases films for ages 2 - 18, "newportFILM GREEN SCREEN," a collection of documentaries that raise awareness on environmental issues, and "newportFILM OUTDOORS," a summer-long sunset series, which brings films out of the traditional theater setting to unique outdoor landscapes. The newportFILM OUTDOORS summer series is presented by Kirby Perkins Construction. For more information, please call 401-649-2784 or visit www.newportFILM.com ### For information, photos, film clips, interviews: Fran Perchick Director of Marketing and Public Relations Running Wild 646-369-6643 [email protected] Links: Running Wild website: www.runningwildfilm.com Running Wild on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/runningwildfilm Running Wild on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RunningWildUSA Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary website: www.wildmustangs.com Dayton O. Hyde website: www.daytonohyde.com Steve Poltz: www.arrivalrecords.net/artists/StevePoltz.html Steve Poltz “I Pray It Never Comes To This” and “Song For Hawk” from the film’s soundtrack on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/i-pray-it-never-comes-to-this/id592227025 and https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/song-for-hawk-from-running/id604421114 PRESS RELEASE Screen Media Films Rides Off With “Running Wild” New York, June 13, 2013 – Screen Media Films announced they have acquired North American rights to the documentary RUNNING WILD: THE LIFE OF DAYTON O. HYDE, which follows the remarkable life of activist, best-selling author, and cowboy Dayton O. Hyde as he maintains his sanctuary for wild horses and works tirelessly to protect the vanishing landscape of the American West. Screen Media President Suzanne Blech plans to release this very timely film nationally in theaters and on VOD day-and-date in October 2013. Blech said about the deal: “We feel honored to bring this truly amazing story of Dayton Hyde to the American public. Suzanne Mitchell has captured the beauty, the soul and the spirituality of this American Hero as he continues his work in conservation and saving the wild mustang.” Filmmaker Suzanne Mitchell said: “After 11 years in the making, Screen Media is the perfect partner to release our film and to spread the word about what Dayton Hyde is doing to save wild horses for the last quarter century. Now everyone can finally see what we knew all along: Dayton’s story is universal and gives everyone permission at any age to not only do what makes you happy but also accomplish what you truly believe in.” RUNNING WILD: THE LIFE OF DAYTON O. HYDE examines the inspirational life of Dayton O. Hyde as a modern-day renaissance man and one of the last old-style cowboys. Through heroic determination, he is preserving part of the American West and its heritage. For the last 25 years, Dayton has managed the breathtaking 12,000-acre Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary in South Dakota, where more than 500 mustangs now run free – all rescued from the controversial wild horse roundups. The film chronicles Dayton’s dramatic journey of challenges and successes that began in Michigan and took him across the West. Filming over the course of 11 years, director Suzanne Mitchell and her team interviewed Dayton, his family and the volunteers at the sanctuary to reveal Dayton’s extraordinary life and vision to convey the emotional healing that the sanctuary nurtures in him, the volunteers, and each and every horse. He continues to fight to protect the land and reveals his current effort against a uranium mining company that is poised to pollute the water and contaminate the ecosystems that support the residents, wildlife, and horses of the Black Hills. Combined with additional footage of government-captured wild horses, the film presents a stark contrast between Dayton’s success in wildlife management and protection, and how poorly the environment is managed outside of his sanctuary. Press release page 1 of 2 (Continued from Page 1) This exuberant, hard-fisted, often humorous portrait of a rancher’s life is told the way it ought to be told. From cattle drives, rodeos, conservation battles, wild horse rescues, personal heartbreak, and new-found love, this is the tale of a colorful 6’5” cowboy who is an inspiration and assures each of us that we can truly make a difference at any age if we try. The deal was negotiated by Blech and Seth Needle, Manager of Acquisitions and Marketing, on behalf of Screen Media with Peter Broderick on behalf of the filmmakers. RUNNING WILD: THE LIFE OF DAYTON O. HYDE is directed by Suzanne Mitchell, executive produced by two time Oscar winner Barbara Kopple along with executive producers Alejandro Perez and Robert Johnson of UK-based Telecom 2, produced by Suzanne Mitchell of Free Running Films, with cinematography by Mauro Brattoli and editing by R.A. Fedde. The film also features an original soundtrack by award-winning composer Steve Poltz that will be available in conjunction with the theatrical opening. For more information about the film, please go to www.runningwildfilm.com or https://www.facebook.com/runningwildfilm. ABOUT SCREEN MEDIA Screen Media acquires the rights to high quality, independent feature films for the US and Canada. Screen Media’s theatrical releases include “Heleno,” starring Rodrigo Santoro; “La Mission,” starring Benjamin Bratt; “The City of Your Final Destination,” starring Anthony Hopkins and Laura Linney; “Lymelife,” starring Alec Baldwin, Emma Roberts and Cynthia Nixon and “The Private Lives of Pippa Lee” starring Robin Wright and Keanu Reeves. Since 2001, Screen Media Films has released more than 250 titles including “Noel,” starring Penelope Cruz and Susan Sarandon; “Sherrybaby,” starring Maggie Gyllenhaal; Kevin Bacon’s directorial debut, “Loverboy;” and Emmy nominated “Dog Whisperer” with Cesar Millan. Upcoming theatrical releases include the recent Sundance favorites “The Lifeguard,” starring Kristen Bell, and Kyle Patrick Alvarez’s “C.O.G.”, the first film adaptation of famed author David Sedaris, and “Secret Disco Revolution.” Screen Media Films is a division of Screen Media Ventures, LLC. With a library of over 1,500 motion pictures, Screen Media Ventures is one of the largest independent suppliers of high quality motion pictures to U.S. and international broadcast markets, cable networks, home video outlets and new media venues. For more information, visit www.screenmediafilms.net. Contacts: Alex Klenert PRODIGY PR 310-857-2020 [email protected] Fran Perchick Running Wild 646-369-6643 [email protected] ### Links: Running Wild website: www.runningwildfilm.com Running Wild on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/runningwildfilm Running Wild on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RunningWildUSA Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary website: www.wildmustangs.com Dayton O. Hyde website: www.daytonohyde.com For Sponsorship Information Contact: Fran Perchick Director of Marketing and Public Relations Running Wild 646-369-6643 [email protected] Fred Diniz Running Wild 646-541-9419 [email protected] 17