November 13, 2016 - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Parish
November 13, 2016 - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Parish
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat. - Sun.: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30 p.m. (Eng) Sunday 8:30 a.m. (Eng.) 11 a.m. (Eng.) 1 p.m. (Español/Spanish) 1 p.m. Chapel (Akan) 5:30 p.m. (Eng.) Weekday: (Mon.-Sat.) 8:30 a.m. (Eng.) (Mon.-Wed., Fri.) 6 p.m. (Eng.) Thur. 6 p.m. (Span.) Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays - 4-5 p.m. (English/Español) ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC SCHOOL Principal: Chad Riley, Ph.D. 2015 SW Green Oaks Blvd. Arlington, TX 76017 email: [email protected] Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Marshall O. Whitecotton Conference): Help Line: 682-429-8231 1927 SW Green Oaks Blvd., Arlington, TX 76017 Parish: 817-472-5181 817-467-9319 (Fax) School: 817-419-6800 email: [email protected] Scripture Study: STAFF Pastor: Fr. Daniel Kelley. ................................................................................. ([email protected]) Parochial Vicar: Rev. Michael Kwaku Boahene ........................................... ([email protected]) Parochial Vicar: Rev. Xavier Silvadasan, HGN .........................................([email protected]) Pastoral Ministers: Deacon Bill Johnson.......................................................([email protected]) Deacon Isidro Olvera .........................................................([email protected]) Office Manager: Anita Favila .......................................................................... ([email protected]) Parish Secretary: Diana Campos ...............................................................([email protected]) Accounting: Gabriella Diaz ............................................................................... ([email protected]) Director of Religious Education: Rosa Villalpando ................................ ([email protected]) Coordinator of RCIA Program: Rodney Asebedo ............................. ([email protected]) Director of Hispanic Ministry: Sr. Gloria Cabrera, SSMN .......................... ([email protected]) Director of Youth Ministry: Scott Lawson .................................................... ([email protected]) Safe Environment Coordinator: Loretta Williams ....................................... ([email protected]) Director of Music & Organist: Aaron Medina ............................................. ([email protected]) Facility Coordinator: Irene Salters ...................................................................([email protected]) Communications: Rebecca Bosquez.............................................................. ([email protected]) Bulletin Assistant: Reyna Castelán ............................................................(rcastelá[email protected]) Faith Community Nurse: Nancy Banks .......................................................... ([email protected]) Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth St. Joseph, Arlington, Texas 1 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions The Church Office will close at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 23. The office will re-open on Monday, Nov. 28. There will be no exercise class on Friday, Nov. 25. SAT., NOV. 12 8:30 a.m......................................... Julia Jackson 5:30 p.m..........................................Jim Hilley † SUN, NOV. 13 8:30 a.m.���������������� Robert Gomez Rivera, Sr. † 11 a.m.���������������������������������Maria, Tran Thi Tu 1 p.m........................................... For the people 5:30 p.m.����������������� Daisy Finnegan (Spec Int) MON., NOV. 14 8:30 a.m.���������������� Robert Gomez Rivera, Sr. † 7 p.m.�������������������������������������Ankersen Family TUE., NOV. 15 8:30 a.m...................................Fabrice Akpunku 7 p.m.�������������������� Robert Gomez Rivera, Sr. † WED., NOV. 16 8:30 a.m.������������������������ Rosemary Carpenter † 6 p.m.�������������������� Robert Gomez Rivera, Sr. † THU., NOV. 17 8:30 a.m...................................... Randy Litton † 6 p.m.������������������������������Maria Tran Thi The † FRI., NOV. 18 8:30 a.m.�������������������������� Anai Ortiz (Spec Int) 6 p.m.�����������������������������������������Betty Sue Elks SAT., NOV. 19 8:30 a.m.�������������������Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ukpai 5:30 p.m...................................... For the People SUN, NOV. 20 8:30 a.m.�������������������Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ukpai 11 a.m.���������������������������������� Yolanda Sandoval 1:00p.m........................................José Noyola † 5:30 p.m.��������������������������Mother † of Eduardo How can I have Masses said for friends, family or deceased loved ones? Come by the Parish Office during business hours to request a date when you wish the Mass to be said. Please keep in mind the calendar is booked 6-12 months in advance. The next available slots are in February 2017. In accordance with Canon Law, a donation of $5 per Mass is the maximum stipend and only one intention per Mass is permitted. The Men’s Club will be selling the New St. Joseph Sunday Missals after Masses this weekend. The cost for the 2017 edition is only $5 per missal and contains the complete Masses for all Sundays and Holydays from the beginning of Advent through the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Such popular hymns as “I Am the Bread of Life,” “All Are Welcome,” “Eye Has Not Seen,” “We Walk By Faith,” and “Taste and See” also will be included in this new edition. Readings of the Week Sat. 11/12 Memorial of Saint Josaphat: 3 Jn 5-8 | Ps 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-6| Lk 18:1-8 Sun., 11/13 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Mal 3:19-20a | Ps 98:5-6, 7-8, 9 | 2 Thes 3:7-12 | Lk 21:5-19 Mon 11/14 Monday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5 | Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 | Lk 18:35-43 Tues., 11/15 Tuesday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22 | Ps 15:23a, 3bc-4ab, | Lk 19:1-10 Wed, 11/16 Wednesday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time: Rv 4:1-11 | Ps 150:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6| Lk 19:11-28 Thu, 11/17 Memorial of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious: Phlm 7-20 | Ps 146:7, 8-9a, 9bc-10 | Lk 17:20-25 Fri, 11/18 Friday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time: Rv 10:8-11 | Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131 | Lk 19:45-48 Sat. 11/19 Saturday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time: Rv 11:4-12 | Ps 144:1, 2, 9-10 | Lk 20:27-40 Sun., 11/20 The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe: 2 Sm 5:1-3 | Ps 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5 | Lk 23:35-43 The parish is seeking nominations for the Pastoral Council. Please email Fr. Kelley for more information or with recommendations. 2 SECOND COLLECTION: NOV. 19-20 Next week’s collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to break the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and community economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and reach out to those living on the margins. Please give to the CCHD Collection. November 13, 2016 WEEKLY FINANCIAL & ATTENDANCE INFORMATION November 6, 2016 Regular Collection:.........................$19,690 Total Weekend Attendance: 3,415 Celebrating the Sacraments at St. Joseph Catholic Parish • Baptisms for children under age seven are celebrated during the last weekend of the month. Parents and Godparents must participate in Baptismal Preparation Class. Please call the office to register. • Baptism for children older than 7 is offered through RCIA Adapted for Children and Teens, a separate 2-year catechetical program. Please contact Rosa Villalpando at the church office for more information. • First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation is available for baptized children in 2nd grade and older, after successfully completing two consecutive years of Faith Formation in any of the following: St. Joseph Catholic School, Sunday morning Faith Formation, Religious Education. PREPARATION FOR ADULTS is offered year round. VOLUNTEER NEEDED • Confirmation preparation for High School Sophomores is held in conjunction with our Youth Ministry Program September through April each year. Preparation for adults is scheduled in the Spring. Call the office for more information. Arts & Environment Committee The Christmas season is fast approaching and it’s time to think about changing our church environment. The committee is looking for adults with creative minds, who are team players, and most of all, have a willing spirit. Please contact Loretta Williams in the parish office for more information. All work will be completed during the work day. • Sacrament of the Sick. Any parishioner who will have major surgery or has a grave illness, or elderly parishioners who feel the need of this sacrament please call the office. NEW PARISHIONERS AND UPDATES: New parishioners are always welcomed. Please pick up a registration form in the Narthex or at the church office. Please remember to complete the registration form with accurate information. As of April 1, 2014, proof of residence (utility bill, etc.) will be required with each new registration. New registrations will receive envelopes in 2-3 months. ¿ Se han cambiado de casa? ¿ Tienen nuevo número de teléfono? ¿ Un recién nacido? ¿ Algún otro cambio? ¿ Por favor, llame a la oficina 817 472 5181 y actualice su información. • • • Reminder: Only registered parishioners will receive envelopes. Please use your envelopes on a routine basis to remain “active” in the database. Please be sure to call or stop by the office to update your account with new phone or address information. • Marriage Preparation is scheduled through our office. Please call 9-12 months before your preferred wedding date to begin the process. • Holy Orders. Information is available through the Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Fort Worth at 817-5603300. Information is also available through this office concerning Vowed Religious Life. 3 St. Joseph, Arlington, Texas Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time NOVIEMBRE 13, 2016 • XXXIII DOMINGO ORDINARIO Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento El Santísimo Sacramento se encuentra expuesto jueves y viernes en la capilla de las 9:00am a las 5:45pm. El Santísimo Sacramento nunca debe estar solo; Si usted puede pasar una hora con Jesús, llame a la oficina para informarles el día y hora de su compromiso. Durante su visita puede rezar el rosario, meditar sobre alguna lectura espiritual, o simplemente contemplar con adoración al Señor. • • • La Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano (CCHD) es el Evangelio vivo y la enseñanza social católica en acción. Más de 43 millones de estadounidenses, viven entre el desalojo y el hogar, entre el hambre y la salud, entre el desempleo y el trabajo, entre la ansiedad y la estabilidad. La segunda colecta del próximo domingo será a beneficio de esta Campaña que otorga fondos a grupos cuyas actividades son consistentes con la enseñanza moral y social católica y que ayudan a los pobres para que estos se puedan ayudar a sí mismos. Por favor contribuyan generosamente. • • • Sesiones Pre-Bautismales en Español Los padres de familia y los padrinos deben asistir a una plática que, tendrá lugar en el Centro Parroquial. Es necesario inscribirse en la oficina por lo menos 10 días antes de la sesión. No hay guardería infantil. La última sesión de este año será el 28 de noviembre de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. PROGRAMA DE QUINCEAÑERAS (Nos reuniremos siempre en la Iglesia). Práctica: Misa: 31 de octubre, 2016 5 de noviembre, 2016 7:00 pm 1:00 pm Práctica: Misa: 30 de enero, 2017 4 de febrero, 2017 7:00 pm 1:00 pm Práctica: Misa: 1ro de mayo, 2017 6 de mayo, 2017 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Clases en la Primavera 4 de abril, 2017 Ch#3 11 de abril, 2017 Ch#3 18 de abril, 2017 Ch#3 25 de abril, 2017 Ch#3 La participación de los padres es requerida. Ch#5 7:00-9:00 pm Bishop Olson celebrará la Misa de clausura del Jubileo Extraordinario de la Misericordia, el sábado 19 de noviembre a las 5:00 pm, en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Merced. OFICINA DE FORMACIÓN EN LA FE Domingo 11/13 Educación Religiosa sesión dominical #10 de 9:00 a 10:30 am • Niños de edad prescolar hasta quinto grado, se reúnen en el edificio escolar. • Niños que ya recibieron su primera comunión, se reúnen en el centro comunitario. DÍA DE DAR GRACIAS: NO HABRÁ CLASES LOS DOMINGOS 20 Y 27 DE NOVIEMBRE Domingo 11/13 Retiro Familiar de Reconciliación #3 de 2:50 a 5:15 pm • La inscripción comienza a las 2:30 pm. • Los niños y un padre/guardián necesitan asistir y registrarse en la iglesia. • Las familias necesitan llegar antes de las 2:45 y quedarse hasta que termine la sesión. PRÓXIMA SESIÓN: 22 DE ENERO, 2017 Jueves 11/17: RICA adaptado para niños y jóvenes, sesión #11 de 7:00 a 8:30 pm • Las familias se reunirán con sus hijos en los salones de la iglesia. PRÓXIMA SESIÓN: 1º. DE DICIEMBRE ¡FELIZ DÍA DE DAR GRACIAS! La Iglesia Católica de San José tiene disponible el puesto de Director de Educación Religiosa. Esta persona será responsable de planear, coordinar y conservar la calidad de la educación religiosa en San José. Debe ser católico practicante. Para más información y descripción del puesto, por favor, llame al P. Kelley al 817 472 518, Ext. 1009. 4 November 13, 2016 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION St. Joseph Catholic Parish is seeking a Director of Religious Education. The DRE will be responsible to plan, coordinate and maintain quality religious education at St. Joseph. Must be a practicing Catholic. For more information/Job Description please call Fr. Kelley at 817.472.5181 x 1009. Upcoming RE Sessions Sunday 11/13: Sunday RE Session #10 9 - 10:30 a.m. • Children in preschool through 5 grade will meet in the St. Joseph School building. • Children who have already received first communion will meet in the Community Center classrooms. • THANKSGIVING BREAK for SUNDAYS Nov. 20 and Nov. 27 Sunday, November 13: Sacramental Preparation: Reconciliation Family Retreat #3 2:50-5:15 p.m. • Sign in begins at 2:30 p.m. in the Church. • Children and one parent/guardian need to attend and sign in the Narthex. • Families need to arrive no later than 2:45pm and stay until the end of the session. • Last Session until Jan. 22, 2017 Thursday Nov. 17: RCIA Adapted for Children and Teens Session #11 at 7 p.m. • Families will gather in the church classrooms • LAST SESSION UNTIL Dec. 1: HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM THE PARISH NURSE Nurse Nancy would like to extend a HUGE Thank You to everyone who assisted with the October Senior Luncheon. The response was impressive and so were the costumes! Thank you especially to the kitchen crew who continues to amaze with the set-up, clean-up and overall enthusiastic participation. Finally, the thematic event would not have been possible without the décor, music and gifts from Jack & Margaret Gariota. Everyone is so wonderful to continue to keep this group gathering going every month. YOUTH NEWS Nov. 13, 2016 7 – 8:30 p.m. Chapter 41: Honoring Family Chapter Learning Objectives • The participants will examine the Fourth Commandment and what it teaches us about honoring our parents and living in a family. • The participants will explore the duties parents have toward their children and the responsibility children have to respect their parents and follow their rules. • The participants will reflect on how Jesus modeled God’s loving care for us. YOUTH NEWS GRADES 9-12 (Teen Talk, Teen Talk Too, and Young Apostles) Nov. 16, 2016 The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Small Group) 7 – 8:30 p.m. Participants will refresh their learning and experience of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. They will do that by working with the Rite of the Sacrament1, using the prayers and ritual to reflect on forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing in their own lives. • • • Chosen (High School Confirmation) Nov. 16, 2016 Session 10 – When Did My Journey Begin? 7 – 8:30 p.m. This is the second of 10 MANDATORY Confirmation Classes that CANNOT BE MISSED! Please bring your book and a pen and don’t be late! • • • Teachers NEEDED Wednesday and Sunday Nights! Contact Scott if you Can Help We have been blessed to have had some of the most amazing volunteers help guide our parish youth ministry program throughout the year. We attempt to make it as painless and stress-free as possible for each person. Our goal is to have 3 adults to help teach in each of the 14 small groups we offer each year on Sunday nights (ThE EDGE – Grades 6-8) and Youth Night Wednesday nights (Youth Night – Grades 9-12). We offer support and training. It’s a very rewarding ministry and it’s not as difficult as you might think. Please contact Scott Lawson (682) 597-6033 if you are interested or if you have any questions. Thank you! NOTE: We are in desperate need for AT LEAST 3 MORE ADULTS to help teach (2 on Sunday nights and 1 on Wednesday night). Some people who had committed to help have not shown up, leaving those faithful adults who have maintained their commitment to have to pull double duty. Please answer the call and help! • • • Opportunities for Service Looking for Willing Teens to Serve God’s People We are in the process of creating a Teen Service Team from the youth of our parish. We are looking for teens who want to do the following: • Wanting to exercise their Catholic DNA by serving the poor and those in need. • Willing to commit to a couple of events per month (to begin with). • Willing to invite other youth to join these service events. We are also in need of some adults who would love to help these teens on these events for transportation and supervision. If you are interested, please contact Scott Lawson (682) 597-6033 or [email protected] St. Joseph, Arlington, Texas RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) PROGRAM Have you thought about joining the Catholic Church? • Find out how to accept the gift of heaven. • Marrying someone or married to someone who is a Catholic and wants the family to worship together. • Be able to participate in all the sacraments. • Become aware of why Catholics do what they do. • Develop a personal relationship with God. • Grow in Faith, learn to Love. INTERESTED? The Inquiry Group meets 7-9 p.m. every Thursday (all year) in the Community Center. Come and get your questions answered. For more information, contact rodneyasebedo@sbcglobal. net or 214-497-7647. FROM THE PARISH NURSE Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The Fall Blood Drive was a great success! Nurse Nancy and the folks at Carter Blood Care would like to thank everyone who signed up, donated and even those who were turned away because of the time. It was an overwhelming response. Carter Blood Care offers the following results and comments from that day: • 103 donors were screened • 90 units of blood drawn • 247 lives saved and/or touched 5 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time We are excited to announce that our parish has subscribed to a dynamic new online platform called FORMED. Every parishioner will have 24/7 access to the best Catholic content on any device, including your computer, smartphone and tablet with internet access. With FORMED you’ll find video programs that explain the Catholic faith, explore the deepest meaning of marriage, receive Bible studies on a variety of topics and includes inspiring audio talks. They’re all part of our parish subscription. It truly is the Catholic faith - on demand. Here’s how easy it is to get FORMED: Go to You should see the registration box for parishioners. Type in the parish code: 4BDX9H Now set up a username and a password. Now you are all set to use all the great programs on anytime by simply logging in. If you have any questions please contact Rebecca Bosquez or Fr. Kelley • • • Nos da gusto anunciar que el Padre Kelley ha inscrito nuestra parroquia en un programa en línea llamado FORMED. Los siete días de la semana, a cualquier hora y desde cualquier lugar, usando su computadora, celular o tableta, usted tiene acceso a libros y videos que explican la verdad, belleza y el profundo significado de la fe católica. Vaya a, en la página principal, donde dice “enter parish Access code here” ponga 4BDX9H. En la siguiente página ponga su información personal y su nombre de usuario y contraseña para tener acceso a la gran variedad de valiosa información sobre nuestra fe. Para Español vaya al final de la página. 6 November 13, 2016 Prayerfully Consider Supporting Our Bulletin Ads are tax-deductible • Ads Save the Church Printing Expense Place A Memorial • Place An Intention MEYER CHIROPRACTIC Law Office of Richard Bennett Care You Can Trust! Serving St. Joe’s Parish Non-Surgical Disc Treatment 5520 S. Cooper #111 817-GOT-PAIN Probates • Guardianships 307 West 7th Street, Suite 1204, Fort Worth 76102 [email protected] (817) 984-6411 | (682) 647-1907fax We fabricate all storefront signs anywhere in USA 817-271-0002 Great websites start at $500! Nolan Catholic High School is a ministry of the Diocese of Fort Worth evangelizing students to be tomorrow’s servant leaders through: EDUCATION IN FAITH FORMATION IN HOPE PERSEVERANCE IN CHARITY Personal tours available. Please contact Lisa Griffith at [email protected] or 817-395-0436. LAW OFFICE -CIVIL -PERSONAL INJURY 512.452.3413 Development & Support -IMMIGRATION -IRS TAX ISSUES Se Habla Espanol 817-522-6669 Debra Bachleda cpa, pc • Water Damage, Fire and Smoke • 24 Hour Emergency Service • Carpet Clenaing and Floor Care • Post Construction Cleaning • Greater Metroplex Area Service 817.795.9394 | 817.825.6537 Danny Houghton, Co-Owner - Parishioner 10% Discount to Parishioners Tax and Financial Consulting Parishioner 5503 Grissom Rd. #110 San Antonio 210-681-8283 $5 OFF WHEEL DEAL Dennis Poquiz, MD Let us help you with your Social Security Disability or SSI Claim. No fee unless you win! • Pediatric & Adult Care • No Co-Pay Physicals • Hypertension, Diabetes Cholesterol, Allergies and other chronic medical conditions • Free Consultation • Assistance with Paperwork • Maximize Benefits • Initial Claims and Appeals • Disability Hearings 817-496-4957 ALMA GASTROENTEROLOGY Dr. Thuc Quyen Nguyen Accepting new patients! We specialize in colon cancer screening, GERD, liver disease and other GI disorders! 3602 S. Cooper St. #110 Arlington, TX 76015 (682)323-7553 817/277- 3131 2 0 8 Wi l l i s Av e n u e Arlington TX 76010 2309 W. Green Oaks, Arlington 817-688-2225 • Since 1977 Not valid with any other offer. 817.465.2777 Mon-Sat 8am-6pm • Sun 9am-5pm Dr. Jonathan Nguyen Putting you and your family first for over 50 years Selected Top Dentist In Arlington 2011 GENERAL, ORTHODONTIC AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY Implants & Wisdom Teeth Extraction Accept Most PPO, Medicaid Under 21 Chips, DentalQuest, MCNA Se Habla Espanol • Accepting New Patients 8021 Matlock Rd, Arlington, TX 817-472-9495 EDUCATION IN FAITH FORMATION IN HOPE PERSEVERANCE IN CHARITY Personal tours available. Please contact Lisa Griffith at [email protected] or 817-395-0436. Cheri Andrews, DO Mike Uselton, MD Donald Ingle, MD Brad Wasson, DO 1926 SW Green Oaks 817-472-5522 Patrick Kobett, MD Scott Pulliam, MD Also offering After Hours Care Paul Karakourtis, MD Jonathan Lam, MD Timothy Williams, MD Amber Rogers, MD Lisa Abbott, MD Dr. Lora Boone, DO Jerry Jennings, MD (dine in only) 5024 S Cooper St 817-468-2557 HAIR CLIPS Buy with Confidence, Sell with Success! Julie Vu [email protected] 817-980-4909 AM MECHANICAL Professional Haircuts for Everyone - Men & Women’s Haircuts Heating & AC • Free Estimates Perms • Color • Hi Lites • Wax $35 Service Call • No Overtime Charge M-F 9am-8pm • Sat 9am-7pm • Sun 10am-6pm LIC#026278C TACLB • 5975 S. Cooper St. #104, Arlington Kevin Nguyen 817-715-1297 • Minh Nguyen 682-472-8894 817-465-2328 All Plumbing Repair Evening Gowns • Children’s Formal Wear First Communion • Baptism • Weddings • Quincañeras 1519 New York Avenue, Arlington TX LAYAWAY 817-274-9926 Weekdays: 8pm-5pm Wills • Trusts • Probate • Adoption Member KC Council #13470 , LLM Family HairCuts Professional Haircare For men, women & children Wed. & Thurs.-Senior Citizen $9/men $10/women 6 days a week 9am-7pm. We Do Flat Military 1617-B W. Arkansas Ln. Arlington 817-459-2388 Catholic Gifts Mon-Sat 10-6 • Thurs 10-7 Missy Doskocil (817) 688-5964 4720 S Cooper, Arlington Inside Gracie Lane Cake Carousel Cake, Candy & Cookie • Supplies & Classes 4623 S. Cooper St. (Storefront faces Bardin Rd.) Mike Bradley CLU, Agent 219 E. 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Bowen Rd.•817-468-8111 Jeannine Hoang, MD Kejal Shah, MD | Ryan Pham, DO Stephanie Chan, MPAS, PA-C Lisa Moody, PA-C Allison Wilbanks, MPAS, PA-C 723 N. Fielder Road Ste. C, Arlington 2800 E. Broad St. Ste. 124, Mansfield 817.539.0959 For Ad Information please call Bartleby Press. 9603-H2 Brown Lane, Austin TX 78754 • 512-452-3413 • email:[email protected] • Family Medicine