Spanish K - The Gillispie School
Spanish K - The Gillispie School
Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: K Unit/Topic: Greetings, feelings and Family Start time/Duration: week 1 (7 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How do people greed in Spanish Speaking countries? How to ask someone well being? How to ask someones name? Which are the colors in Spanish? How many objects? Cuántos hay? What color is it? ¿Qué color es? How do I feel? Content -New words and expressions to greed someone in Spanish. -Self introduction: Name Me llamo.. -Colors: Amarillo Anaranjado Azul Verde Café Negro Morado Rojo Blanco -Shapes: Circulo Cuadrado Rectangulo Triangulo -Numbers(1-10) -How many shape form objects? Cuántos ciculos, cuadrados, rectangulos hay? -What color is the circlet? ¿Qué color es el circulo? -Vocabulary for feelings, Triste, Enojado, Feliz Estoy triste Estoy feliz Tengo frío Tengo calor Tengo hambre Tengo sed Tengo miedo Tengo dolor ¿Tienes…? Skills -Recognize new vocabulary -Repeat new expressions -Learn songs -Recognize new vocabulary -Listen to new songs -Identify words and match it with object. -Recognize numbers -Count objects Recognize objects with colors -Count objects and name color of the object -Recognize vocabulary -Recognize picture of family member with name of family member -Practice saying the new vocabulary while singing -Recognize the family member with the corresponding number on family pictures -Learn and practice ways of introducing friends. -Learn and practice singular and plural -Recognize the e vowel Learning Activities -Puppets, flash cardas, songs, games -Use of puppets, the kids interact with them. -Repetition of new vocabulary by using flash cards -Learning new songs flash cards, games, songs, coloring and matching picture with words -Counting objects, recognizing objects with colors, flash cards, games Assessments -Observation of conversations -Observation of dialogues Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: K Unit/Topic: Family and Community Start time/Duration: 8 week (8 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: What are the words for people in a family? What places are in a Community? Who works in a Community? How do we celebrate holidays in Mexico and in Spain? Content -Vocabulary for family members; Mamá Papá Abuelo Abuela Hermano Hermana Hijo Hija Bebé Tío Tía -Grammar structure; Yo tengo (number of family members) -Se llama (name of family member) Vocabulary for friends, masculine and feminine. … es mi amiga/amigo … son mis amigos/amigas yo juego con mi amigo/amiga - Vocabulary for community places, Panaderia, Bibilóteca Cine Restaurante Farmacia Estación de bomberos Estación de policía Mercado Hospital Banco Oficina Escuela - Vocabulary for community workers, Bombero Policía Panadero Doctor Enfermera Maestro(a) Cajero -Vocabulary for clothing Pantalones Chaqueta Camisa Botas Zapatos Casco Sombrero Mandil Calcetines - Mercado, who works in a mercado? Holidays in Mexico and Spain, traditions and culture. -Posadas -Navidad -Los tres Reyes Magos Skills -Recognize picture of family member with name -Practice saying the new vocabulary while singing -Recognize the family member with the corresponding number on family pictures -Learn and practice ways of introducing friends. -Learn and practice singular and plural -Identify places for community Learn vocabulary for community and community workers -Recognize where people work in a community -Design the places in their own community -Design clothing of community workers Learning Activities -Flash cards -Games -Songs -Role play -Building a community with cardboard boxes and label them. -Videos and books for holidays . -Dialogues -Descriptions of family members -Description of Community places and workers in the Community. Subject Area: Grade Level: K Unit/Topic: Farm animals / Zoo animals Start time/Duration: week 16 (2 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: What animals live in the farm? Who works in the farm? Content -Vocabulary farm animals perro gato pato gallina gallo pollito vaca caballo oveja -Ajectives, pequeño grande bonito feo -¿Qué color es el (farm animal)? -Me gusta el (farm animal) -En la granja hay (farm animal) -La granja es(adjective) Skills - Identify vocabulary for farm animals - Practice listening and speaking new vocabulary -Describe the animals using colors and adjectives. - Express likes and dislikes - Design a farm including all the animals learned Learning Activities -Flash cards -Games -Songs, -Videos -Books -Building a farm Assessments -Conversations -Dialogues Descriptions of animals using adjectives and colors. Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: K Unit/Topic: Weather and days of the week Start time/Duration: week 18 (2 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives:¿Qué tiempo hace? How is the weather? What day is today? How is the weather today? Content -New vocabulary for weather Hace buen tiempo Hace mal tiempo Hace frío Hace calor Está lloviendo Está nevando Hace viento Esta nevando -¿Qué día es hoy? Hoy es________ -¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? Skills -Recognize vocabulary for days of the week -Identify weather expressions -Check weather and be able to say it in Spanish. -Be able to say the day of the week by doing the daily calendar Learning Activities -Flash cards -Books related with summer, spring, fall and winter -Kids videos of weather -Games like flyswatter, bingo and concentration -New song integrating weather and days of the week. Assessments Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: K Unit/Topic: Body parts and the senses Start time/Duration: week 21 ( 4 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: Which are the parts of my body? Which part of my body I use to see, eat, hear etc? How do I dress? Content -Vocabulary for body parts, la cabeza, la cara, el ojo la nariz la boca la oreja el pelo el hombro el brazo la mano el dedo la pierna el pie el dedo del pie -Grammar structure, -Yo tengo ( I have) Yo tengo …(number) +(body part) +(color) -¿Qué mueves? (Which body part you move?) Yo muevo….(body part) -¿Qué te gusta oír? (What do you like to hear?) Me gusta oir….. -¿Qué te gusta ver? Me gusta ver… -Vocabulary for clothing la camisa el vestido la falda el suéter los pantalones la blusa los zapatos los calcetines el sombrero -Grammar structure ¿Qúe llevas puesto?Llevo puesto….. Skills - Learn new vocabulary -Identify the body parts -Respond to commands by moving the body part asked. - Count body parts - Express likes and dislikes -Identify vocabulary for clothing -Dress paper dolls with appropriate clothing item Learning Activities -flash cards - story books -songs -games Assessments -Dialogues -Conversations - Interaction between peers in the target language. Subject Area: Spanish K Grade Level: K Unit/Topic: Zoo animals and Sea animals Start time/Duration: week 25 (8weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: Which are the animals in the zoo? Which are the sea animals? Content -Vocabulary for zoo animals, el león el tigre el oso el mono el elefante la jirafa el camello el canguro el hipopótamo el cocodrilo el zoológico -Grammar structures Me gusta el ….. El (animal) come… -Vocabulary for sea animals, el pulpo el pez/ los peces el delfín el tiburón la ballena el cangrejo la foca la arena la playa -Grammar structure, -El / la (sea animal) es (adjective) -Vocabulary for actions correr caminar saltar jugar nadar Yo (verb) with (sea animal) Skills -Learn new vocabulary - Identify the body parts of the animals -Respond to commands moving the body part of the animal, using plastic animals toys -Count body parts of plastic animal toys. - Build a zoologico using plastic toy animals. - Describe animals using colors and adjectives learned - Talk about their favorite zoo and sea animal Learning Activities -flash cards - story books, - videos, - games, - songs -building a zoologico with legos and plastic toys. Assessments -Conversation and interaction between peers in the target language Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 1 Unit/Topic: Greetings Start time/Duration: Week 1 (4 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How do people greed in Spanish Speaking countries? How to ask someones name? How to ask someone well being? When do we celebrate Mexico’s Independence? How do we celebrate it? Content -New words and expressions to greed someone in Spanish. -New vocabulary to ask what is your name ¿Cómo the llamas? Me llamo….. ¿Cómo estas? My bién gracias y tú? Buenos does Buenas trades Buenas noches -Short story of Mexico’s Indepence -Cultural aspect of celebration Traditions Skills - Recognize new vocabulary - Express new expressions - Learn songs -Recognize new vocabulary -Listening to new songs -Speak between peers asking the new questions -Recognize Mexican Flag and some typical traditions. Learning Activities -Use of flash cards, songs and games and puppets. -Use of puppets, the kids interact with them. -Repetition of new vocabulary by using flash cards -Learning new songs -Animated video of Mexican Independence story -Making of Mexican flag -Watching video of Grito de Independencia of this year by President of Mexico Assessments -Conversation exercises and songs. -Complete worksheets songs Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level:1 Unit/Topic: La clase Start time/Duration:week5 (4 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: What it is in the classroom? Where is the object? What it is in the class? What color and shape? How many? Content -Vocabulary for classroom items el libro el lápiz la pluma la maestra la mesa la silla el papel el muchacho la muchacha Grammar Concept, Introduce El, La, Un, Una -What is? Qué es? Es un ..( class object) -Where is it? ¿Dónde está.. ( class object) Está en ….. -Likes and dislikes Me gusta el / la (object) Vocabulary for colors Vocabulary for numbers 1-20 -Grammar concept The(object) (color) La mesa café There is a (object) (color) Hay una mesa café en la clase Skills -Recognize new vocabulary -Use of new vocabulary by asking questions. -Practice listening -Learn songs Practice new vocabulary Student will integrate new vocabulary to make a simple sentence. Practice listening to songs Learning Activities -Flash cards activities -New song -Puppet skits with kids interaction -Fun games -Videos Assessments -Conversations using puppets -Worksheets and drawings Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 1 Unit/Topic: Dia de Muertos Start time/Duration: week 10 (2 classes) Essential Questions/Objectives: What is dia de los muertos? When is ti? How do we celebrate it? It is the Mexican Hallowen? How do we say thanksgiving in Spanish? Content -Origin and history of the dia de los muertos celebration. -How to make a dia de los muertos altar -Meaning of the items used in an altar -Vocabulary related with the celebration pan de muertos calaca altar flores vela agua foto comida -Vocabulary for Dia de Gracias gracias por familia pavo pastel de calabaza pan elote verduras pure de papa -I am thankful for (Doy gracias por) Skills Learning Activities -Compare and contrast Hallowen in the States and in Mexico. -Recognize vocabulary -Recognize new vocabulary -Practice listening and speaking -Reading books -Creating books of things they are thankful for -Watching video of dia de los muertos celebrations in different states in México. -Making paper calacas -Flash cards of food -Reading books -Creating books of things they are thankful for Assessments NA Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 1 Unit/Topic:Numbers Start time/Duration: week 14(2 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How many objects?What color are the nouns? Content -Numbers from 1-20 -Practice counting with vocabulary learned from objects in the classroom. -How many (nouns) are there? -There are number (nouns) -Grammar concept ( adjectives ending in”o” in Spanish (such as rojo) take on the gender of the noun it modifies and are singular or plural: la mesa roja -Integrate, numbers with colors and objects from the class. Skills -Practice counting -Recognize new vocabulary -Identify objects counted -Recognize new vocabulary -Practice counting while singing -Describe color of items learned from the class -Writing numbers 1-10 -Writing colors Learning Activities -Use of flash cards -Dialogs with puppets -Games and songs -Flash cards -Songs -Games -Puppets conversations Assessments -Worksheets -Oral practice Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level:1 Unit/Topic: Holidays Start time/Duration: week 16 (1 week) Essential Questions/Objectives: How do we celebrate Christmas in Spanish speaking countries? Content -How do we celebrate Christmas in Mexico and in other Spanish speaking countries. Posadas meaning and traditions -Celebración del día de Reyes -La piñata -Vocabulary for food tamales buñuelos cacahuates caramelos churros chocolate caliente rosca de reyes Skills Learning Activities -Compare and contrast holiday celebration between The States and Spanish speaking countries. -Make a piñata in class -Compare and contrast Santa Claus and the three wise men. -Recognize new vocabulary -Reading books “La historia de la noche buena” -Watching videos of story of the Poinsettia Making a paper Nochebuena -Reading books, “la piñata”, “la historia de las posadas”, “los tres reyes magos” Assessments -Playing bingo with vocabulary related with Christmas and Posadas. Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 1 Unit/Topic: Body Parts Start time/Duration: week 17 (3 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How do you say (body part ) in Spanish? Content -Body parts vocabulary cabeza orejas nariz boca hombros brazos piernas pies manos dedos -Grammar structure I have (Yo tengo) Yo tengo ( amount) body part Vocabulary for clothing La (clothing item) es (color) Skills -Recognize new vocabulary -Use new vocabulary in games and songs -Recognize new vocabulary -Practice listening and speaking new vocabulary Learning Activities -Flash cards -Read books -learn song -Play Simon said -Interactive videos -Flash cards for new vocabulary -Getting puppet dress -New song -Puppet skit Assesments -Worksheet -Drawing a monster using the new body parts learned Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level:1 Unit/Topic:Alphabet Start time/Duration:week 20 (1 week) Essential Questions/Objectives:¿Cuáles son las letras en español? ¿Qué colores empiezan con la letra A? Content -Introduce alphabet in Spanish -Words starting with a and b - Sounds of las vocales, a, e, i, o, u Skills -listening to the sounds of the letters -Recognize letter with sound -learn new words with the first 2 letters of the alphabet. -Repetition of the letter sounds Learning Activities -listening to different videos and songs for the alphabet. -Books with letters A and B words -Flash cards -They did an activity where they have small sticky letters and they need to search for the letters they need to create some specific words with a and b. We started with the colors, amarillo, azul, anaranjado. T Assessments worksheet and conversations Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level:1 Unit/Topic:Months of the year Start time/Duration:week22(2 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: ¿Qué tiempo hace? How is the weather? What day is today? How is the weather today?¿Cuántos meses hay? ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? ¿Te gusta (month of the year)? ¿Which are the 4 seasons? ¿Which months are in each season? ¿How is the weather in each season? ¿What activities I like to do in each season?¿ Which is my favorite season?¿ In which season is my birthday? Content -Vocabulary for months of the year enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre -Grammar structure, Mi cumpleaños es…… -Likes ( me gusta) Me gusta(month of the year) -Vocabulary for the 4 seasons Primavera Verano Otoño Invierno -Vocabulary for weather Hace buen tiempo Hace mal tiempo Hace frío Hace calor Está lloviendo Está nevando Hace viento Esta nevando ¿Qué día es hoy? Hoy es________ ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? -Integrating months with seasons and weather Grammar structure, Mi estación favorita es… Mi cumpleaños es en….. Hace frío en ……… Hace calor en…… Esta nevando en …… Esta lloviendo en……. Skills -Recognize vocabulario of months of the year listening and comprehension of new vocabulary. -Recognize new vocabulary -Practice listening and speaking new vocabulary -Recognize new vocabulary -Write days of the week -Check weather and be able to say it in Spanish. -Be able to say the day of the week by doing the daily calendar Learning Activities -Use of flash cards -Learning new songs -Games, poems and riddles. -Books -Calico videos -Making booklets of weather and seasons -Flash cards -Books related with winter -Kids videos of weather en Invierno -New song integrating weather and days of the week. Assessments -Conversation throughout simple questions -Making a book of weather vocabulary -Worksheets for days of the week Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 1 Unit/Topic: The Family Start time/Duration: week 24 ( 3weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How do you say (family member) in Spanish? Do you have siblings? What color are the eyes / hair of family member? ¿Cuántos (body parts) have your (family member) ? Content -Vocabulary for family members mamá papá hermano hermana tío tía bebé abuelo abuela hijo hija primo prima -Grammar structure I have (Yo tengo) Yo tengo (number of family members) Se llama(name of family member) -Adjectives bonito(a) bueno(a) grande pequeño(a) inteligente simpático(a) cariñoso(a) Skills -Recognize vocabulary -Recognize picture of family member with name of family member -Practice saying the new vocabulary while singing -Recognize the family member with the corresponding number on family pictures. Learning Activities -Family members flash cards, English and Spanish -Family reunion activity cards -Songs -Family story books Assessments -Family members booklets writing the family member name. -Worksheets Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 1 Unit/Topic: La fruta Start time/Duration: week 28 (5 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: What is (fruit name) in Spanish? Which color is (fruit name)? Do you like (fruit name) ? What is (food item) in Spanish? Do you like (food item) ? Content Skills -Vocabulary for fruit manzana pera naranja platano piña sandia fresa melón limón -Recognize new vocabulary -Practice listening and speaking new vocabulary -Express likes and dislikes -Recognize new vocabulary -Practice listening and speaking new vocabulary -Make guacamole -Make pozole -Learn traditional foods in México -Grammar structure, me gusta la ….. (I like) no me gusta (I don’t like) -Vocabulary for food items sopa queso pan leche jugo cereal carne pollo aguacate guacamole jitomate tortillas salsa -Grammar concept el / if ends in o example, el queso a/ if ends in a example, la manzana Me gusta (I like) No me gusta (I don’t like) -History of the guacamole -Typical Mexican food Learning Activities Flash cards New song Practice recognizing fruits, body parts and colors by drawing “La Señora fruta” Games Puppet skit using plastic fruits Flash cards New song poem and tong twister games and books Assessments Song Worksheet Conversations Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 2 Unit/Topic: Introduccion / repaso Start time/Duration: week 1 (7 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How does knowing how to speak Spanish impact my world? Content * Self introduction: name, numbers (1-50), and birthday * Greetings *Color and shapes: yellow, orange, gray, pink, white, black, brown, purple, circle, square, rectangle, triangle. *Months of the year *Weather *Clothing *Courtesy expressions *What color is it? *How many shapes are there? Skills The students can demonstrate knowledge of previous vocabulary and simple structures studied. Learning Activities flash cards, games, books, crafts, writing Students can identify simple sentences and phrases to communicate with others. Students will ask and answer their names. Students will recognize and use colors, shapes and sizes. Students will recognize and use months and weather conditions. Assessments Project of shape Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 2 Unit/Topic: La escuela Start time/Duration: Week 8 (4 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How can I use the knowledge of classroom objects in Spanish? How can I express the ways I come to school? What do I see in the school? Content Classroom objects vocabulary How do you come to school vocabulary Numbers Vocabulary for sizes Vocabuary for clothing Skills Identify the objects that belong to the classroom Describe the ways someone is dressed. Asking and answering simple questions Learning Activities Investigate in other classes objects, compare with them. Game with suitcase of clothes Fashion show Assessments Fashion Show Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 2 Unit/Topic: Comida Start time/Duration:week 13 (15 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: Que es nutritivo? What importance does the food plate have to healthy eating? What could be a good nutritious menu for the day? How can I express my daily routine in terms of food? Content Nutrition Chart: Fruits Vegetables Dairy products Proteins Cereals Sweets and fats Actions; I eat, I like, I don’t like,I more or less like… Numbers from 1-31 Book “Teo va al mercado” Addition: How much is it 2+8? It equals…. How many calories does..have? How many vitamins does…have? I am thinking of… How much is it? It costs…. pesos It’s cheap…. It’s expensive Breakfast, lunch, dinner I eat for breakfast… Skills Learning Activities Identify the products of the food charts and creating simple sentences to describe them Recognize and classify nutricious products Compare Identify numbers up to 100 Express how much something cost Recognize and classify products Talk about likes and dislikes listening and demonstrate comprehension of a story book Solve math problems Use numbers to tell date and solve problems. Create a menu for the three meals of the day Create a pyramid of nutritious food and one of what they eat. Assessments Menu and food pyramid Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 2 Unit/Topic: Who lives in the forest? Start time/Duration: week 28 (6 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: What does learning about animals in other places teaches us about other cultures? Content Forest animals vocabulary Verbs, me gusto, tine, es, camina, corre, vuela, vive Color and size of animals Reading about forest animals in Spanish Skills Identify the animals that live in the forest Describe and classify animals by color and size. Recognize and use vocabulary of forest animals Use verbs to complete sentences Demonstrate comprehension of readings Learning Activities videos, songs, flash cards, games, create a forest and act as different animals Write a poem Assessments Forest presentation Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 2 Unit/Topic: Animals of rain forest Start time/Duration: week 34 ( 2 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: What does animals of other places teach us about other cultures? Content Rain forest animals vocabulary Describe the animals of the rainforest and their activities. Recognize the places in Central and South America where these animals live Skills Recognize vocabulary for rain forest animals Describe the animals and their activities Recognize the places where the animals live Read a book about rain forest Learning Activities games, songs, read book, writing and create a rain forest site Assessments Rain forest performance Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level:2 Unit/Topic: The butterfly Start time/Duration: week 37 (1 week) Essential Questions/Objectives:How does learning about la mariposa teach us about Mexican culture? Content Butterfly cycle Parts of butterfly Monarch butterfly migration ( Canada, US, Mexico) Skills Recognize and use the vocabulary of the butterfly Describe what the butterfly does Describe the journey of the Monarch butterfly Learning Activities watch videos, create a butterfly and write its parts in Spanish Assessments Talk about the Monarch butterfly Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 3 Unit/Topic: Review Start time/Duration:week 1 (2 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: Which are the numbers from 1 to 100?Which are the days of the week? Which are the months of the year? When is your birthday? Which are the greetings in the Hispanisc world? Content -Vocabulary for numbers 1-100 -Vocabulary for days of the week Hoy es….. Mañana será…. Ayer fué….. -Vocabulary for months of the year Mi cumpleaños es…… -Vocabulary for seasons of the year Mi cumpleaños es en (season of the year) -¿Cúantos años tienes? Tengo…..años Skills - Learn how to write the numbers from 1-100 -Learn how to write days of the week and months of the year. -Ask someone ¿Cómo estas? and ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿Cúando es tu cumpleaños? Learning Activities flash cards, games and conversations Assessments work sheets and conversations Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 3 Unit/Topic: The class Start time/Duration:week 3 (2 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: What is in the class? ¿Dónde está (class object)? Content -Vocabulary la clase la maestra la muchacha/ el muchacho el libro el papel la pluma el lápiz la mesa la silla el reloj la mochila -Grammar structures: ¿Qué hay? Hay… ¿Dónde está? (noun) está en (noun) Express likes and dislikes Me gusta…. No me gusta….. Skills - Demonstrate knowledge of previous vocabulary and integrate new vocabulary by asking and answering questions - Identify simple sentences to communicate with others. - Identify the objects that belong to the classroom. Learning Activities flash cards, teacher instruction, games, songs, books Assessments worksheets and conversations Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 3 Unit/Topic: México, culture, history and traditions Start time/Duration: week 6 (12 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives:Where is México located? How does knowing about Aztecs civilization helps understand Mexico’s history and traditions? How does Maya civilization influence Mexican history? How many climates are in Mexico? Content Skills -Mexico location, name and location of 32 states, -Independence of Mexico (story of the shield) Aztec civilization, the Aztec legend “El Sol y la luna”, -The Aztec calendar (story of Mexican shield) -The number system of the Mayan civilization, mathematical expressions using these symbols -Pretend trip to Mexico, weather(Mexico desert, beaches, rainforest) clothing (packing suitcases, review of clothing, numbers and colors) -Going to the airport( airplane ticket, passport) -Family traditions ( family tree) -Story of guacamole -Learn names of the Mexican states in Spanish - Talk and write about the Aztec legend ”El sol y la luna” -Solve math problems in Spanish - Learn all the different climates in Mexico’s states. -Recognize clothing vocabulary -Describe and count clothing items -Recognize different climates throughout México. -Recognize travel vocabulary -Use travel vocabulary while play role at a Mexican airport. - Learn Mexican family traditions -Talk about their own family tree . - Compare different typical dishes throughout Mexican states. Learning Activities -Watching video of Mexico’s history -Writing pieces about Aztec legends -Create a paper suitcase and fill it with paper clothing needed for the trip -Skits about airport -Design family tree -Books about Mexico’s traditions, history and culture Assessments -Presentations -Mexico’s posters -Poems Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 3 Unit/Topic: Mexican market Start time/Duration:week17 (17weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How can knowing about “el mercado” teach me about cultures? How is el mercado? How to buy in Spanish? What is regatear? How does knowing about Hispanic food teach us about the Hispanic world? Content -Open-air markets in Mexico and other Latin American countries. -Latin America countries currencies. - Shopping -Grammar structures, ¿Cuánto cuesta? cuesta….. ¿ A cuánto me lo deja? -Likes and dislikes Me gusta… No me gusta… ¿Qué quiere comprar? Quiero …. - Metric system -Vocabulary for stores in an open-air market(mercado) Panadería Carnicería Frutería ( vocabulary for fruits) dulcería heladería - Directions Vocabulary for food, pan queso leche pavo pollo carne arroz sopa fruta verdura T-ypical food of the Hispanic World -Family traditions and food -Food and holidays -Origin of some foods Skills - Compare and contrast United States Supermarkets and open-air markets of Latin America and Spain. - Identify different currencies - Buy and sell products in their mercado. - Design advertisement for their products in Spanish - Give directions to another student to go from one place to another inside the market. -Learn vocabulary for food - Identify typical food of the Hispanic world - Cook some traditional food - Learn the culture of different Hispanic Countries throughout food - Compare and contrast food in different Hispanic Countries -Learn vocabulary for food - Identify typical food of the Hispanic world - Cook some traditional food - Learn the culture of different Hispanic Countries throughout food - Compare and contrast food in different Hispanic Countries Learning Activities videos, books, design stores for a mercado flash cards, games, videos, cooking Assessments Conversations and dialogues in the mercado Recepie and story behind the recipe Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 4 Unit/Topic: Review Start time/Duration: week 1 Essential Questions/Objectives: Explain rules, grading system,talking about pen pals at Stella Maris Academy. introduce quizlzet as a tool for vocabulary. Review Content Review greetings, classroom items, numbers, colors, body parts and adjectives. Throughout the year the students will write letters to their pen pals at Stella Maris Academy, by doing this they will practice their writing skills. We will meet with them two times during the year. Skills Learning Activities Assessments Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 4 Unit/Topic: Spanish speaking countries Start time/Duration: week 2 (4week) Essential Questions/Objectives: Why speaking another language? Why is important in California to speak Spanish? Throughout the year we will be learning about South America Spanish speaking countries. (Culture, traditions, sports, food etc) Content -Importance of Speaking Spanish. -Name and geographical location of each Spanish Speaking Country. -Countries and Capitals of South America Countries -Name and capitals of the Countries in SouthAmerica. Important facts of each country. -Learn that soccer is the main sport in these countries. -Vocabulary for soccer game el partido el campo la pelota la bandera la maascota esquina porteria patear correr jugar pasar tiro de esquina saque uniforme Skills -Learn which are the Spanish speaking countries. - Memorize capitals for South America Countries -Be able to localize each country in a map -learn the Countries in South America -Identify Countries in the map -Learn the Capital of each Country -Learn important facts of each country in South America -Design a flag of the Country their representing in the tournament -Create a chant for their team and make a poster -Learn the terms and rules of a game of futbol -Practice the futbol terms by playing a game of futbol Learning Activities -Watch video about importance of speaking Spanish. -Use of a map to learn the 21 Spanish speaking countries. -Learn capitals by learning a song Assessments Quiz Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 4 Unit/Topic: Buildings and the City Start time/Duration: week 8 (2 week) Essential Questions/Objectives: Buildings in the city and community workers. How is my community? Who works in my community? Content -Verb to go Yo voy Tú vas El va Nosotros vamos Ustedes van Ellos van -Vocabulary for buildings in the city oficina biblioteca museo restaurante escuela tienda mercado cine estación de policía estación de bomberos correos -Vocabulary for workers in a community policia bombero cartero taxista mesero maestro estudiante Review of regular ar verbs bailar estudiar caminar trabajar platicar escuchar Grammar structures: Yo voy a (location) Yo (verb) en (location) Yo quiero(verb) en (location) Yo no quiero ( verb) in location Skills -memorize vocabulary for buildings in the city -practice new vocabulary in short dialogues -talk about community workers work -practice using new words in sentences -talk about their community -Use new grammar structures in sentences Learning Activities -Flash cards for vocabulary and verbs -learn “Voy al centro” song -games like concentration and flyswatter Assessments -Vocabulary Quiz -Grammar Quiz -Poster board with buildings in my community -work sheets -Unit test Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 4 Unit/Topic: Rooms in the home Start time/Duration: week 11 (3 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: Rooms in the house and items in the rooms. How many(rooms) in my house? Where is (object) in the (room)? Content -Vocabulary for rooms in the house dormitorio jardín cocina sala baño comedor garage Skills -memorize new vocabulary -integrate adjectives and prepositions in a sentence. -talk about they houses and rooms in their houses to the class. -identify the object in the room. -talk about the rooms in their house -describe their house -make a presentation about their house -Vocabulary for things in the house lámpara mesa libro silla cama sofa -Vocabulary for prepositions arriba abajo adentro afuera -Use of adjectives grande pequeño(a) bonito feo -Learn verb buscar (to look for) Yo lo buscaré -Grammar Structures: ¿Dónde está (object)? Está en (location) Busca en (location) Yo busco(object) en (location) Learning Activities -flash cards for vocabulary -learn “Mi libro perdido” song -dialogues asking about their houses -Create a poster board of their houses Assessments Poster board of their house including rooms in the house and descriptions of the rooms. work sheets to practice grammar structures oral presentation of their poster board vocabulary quiz grammar quiz unit test Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 4 Unit/Topic: Adjectives, comparative and superlative Start time/Duration: week 16 ( 1 week) Essential Questions/Objectives: Use of comparatives and superlatives Learn prepositions and use them to describe where a (noun) is located? ¿Dónde está (noun)? ¿Cúal (noun) es (el/la) más (adjective)? ¿Quién es (el /la) más (adjective) ? Content -Vocabulary for adjectives grande pequeño alto bajo delgado gordo bonito inteligente simpático aburrido tonto Grammar structures: él más/ la màs (adjective) (Noun) es más (adjective) que (noun) Skills -Use comparative words in a sentence. -Identify the words for comparatives and superlatives. -Memorize new vocabulary -Write complete sentences integrating new vocabulary. -Be able give directions to someone. Learning Activities -Flash cards for vocabulary Learn song “ las siete iguanas” -work sheets. -games like race against the clock game, charades -Prepositions flash cards Songs “Soy un pajarito” and “Derecha,izquierda y alrededor” worksheets. -Using new vocabulary be able to describe where are some of the rooms of the school located. -Dialogues telling someone how to get some where. Assessments Vocabulary for prepositions and words related with expressing how to get somewhere todo recto derecha izquierda Grammar structures, ( noun ) está ( preposition ) de ( noun ) No quiero estar (preposition) de (noun) No quiero (verb) (preposition) de (noun) Quiz worksheet Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 4 Unit/Topic: Farm animals Start time/Duration:week18(2 week) Essential Questions/Objectives: Learn farm animals and be able to describe them. ¿De qué color es el(animal)? ¿Cúal es el ( animal ) comparative adjective? ¿Cúal ( animal ) tiene? Content -The kids will meet with their pen pals and they will be playing different games using material learned. -Vocabulary for farm animals. vaca perro caballo pato gallo gallina pollo gato conejo toro Grammar structures, El / la ( animal ) es (adjective) El / la (animal) está en (location) El / la (animal) es (comparative adjective) Skills -Write sentences describing the animals integrating adjectives and verbs learned. -Memorize new vocabulary. -Talk about their favorite animal. Learning Activities -Flash cards for new vocabulary -Learn song “El rancho de Pancho” -Games -With a partner write a poem about their favorite animal. Assessments Quiz Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 4 Unit/Topic: Transportation and adjectives Start time/Duration: 23 (2 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: Transportation ¿Cómo me gusta viajar? ¿Quiero viajar en (transportation item)? Content -Transportation vocabulary coche avión autobus bicicleta motocicleta tren barco Adjectives to describe transportation item nuevo viejo limpio sucio rápido lento -Grammar structures, -I want to travel in… Quiero viajar en …. No Quiero viajar en …. -El/ la (transportation item) es (adjective) -Have to Tengo un ….. Verb tener and gustar Me gusta No me gusta Tengo un (transportation item) No tengo (transportation item) Skills - learn vocabulary -writing a book describing their favorite transportation item. - Talk about their favorite travel -Talk about their last vacations Learning Activities -Flash cards Song, “Quiero viajar en un coche azul” -Games -Work sheets and dialogues Assessments -Create a story book using as a topic a transportation item of their preference Quiz Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 4 Unit/Topic: Leisure time and Present tense verbs conjugation ar, er and ir Start time/Duration: week 26(3 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: Express favorite things to do in their free time and learn present tense verbs conjugations. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? Content Vocabulary for verbs and activities leer escribir dibujar correr jugar cantar bailar dormir comer Grammar structures, ar, er, ir verbs conjugation rules. -ar verbs Yo- ar change to o tú - ar change to as el/ ella- ar change to a nosotros- ar change to amos ustedes- ar change to an ellos- ar change to an er and ir verbs Yo- er and ir change to o tú- er and ir change to es él/ella- er and ir change to e nosotros- er change to emos nosotros- ir change to imos Me gusta…(verb) Nos gusta…. Te gusta…. Le gusta…. Skills -learn new vocabulary -Integrate verbs conjugation in sentences -talk about their favorite activities to the class -describe what they like to do -describe what they like to do with their families Learning Activities -Flash cards for verbs conjugation -Verbs games and songs -Create a poster with their favorite things to do with their family and friends. Assessments -Quiz -work sheets -test -oral presentation Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 4 Unit/Topic: Human body and personal hygiene. Use of commands Start time/Duration: week 30 (2 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How to take care of my body and personal hygiene. Command form of regular verbs. Content Vocabulary for body parts cabeza pelo brazos piernas cara manos dientes ojos nariz orejas Vocabulary for personal hygiene lavar cepillar bañar maquillar Vocabulary for good habits me cepillo los dientes me lavo la cara me baño Command form of regular verbs lavate cepillate bañate rasurate vistete ponte quitate Conjugation of irregular ver poder Yo puedo tú puedes él puede nosotros podemos ustedes pueden ellos pueden Skills -memorize new vocabulary -integrate new vocabulary in complete sentences -talk about personal hygiene -talk about their habits -write and act a TV comercial Learning Activities -flash cards -songs and games worksheets -Create a TV comercial using command form verbs. Assessments Quiz Test TV comercial Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 4 Unit/Topic: Visit to the Zoo Start time/Duration: week 33( 1 week) Essential Questions/Objectives: Zoo and Sea animals ¿Cómo es el / la (animal)? ¿Qué le gusta ( verb) a mi (animal)?¿Dónde vive mi (animal)? ¿Qué come mi (animal)? Content Vocabulary for zoo and sea animals león elefante jirafa oso tigre mono cocodrilo hipopótamo flamingo pájaro koala canguro delfín ballena tortuga león marino foca - verbs, gritar pasar volar masticar saltar vivir Grammar concept I like, He likes Me gusta, le gusta No me gusta, no le gusta Quiero… No quiero… Skills -learn vocabulary -integrate new vocal and verbs in complete sentences -talk about their favorite animal to the class -describe favorite animal -research about their favorite animal Learning Activities -Flash cards games -books i-pads apps -power point of their favorite animal -worksheets Assessments -Quiz -Test -Power point presentation Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 5 Unit/Topic: Repaso Start time/Duration: week 1 ( 2 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How do we greet people in Spanish speaking Countries? How do we ask someone age? Where do you live? How many brothers and sisters do you have? Where are you from? What is your telephone number? Content -Vocabulary for greetings, Hola Adios Buenos días Buenas tardes Buenas noches Hasta luego Te presento a … Mucho gusto El gusto es mío ¿Cúantos años tienes? Tengo… años ¿Dónde vives? Vivo en … ¿Cúantos hermanos tienes? Tengo… hermanos ¿De dónde eres? Soy de …. ¿Cúal es tu número de teléfono? -Grammar concepts, Verb tener ( to have) Yo tengo, Tú tienes, El tienes, Nosotros tienen, Ellos tienes Soy de… ( I am from …) Skills -Ask and answer questions to their peers using the vocabulary learned. - Identify which expression to use to greet someone depending on the time of the year. - listening to conversations between each other. Learning Activities -Conversations and play role with partners -Instructional time and use of quilt for vocal review Assessments -Dialogues -Role plays and quiz vocabulary Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 5 Unit/Topic: Independencia de México Start time/Duration: week 3 ( 1 week) Essential Questions/Objectives:: ¿When do we celebrate Mexico’s Independence day? How do we celebrate it? Content Skills - Facts about Mexico’s history Celebration of 16 de Septiembre Typical food for 16 de Septiembre Students will identify important facts for Mexico’s Independence day. Students will compare and contrast Mexico’s and America’s Independence celebrations. Students will learn important names and dates for Mexico’s Independence day. Students can talk about Mexico’s Independence war. Learning Activities Watching videos, instruction time, reading articles and books. Assessments Worksheet and Ben diagram compare and Contrast Mexico’s and America Independence celebration. Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 5 Unit/Topic: Una visita a Madrid Start time/Duration: week 4 (22 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How to ask for a drink and a tapa? How to ask for directions? How to ask for something to eat? How to buy a train tickets and ask how much it cost?How to buy a present? How to ask for directions to get to a hotel? How to ask for a hotel room? How to ask for food at a supermarket? How to order a meal at a restaurant? How to book an excursion on a boat?How to make a reservation for a room in a hotel? How to buy clothes? How to ask for a rental car? How to express you are not feeling well and ask for medicine? Content - Vocabulary to greet and meet a friend. ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Qué tal? -Vocabulary for personal information, nationality, nombre apellido. -Name spellings -Learn how in the Hispanic Countries the person uses both last names, mom’s and dad’s. -Asking questions and saying no -Asking personal information, ¿Quién eres? ¿De dónde eres? Skills -Watching the series “BBC Mi Vida Loca” a visit to Madrid, Spain. - learn vocabulary for asking personal information to a friend. -Coffee shop - Order something to drink and eat at a coffee shop (bar) -Learn the culture and tradition of tapas in Spain -Role play as a client ordering a drink and as a waiter asking for an order. -Read/write a tapas menu. -Video tape their own scenes of their Mi Vida Loca. -Express orally what they want to eat or drink Quiero beber…. Quiero comer…. -Asking for the toilet ¿Dónde esta el baño? -Asking for the bill La cuenta por favor -Video tape their own scenes of their Mi Vida Loca. -Learn to order at a cafe -Vocabulary for drinks, una agua con / sin gas, un café, un té. learn to read a tapas menu, asking for the toilet, asking for the bill. -Grammar concept, Quiero.. ¿Para comer? ¿Para beber? helper verb(quiero) + comer… quiero + beber…. -Ask if they want anything else? ¿Algo más? - Tourism office -Directions to get to the office -Vocabulary for directions, a la derecha, a la izquierda, todo recto. -Numbers from 1-100 -Vocabulary for times and days of the week -Vocabulary for parts of the day -Vocabulary for free time and places to visit -Tourism Office -Give directions to get to the metro station. - Learn to construct sentences following: noun + de + noun. -Asking about opening times -Expressing orally time: clock -Telling the time. -Buying tickets to an attraction, Un boleto por favor. -Video tape their own scenes of their Mi Vida Loca. -A gift -Learn to buy a present -Vocabulary for accessories; pendientes, abanico, pulsera, collar. -How much it cost? ¿Cúanto cuesta? Son…. -Numbers, decimals and currency. -A gift -Asking prices -Understanding prices -Counting change -Using numbers; 4-15 -Video tape their own scenes of their Mi Vida Loca. -Travel ticket -Learn to buy travel ticket -Vocabulary for traveling, taxi, autobus,tren,barco. -Grammar structure; Use of (para) and (a) -Un boleto para….. -Un boleto a ……. -Travel ticket -Stating destination, un billete de ida por favor, un billete de ida y vuelta por favor. -Buying a coach ticket. - Ask for departures and arrival times. -Video tape their own scenes of their Mi Vida Loca -Hotel -Learn to book a room -Vocabulary for rooms in the hotel and people that work in a hotel. -Vocabulary for personal information, fecha de nacimiento, sexo. -Grammar concept; -Uses of verb ser and estar. -Use of the verb estar to express location Hay un…? Está en….. -Hotel -Asking for a hotel nearby. -Booking a room -Filling in a form -Video tape their own scenes of their Mi Vida Loca -The family -Vocabulary for family. -Grammar concept, how to use éste,ésta,éstos,éstas (pronombres demostrativos) -Surroundings, norte,sur,este,oeste. -Family -Learn the formal “you”, when to use tú and usted. -Express names of family members. -Express location using the words for surroundings like, norte,sur,este,oeste. -Video tape their own scenes of their Mi Vida Loca -Market -Learn to shop for food and basic items -Vocabulary for fruit and vegetables -Vocabulary for essential items like, pilas, champú,papel higiénico. -Grammar concept, Use of the irregular verb tener -Open air market -Buying food at a market -Asking if they have a specific item -Asking ‘Have you got..? Tienes…? -Asking ‘Can I have…? Me pones un kilo de … -Use of metric system Kg instead on lbs -Video tape their own scenes of their Mi Vida Loca -The Restaurant -Learn to order a meal -Vocabulary for breakfast, lunch and dinner -Grammar concept, regular verbs er,ir -Grammar concept; verb to like (gustar) me gusta…. no me gusta…. -The restaurant -Ordering a meal at a restaurant -Design a menu for a restaurant -Role play guests in a restaurant -Asking for the check -Asking for suggestions in the menu -Expressing likes and dislikes, me gusta el/ la…. no me gusta el/la….. -Video tape their own scenes of their Mi Vida Loca -The Excursion -Learn question words, where, who, what, a what time, how, why, how much, how many. -Times and destinations. -Department Store -Buy clothes and shoes -Describing size and color -Vocabulary for sizes (grande, pequeño, mediano) -Agreement noun and adjective gender _The excursion -Asking for times and dates -Express time -Role play and video tape scenes for Vida loca -Feeling sick -Express you are unwell using verb doler and -Department store -Learn vocabulary for sizes Learning Activities -Watch series BBC Mi vida loca. -Play roll at a coffee shop -Design a Menu for a Coffee shop -Write a script, play rol and video tape to create their Mi Vida Loca series. -Make a brochure for a train station schedule -Play role at a train station and video tape scenes for mi vida loca. -Play role at an open air market buying and selling -video tape for the Vida loca scenes -Role play at a hotel -Video tape Vida loca scenes -Set up a market and practice buying, bargain, give change. -Play role at a restaurante -Play role making a reservation for an excursion Assessments -Vocabulary quizes per chapter -Grammar chapter tests -Conversations -Vida loca project -Role plays -Worksheets Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 5 Unit/Topic: Comida y habitos alimenticios Start time/Duration:week 26 ( 9 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives:Which are the groups in a food pyramid? What do you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Content -Vocabulary for fruits manzana pera piña sandía melón limón naranja uvas durazno ciruela toronja -Vocabulary for vegetables lechuga jitomate cebolla ajo pepino espinaca hongos esparragos ejotes calabaza papas camote zanahoria apio pimiento chile -Vocabulary for dairy products mayonesa leche crema mantequilla yogur queso huevos -Vocabulary for meats pollo carne pavo jamón tocino salchicha -Vocabulary for condiments sal pimienta azúcar mostaza -Vocabulary for grains arroz lenteja frijol garbanzo -Grammar concept -Use of gustar as a helper verb -Use of me, te, le (reflexive verbs) -(reflexive verb) + (gustar) + ( infinitive verb) - ( Me) + (gusta) + (desayunar) -Verbs desayunar, almorzar y cenar, -Expressing what someone wants -Verb to want (querer) -Conjugation of an irregular verb (querer) Skills -Learn vocabulary for food -Design a restaurant menu including desayuno, comida y cena. -Practice buying in a grocery market -Ask for food at a Mexican restaurant -Use of new grammar concepts while writing and speaking Learning Activities -Making a food pyramid -Visit a grocery market -Role play and video tape Vida loca scene Assessments -Vocabulary quizz -Grammar test -Dialogues at a restaurant and a grocery market Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic: Review Start time/Duration:week 1 (1 week) Essential Questions/Objectives: How to greet someone? How to introduce to someone? Content Greet people Introduce yourself Say where you are from Exchange phone numbers Say which day it is Grammar concepts to review; Me llama.. Te llamas Soy de.. Eres de … encantado(a) Skills Remember vocabulary for greetings Compare ways to greet people here and in Spanish speaking countries Practice speaking in dialogues Learning Activities Games, conversations, videos Assessments Coversations Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic: Mi mundo Start time/Duration:week 2 (5 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How to express likes?How to describe others? How to describe possession? Content Express likes Grammar: Familiar and formal greetings Subject pronouns and ser Ser+de Gustar + infinitive, me,te, le Plural forms, le presento a.. / te presento a.. Los latinos en Etados Unidos Latin influences in last names, street names, architectural. Skills practice speaking listening to latin people practice Ser practice pronouns practice conjugation of gustar Learning Activities watching cultural videos practice conversation by dialogues instruction time worksheets Assessments Vocab quizz oral quizz Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic:Mi Mundo Start time/Duration: same Essential Questions/Objectives: How to express likes?How to describe others? How to describe possession? What is He/She wearing? ( Que lleva ?) Content Describe others Give others likes and dislikes Describe clothing Grammar; Definite articles, Indefinite articles, nounadjective agreement gender, noun- adjective agreement number Que lleva? Skills learn grammar skills recognize regional music listening to latin music practice verbal skills Learning Activities Instruction time listening to music, watching videos Assessments Vocab and oral quizz Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic: Mexican Independence Start time/Duration: 1 week Essential Questions/Objectives: When is Mexico’s Indepence? How do we celebrate it? How is the Mexican flag? Content Mexican Independe facts Lyrics from the Mexican Himn Influence of latin people in the States Skills Watch a Video from Mexican Independence Read the lyric of the Himn Compare Independe celebration with 4th of July Celebration Write a biography of an important latin person Learning Activities video, songs Assessments Write an essay about a latin person they admire and make a presentation Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic: Mi Mundo Start time/Duration:(still 5 week period) Essential Questions/Objectives: How to express likes?How to describe others? How to describe possession? How do we celebrate birthdays? De quien es? Quien es? Queens son? Content Describe Family Ask and tell ages Talk about birthdays Grammar concepts; Tener (conjugation) Possession using de Possessive adjectives Giving dates Skills Learn how to conjugate an irregular ver in the yo form Use different kinds of descriptions words Practice speaking slowly and clear Learning Activities Instruction time listening to conversations games and songs Assessments written test unit Project/ Oral presentation about My favorite Birthday Celebration Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic: School and weekly activities Start time/Duration: week 8 (5 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How to describe classes and classroom objects? How do you express frequency? Content Describe classes and classroom objects Say how often you do something Discuss obligations Review of present tense of regular verbs Uses of tener que and hay que Skills listening for feelings develop more than way of expressing an idea learn when to use tener que (obligation) learn when to use hay que (has to do ) Learning Activities Instruction time reading watching videos Assessments Write an essay about daily routines and obligations Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic: Dias festivos Start time/Duration: Week 13 ( 2 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How do we celebrate the day of the death? How do we do an altar? Content Day of the death celebration How to do an altar meaning of each item we put in the altar Skills gather information write learn new vocal and use it while writting Learning Activities write information of their person build the altar rehearsal of the speech Assessments during assembly Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic: School schedule Start time/Duration:week16 (2 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How to ask and tell time? Ask where someone is? Ask where someone is going?What do you want to eat?What do you want to drink? Content Talk about schedules Ask and tell time Ask questions Say where are you going Request food Grammar concepts, Verb to go (ir) Estar + location Interrogative words Quieres comer una merienda mexicana? Skills Practice using verb ir + place to go learn the interrogative words Compare snack with merienda Research tipical mexican marinades Learning Activities Instruction time games to review time and verbs videos Assessments conversation and vocal quiz Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic: My activities Start time/Duration: week 19 ( 1 week) Essential Questions/Objectives:How to express obligations using verb have to? Content Sequence events Talk about places and people you know Grammar; ir +a+infinitive Present tense, regular er and ir verbs irregular yo form verbs; hacer, conocer, oir Skills Learning Activities learn new verb conjugations reading, writing and listening activities compare likes between young people here and in Mexico Assessments oral conversation exercises Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic: Winter Holidays Start time/Duration:week 20 ( 1 week) Essential Questions/Objectives:How do we celebrate the Holidays in Spain and Mexico? Que son las posadas? Content Facts about Holidays in Mexico and Spain Que son las posadas? The three wise men The story of the Poinsettia Skills Read Compare holidays here and in Mexico write a short kids story Learning Activities Watch videos Act the Posadas write a short story book Assessments kids story book Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic: Leisure activities Start time/Duration:21 (3weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives:Essential Questions/Objectives: What do you like to do in your free time? How to express preference for sports ? How to express the weather? How to express how you feel? Content Extend invitations to your friends Talk on the phone Express feelings Talk about sports Express preferences Express an opinion Describe how you feel Say what is happening Grammar concepts, tener expressions weather expressions direct object pronoun present progressive Stem chanting verbs e-ie like sugar Saber Comparatives Skills learn new grammar concepts learn vocabulary integrate new vocal and grammar concepts while writing preferences integrate new grammar while expressing preferences and feelings Learning Activities Instruction time games, skits oral conversation Assessments vocab quizz unit test skit presentation Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic: Food and Mercado Start time/Duration:week 24 (3 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How to give and request directions to get somewhere? How to buy things? How to ask for prices? How to bargain in a Mercado? How to order food? How to ask for the check ? Content Identify places Give adresses Choose transportation Request directions Give instructions Talk about shopping Make purchases Talk about giving gifts Bargain Order food Request the check Talk about food Say where you went Grammar concepts, Irregular verb decir prepositions of location Regular affirmative tu commands stem chanting verbs o- ue Indirect object pronoun Indirect object pronoun placement Gustar + nouns affirmative and negative words Stem changing verbs e-ie Skills Learn nev vocabulary and grammar concepts Integrate new vocabulary and grammar concepts while writing and speaking Compare cultural aspects of a mercado Create products to sell Create signs for a Mercado Learning Activities Create a Mercado,buy and sell products,create signs, cook food, profits will go to the less fortune watch videos Instruction time Assessments The Mercado project Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic: Special Occasions Start time/Duration:week 28(3weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives:How to plan a party? How to distribute daily chores? How to purchase food? Content Describe daily routine Tell others to do something Discuss daily chores Say what people are doing Persuade others Describe a house Negotiate responsibilities Plan a party Describe past activities Purchase food Spain tradiitional food Grammar concepts, Reflexive verbs Irregular affirmative tu commands negative commands Pronoun placement with commands Pronoun placement with present progressive Verb deber Adverbs with meant superlatives regular ar preterite verbs car,gar,zar preterite verbs Skills Learn vocabulary and grammar concepts Integrate grammar concepts and vocal while speaking and writing, listening to conversations from people of Spain Compare and contrast Spanish food and American food Compare Spanish and Mexican Food Learning Activities Instruction time, songs, games, reading, listening. Organize a party, create invitations, buy products, distribute shores, buy presents, recreate the party during class Assessments Project Party, value participation, oral skills Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic:The city and the Suburbs Start time/Duration:week 32 (3 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: How is the life in the city? How is the life in the Country Side? Content Tell what happened Make suggestions to a group Describe city buildings Talk about professions Talk where things are located Talk about the past Talk about the present and future Give instructions to someone Discuss the past Grammar concepts, Regular er, ir preterites preterite verbs with i -y spelling change Preterite of ir, hacer,ser Location words Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns Ordinals Irregular preterite Skills Learn new vocabulary and grammar concepts Integrate new vocal and grammar concept while writing and speaking Talk about preference Identify international food Learning Activities Instruction time reading writing listening and watching videos Assessments Essay about favorite place to visit vocal quiz unit test Subject Area: Spanish Grade Level: 6 Unit/Topic: Review and final project Start time/Duration:week 35 (2 weeks) Essential Questions/Objectives: Can I write an article in my school paper? Am I comfortable using the past tense while writing? Content Vocabulary learned throughout the year. Use of present and past tense. Skills Integrate grammar and vocabulary while writing an article about their favorite moments throughout the year. Learning Activities Interview students, faculty and staff Assessments Newspaper articles