

A message from
Our class will now read “Earthquake! The 1906 San Francisco Nightmare.” This
nonfiction selection describes what happened on April 18, 1906, when a very strong
earthquake hit the city of San Francisco, California.
After your child has finished reading the selection, you may want to complete
the following crossword puzzle together. If necessary, help him or her consult the
selection to find the answers to the clues.
Copyright © SRA/McGraw-Hill. Permission is granted to reproduce this page for classroom use.
1. something that happens after
an earthquake
3. cause of much destruction
during the 1906 San Francisco
2. number of days it took to
extinguish the fires after the
1906 earthquake
3. weak place in the earth’s
crust where earthquakes
4. the scale used to measure the
power of earthquakes
Selection Vocabulary
Your child will be studying the following vocabulary words in the upcoming week.
Please review the meanings of these words with your child: clerk—a person who sells
goods or services to customers; rumble—a heavy, deep, rolling sound; shattered—
destroyed completely; exactly—without any mistakes; damaged—past tense of
damage: to make something less valuable or useful; tough—hard to deal with or do,
demanding; frames—plural form of frame: the skeleton of a building; section—a part
of something.
Your child will be studying the following spelling words in the upcoming week. Please
review the spellings of these words with your child: lucky, unlucky, freeze, antifreeze,
rest, restful, restless, fade, miswrite, count, discount, move, movement, tell, retell.
Home Connection • Communities across Time
055-056_610984_HOME3.indd 55
UNIT 5 • Lesson 3 55
6/22/07 9:34:27 AM
Un mensaje de
Nuestra clase ahora va a leer “Earthquake! The 1906 San Francisco Nightmare”.
Esta selección de no ficción describe lo que ocurrió el 18 de abril de 1906 cuando un
terremoto de gran intensidad azotó la ciudad de San Francisco, California.
Después de que su hijo(a) haya terminado de leer la selección, quizá quieran
completar juntos el siguiente crucigrama en inglés. Si es necesario, ayúdele a consultar
la selección para encontrar las respuestas de las claves.
1. something that happens after
an earthquake
3. cause of much destruction
during the 1906 San
Francisco earthquake
Vocabulario de la selección
La próxima semana su hijo(a) estudiará las siguientes palabras de vocabulario. Por
favor, revise junto a su hijo(a) los significados de estas palabras: clerk (empleado—
una persona que vende productos o servicios a los clientes); rumble (estruendo—un
fuerte y profundo ruido); shattered (destrozado—destruido completamente); exactly
(exacto—sin equivocaciones); damaged (dañado—pasado de daño: convertir algo
en menos valioso o menos útil); tough (duro—difícil de tratar, exigente); frames
(estructuras—plural de estructura: el esqueleto de un edificio); section (sección—una
parte de algo).
La próxima semana su hijo(a) estudiará las siguientes palabras de ortografía. Por favor,
revise junto a su hijo(a) la escritura de estas palabras: lucky, unlucky, freeze, antifreeze,
rest, restful, restless, fade, miswrite, count, discount, move, movement, tell, retell.
56 Unidad 5 • Lección 3
055-056_610984_HOME3.indd 56
Copyright © SRA/McGraw-Hill. Permission is granted to reproduce this page for classroom use.
2. number of days it took to
extinguish the fires after the
1906 earthquake
3. weak place in the earth’s
crust where earthquakes
4. the scale used to measure the
power of earthquakes
Comunidades a lo largo del tiempo • Home Connection
6/22/07 9:34:27 AM