BENE E BERG GADO O Señue elos From Janu uary 24th, 2015 to Marcch 14th, 2015. Opening: Saturday, S J January 24th, from 12 pm onward ds. ESPA ACIO MÍN NIMO Galllery presentts the fifth solo exhibition of BEN NE BERGA ADO titledd " "lures": lurres as signaals and claaims, temptaations and warnings. This new eexhibition deals d aboutt p previous toppics of her works as the t signagee of use and consumerr objects, thhe cage as habitat, orr s sculpture as a containeer, but also with new elements e intto their reppertoire suchh as eggs, trap t nets orr c cages. With careful proocesses, form ms and mateerials, and from f a purely sculpturaal sensibility y, his seriess innvestigate the t complexxities of conntemporaryy experiencees in relatioon to the forrms of prod duction andd f feeding. Forrmalizing a reflection of represenntation and reality in XXI X centuryy context, touching onn toopics such as awareness of limits, the prevallence of con ntainers on content, ressources and d waste, thee s standardizat tion of the disaster d as reesult the succcess of thee culture of developmen d nt... The works presented are a in three series: I. HABITATS Series. BEN NE BERGA ADO continnuing the seeries ‘habita ats’, of his exhibition H HOM@ of 2010, withh thhe work enttitled trap 1. 1 Built from m a cage-traap for largee animals annd elementss of interiorr fittings forr h humans, mixxed home with w the traap, and undeerstands arcchitecture such a secreetion of the inhabitant.. T work coonfronts us with a spacce within sppace for whiich we are simultaneou This s usly hunter and a hunted,, h human and animal, sppectators annd contempplated. As "still " lifes" your luress are also traces of a d dwelling: a plate, p food debris d and droppings, d c in bron cast nze and all painted p in oiil. II. EGG seriies. The play "trash h eggs" connsists of a set s of differrent sizes egggs filled w with not org ganic waste,, s suspended a caught in a net. Each and E of theem are regiistered withh an enviroonmental management m t s system codee, the chemiical formulaa of a food type-base, and genericc formulas of the mateerials whichh thhe egg has been built. The inner eggs trash consists of all plastic packaging p pproducts that the artistt h rejected in a monthh. The measurement off civilization has n, based on the amountt of waste, also a alludess too the dangeer of symboolic fraud linnked to the culture of "sustainable " e capitalism m" even to th he standardd leegalization of destructtion throughh environmeental manag gement systems (SGA A: UNE, ISO O, etc.) andd thhe rating aggencies. Egggs are not just trash deposits d derrived of plaastics materrials and ex xpensive oill b biodegradati ion, but alsoo viable seeeds of a new w rebiogenerration. The work entitlled "biotic bomb” is based b on an n egg shapee. This worrk recreatess an ‘Orsinii b bomb’, iconn of the sociial revolutioon of the laate nineteen nth. This bomb is a broonze contain ner stuffingg For fu urther inform mation or to request imagges, please ccontact the G Gallery www.eespaciominim galleriia@espaciom Teel: +34 91 46 67 61 56 with "Nendoos-dangos" -clay pelletts mixed with w w seeds (w white cloverr, beans, caayenne, etc.)-, plantingg s system beloonging to the Fukuokka methodd. The phillosophy off this cultuure method d based onn reproducing the naturaal soil condiitions as closely as po ossible, is based b on noot do, not in ntervene orr f force things. III. MAPS series. 0cm made through t inkkjet directly y on dibondd The work "Gaiaa leaves" is an image of 120x200 representingg a map whhose continnents are caabbage’s leaaves cheweed by snailss. The chan nge in tonee trransforms the t leaves into i fragmeents of skinn where thee bites, crusshed or dam maged areass appear ass w wounds, injuured or bruuised. It is as a if by chaanging the color of thee leaves it shows lesio ons that aree h hidden from m our eyes. In this worrk the refereence to the “Gaia hypoothesis” shoows the maap as a vitall inndicator of the declinee of our terrritory. It haas been mod dified by thhe life, and therefore th he resultingg c conditions a a conseqquence and responsibili are r ity of life th hat inhabits it. i BEN NE BERGA ADO (Salam manca, 19633), graduateed in Fine Art A at Univeersidad del País P Vasco.. In 1987 she was awardeed the Artisstic Creationn Scholarship form Dipputación Foral de Vizcaaya and shee w Professoor at the Finne Art Department of the was t Universsidad del Paaís Vasco frrom 1987 to o 1997. Shee c currently livve and worrks in Maddrid. She haas exhibited d at internaational gallleries and institutional i l s spaces such as Sala Caarlos III of the Univerrsidad Públiica de Navarra in Pam mplona, the Palacio dee A Abrantes de Salamancaa or BILBA AO Arte in Bilbao, B and has taken part p in impoortant collecctive showss s such as Muuestra de Arte A Joven (1992) at Museo Esp pañol de Arte A Contem mporáneo de d Madrid,, D Distancia Cero (1994) at Centro de Arte Saanta Mónicaa de Barceelona, Guree Artea (1996) at Salaa R Rekalde in Bilbao, Prrocesos (19997) Festivval Internacional de Lima, Perúú, Como nos n vemos.. Imágenes y arquetipos femeninos (1998) Cenntro Cultural Tecla Saala, Hospitaalet (Barcelo ona), Transs S Sexual Exppress (19999) BILBA AO Arte, Bilbao, B PAS SION. Diseeño españool (2002),, travellingg e echibition inn Spain andd Germany,, Imágenes de mujer en la plástiica españolaa del siglo XX (2003)) M Museo Pablo Serrano, Zaragoza, Indisciplina I ados (2003) MARCO. Museo de aarte contem mporáneo dee V Vigo, Vete a tu habitaación (20033) Casa Enncendida, Madrid, M Conntemporaryy Art. Castiilla y Leónn (2005) Whitte Box, New w York, Dibbujando al revés r (2006 6) Centro Cuultural Monntehermoso de Vitoria,, P Para todos los l públicoss (2006) Saala Rekaldde, Bilbao, Existencias E (2007) MU USAC. Mu useo de artee c contemporán neo de Casstilla y León, León, IN NCÓGNITA AS. Cartogrrafías del aarte contemp poráneo enn E Euskadi (20007) Museeo Guggenhheim, Bilbao, Suprafi ficciones (22007) Funddación Caix xa, Lleida,, E Esculturismo o (2008) Saala de la Coomunidad de d Madrid, Alcala A 31, Madrid, M Poole! (2012) Fundaciónn J JUMEX, M México D.F.… Also, he h particippated on In nternational Art Fairs as ARCO O (Madrid),, F FRIEZE AR RT FAIR (Londres), ZonaMAC CO (México o D.F.), CIGE C (Beijiing), SHcon ntemporaryy (Shanghai), ART BAS SEL MIAM MI BEACH H (Miami), ART CHICAGO (Chhicago), AR RTISSIMA A (Turín), AR RT FORUM M BERLIN N (Berlín),, ART BR RUSSELS (Bruselas),, THE GR RAMERCY Y IN NTERNAT TIONAL CO ONTEMPO ORARY AR RT FAIR (New ( Yorkk, Los Anggeles y Miaami)… Herr w work is in thhe nationalss collectionns of, amonggst others, MUSAC M (M Museo de A Arte Contem mporáneo dee C Castilla y Leeón) en Leóón, el Museeo ARTIUM M de Vitoriaa… or internnational as Colección JUMEX dee M México D.F or Estrellitta B. Brodskky Collectioon of New York. Y For fu urther inform mation or to request imagges, please ccontact the G Gallery www.eespaciominim galleriia@espaciom Teel: +34 91 46 67 61 56