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Presentación de PowerPoint
No estamos solos ! Arándanos Arándanos en el mundo en el mundo hace más en de el 2015: 30 años: 110.000 < 10.000 ha ha focus of most growers today is either the early market or the late season bysupplying utilizing from outside on market, importsoften make • Australia, China, Japan, N ew Zealand and now controlled atmosphere storage. Growers planting in the mid and mid-late season are focused on Chile new of the country difficult. has Korea are thepreferences. only countries with varieties with eating characteristics in lineSouth with European quality achieved market access and sales of commercial production Chilean in the region blueberries are anticipated to European Acreage Increases Italian growth is driven by both domestic Superficie en hectáreas . Fuente: Brazelton (NABC) increase. Prices for locally produced fruit are thus very high. Large-scale blueberry operations • South Korea has quickly established Cort itself as a in Turkey demand and opportunities to export have yet to develop and the plantings areplayer still comparatively spread throughout in the regionsmall withand considerable acreagethe andcountry. volume estimates throughout Europe in some Discussions about the and potential ofcases Turkey occurred in a number of interviews with contributors but activity beyond to the Middle East and Asia• as Australia represents a large minority of the Asia/Pacific usage and consumption today with a on the ground remains limited. Italian produce has a name and mystiquecomparatively small population in many markets.& Italian blueberry Mediterranean North Africa Trends: consumption is growing in the developed Middle Market: demand in the Middle East is growing, especially in the developed urban northEastern of the country and Market larger Cities 2014 Asia & Pacific Fresh Production 2014 Asia & Pacific Processed Production centers and the suchofasSaudi RomaArabia and Naples. AnUAE. increasing amount of the product is staying local in berry Statistics & Global Market Analysis Page 72 Mediterranean of 105 Turkey: potential Turkeymarkets both 2014 & North Africa Italy orThe being shipped of to nearby Highbush Acreage Growth as a production region and a market for in Switzerland and Austria. Fruit is also a Trends: blueberries has been mentioned but little shipped to the UK, Germany, and Scandinavia. With growing conditions similar to the California and activity of any has may occurred date. iers to rapid growth remain butscale growth expedite as the current players fine tuneopportunities underway according to Oregon growing regions, there istoextensive exploration for growing Total Mundo ilities and grown plans contributors. Italian growers remain positive about the future. To quote Andrea Pergher, “we are very Morocco on the Rise: Morocco’s positive about the European and domestic market. We believe there will be steady increasing consumption Al 2014 h African consumer demand for blueberries continues to grow. blueberry and in the industry future, ledcontinues by fresh atto thegrow beginning and later probably in processed in other countries where the 110.000 ha is beginning to isdeliver commercial Onthat the gloomier side SWDtohas becomesome a significant challenge in the region. hough only trials areproduction underway it higher.” is believed the opportunities replicate of volumes to the European market. NABC ccesses seen in Mexico and Peru could be replicated inha the lower latitudes of Africa. Chile Switzerland Barriers to entry in the crop13.600 are Cort Brazelton, diminishing. now one of the The SwissMorocco blueberryisindustry remains small but growing. There are a number of government support world’s top 10underway producing countries. programs to support blueberry planting as an alternative crop for growers. The primary driver for 2014 Southern Africa planting is good demand in the Swiss marketplace with retailers like COOP reportedly eager to expand Highbush Acreage Growth 2014 Asia & Pacific Highbush Production 2014 Asia & Pacific Highbush Acreage Growth their blueberry offering. Most of the blueberries sold in Switzerland remain imports, even in the summer months, but local production is growing despite the challenges in available land and inputs. Europa Norte América 11.300 ha 57.500 ha 932 ha Sudamérica 20.000 ha Sur Africa Cortde Brazelton 520 ha Austria © 2015 U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council Norte y Centro de Africa Far East 1.800 ha 17.600 ha The Austrian industry, though also small, has a number of advanced and innovative growers who are utilizing sophisticated production systems and by planting newer varieties. Competing with lower cost fruit coming from eastern countries is a challenge, but many growers have found ways to keep their market position through variety selection and product quality. In general the Austrian market has been a bright spot with increasing consumer demand, pushing retailers to keep quality blueberries available for year round consumption. Netherlands Though a smaller European country the Netherlands, as in so many other crops, remains the undisputed Central and Northern Europe’s leader in blueberry horticulture. Highly creative and competitive growers in Asia Pacific En este mundo “azulado” ¿Dónde, Cuándo y de Quién es la competencia de Chile? Dónde Chile 2014/15 Exportó 91.100 ton EEUU (63%) EUR (23%) ASIA (10%) 57.300 ton (+19%) 20.835 ton (+26%) 9.036 ton China (73%) (+40%) Japón(14%), Corea S (6%) Fuente: ASOEX EEUU En EEUU, ¿Cuándo y de Quién Crecimiento proyectado al 2019/2020 es la competencia de Chile? Fuente Vol: SAG/ASOEX Precios: iQonsulting 8.000 7.000 6.000 TONELADAS 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 Vol. H.S. 2013/14 Vol. CHI 57.371 ton Vol. ARG 12.517 ton Vol. PER 1.162 ton Vol. MEX 6.827 ton Vol. USA 26.272 ton MAY 17 16 15 ABR 13 12 11 MAR 9 8 7 FEB 5 4 3 2 ENE 52 51 50 DIC 48 47 46 45 NOV 43 42 41 OCT 39 38 37 SEP - Vol. URU 1.012 ton EUROPA En EUROPA, ¿Cuándo y de Quién Crecimiento proyectado al 2019/2020 es la competencia de Chile? 6.000 Fuente Vol: SAG/ASOEX Precios: iQonsulting 5.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 Vol. 2013/14 SUDAMÉRICA CHILE ARGENTINA URUGUAY PERÚ ESPAÑA MARRUECOS POLONIA SUDÁFRICA MAY 17 16 15 ABR 13 12 11 MAR 9 8 7 FEB 5 4 3 2 ENE 52 51 50 DIC 48 47 46 45 NOV 43 42 41 OCT 39 38 37 SEP 0 35 TONELADAS 4.000 CHINA/HK En L.O.Crecimiento CHINA/HK, ¿Cuándo y de Quién proyectado al 2019/2020 es la competencia de Chile? 1200 Fuente Vol: SAG/ASOEX Precios: iQonsulting 1000 Toneladas 800 600 400 200 0 34 35 SEP 37 38 39 OCT 41 42 43 NOV 45 46 47 48 DIC 50 51 52 ENE 2 3 4 5 FEB 2014 H.S. 2013/14 CHI-AVION 7 8 9 MAR 11 2015 CHI-BARCO ARGENTINA PERÚ EE.UU. COREA DEL N. 12 13 ABR 15 Chile 2014/15 Exportó 91.100 ton EEUU (63%) EUR (23%) ASIA (10%) Fuente: ASOEX Importaciones mensuales de Japón Fuente: TradeMap Importaciones anuales de Jcorea del S Importaciones mensuales de Corea del S Elaborado por iQonsulting Competencia Directa: Perú, Argentina, México Exportaciones de arándano del HS Proveedor 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 % VAR 14/15 vs 13/14 Chile Argentina Uruguay Perú Otros 30.315 7.563 594 1.300 41.534 10.523 1.164 1.500 49.886 10.723 1.199 4 1.890,0 69.923 16.007 2.249 4 2.027,0 70.805 16.941 2.762 13 2.316 87.078 15.067 2.350 217 2.815 74.032 12.755 1.828 1.618 1.631 91.100 20.960 2.482 2.600 1.700 23% 64% 36% 61% 4% 63.701 90.210 92.837 107.527 91.864 118.842 29% Total 39.772 54.721 Fuente: MAG /SAG - ASOEX / iQonsulting Exportaciones de México Otra Competencia directa es NZ y Australia Otros indirectos Marruecos Los datos están referidos a promedios entregados por productores y publicciones de análisis económico del cultivo y no reflejan una situación en particular Serie de costo de mano de obra por kilo de arándano producido en Chile La serie corresponde a datos reales proporcionads por un productorexportador y sólo reflejan su situación productova , la que puede diferir del promedio nacional Definitivamente, no estamos solos!