Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura


Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura
A Correlation of
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura
Grade 1, ©2011
Grade 1, ©2014
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
This document demonstrates how Calle de la Lectura, ©2011 content aligns to ReadyGEN,
©2014. Correlation page references are to the Calle de la Lectura Teacher’s Edition and are cited by
grade, unit and volume.
Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura is a comprehensive reading program for Kindergarten through
Grade Six that is built on solid research and prioritizes instruction for the five core areas of reading
instruction for every grade: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary and Text
Student Material
Libro del estudiante (Student Edition)
The student edition features high-quality, authentic literature organized around units that develop
grade-level science and history/social science concepts. Each unit focuses on concept development to
connect learning. Students explore one aspect of the unit concept each week, building deep and
transferable understanding. Each week paired selections strengthen understanding in science and
social studies. They also focus on genre and on new literacies for 21st century skill development.
Four reading selections per week at grades 2.2-6 emphasize comprehension, vocabulary, and writing
skills and offer opportunities for cross-textual reading in content areas. Envision It! and Words!
provide additional practice with target skills and strategies in a visual format.
Teacher’s Materials
Mi biblioteca para la enseñanza (My Teaching Library Package)
The cohesive design of this teacher resource library helps teachers deliver instruction in five critical
areas: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. Lessons support
modeling, guided practice, and a teacher’s own teaching routine. The 13-volume set is stored in a
convenient case that includes, the First Stop on Reading Street Teacher’s Edition, which explains the
Calle de la Lectura research base, outlines the program’s scope and sequence, presents instruction
routines for many skill strands, and provides helpful classroom management routines. A timemanagement aid and a built–in professional development feature are designed for teachers of all
experience levels. All Teacher’s Resources are on DVD-ROM and online.
ReadyGEN is a comprehensive, K-5 literacy curriculum of topically-related text sets and routinesbased instruction. ReadyGEN is being created with the goal of equipping all teachers and students
with the tools and practices necessary to meet the new expectations of the Common Core Standards
and the Publisher’s Criteria. Lessons are designed on the principles of the gradual release of
responsibility framework with the goal of building independent readers and writers. At the heart of
ReadyGEN is a reciprocity between reading and writing to promote student thinking and understanding
through citation of text-based evidence. Students are taught to carefully analyze and synthesize
sources, write to sources, and defend claims.
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Table of Contents
Unit 1 Connecting to Our World .............................................................................. 4
Unit 2 Becoming a Classroom Citizen ................................................................... 10
Unit 3 Making Choices .......................................................................................... 15
Unit 4 Planting for the Future............................................................................... 20
Unit 5 Observing the Messages of the Natural World ........................................... 23
Unit 6 Welcoming Diversity .................................................................................. 28
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Unit 1 Connecting to Our World
PBA Description
Task: Life Lessons
Children will think about the lessons of
friendship the characters learned in
Stellaluna. They will then illustrate and
write a short narrative about how the
characters showed their friendship when
they first met and then later in the story.
The following material will help students
complete the Performance-Based
Writing: Story/fantasy, 1.1.1: 17d−17e,
29h−29e, 32−33, 33a, 35d−35e, 37h−37i,
43d–43e, 57c–57d, 60–61, 61a, 63d–63e,
Anchor and Supporting Texts
Anchor Text (Trade Book): Literary Text
Stellaluna by Janell Cannon AD550L
Supporting Text (Text Collection):
Literary Text “Dragons and Giants” from
Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel
“Batty” by Shel Silverstein
“The Little Birds” (anonymous)
The main characters in the following
selections learn about friendship and
working together.
Max y Ruby: Un pescado para Max,
(Animal fantasy about brother and sister
that learn together)
1.2.1: 12a–43l
Sapo y Sepo, inseparables (Animal
fantasy about a frog and toad that are
1.3.2: 118a–149l
Alba tiene una amiga muy especial
(Realistic fiction about a girl who wants a
new friend)
1.5.1: 12a–51l
Clara y Félix ante el caso de la bellota,
(Informational fiction about two mouse
detectives that find a missing kitten)
1.5.1: 90a–129l
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Readers will retell stories, including key
details, and demonstrate understanding of
the central message or lesson. RL.1.2
Writers will write a narrative story in
which they recount one or more sequenced
events, and in which setting plays a role.
Learners will recognize important
relationships between characters.
Theme, 1.4.1: 57a, 60c, 66–67, 70–71,
76–77, 79a, 87b, 1.4.2: 159a, 162c, 166–
167, 168–169, 172–173, 176–177, 178–
179, 183a, 1.5.2: 207a, 210c, 226–227,
230–231, 233a, 241b
Writing: Realistic Fiction (organization,
setting, and time order), 1.3.1: 17d−17e,
33d−33e, 36–37, 37a, 41c–41d, 43h–43i
Character, 1.P.1: 15d, 17a, 22–23, 29a,
50–51, DL8–DL9; Character and setting,
1.1.1: 17a, 20c, 22–23, 24–25, 29a, 31a,
37b, 48–49, 58h, 71a, 74c, 76–77, 78–79,
85a, 87c, 93b
Sapo y Sepo, inseparables (animal
fantasy about a frog and toad that are
1.3.2: 118a–149l
Big Idea
Pregunta de la semana: ¿Qué necesitan las
mascotes? (What do pets need?) 1.1.1:
12a, 12j, 12–13, 18a–18b, 30a–30b, 34a–
34b, 36a–36b
Pregunta de la semana: ¿Por que las
personas y los animales son importantes
unos para otros? (How do animals help
people?), 1.1.1: 66a, 66j, 66–67, 72a–72b,
84a–84b, 88a–88b, 92a–92b
¡Salvemos ese huevo! (Children take care
of eggs in a nest), 1.1.2: 120a-145l
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Enduring Understandings
Readers understand that they improve
their comprehension by identifying and
understanding the story elements of a text.
Writers understand that details play a role
in explaining characters, central message
and setting of the story. W.1.3
Learners understand that characters relate
to one another.
Character, 1.P.1: 15d, 17a, 22–23, 29a,
50–51, DL8–DL9; Character and setting,
1.1.1: 17a, 20c, 22–23, 24–25, 29a, 31a,
37b, 48–49, 58h, 71a, 74c, 76–77, 78–79,
85a, 87c, 93b
Writing: Story/fantasy, 1.1.1: 17d−17e,
29h−29e, 32−33, 33a, 35d−35e, 37h−37i,
43d–43e, 57c–57d, 60–61, 61a, 63d–63e,
65h–65i; Writing: Realistic Fiction
(organization, setting, and time order),
1.3.1: 17d−17e, 33d−33e, 36–37, 37a,
41c–41d, 43h–43i
Pregunta de la semana: ¿Por que las
personas y los animales son importantes
unos para otros? (How do animals help
people?), 1.1.1: 66a, 66j, 66–67, 72a–72b,
84a–84b, 88a–88b, 92a–92b
Character, 1.P.1: 15d, 17a, 22–23, 29a,
50–51, DL8–DL9
Sapo y Sepo, inseparables (animal
fantasy about a frog and toad that are
1.3.2: 118a–149l
Clara y Félix ante el caso de la bellota,
(Informational fiction about two mouse
detectives that find a missing kitten)
1.5.1: 90a–129l
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
PBA Description
Task: Animal Q & A
Children will write a question-and-answer
piece of writing, with guidance and support,
about an animal and its environment.
Children will use facts from either Elephants
and Their Calves or What Do You Do with a
Tail Like This? The writing will state two
questions and answers to those questions.
The following material will help students
complete the Performance-Based
Pregunta de la semana: ¿Cómo cooperan
las comunidades doe animales para
sobrevivir? (How do animal communities
work together to survive?) 1.2.2: 104a,
104j, 104–105, 110a–110b, 128a–128b,
132a–132b, 136a–136b
Study Skills: Asking Questions, 1.1.1: 17f;
1.3.1: 17f; 1.4.2: 125f
Anchor and Supporting Texts
Anchor Text (Trade Book): Informational
Elephants and Their Calves by Margaret
Hall 370L
Supporting Text (Text Collection):
Informational Text What Do You Do with
a Tail Like This? by Steve Jenkins and
Robin Page 620L
“The Elephant” by Arnold Sundgaard
“The Caterpillar” by Christina Rossetti
The following texts involve nature and
Una zorra y un cachorro (A fox takes
care of the baby fox)
1.1.2: 94a–119l
“Ayuda a las aves" (How-to-article about
caring for birds)
1.1.2: 142–143
"Un médico para cada animal" (Doctors
taking care of animals)
1.1.1: 62–63
Parque de animales (Literary nonfiction
about an animal park)
1.1.2: 146a–171n
La mascota de la classe (Expository text
about the class mascot)
1.3.1: 84a–117l
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Readers will read informational texts in
search of answers to questions. RI.1.1
Writers will create one informational piece
on a topic they are interested in learning
more about. W.1.2
Answering questions, 1.1.2: 99a, 102c,
106−107, 108−109, 111a, 113a, 117a,
119b, 162−163, 164h; 1.3.1: 105a; 1.5.2:
135a, 138c, 142−143, 144−145, 146−147,
150−151, 152−153, 157a, 162−163, 165b
Explanation, 1.2.1: 83d−83e, 95d−95e,
98−99, 99a, 101d−101e, 103h−103i;
Directions, 1.4.2: 195d−195e, 217c−217d,
220−221, 221a, 225c−225d, 27h−227i
Learners will explore a variety of
informational texts while asking and
answering questions.
La vida en el bosque (Expository Text)
1.2.1: 138a–169l
La mascota de la classe (Expository text
about the class mascot), 1.3.1: 84a–117l
De viaje por Washington D.C.
(Expository Text) 1.4.1: 88a–119l
“Mi 4 de Julio” (Autobiography), 1.4.1:
Big Idea
Pregunta de la semana: ¿Quiénes forman
nuestra famalia? (Who is in our Family?),
1.P.1: 38a, 38j, 38–39, 42aa–42b, 44a–
44b, 44m–44l, 60a–60b
Pregunta de la semana: ¿Por qué una
esquela se considera un acomunidad? (How
is a school a community?), 1.2.1: 44a, 44j,
44–45, 70a–70b, 76a–76b
Pregunta de la semana: ¿Quién ayuda a
que nuestro vecindario sea un buen lugar
para vivir? (Who Works to make our
community a nice place?), 1.2.2: 78a, 78j,
78–79, 84a, 96a, 100a, 102a
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Enduring Understandings
Readers understand informational text is
written differently than literary text and
makes different demands on the reader.
Writers understand that different genres
have different structures and conventions.
Learners will explore content to
understand that living things have certain
behaviors that shape them and allow them
to survive.
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
Fiction and Nonfiction, 1.P.1: 71c; 1.P.2:
123c; Elements of Fiction, 1.2.2: 127a
Research and Inquiry, 1.1.1: 33c, 37j, 61c,
65j, 87c, 93j; 1.1.2: 115c, 119j, 141c,
145j, 167c, 171j; Explanation, 1.2.1:
83d−83e, 95d−95e, 98−99, 99a,
101d−101e, 103h−103i; Directions, 1.4.2:
195d−195e, 217c−217d, 220−221, 221a,
225c−225d, 27h−227i
Pregunta de la semana: ¿Cómo cuidan los
animales silvestres a sus crías? (How do
wild animals take care of their babies?),
1.1.2: 94a, 94j, 94–95, 100a–100b, 112a–
112b, 116a–116b, 118a–118b
Una zorra y un cachorro (a fox takes
care of the baby fox), 1.1.2: 94a–119l
¡Salvemos ese huevo! (children work to
save eggs in a nest), 1.1.2: 120a–145l
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Unit 2 Becoming a Classroom Citizen
PBA Description
Task: Classroom Citizens
Children discuss how Katie Sue in The
Recess Queen and Tillie in A Fine, Fine
School acted as responsible students at
their schools. Children will then write their
opinion about what it means to be a
responsible classroom citizen and supply a
reason for the opinion.
Anchor and Supporting Texts
Anchor Text (Trade Book): Literary Text
A Fine, Fine School by Sharon Creech
Supporting Text (Text Collection):
Literary Text
The Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neill
“School Bus” by Lee Bennett Hopkins
“Countdown to Recess” by Kalli Dakos
The following material will help students
complete the Performance-Based
Fact and Opinion, 1.3.1: 89a, 92c, 94–95,
100–101, 107a, 117b, DL12–Dl13; Writing
Comments About a Story, 1.3.1: 49d−49e,
73d−73e, 76−77, 77a, 81c−81e, 83h−83i
The following texts all explore school life in
a variety of ways:
En la escuela (realistic fiction about going
to school),
1.P.2: 116a–141f
Cómo vas a la escuela? (photo essay
about getting to school),
1.P.2: 138i, 138–139
La mascota de la clase (expository text
about taking care of a class pet)
1.3.1: 84a–117l
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Readers will retell stories, including key
details, and demonstrate understanding of
their central message or lesson. RL.1.2
Writers will formulate an opinion and
supply reasons for the opinion. W.1.1
Retelling, 1.1.1: 30−31, 58−59, 84−85,
1.1.2: 112−113, 138−139, 164−165
1.5.1: 40−41, 78−79, 120−121, 1.5.2:
156−157, 194−195, 232−233
Writing Comments About a Story, 1.3.1:
49d−49e, 73d−73e, 76−77, 77a, 81c−81e,
Learners will explore content to
understand how children contribute to a
classroom community as “classroom
Pregunta de la semana: ¿Qué hay a nuestro
alrededor en la escuela? (What is around us
at school?), 1.P.2: 116a, 116c, 116e,
116g, 116j, 116–117
La mascota de la clase (expository text
about taking care of a class pet), 1.3.1:
Big Idea
Pregunta de la semana: ¿Quién ayuda a
que nuestro vecindario sea un buen lugar
para vivir? (Who Works to make our
community a nice place?), 1.2.2: 78a, 78j,
78–79, 84a, 96a, 100a, 102a
De viaje por Washington D.C.
(Expository Text) 1.4.1: 88a–119l
“Mi 4 de Julio” (Autobiography), 1.4.1:
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Enduring Understandings
Readers understand that details in the text
help them identify the central message in
the text. RL.1.2
Writers understand that opinions are
supported by reasons.
Theme, 1:4:1: 57a, 60c, 66–67, 70–71,
79a, 87b; 1.5.2: 207a, 210c, 226–227,
230–231, 233a, 241b; Retelling, 1.5.1:
40−41, 78−79, 120−121
Writing Comments About a Story, 1.3.1:
49d−49e, 73d−73e, 76−77, 77a, 81c−81e,
83h−83i; also see: Fact and Opinion,
1.3.1: 89a, 92c, 94–95, 100–101, 107a,
117b, DL12–Dl13
Learners will explore content to
understand that citizenship begins with
becoming a contributing member of the
classroom community.
En la escuela (realistic fiction about going
to school), 1.P.2: 116a–141f
El campesino (realistic fiction about
putting on a play together), 1.2.1: 44a–77l
Manos amigas en 4–H (expository text
working together in a 4-H club),
2.2.1: 70i, 70–71, 72–73, 74–75, 75a
PBA Description
Task: Global Student Citizens
Using what they have learned and read
about children from around the world,
children will choose one student from It’s
Back to School We Go! or Going to School.
Children will compare and contrast their
own school experiences with this student’s
school experiences. Their report will explain
how children all around the world are
connected to one another through their
school experiences.
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
The following assignments will help
students complete the Performance-Based
List, 1.3.1: 123d-123e, 141c-141d, 144145, 145a, 147d-147e, 149h-149i
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Anchor and Supporting Texts
Anchor Text (Trade Book): Informational
It’s Back to School We Go! (First Day
Stories from Around the World) by Ellen
Jackson 760L
Supporting Text (Trade Book):
Informational Text
Going to School by Margaret Clyne,
Rachel Griffiths, and
Cynthia Benjamin 590L
“Crayons” by Jane Yolen
“Numbers” by Elizabeth Madox Roberts
Readers will identify a main topic and
retell key details using the text and
illustrations. RI.1.2
The following texts all explore working
together in learning environments:
El campesino (realistic fiction about
putting on a play together)
1.2.1: 44a–77l
La mascota de la clase (expository text
about taking care of a class pet)
1.3.1: 84a–117l
Manos amigas en 4–H (expository text
working together in a 4-H club)
2.2.1: 70i, 70–71, 72–73, 74–75, 75a
Main Idea and Details, 1.1.2: 99a, 102c,
106−107, 108−109, 111a, 113a, 117a,
119b, 162−163, 164h
Writers will create an explanatory text
including facts about a topic and some
closure. W.1.2
Learners will explore content to
understand that as global citizens, we are
connected to people beyond our own
communities and we have a shared
responsibility to protect and respect our
Big Idea
Explanation, 1.2.1: 83d−83e, 95d−95e,
98−99, 99a, 101d−101e, 103h−103i;
Short Report, 1.5.2: DE11−DE20
Un lugar para todos (realistic fiction
about opening a community center),
1.3.1: 12a–43l
Pregunta de la semana: ¿Qué tesoros
encontramos en nuestro país? (What
treasures can we find in our country?),
1.4.1: 88a, 88j, 88–89, 94a, 110a, 114a,
“Mi 4 de Julio” (Autobiography), 1.4.1:
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Enduring Understandings
Readers understand that illustrations and
details in the text help identify main ideas.
Writers understand that facts help explain
a topic. W.1.2
Learners will explore content to
understand that as global citizens, we are
connected to people beyond our own
communities and we have a shared
responsibility to protect and respect our
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
Main Idea and Details, 1.5.2: 135a, 138c,
142−143, 144−145, 146−147, 150−151,
152−153, 157a, 162−163, 165b
Expository Paragraph, 1.2.2: 175d–175e,
193c–193d, 196–197, 197a, 199d–199e,
201h–201i; Expository Article, 1.3.2:
DE11−DE20; Short Report, 1.5.2:
Un lugar para todos (realistic fiction
about opening a community center),
1.3.1: 12a–43l
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Unit 3 Making Choices
PBA Description
Task: A Story of Choices
The stories in this unit teach readers about
choices and making decisions. Children will
write narratives about a time in their life
when they had to make a choice, just as
Saruni did in My Rows and Piles of Coins.
Anchor and Supporting Texts
Anchor Text (Trade Book): Literary Text
My Rows and Piles of Coins by Tololwa
M. Mollel AD700L
Supporting Text (Text Collection):
Literary Text
Lemonade in Winter by Emily Jenkins
“My Lemonade Stand” by Rebecca Kai
“Mud Pies a Penny” by Alan Benjamin
Readers will retell stories, including
character, setting and major events, and
demonstrate understanding of their central
message or lesson. RL.1.2
Writers will create a narrative of an event
in sequence using powerful words to show
emotion. W.1.3
Learners will explore content to identify
how characters make choices about how to
spend money.
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
The following material will help students
complete the Performance-Based
Personal Narrative, 1.1.2: 99d−99e,
111d−111e, 114−115, 115a, 117d−117e,
119h−119i, DE11−DE20
The following texts all explore making
choices in a variety of situations:
En busca del tesoro (realistic fiction
about making choices to find a treasure),
1.1.1: 12a–37l
¡Salvemos ese huevo! (realistic fiction
about deciding to save a bird’s egg),
1.1.2: 120a–145l
El jardín de piedras (realistic fiction about
deciding to fix up someone’s yard)
1.5.2: 202a–241n
Retelling, 1.2.2: 128−129, 160−161,
194−195; 1.3.2: 142−143, 174−175,
208−209; 1.4.1: 44−45, 78−79, 110−111,
1.4.2: 144−145, 182−183, 218−219
Personal Narrative, 1.1.2: 99d−99e,
111d−111e, 114−115, 115a, 117d−117e,
119h−119i, DE11−DE20
De compras (realistic fiction about making
choices at the market),
1.P.2: 142a–167h
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Big Idea
Pregunta de la semana: ¿En qué casos se
necesita una solución ingeniosa para
resolver un problema? (When does a
person need a clever solution?), 1.5.1:
12a, 12j, 12–13, 18a, 40a, 44a, 50a
El jardín de piedras (realistic fiction about
deciding to fix up someone’s yard)
1.5.2: 202a–241n
Enduring Understandings
Readers understand we can learn lessons
through characters in stories. RL.1.6
Writers understand that word choice
enables a reader to understand a story.
Learners will explore content to
understand that how people choose to use
their resources can help them get what
they want and need.
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
Theme, 1.4.2, 159a, 162c, 166–167, 168–
169, 172–173, 176–177, 178–179, 183a,
Interesting Details, 1.1.2: 111d−111e;
Personal Narrative, 1.1.2: 99d−99e,
114−115, 115a, 117d−117e, 119h−119i,
Nuestra comida (expository text about
where our food comes from),
1.P.2: 164i, 164–165
Manos amigas en 4–H (expository text
working together in a 4-H club),
2.2.1: 70i, 70–71, 72–73, 74–75, 75a
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
PBA Description
Task: Making Decisions
The informational texts in this module
teach readers about goods and services and
how people make choices about which
goods and services they purchase. As a
class, children will compose a list of goods
(i.e., paper products) and services (i.e.,
butcher, baker) they find at their local
grocery store. Then each child will choose a
good or service from the list and write an
opinion piece to tell about a good or service
that they feel is important to their family.
They will support their opinion with a
Anchor and Supporting Texts
Anchor Text (Trade Book): Informational
Goods and Services by Janeen R. Adil
Supporting Text (Text Collection):
Informational Text
Supermarket by Kathleen Krull AD630L
“Food” by Meish Goldish
“To Market, To Market” by Anne Miranda
The following assignments will help
students complete the Performance-Based
List, 1.3.1: 123d–123e, 141c–141d, 144–
145, 145a, 147d–147e, 149h–149i;
Expository paragraph, 1.2.2: 175d–175e,
193c–193d, 196–197, 197a, 199d–199e,
The following texts all related to the goods
and services we purchase:
De compras (realistic fiction about making
choices at the market)
1.P.2: 142a–167h
Nuestra comida (expository text about
where our food comes from)
1.P.2: 164i, 164–165
Manos amigas en 4–H (expository text
working together in a 4-H club)
2.2.1: 70i, 70–71, 72–73, 74–75, 75a
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Readers will state and explain the reasons
an author gives to support points in a text.
Writers will compose an opinion and
support the opinion by supplying a reason.
Learners will explore content to
understand that people make decisions by
considering choices.
Big Idea
Author’s Purpose, 1.2.1: 101a, 103b,
DL12–DL13; Main Idea and Details, 1.5.2:
135a, 138c, 142−143, 144−145, 146−147,
150−151, 152−153, 157a, 162−163, 165b
Writing Comments About a Story, 1.3.1:
49d−49e, 73d−73e, 76−77, 77a, 81c−81e,
¡Salvemos ese huevo! (realistic fiction
about deciding to save a bird’s egg),
1.1.2: 120a–145l
El jardín de piedras (realistic fiction about
deciding to fix up someone’s yard), 1.5.2:
¡Salvemos ese huevo! (realistic fiction
about deciding to save a bird’s egg),
1.1.2: 120a–145l
Pregunta de la semana: ¿Hay distintas
maneros de ver las cosas? (How can we
look at things in a different way?), 1.5.1:
52a, 52j, 52–53, 58a, 78a, 821a, 88a
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Enduring Understandings
Readers understand that the details in the
text support the author’s main points.
Writers understand that an opinion has to
be supported with a reason. W.1.5
Learners will explore content to
understand that people make decisions
about how to spend what they earn.
Main Idea and Details, 1.1.2: 99a, 102c,
106−107, 108−109, 111a, 113a, 117a,
119b, 162−163, 164h
Writing Comments About a Story, 1.3.1:
49d−49e, 73d−73e, 76−77, 77a, 81c−81e,
83h−83i; also see: Fact and Opinion,
1.3.1: 89a, 92c, 94–95, 100–101, 107a,
117b, DL12–Dl1
De compras (realistic fiction about making
choices at the market),
1.P.2: 142a–167h
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
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Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Unit 4 Planting for the Future
PBA Description
Task: Continue the Story
Families have beliefs, customs, and
traditions that they pass on to other
generations. Children will recall and retell
what Miss Rumphius’s grandfather teaches
her: to go to faraway places, to live by the
sea, and to do something to make the
world more beautiful. Children will craft
their own narrative that tells what Miss
Rumphius’s niece, Alice, does after she
learns these life lessons from her greataunt.
Anchor and Supporting Texts
Anchor Text (Trade Book): Literary Text
Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney 680L
Supporting Text (Text Collection):
Literary Text
The Family Tree by David McPhail AD480L
“Garden Tip” by George Shannon
The following material will help students
complete the Performance-Based
Realistic Fiction, 1.1.2: 125d–125e, 137d–
137e, 140–141, 141a, 143d–143e, 145h–
The following selections explore
celebrations and community:
Un lugar para todos (realistic fiction
about opening a community center)
1.3.1: 12a–43l
Un regalo de cumpleaños para mamá
(realistic fiction about a boy who wants to
make his mother’s birthday special)
1.4.1: 12a–51l
Mi 4 de Julio (autobiographical text about
celebrating a holiday)
1.4.1: 114i, 114–115, 116–117
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
A Correlation of Scott Foresman Calle de la Lectura, ©2011, Grade 1
to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Readers will identify who is telling a story.
Writers will compose a narrative with
details and a sequence of events. W.1.3
Learners will explore content to
understand how traditions and lessons are
passed on from generation to generation.
Big Idea
Writers understand that narratives contain
characters and sequenced events. W.1.3
Learners will explore content to
understand that life is a process of growth,
change, and learning in which important
lessons are taught from generation to
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Unit 6
Realistic Story, 1.1.2: 125d–125e, 137d–
137e, 140–141, 141a, 143d–143e, 145h–
Un regalo de cumpleaños para mamá
(realistic fiction about a boy who wants to
make his mother’s birthday special),
1.4.1: 12a–51l
Mi 4 de Julio (autobiographical text about
celebrating a holiday), 1.4.1: 114i, 114–
115, 116–117
Un regalo de cumpleaños para mamá
(Realistic Fiction: Birthday gift for mom),
1.3.1: 12a–51l
Enduring Understandings
Readers understand who is telling a story
and how that shapes the story. RL.1.6
Grade 1
Narrator, 1.4.1: 109b
Volume 2
Narrator, 1.4.1: 109b
Personal Narrative, 1.1.2: 99d−99e,
111d−111e, 114−115, 115a, 117d−117e,
119h−119i, DE11−DE20
Estudios Sociales en Lectura: La Familia,
1.P.1: 60i, 60–61
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
PBA Description
Task: Steps in a Sequence
Children will use the information and
features found in How a Seed Grows and
The Life Cycle of an Apple Tree to create
their own book that includes at least three
steps that show how a seed grows.
Anchor and Supporting Texts
Anchor Text (Trade Book): Informational
The Life Cycle of an Apple Tree by Linda
Tagliaferro 340L
Supporting Text (Trade Book):
Informational Text
How a Seed Grows by Helene J. Jordan
“Dancing in the Breeze” by George
“Zucchini” by George Shannon
Readers will describe the connection
between two facts in an informational text.
Writers will use facts and details to
compose an explanatory text. W.1.2
Volume 2
The following selections all explore how to
take care of animals and plants.
Nuestra comida (expository text about
where our food comes from)
1.P.2: 164i, 164–165
Manos amigas en 4–H (expository text
working together in a 4-H club),
2.2.1: 70i, 70–71, 72–73, 74–75, 75a
Cómo cultivar plantas (how-to article
about cultivating plants)
1.3.2: 146i, 146–147, 147a
Compare and Contrast, 1.2.2: 175a, 178c,
180−181, 184−185, 186−187, 194h, 195a,
197c, 201b
Nuestra comida (expository text about
where our food comes from),
1.P.2: 164i, 164–165
Manos amigas en 4–H (expository text
working together in a 4-H club),
2.2.1: 70i, 70–71, 72–73, 74–75, 75a
Cómo cultivar plantas (how-to article
about cultivating plants), 1.3.2: 146i, 146–
147, 147a
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Unit 6
Directions, 1.4.2: 195d−195e, 217c−217d,
220−221, 221a, 225c−225d, 27h−227i
Explanation, 1.2.1: 83d−83e, 95d−95e,
98−99, 99a, 101d−101e, 103h−103i
Learners will explore content to identify
what is necessary for growth.
Grade 1
The following material will help students
complete the Performance-Based
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Big Idea
Pregunta de la semana: ¿Quiénas forman
nuestra familia? (Who is in our family),
1.P.1: 38a, 38–39, 42a, 44a, 44m, 60a
La familia (Photo Essay), 1.P.1: 60i, 60–
Enduring Understandings
Readers understand the connection
between multiple pieces of information in a
text. RI.1.3
Writers understand that facts and details
help explain information to others. W.1.2
Learners will explore content to
understand growth happens over time and
that each part of an organism contributes
to this process.
Compare and Contrast, 1.5.1: 95a, 98c,
100−101114−115, 116−117, 121a,
126−127, 129b; Research: Classify and
Categorize, 1.3.1: 105g
Expository Paragraph, 1.2.2: 175d–175e,
193c–193d, 196–197, 197a, 199d–199e,
201h–201i; Short Report, 1.5.2:
Cómo cultivar plantas (how-to article
about cultivating plants), 1.3.2: 146i, 146–
147, 147a
Unit 5 Observing the Messages of the Natural World
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
PBA Description
Task: Moon Stories
The moon has inspired a wide variety of
narrative writing. Children will write
another story that includes the moon as a
central feature. It can be a fantasy about
creatures that live on the moon or a
realistic story about a character who learns
something about the moon. Children are
free to choose the genre and plot of their
Anchor and Supporting Texts
Anchor Text (Trade Book): Literary Text
Many Moons by James Thurber 790L
Supporting Text (Text Collection):
Informational Text
Let’s Visit the Moon by Patricia Newman
“Running Moon” by Elizabeth Coatsworth
“Sleeping Outdoors” by Marchette Chute
The following material will help students
complete the Performance-Based
Fantasy Story, 1.1.1: 43–43e, 57c–57d,
60–61, 63d–63e, 65h–65i
The following selections all involve
observing messages of the natural world.
Una zorra y un cachorro (literary
nonfiction about foxes and their offspring),
1.1.2: 94a–119l
“Ayuda a las aves" (How-to-article about
caring for birds)
1.1.2: 142–143
La vida en el bosque (expository text
about the varieties of plants and animals in
a forest)
1.2.2: 138a–169l
Readers will identify describing words and
phrases and key details in various texts.
Writers will use what they learn in literary
and informational texts to create a
narrative. Writers will use time order to
sequence events. W.1.3
Learners will explore content to
understand how to compare messages
about the natural world in literary text with
information about the natural world in
nonfiction text.
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
Sensory Details, 1.1.2: 137b; 1.4.1: 43a;
Sensory Language, 1.4.2: 217a
Fantasy Story, 1.1.1: 43–43e, 57c–57d,
60–61, 63d–63e, 65h–65i
Una zorra y un cachorro (literary
nonfiction about foxes and their offspring),
1.1.2: 94a–119l
La zorra y las uvas (fable), 1.1.2: 116i,
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Big Idea
“Ayuda a las aves" (How-to-article about
caring for birds)
1.1.2: 142–143
La vida en el bosque (expository text
about the varieties of plants and animals in
a forest)
1.2.2: 138a–169l
Enduring Understandings
Readers understand that sensory details in
a text can describe and that facts and
details in a text can convey information.
RL.1.4; RI.1.2
Writers understand that narrative texts
are sequenced events that include a
conclusion with some sense of closure.
Learners will explore content to
understand that observations of the natural
world can tell us something about the
human world.
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
Sensory Details, 1.1.2: 137b; 1.4.1: 43a;
Sensory Language, 1.4.2: 217a; Main Idea
and Details, 1.1.2: 99a, 102c, 106−107,
108−109, 111a, 113a, 117a, 119b,
162−163, 164h
Personal Narrative, 1.1.2: 99d−99e,
111d−111e, 114−115, 115a, 117d−117e,
119h−119i, DE11−DE20
Una zorra y un cachorro (literary
nonfiction about foxes and their offspring),
1.1.2: 94a–119l
“Ayuda a las aves" (How-to-article about
caring for birds)
1.1.2: 142–143
La vida en el bosque (expository text
about the varieties of plants and animals in
a forest)
1.2.2: 138a–169l
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
PBA Description
Task: Question-and-Answer Book
Children will create a question-and-answer
book that asks and answers questions
about the planets or other elements of the
solar system. Children will participate in
shared research on their questions and use
the anchor and supporting texts as well as
other texts as research tools for their
Anchor and Supporting Texts
Anchor Text (Trade Book): Informational
Our World in Space: Planets by Erin
Dealy 480L
Supporting Text (Trade Book):
Informational Text
The Sun by Martha E. H. Rustad 370L
“Sun” by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace
“A Circle of Sun” by Rebecca Kai Dotlich
The following material will help students
complete the Performance-Based
Explanation, 1.2.1: 83d–83e, 95d–95e,
98–99, 101d–101e, 103h–103i
The following selections are all nonfiction
selections that explore the natural world
around us:
La vida en el bosque (expository text
about the varieties of plants and animals in
a forest)
1.2.2: 138a–169l
Un bosque en el agua (magazine article
about mangrove forests),
1.2.2: 164i, 164–165, 166–167
Las abejas (expository text about bees),
1.2.2: 170a–201n
Readers will use facts and details found in
text features and multiple parts of an
informational text to find answers to
questions. RI.1.5
Writers will use research and experiences
to write informational text. W.1.2
Learners will explore content to
understand how to use observations and
new learning to make predictions about the
universe and its stars.
Research and Inquiry: Parts of a Book,
1.2.1: 33g; Research and Inquiry: 1.2.1:
37c, 1.2.2: 159g, 163c; Science in
Reading, 1.2.2: 164i, 164–165
Expository Paragraph, 1.2.2: 175d–175e,
193c–193d, 196–197, 197a, 199d–199e,
201h–201i; E-Newsletter, 1.5.1:
DE1−DE10; Short Report, 1.5.2:
Ciencias en Lectura: Agua, 1.5.1: 124i,
124–125, 126–127
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Big Idea
Mi vecindario antes y ahora (My
neighborhood then and now), 1.3.1: 38i–
Pregunta de la semana ¿Qué aprendemos a
medida que crecemos y cambianos? (What
do we learn as we grow and change?),
1.3.1: 44a, 44j, 44–45, 50a, 74a, 78a, 82a
Enduring Understandings
Readers understand that facts, details,
and features enable them to find answers
to their questions. RI.1.5
Writers understand that research and
experiences will enable them to provide
answers and information to readers. W.1.2
Learners will explore content to
understand that observation and prediction
help us to discover the world.
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
Research and Inquiry: 1.3.1: 73g, 81e,
83j; Dictionary, 1.3.2: 126a, 134–135,
149a, 158a, 162–163, 168–169, 181a
Research and Inquiry, 1.1.1: 33c, 37j, 61c,
65j, 87c, 93j; 1.3.1: 37c, 37j, 77c, 83j,
109c, 117j; 1.4.2: 147c, 153j, 185c, 189j,
221c, 227j
La vida en el bosque (expository text
about the varieties of plants and animals in
a forest)
1.2.2: 138a–169l
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Unit 6 Welcoming Diversity
PBA Description
Task: Book Review
In this unit, children read about real people
and fictional characters who come to
understand the challenges of immigration
either by being immigrants, knowing
immigrants, or witnessing the arrival of
immigrants. Children will write a review of
one of the texts they have read. They will
select two lines from the text and, using
illustrations and words, express the feelings
the lines suggest and how those lines
impact children’s opinion of the text.
Anchor and Supporting Texts
Anchor Text (Trade Book): Informational
Emma’s Poem by Linda Glaser AD790L
Supporting Text (Text Collection):
Literary Text
A Picnic in October by Eve Bunting 310L
“Statue of Liberty” by J. Patrick Lewis
“Lady Liberty” by Laura Purdie Salas
The following material will help students
complete the Performance-Based
Writing Comments About a Story, 1.3.1:
49d−49e, 73d−73e, 76−77, 77a, 81c−81e,
The following selections explore the theme
of community:
El vecindario de Quinito (realistic fiction
about the life of a neighborhood),
1.2.1: 78a–103l
Mapa del vecindario (procedural text
about mapping a neighborhood),
1.2.1: 100i, 100–101, 101a
Un lugar para todos (realistic fiction
about opening a community center),
1.3.1: 12a–43l
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Readers will retell stories, including key
information about characters, setting, and
major events. Readers will demonstrate
understanding of a story’s central message
or lesson. R.L.1.2
Retelling, 1.3.1: 34−35, 74−75, 106−107,
1.3.2: 142−143, 174−175, 208−209
1.4.1: 44−45, 78−79, 110−111, 1.4.2:
144−145, 182−183, 218−219
Writers will formulate an opinion and
support it with good reasons and text
evidence. W.1.1
Fact and Opinion, 1.3.1: 89a, 92c, 94–95,
100–101, 107a, 117b, DL12–Dl1
Learners will explore content to
understand American’s rich diversity.
Estudios Sociales en Lectura: Rip Van
Winkle, 1.P.1: 34i, 34–35
Mi 4 de Julio (autobiographical text about
celebrating a holiday), 1.4.1: 114i, 114–
115, 116–117
Big Idea
En la esquela (realistic fiction about school
– illustrations show diversity), 1.P.2:
El campesino (Realistic fiction where
illustrations show diversity), 1.2.1: 44a–77l
Enduring Understandings
Readers understand that characters in
stories can convey important life lessons.
Writers understand that valid opinions are
supported by reasons. W.1.1
Learners explore content to understand
that America is a strong country because of
the diversity of its people.
Character and Plot, 1.5.1: 17a, 20c,
22−23, 26−27, 30−31, 32−33, 36−37,
38−39, 39a, 51b, 1.5.2: 232h
Writing Comments About a Story, 1.3.1:
49d−49e, 73d−73e, 76−77, 77a, 81c−81e,
83h−83i; also see: Fact and Opinion,
1.3.1: 89a, 92c, 94–95, 100–101, 107a,
117b, DL12–Dl1
De viaje por Washington, D.C.
(expository text about a visit to the nation’s
capital), 1.4.1: 88a–119l
Mi 4 de Julio (autobiographical text about
celebrating a holiday), 1.4.1: 114i, 114–
115, 116–117
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
PBA Description
Task: Opinion Piece
Children will think about the people they
read about in this unit who moved to a new
place. Using the T-chart created in Lesson
10, they will consider the rewards and
challenges that people face when they
move. Then children will imagine that their
own family is considering moving to a new
place and they have been asked to give
their opinion. Would they like to move to a
new place, or would they rather stay where
they live now? Children will write their
opinion about moving.
Anchor and Supporting Texts
Anchor Text (Trade Book): Informational
Coming to America: The Story of
Immigration by Betsy
Maestro 890L
Supporting Text (Text Collection):
Informational Text
L is for Liberty by Wendy Cheyette
Lewison 560L
“Happy Birthday to Us!” by Laura Purdie
“Flag Music” by Laura Purdie Salas
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2
The following material will help students
complete the Performance-Based
Explanation, 1.2.1: 83d–83e, 95d–95e,
98–99, 101d–101e, 103h–103i; Personal
Narrative, 1.1.2: 99d−99e, 111d−111e,
114−115, 115a, 117d−117e, 119h−119i,
The following selections are about life,
traditions, and culture in the United States.
De viaje por Washington, D.C.
(expository text about a visit to the nation’s
1.4.1: 88a–119l
Mi 4 de Julio (autobiographical text about
celebrating a holiday)
1.4.1: 114i, 114–115, 116–117
Alexander Graham Bell: Un gran
inventor (biography of an American
1.5.2: 166a–201l
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to ReadyGEN ©2014, Grade 1
Scott Foresman
Calle de la Lectura, ©2011
Grade 1
ReadyGEN, ©2014
Grade 1
Readers will identify a main topic and
retell key details using the text and
illustrations. RI.1.2
Writers will formulate an opinion and
support it with a reason and text evidence.
Learners will explore content to appreciate
the rich diversity of America and celebrate
how it fosters understanding between
Big Idea
Main Idea, 1.5.2: 135a, 138c, 142−143,
144−145, 146−147, 150−151, 152−153,
157a, 162−163, 165b
Writing Comments About a Story, 1.3.1:
49d−49e, 73d−73e, 76−77, 77a, 81c−81e,
83h−83i; also see: Fact and Opinion,
1.3.1: 89a, 92c, 94–95, 100–101, 107a,
117b, DL12–Dl1
Mi 4 de Julio (autobiographical text about
celebrating a holiday), 1.4.1: 114i, 114–
115, 116–117
En la esquela (realistic fiction about school
– illustrations show diversity), 1.P.2:
El campesino (Realistic fiction where
illustrations show diversity), 1.2.1: 44a–77l
Un lugar para todos (realistic fiction with
Asian characters), 1.3.1: 12a–43l
Enduring Understandings
Readers understand that illustrations and
details in the text help them identify main
ideas about a topic. RI.1.7
Writers understand that valid opinions are
supported by reasons. W.1.1
Learners explore content to understand
challenges immigrants faced in America.
Main Idea, 1.1.2: 99a, 102c, 106−107,
108−109, 111a, 113a, 117a, 119b,
162−163, 164h
Fact and Opinion, 1.3.1: 89a, 92c, 94–95,
100–101, 107a, 117b, DL12–Dl1; Writing
Comments About a Story, 1.3.1: 49d−49e,
73d−73e, 76−77, 77a, 81c−81e, 83h−83i
Alexander Graham Bell: Un gran
inventor (biography of an American
inventor), 1.5.2: 166a–201l
Calle de la Lectura Reference Key
Grade 1
Unit 6
Volume 2