ST. JULIE BILLIART October 30, 2016 PASTOR’S CORNER THE WEEK IN OUR PARISH SATURDAY, October 29 3-4pm Reconciliation - Church 4:30 Mass [Deceased Members of the Ricchio Family] SUNDAY, October 30 8:30 Mass [Rita (Lowell) Hoelle] 9:30 RCIA - Dot’s House 9:45 PREP - Fenmont 11:00 Mass [The Parish Family] 1:00 Misa en Español 1:00 Secular Franciscans - Dot’s House MONDAY, October 31 11:30 Holy Rosary 12:00 Mass [ACES Members, Living & Dec. ] TUESDAY, November 1 All Saints Day 8:00 Mass at St. Joseph & St. Peter 12:00 Mass [The Parish Family] 7:00 Mass (Bilingual) [The Parish Family] 7:00 Mass at St. Peter 7:00 St. Vincent de Paul - Office WEDNESDAY, November 2 All Souls Day 8:00 Holy Communion Service 7:00 BINGO - Fenmont 7:00 Memorial Mass - [The Parish Family] THURSDAY, November 3 8:00 Mass [Mafalda “Mary” Mitchell] 1:30 Staff Meeting - Church Office 2-9pm Directory Photos– Fenmont 7:00 RCIA Inquiry Class-Dot’s House 7:00 Choir Practice - Church 7:30 Parish Council - Church Office As we enter into November the Church turns its thoughts to those who have gone before us in death. We will celebrate Mass on Wednesday evening, November 2 at 7:00 pm for the intention of all those who have been buried from St. Julie Billiart in the last year. Naturally, we will also be praying with and for all of our beloved dead no matter how long ago they may have died. At this time of the year I also recall the circumstances leading up to my parents’ deaths. It is a good, but difficult, thing to talk to family about their wishes as death draws near. Younger parents wonder how to have “the talk” with their children Our Christian reality is that we have a foot firmly planted in this world and the other in eternity. That affects our approach to end of life decisions. Because we have a foot in this world we want to involve loved ones in talking about their death and our own. How do you even begin such a conversation with spouse, family, and loved ones? Let me suggest this website sponsored by Hospice of Hamilton: You might want to take a look before you think you’ll need it. Hospice also offers a video entitled “It’s never too late” ( It is an encouragement to have that conversation at whatever point of life you and your family find yourselves. FRIDAY, November 4 8:00 Mass [Ed Emenaker] 2-9pm Directory Photos– Fenmont 6:30 ESL Classes - Fenmont SATURDAY, November 5 READINGS THIS WEEK Military Services Special Collection 10-5pm Directory Photos– Fenmont 1:00 Morgan / Osterfeld Wedding 3-4pm Reconciliation - Church 4:30 Mass [Thelma Coleman McClung] SUNDAY, November 6 Military Services Special Collection 8:00 8:30 9:30 9:45 11:00 1:00 Holy Rosary Mass [Altar Rosary Members] RCIA - Dot’s House PREP - Fenmont Mass [The Parish Family] Misa en Español at St. Stephen Cemetery VOCATION VIEWS Jesus approaches us and wants to come stay with us. Be ready to change your ways, like Zacchaeus, to follow Jesus. (Luke 19:1-10) Readings for the Week of October 30, 2016 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 11:22—12:2; Ps 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13-14; 2 Thes 1:11— 2:2; Lk 19:1-10 Monday Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde, 2, 3; Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday All Saints Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1bc-2, 3-4ab, 5-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Wednesday The Commemora%on of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6; Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40 Thursday Saint Mar%n de Porres, Religious Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; Lk 15:1-10 Friday Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop Phil 3:17—4:1; Ps 122:1-2, 3-4ab, 4cd-5; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14; Ps 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15; 2 Thes 2:16—3:5; Lk 20:27-38 or 20:27, 34-38 Sunday ST. JULIE BILLIART October 30, 2016 STEWARDSHIP TREASURE: July 2016-June 2017 Weekly Collection Review Collection October 23, 2016 Adult Envelopes Received 194 Regular Collection Goal: $ 11,100.00 Regular Collection Received $ 10,741.19 Over/Under Goal: $ (358.81) YTD Regular Collection Goal: $ 188,700.00 YTD Regular Collection Received $ 173,848.23 YTD Over/Under Goal: $ (14,851.77) “MAKE -A-CHANGE” FOR OCTOBER COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING MEAL Our Catholic Cemeteries PREP BAKE SALE A SUCCESS – Thanks to you! Thank you for supporting the PREP Bake Sale!! The profits go to providing 25 Thanksgiving baskets for those in need at St. Raphael’s, RICE BOWL, Pregnancy East Center and other outreach activities. INCONTROL PARENT MEETING On Sunday, Oct. 30 there will be a meeting in the Fenmont for all parents who have children in grades 6 – 12 at PREP at 9:45 am to 10:45 am . Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, God parents are welcome to come who do not have children in PREP too. Educators from the PREGNANCY EAST CENTER will be discussing the Chastity Curriculum they will be presenting to their children. They deal with all types of topics including how to discuss pornography with your teens. A book called “PLUNGING PORNOGRAPHY” will be offered. For more information visit . First Communion/ Reconciliation Thanks to all our families for reading the white reconciliation book together! Please send the book with completed chapter pages each week to PREP. October 30 – Chapter 3 is due. Please keep our families in your prayers as they talk about the forgiveness that God offers us through the healing sacrament of Reconciliation. Thanksgiving Food Drive - PREP students are asked to bring in donations on Nov. 6, 13 & 20 of jars or cans of gravy, cranberry sauce, yams, green beans, corn, and boxes of potatoes, stuffing and cookies. Looking Ahead: Sunday, Nov. 20 is when the Confir mation Candidates and their families put together the Thanksgiving Food Baskets. Nov. 27 – No PREP Classes – Happy Thanksgiving! Planning ahead for our final wishes is a process that we all must face. Preplanning for your cemetery needs keeps you in control and preplanning removes the burden from your loved ones when a decision has to be made. Please call St Stephen Cemetery 737-1600 for information for St. Mary (4030 Pleasant Ave) or St. Stephen (1314 Greenwood Ave) Cemeteries. We have many burial options and a pre-need payment plan. Our final expression of faith as Catholics is the blessed and sacred burial in a Catholic cemetery. This is our opportunity to rest among fellow believers awaiting the resurrection to life everlasting in union with God. Collection Next Week Nov. 5-6 St Mary Cemetery, 4030 Pleasant Ave; St Stephen Cemetery 1314 Greenwood Ave; 513-737-1600 HAMILTON CATHOLIC PASTORAL REGION ALL SAINTS DAY MASSES Holy Day of Obligation TUESDAY NOV. 1 8:00 AM St. Joseph & St. Peter 12 Noon St Julie 7:00 PM St. Julie ( Bilingual) St. Peter THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED ALL SOULS DAY MEMORIAL MASS WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2 7:00 PM St. Julie SUNDAY NOV. 6 1:00pm St. Stephen Cemetery (Spanish) ST. JULIE BILLIART October 30, 2016 Luke 19:1-10 Have you ever wondered what the interaction between Jesus and Zacchaeus might have been like? What was said and done to move Zacchaeus’ heart. He is a model for reconciliation and responding to the generosity of Jesus' love and mercy. Zacchaeus went beyond apologizing, beyond giving back what he took; to giving four times the amount back to those he took from and he gave to the poor. How have you responded to God's unconditional love? How have you reconciled with those you have harmed? Prayer Dear Lord, help me to respond generously to your love and mercy with those I have hurt. Action Choose one person in your life whom you have harmed a decided to respond generously as God has been generous to you. My Song Shall Be of Mercy – Vespers in Celebration of the Conclusion of the Year of Mercy Sunday, November 6, 2016 7:00 PM Badin High School Open House 571 New London Rd. Hamilton, 45013 Are you interested in a Catholic high school education for your son or daughter? We invite you to attend the Badin Open House on Sunday, November 6, 1:004:00 PM to lear n mor e about Badin' s academic pr ograms, extra-curricular activities, financial assistance and more. Questions? Contact the Badin Admissions Office [email protected] or learn more on our website: St. Peter’s School EPIC fundraiser begins Thursday, November 3. Please use our Campaign number, 29583, when you order online at or by phone at 1855-870-7208. Disregard anything mentioning team member as it does not apply to our organization. Contact Teresa Donges at 868-3425 or [email protected] with questions or for more inforHOLY HOUR To mark the conclusion of the Year of Mercy, Solemn Vespers will be held in the Chapel of St. Gregory the Great at the Athenaeum of Ohio Fr. Anthony Stephens, CPM will be the presider and homilist. The music provided by the Athenaeum Chorale will feature works by Near, Vaughan Williams and Rutter. All are invited and welcome to attend. The Athenaeum of Ohio, 6616 Beechmont Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45230. for Vocations to the Priesthood Sunday, Nov. 13 at 5pm Come and Pray for Vocations in the St. Gregory the Great Chapel at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary 6616 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45230 513-231-2223 Remember the appointment time at the Fenmont for your Photo in the St. Julie Photo Directory! JOB OPPORTUNITY AT ST. JULIE’S! Mary Ann Accorinti will be retiring at the end of this year, so we are searching for a new team member to augment our St. Julie Staff. Receptionist/Secretarial Position Available: St. Julie Billiart Parish in Hamilton, Ohio is accepting applications for a full time, 30 hours a week, receptionist/secretarial position. Duties include operation of multi-line phone system, computer data entry, layout and editing of parish communication publications. Candidates must have excellent verbal and written communication skills, knowledge of and skill in computer applications, especially Microsoft Office products, proficient keyboarding skills, ability to relate to a variety of people and maintain confidentiality, bilingual (English/Spanish) preferred. Send resume and cover letter to Betty Meiner by November 18, 2016 at St. J ulie Billiar t Par ish, 224 Dayton Street, Hamilton, Ohio 45011 or email to [email protected]. When Jesus asked to come to his house, Zacchaeus pledged to give half of what he owned to the poor. Half! And then he did more. This thief, this extortionist promised to return at a four-fold rate all that he stole. Giving away what is not mine is an act of justice. Giving away what is mine is an act of mercy. What do I have in my possession that belongs to another? What surplus do I have that I can give away? What shall I give away that another needs? ST. JULIE BILLIART October 30, 2016 ST. JULIE BILLIART - FENMONT 229 N. Third St., Hamilton, OH Celebrating our Hispanic Culture SATURDAY, November 12, 2016 5:30 PM Gathering and Social - Salsa and Chips 6:15-7:15 PM Dinner Our Menu Roast Chicken and a variety of rice preparations and beans; Chicken Tinga, Tamales,Tostadas, lettuce with Pico de Galo, Salsas; Desserts: Flan, Tres Leche Cake, Churros Please bring your family and invite your friends to celebrate our Hispanic Culture. Reservations are very helpful as we plan our food preparations. Please complete an RSVP form and return in the collection basket or call the church office 863-1040. Transportation will be available, please call the office. Of course we need your help to prepare and serve this meal. Volunteers are encouraged and welcomed. We need your home-made tamales! A suggested donation of $10 adult / $8 Seniors & Teens / $5; Children 6-12; Under 6 no charge; Family $25. Fill out the RSVP form below! St. Julie Annual Heritage Dinner Reservation Form Number Attending: Adults ___ Teens ___ Children ___ Children under age 6 ___ I/We will: Set-up, prepare Saturday 9-11am______ Cook 4:30-6 pm_______ Serve 6:30-7:45pm_______Clean-up ______ Prepare home-made tamales______ Name ____________________Telephone_____________ e-mail_________________ Please drop this in the collection basket or mail or drop off at the church office. THANKS ST. JULIE BILLIART 30 de Octubre, 2016 Directorio de Fotos de St. Julie 2016 Sea parte del Directorio de fotos! Cada familia que participe recibirá una foto en color 8x10 y un directorio gratuito. Como participar? Puede hacerlo de las siguientes maneras: 1. Inscribase para su cita, ya sea en internet de Lunes a Viernes en stjuliebilliartparish/index.php?page=10 o en el vestibulo de la iglesia en los fines de semana de Octubre. 2. Venga a su sesión de fotos que serán tomadas en el Fenmont. Las posibles fechas y horas de sesiones de fotos son: Jueves, 3 de Noviembre - 2-9pm Viernes, 4 de Noviembre - 2-9pm Sábado, 5 de Noviembre - 10am a 5pm Lunes, 7 de Noviembre - 2-9pm Martes, 8 de Noviembre - 2-9pm Jueves, 17 de Noviembre- 2-9pm Friday, 18 de Noviembre- 2-9pm Sábado, 19 Noviembre - 10am a 5pm Lunes, 21 de Noviembre- 2-9pm Martes, 22 de Noviembre- 2-9pm Nuestra Misa Anual celebrada en el Cementerio para recordar a Nuestros Seres Queridos será el 6 DE NOVIEMBRE a la 1:00pm. Necesitamos donaciones de atoles, chocolate caliene y pan. Si están interesados por favor comuniquese con Araceli Garcia al (513) 816-8393 La misión de BCRTA es apoyar la calidad de vida y el desarrollo económico del condado de Butler a través de soluciones de transporte público. El servicio de buses tiene un servicio gratis de transporte. Para ver si califica para el servicio gratis, visite donde puede encontrar la aplicación y ver si donde vive califica para servicio gratis. Tambien puede ver información general, las rutas de transporte, horarios etc. Cena Anual de St. Julie celebrará Nuestra Cultura Hispana El Sábado 12 de Noviembre, 2016 5:30pm chips y salsa 6:15-7:15pm Cena Menu: Pollo con una variedad de arroz y frijol; Tinga, tamales, tostadas, lechuga y pico de gallo, salsas y como postre: flan, pastel de tres leches y churros. Traiga a toda su familia e invite a sus amigos a celebrar nuestra cultura! Por favor reserve para prepararnos con comida. Se sugiere una donación de $10.00 por adulto, $8.00 para mayores, $5.00 per niño de edades 6-12, gratis para niños menores de 6 años ó $25.00 por familia. El Ministerio Hispano Católico los invita al: RETIRO DE PAREJAS El 12 de Noviembre 2016 De 8:30 am – 4:00pm. Donde: Iglesia de St. Susanna 616 Readind Rd Mason, Ohio 45040 Se aceptan parejas que vivan en unión libre, parejas preparandose para Matrimonio y parejas que estén casadas por lo civil ó por la Iglesia. Registro necesario con Karla Eysoldt. El Retiro de Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial será el 18, 19 y 20 de Noviembre, en la casa de retiro de Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center 5440 Moeller Ave. Norwood, Ohio 45212. Los invitamos a mejorar su relación de pareja, mediante técnicas de comunicación que les ayuden a conocerse más profundamente y a revitalizar su vida conyugal. Para más información o registrarse por favor contacte a: Alfredo y Guadalupe Barajas al (513) 227-0536 El Santo Rosario Los invitamos a rezar con nosotros el Santo Rosario todos los Domingos a las 12:30pm antes de la Misa de la 1:00pm. Acompañenos a rezar por las Vocaciones. Recordemos con esperanza las palabras del Señor Jesús: “Les aseguro que si dos de ustedes se ponen de acuerdo en la tierra para pedir algo, se lo dará mi Padre que está en los cielos. Porque donde dos o tres están reunidos en mi nombre, allí estoy yo en medio de ellos” (Mateo 18, 19-20). Para más información por favor comuniquese con Rosita Urcia. ST. JULIE BILLIART XXXI DOMINGO ORDINARIO LEER: Sabiduría 11:22, 12:2; Salmo 144; Tesalonicenses 1:11, 2:2; Lucas 19:1-10 NOTICIAS DE PREP Primera Comunión: Gracias a todas nuestr as familias por leer la lectura del libro blanco de reconciliación! Por favor, mantenga a nuestras familias en sus oraciones mientras se preparan y hablan del perdón que Dios nos ofrece a través del Sacramento de Sanación de la Reconciliación. Comida de Acción de Gracias: Se pide a los estudiantes de PREP traer donaciones el 6, 13 y 20 de Noviembre de latas de gravy, salsa de arándano (cranberry), ejotes, maíz, y bolsas de papa, de relleno y galletas. INTERACT: Gracias a todos los padr es que asistier on al programa de Drogas y Alcohol durante PREP. La próxima sesión es el 6 de noviembre. Para más información llame a Carolina Castano al (513) 885-6031 o email a loaiza- Acompañenos a Hora Santa de Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento! Hora Santa Bilingüe el 15 de Noviembre, 20 de Diciembre,17 de Enero, 21 de Febrero. Los esperamos de 7-8pm en la Iglesia. EVENTOS ESPECIALES DE CELEBRACIÓN EN ST. JULIE BILLIART DURANTE LA MISA EN ESPAÑOLPrimer Domingo del mes: Presentaciones de 3 años. Segundo Domingo del mes: Cumpleaños. Tercer Domingo del mes: Quinceañeras, Aniversarios. Cuarto Domingo del mes: Bautizos. PLATICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES: Las próximas clases para Padres y Padrinos serán el 19 de Noviembre de 9am12pm en el Fenmont. Registro necesario, adultos solamente. ¿Quiere Bautizar? St. Julie Billiart los recibe con los brazos abiertos! Si está interesado en más información o quiere saber que requisitos necesita por favor contacte a Janet del Pilar Hernandez al (513) 863-1040 ext. 52 ó [email protected] SU CASA se ha mudado. La nueva dirección es: Mid Pointe Tower, 7162 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio 45237. Tel 513-761-1588. Para Servicios Legales de Inmigración : (513) 672-3746 Lecturas de la Semana–31 de Octubre al 5 de Nov. Lunes: Filipenses 2:1-4; Salmo 130; Lucas 14:12-14 Martes: Apocalipsis 7:2-4, 9-14; Salmo 23; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12 Miércoles: Sabiduría 3:1-9; Salmo 26; 1 Jn 3:14-16; Mt 25:31-46 Jueves: Filipenses 3:3-8; Salmo 104; Lucas 15:1-10 Viernes: Filipenses 3:14, 4:1; Salmo 121; Lucas 16:1-8 Sábado: Filipenses 4:10-19; Salmo 111; Lucas 16:9-15 30 de Octubre, 2016 No se pierdan la próxima: Casa Abierta de Badin High School Domingo, 6 de Noviembre de 1-4 p.m. Dirección: 571 New London Rd. Hamilton, Ohio, 45013 Estudiantes de la escuela primaria y sus familias están invitados a participar. Exámen de Prueba de Nivel de Secundaria (HSPT): El exámen de prueba de nivel de secundaria que es un requisito para ser admitido en cualquier Escuela Secundaria Católica del area de Cincinnati, el exámen es el Sábado, 19 de Noviembre de 8:30am a 12:00pm. Todos los estudiantes de octavo grado que tomen el exámen pueden seleccionar tres Escuelas Secundarias Católicas a donde se mandarán sus resultados. Para tomar el exámen hay un costo de $30.00. Para registrarse por favor contacte a la escuela de secundaria Católica de su preferencia. Habrá un curso de práctica para el exámen de HSPT el Sábado 12 de Noviembre de 10am-1pm . Para registrarse para el curso de práctica visite La Oficina de ABLE da clases de Ingles en diferentes localidades en Hamilton. Los que quieran registrarse pueden comunicarse con la oficina de ABLE de Butler Tech al (513) 894-0301 para más información de lugares y horas donde recibir las clases. Hamilton Lane Library los invita a: El 5 de Noviembre de 10-11am. Unos estudiantes de Ross High School presentarán cuentitos bilingües y canciones en Inglés y en Español. También harán manualidades!! ¿Conoce a alguien a quien el alcohol y las drogas representan problemas en su vida? Grupo Oxford tiene sesiones: Lunes a Sábado 7 a 9 PM Grupos de Familia Al-Anon, Jueves y Viernes de 7-9:00pm. Para más información por favor llame a: (513) 614-8784 (513) 390-3825 Si tiene alguna pregunta ó necesita más información por favor comuniquese con: Karla Eysoldt al (513) 448-8994 [email protected]