26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 25, 2016


26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 25, 2016
Fr. Luis R. Largaespada
Parochial Administrator
Fr. Damian Flanagan
Parochial Vicar
Mrs. Mary E. Fernández, Ed.S.
School Principal
Mrs. Patricia Zapatero
Director of Religious Education
Roberto Berrocal
Music Director
(Horas de Oficina)
Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes
8:00 am-8:00 pm
(La iglesia está abierta)
Daily/Diario 9:00 am-7:00 pm
(Horario de misas)
5:30 pm (English)
9:00 am (English, live broadcast)
10:30 am (English, live broadcast)
12:30 pm (Español, transmisión en vivo)
5:30 pm (English)
7:00 pm (Español)
Misa Diaria (Capilla)
8:00 am (English)
7:00 pm (Español, martes y jueves)
Adoración Eucarística
Thursdays/Jueves, 8:30 am-7:00 pm
Rezo del Rosario
7:35 am (Monday-Friday/Lunes a viernes)
Saturdays/Sábados 4:30-5:15 pm
Before Sunday Masses if a priest is available.
Antes de las misas del domingo si hay un sacerdote
(Bautizos y Matrimonios)
For information, call the office.
Para información, llame a la oficina..
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 25, 2016
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26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Cycle C)
A Sunday Reflection
By Fr. Luis
September 25, 2016
Lecturas de la semana
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary
Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10;
1 Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31
Saints Cosmas and Damian,
Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17:1bcd, 2-3, 6-7; Lk
Saint Vincent de Paul, Priest
Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Ps 88:2-3, 45, 6, 7-8; Lk 9:51-56
Wednesday Saint Wenceslaus, Martyr; Saint
Lawrence Ruiz and Companions,
Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88:10bc-11, 12
-13, 14-15; Lk 9:57-62
Saints Michael, Gabriel and
Raphael, Archangels
Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Ps
138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 4-5; Jn 1:47-51
Saint Jerome, Priest and Doctor of
the Church
Jb 38:1, 12-21, 40:3-5; Ps 139:1-3,
7-8, 9-10, 13-14ab; Lk 10:13-16
Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus,
Virgin and Doctor of the Church
Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119:66,
71, 75, 91, 125, 130; Lk 10:17-24
The Gospel of this Sunday reminds me of the antiphon In paradisum ("Into
paradise") from the traditional Latin liturgy of the Western Church funeral
Mass. It is sung by the choir as the body is being taken out of the church.
"May the angels lead you into paradise; may the martyrs receive you at your arrival
and lead you to the holy city Jerusalem. May choirs of angels receive you and with
Lazarus, once (a) poor (man) may you have eternal rest." Lazarus the beggar is
presented as one of the just we will join in the Heavenly Jerusalem.
Generosity towards the poor and those around us is a work of mercy that
will open to us the doors of heaven. All those who we have helped in this
life, those that we know and those that we know not will welcome us one
day when we present ourselves to the doors of heaven. May we be
generous with all the Lazarus that come to our door. The Jubilee year of
Mercy is a privileged time to do this. In our parish of St. Hugh, we have
ministries that work specifically in this mission: Society of St. Vincent de
Paul, Grove Outreach, Grove for Ghana, Mindo Missions. St. Hugh is rich in
the variety of ministries that spread the Good News of the Lord in our
midst. Today I invite you to do something beautiful for God, learn, visit and
join one of the many ministries to serve the Lord in the Grove. I would like
to give special thanks to all those who serve in our parish ministries. May
choirs of angels receive you and with Lazarus, once (a) poor (man) may you have
eternal rest." God bless you!
26O Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario (Ciclo C)
Reflexión Dominical
del P. Luis
El evangelio de este domingo me recuerda la antífona In paradisum (“Al paraíso”),
de la liturgia de la misa funeral tradicional del rito latino. Al sacar de la iglesia el
cuerpo del difunto, el coro entona: “Al paraíso te lleven los ángeles. A tu llegada
te reciban los mártires y te introduzcan en la ciudad santa de Jerusalén. El
coro de los ángeles te reciba y, junto con Lázaro, pobre en esta vida, tengas
un descanso eterno”. Se nos presenta al mendigo Lázaro como uno de los justos
que encontraremos en la Jerusalén celestial. La generosidad hacia los pobres y
hacia los que nos rodean es una obra de misericordia que nos abrirá las puertas
del cielo. Todos los que hemos ayudado en esta vida, los que conocemos y los que
no conocemos, nos darán la bienvenida un día cuando nos presentemos a las
puertas del cielo. Seamos generosos con todos los Lázaros que lleguen a nuestra
puerta. El Año Jubilar de la Misericordia nos brinda una ocasión privilegiada para
hacerlo. En nuestra parroquia de St. Hugh tenemos ministerios que trabajan
específicamente en esta misión: la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl, Grove
Outreach, Grove for Ghana, Mindo Missions. St. Hugh es rica en la variedad de
ministerios que difunden la Buena Nueva del Señor entre nosotros. Hoy los invito a
hacer algo hermoso por Dios. Visiten, conozcan y únanse a alguno de los muchos
ministerios que sirven al Señor en el Grove. Aprovecho para agradecer en forma
especial a todos los que sirven en nuestros ministerios parroquiales. “El coro de
los ángeles los reciba y, junto con Lázaro, pobre en esta vida, tengan un
descanso eterno”. Dios los bendiga.
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Stewardship in Action
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Comunidad en Acción
St. Hugh received a missionary group from
the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, in
an effort to help support Catholic families in
the Holy Land. Fr. Luis was presented with an
olivewood crucifix in appreciation. Please
keep our persecuted brothers and sisters in
the Holy Land in your prayers.
St. Hugh recibió a un grupo misionero de la
Iglesia de la Natividad en Belén, para ayudar a
sostener a las familias católicas de Tierra Santa.
El grupo entregó al P. Luis un crucifijo de madera
de olivo en agradecimiento. Recemos por
nuestros hermanos perseguidos en Tierra Santa.
Intenciones Misas
Sat/Sab, September 24
5:30 pm  Antonio Poiares & son
 Guillermo Palacios
Sun/Dom, September 25
9:00 am  Francisco Granados Sr.
Health Recovery Eve Diskin
10:30 am Our Parish Community
12:30 pm  Rosa Fuentes
 Guillermo Pazos
5:30 pm  María Vázquez
 Gloria Galeana
7:00 pm  Raúl & Helen Abello
Acción de Gracias Luz
Mon/Lun, September 26
8:00 am  Demetrio & Sergio Castillo
 Leonard Víctor Noronha
 Solomón Guerrero
Tue/Mar, September 27
8:00 am  William Gaitan
 Edel Guerrero
Special Intention Alexandrea
7:00 pm Recuperación salud Gabriel
Intención especial Vicky
Wed/Mier, September 28
8:00 am  Katalina Rodríguez
 Steve Diskin
 Ignatio Guerrero
The men’s Emmaus Group held a bake sale last Sunday to raise funds for their
upcoming retreat in Spanish, October 7, 8 and 9. All men in the parish are invited.
El grupo de hombres de Emaús hizo su venta de golosinas para recaudar fondos para su
próximo retiro en español, el 7, 8 y 9 de octubre. Invitamos a todos los hombres de la
To celebrate Catechetical Sunday,
all catechists in the parish received a
special blessing and commissioning at
the 10:30 Mass on September 18.
Para celebrar el Domingo de la
Catequesis, todos los catequistas de la
parroquia recibieron una bendición
especial y mandato en la misa de las
10:30 el 18 de septiembre.
LET US PRAY FOR / Oremos por
Lila Cruz, Annette Méndez, Andrés Hidalgo, Carlos Zapatero, Jacques Vera, Morelia
Campos, Danilo Argote, Sister Barbara Makar, John Amador, Catherine Gallego, Jake
Mark Lugo, Eduardo Gómez, Raquel Alvarez, Patricia Cardona, Jaimito Cruz, Shafia
Sánchez, Sister Kathleen Donnelly, Ricardo Rumbos, Gloria Beyra, Elyna Pérez, Jim
Pelletier, Zenaida Villamil, Alfredo Luis del Castillo, José & Blanca Martínez, Jean Paul
Arias, Héctor Cánovas, Gino Gómez, Evan Soriano, Isabel Durrego, Pilar Cruz, Eduardo
Valdés, Alexandra Valdés, Zenith Dibut, Fernando Beretta, María Eugenia Acuña, Irma M.
Moreno, Benoni Rodríguez, Marijean Miyar, Luis Fernández-Rocha, Betty Barnhart, for the
members of our armed forces, their families and all victims of war.
Thu/Jue, September 29
8:00 am  Margarita Granados
Special Intention Karen
7:00 pm  Emilio F. Martínez
Recuperación salud
Guadalupe González
Fri/Vier, September 30
8:00 am  Alfredo Vargas
 Juan A. Granados
Thanksgiving Carlos
To the parents of the
A los padres de
los niños bautizados
James Connor Hersman
Sebastián Modesto Mora
Kai Pérez
Leo Alexander Roy Thomas
Vittoria Graziella Beltrán
Mila Jolene Kuscher
Diego Marquina Georgi
Gabriel Jean-Marie Desbats
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Altar Servers: Juan Alayo
[email protected]
Bible Classes: Karen Bonvecchio
[email protected]
CCD: Patricia Zapatero
[email protected]
Centering Prayer: Maritza Ramos
[email protected]
Clases de Biblia: Patricia Zapatero
[email protected]
Cub Scouts: Marta Silva
[email protected]
Emmaus Men: Douglas Aguirre
[email protected]
Emmaus Women: Daniela Fernández
[email protected]
Encuentro en la Palabra:
Milagros Contreras
[email protected]
Girl Scouts: Monique McCartney
[email protected]
Grove for Ghana: Bob Dudley
[email protected]
Grove Outreach: Lily Montero
[email protected]
Health and Wellness:
María Socorro Torres-Burgos
[email protected]
Job Bank: Marta Carbonell
[email protected]
Knights of Columbus: Marc Spinola
[email protected]
Marriage Covenant Experience:
Joe & Jane Mastrucci
[email protected]
Matrimonios en Victoria:
Rolando & Irene Silva
[email protected]
Mindo Medical Mission:
Jason Gaetan
[email protected]
St. Hugh
It is impossible to promote the dignity of the person without
showing concern for the family, groups, associations, and local
realities—in short, for those economic, social, cultural,
recreational, professional, and political communities to which
people spontaneously give life and which make it possible for
them to achieve effective social growth.6 The family, based on
marriage between a man and a woman, is the fundamental unit
of society. This sanctuary for the creation and nurturing of children must not be
redefined, undermined, or neglected.
How our society is organized—in economics and politics, in law and public
policy—affects the well-being of individuals and of society. Every person and
association has a right and a duty to participate in shaping society to promote
the well-being of individuals and the common good.
The principle of subsidiarity reminds us that larger institutions in society should
not overwhelm or interfere with smaller or local institutions; yet larger
institutions have essential responsibilities when the more local institutions
cannot adequately protect human dignity, meet human needs, and advance the
common good.
Es imposible promover la dignidad de la persona si no se cuidan la familia, los
grupos, las asociaciones, las realidades territoriales locales, en suma, aquellas
comunidades de tipo económico, social, cultural, recreativo, profesional, político
a las que las personas dan vida espontáneamente y que hacen posible su efectivo
crecimiento social.6 La familia, fundada en el matrimonio entre un hombre y una
mujer, es la unidad fundamental de la sociedad. Este santuario para la creación y
crianza de los niños no debe ser redefinido, socavado o descuidado.
La forma en que nuestra sociedad se organiza —en la economía y la política, en
la legislación y en las políticas públicas— afecta el bienestar de los individuos y
de la sociedad. Cada persona y cada asociación tienen el derecho y el deber de
participar en la formación de la sociedad para promover el bienestar de los
individuos y el bien común.
El principio de subsidiariedad nos recuerda que las
instituciones más grandes de la sociedad no deberían
abrumar o interferir con las instituciones más pequeñas o de
carácter local; sin embargo, las instituciones más grandes
tienen responsabilidades esenciales cuando las instituciones
más locales no pueden adecuadamente proteger la dignidad
humana, responder a las necesidades humanas y promover el
bien común.
Ministry to the Sick:
Mariana Caballero
[email protected]
Music Director: Roberto Berrocal
[email protected]
7, 8 and 9
Pastoral Ministry Coordinator:
Cristina Fundora
[email protected]
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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October is Respect Life month. We will once again participate in the
national Respect Life Chain on Sunday, October 2, on US-1 from Maggiore Street
to Rosaro Avenue from 2-3 pm.
Octubre es el mes de Respeto a la Vida. Participaremos de nuevo en la cadena
nacional por el Respeto a la Vida el domingo 2 de octubre en US-1 desde Maggiore
Street a Rosaro Avenue, de 2 a 3 pm.
On Sunday, October 2, we will be holding a second collection to support the
Discalced Carmelites in their efforts to raise funds for the construction of their
monastery. Please be generous.
El domingo 2 de octubre tendremos una segunda colecta para apoyar a las
Carmelitas Descalzas en su propósito de recaudar fondos para la construcción de su
monasterio. Les rogamos ser generosos.
The Emmaus Men’s Group invites all men in the parish to their next retreat
in Spanish, taking place the weekend of October 7, 8 and 9. For more
information please contact [email protected].
El grupo de Emaús para hombres invita a todos los hombres de la parroquia a su
próximo retiro en español, que tendrá lugar el fin de semana del 7, 8 y 9 de octubre.
Para más información diríjase a [email protected].
The annual blessing of the animals will take place Saturday, October 8, at 10
am in front of the church. Bring your pets for a blessing.
La bendición anual de los animales tendrá lugar el sábado 8 de octubre a las 10 am
en frente de la iglesia. Traiga a sus mascotas para que reciban la bendición.
Respect Life of St. Hugh will present an educational workshop on Faithful
Citizenship: Making Moral Choices and Applying our Principles, conducted by
Kathy Weissinger, on Monday, October 17, at 8 am in the Parish Hall.
El grupo de Respeto a la Vida presentará un taller sobre como ser ciudadanos
fieles, tomar decisiones morales y aplicar nuestros principios. Dirigido por Kathy
Weissinger, el taller tendrá lugar el lunes 17 de octubre a las 8 am en el salón
The parish is looking to replace the truck used for the Grove Outreach,
which has been in service since 1995, due to mechanical problems. The truck is
a lifeline for the Outreach that we cannot do without. A new truck would cost
approximately $40,000. Your donations are welcome!
La parroquia necesita reemplazar el camión que se usa para el Grove Outreach y
que nos ha servido desde 1995, debido a problemas mecánicos. Es un vehículo del que
no podemos prescindir. Uno nuevo costará alrededor de $40,000. Les agradecemos
sus donaciones.
Congratulations to the St. Hugh-Steinway Concert Series on the success of its
opening concert last Friday, and especially to conductor Pierre Vallet and pianist
Roberto Berrocal. Our appreciation to the members of the concert committee
for their hard work.
Felicitaciones a la St. Hugh-Steinway Concert Series por el éxito de su apertura de
temporada el viernes pasado, y en especial al director Pierre Vallet y el pianista Roberto
Berrocal. Gracias a todos los miembros del comité de conciertos por su trabajo.
Matrimonios en Victoria, the Spanish ministry to married couples, will hold
their retreat next weekend, October 1 and 2. For more information, please
contact Rolando and Irene Silva at [email protected].
Matrimonios en Victoria, ministerio en español para parejas, celebrará su retiro el
próximo fin de semana, 1 y 2 de octubre. Para más información diríjase a Rolando e
Irene Silva, [email protected].
RCIA: Cristina Fundora
[email protected]
RICA: Eleazar & Leticia Terán
[email protected]
Respect Life: Yamileth Rivera
[email protected]
School News: Gloria Pérez
[email protected]
Spanish Choir: Andrés Trujillo
[email protected]
St. Hugh Charities: Liliana Villanueva
[email protected]
St. Hugh Immigration Services:
Karlene Punancy
[email protected]
St. Vincent de Paul: James Hartnett
(Call the office)
Ushers & Hospitality Ministry:
[email protected]
Youth Director: Francisco Dueñas
[email protected]
Parochial Administrator:
Fr. Luis R. Largaespada
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Damian Flanagan
[email protected]
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St. Hugh
Invitamos a todas
las parejas que
deseen profundizar
su compromiso
Saints this Week/Santos de la Semana
September 27, St. Vincent de Paul was born in Gascony
in 1581. He founded the Congregation of the Mission to
supervise the formation of priests and to give support to
the poor. With the help of Saint Louise de Marillac, he also
founded the Congregation of the Daughters of Charity. He
died in Paris in 1660.
Septiembre 27, San Vicente de Paúl nació en Aquitania en
el año 1581. Fundó la Congregación de la Misión, destinada a
la formación del clero y al servicio de los pobres, y también, con
la ayuda de santa Luisa de Marillac, la Congregación de Hijas
de la Caridad. Murió en París en el año 1660.
October 1, St. Therese of Lisieux was born in Alençon,
France, in 1873. While still a young girl, she entered the
Carmelite monastery at Lisieux. There she lived a life of
humility, evangelical simplicity and trust in God. Offering her life
for the salvation of souls and the growth of the Church, she
died September 30, 1897.
Octubre 1, Santa Teresa del Niño Jesús nació en Alençon,
Francia en 1873. Siendo aún muy joven, ingresó en el monasterio de
carmelitas de Lisieux, ejeciéndose sobre todo en la humildad, la
sencillez evangélica y la confianza en Dios. Murió el 30 de
septiembre de 1897, ofreciendo su vida por la salvación de las almas
y por el crecimiento de la Iglesia.
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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The Jubilee of Mercy
El Jubileo de la Misericordia
No one should be separated from God because of
obstacles put there by mankind!… Let us be reconciled to
God! All of us! May this Holy Year be a positive time to
rediscover our need for the tenderness and closeness of the Father, to
return to him with all our heart.
The experience of reconciliation to God allows us to discover the
necessity of other forms of reconciliation: in families, in interpersonal
relationships, in ecclesial communities, as well as in social international
relations… This year is the year of reconciliation, with God and among us!
Reconciliation is also a service to peace, solidarity and the welcome of all.
Pope Francis
Jubilee Audience, April 30, 2016
Que nadie permanezca alejado de Dios a causa de los obstáculos
puestos por los hombres… ¡Dejémonos reconciliar con Dios! Todos
nosotros. Que este Año santo sea el tiempo favorable para redescubrir la
necesidad de la ternura y la cercanía del Padre para regresar a Él con
todo el corazón.
Experimentar la reconciliación con Dios permite descubrir la necesidad
de otras formas de reconciliación: en las familias, en las relaciones
interpersonales, en las comunidades eclesiales, como también en las
relaciones sociales e internacionales… La reconciliación, en efecto, es
también un servicio a la paz, al reconocimiento de los derechos
fundamentales de las personas, a la solidaridad y a la acogida de todos.
Papa Francisco
Audiencia Jubilar, 30 de abril de 2016
Page 8
St. Hugh
Recommendation for this week:
Bearing False Witness:
Debunking Centuries of AntiCatholic History, by Rodney
Stark, Templeton Press, $20,
also available for Kindle
Ever wonder about the
Church’s actions throughout
history? Wonder no more!
Learn how the Church has been
maligned by historians and how
to answer those who don’t
know the truth.
St. Hugh
*This week only
Monday, September 26
7:00 pm Bible Class in English
7:00 pm Encuentro en la Palabra
7:45 pm Matrimonios en Victoria*
Tuesday, September 27
6:30 pm Ignite Middle School Group
6:30pm Confirmation 2 Class
7:00 pm Centering Prayer
7:30 pm RCIA
7:30 pm RICA
Wednesday, September 28
8:45 am Bible Class in Spanish
6:30 pm CCD (K-6th Grade)
6:30 pm CCD Parents Meeting
Thursday, September 29
8:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30 pm Lay Ministry Class
Saturday, October 1
8:00 am Matrimonios en Victoria Retreat
Sunday, October 2
8:00 am Matrimonios en Victoria Retreat
2:00 pm Respect Life Chain
6:30 pm EPIC Youth Group
School Chapel
Music Room
Social Studies Room
School Chapel
Math Room
7th Grade Room
Rectory Chapel
Church/Parish Hall
Rectory Chapel
6th Grade
Parish Hall
Parish Hall
US1 & Maggiore
Colecta de la semana
Thank you for your generosity
Gracias por su generosidad
The Mass ends when the priest says "The Mass is
ended" and the people respond "Thanks be to God", but
it is a courtesy and a sign of respect to remain in the
pews until the priest and ministers have processed out.
La misa termina cuando el sacerdote dice "La Misa ha
terminado" y el pueblo responde "Demos gracias a Dios";
pero por cortesía y en
señal de respeto debemos
permanecer en nuestros asientos hasta que el sacerdote y
los ministros hayan salido.
More and more Catholic families are making gifts to create a parish or school
endowment fund in memory of parents and other loved ones. Parishioners may
wish to establish an ongoing fund which can be added to each year, or make a onetime gift. The benefits of this type of gift will carry on from generation to
generation. For more information contact the rectory or call the Office of Planned
Giving at (305) 762-1110.
When receiving Holy
Communion, remember to
bow your head before the
Sacrament as a gesture of
reverence, and then receive
the Body and the Blood of
the Lord from the minister.
Cuando reciba la Sagrada
Comunión, recuerde inclinar
la cabeza ante el sacramento
en señal de reverencia y
entonces reciba el Cuerpo y
la Sangre de nuestro Señor de
manos del ministro.
Cada vez son más las familias católicas que están haciendo donaciones para crear un fondo de
dotación a su parroquia o escuela en memoria de sus padres y otros seres queridos. Los feligreses
pueden establecer un fondo permanente que se puede incrementar todos los año, o hacer una
donación una sola vez. Los beneficios de este tipo de legado es que se pueden pasar de generación a
generación. Para más información, póngase en contacto con la rectoría o llame a la Oficina de
Donaciones Planificadas al (305) 762-1110.
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 9
The Student Council is designed to teach leadership, communication, and problem solving
skills. These members provide a service to our school and community by planning and
organizing various activities throughout the year that enhance student experiences.
This past week the middle school students were busy with the election process. The
candidates campaigned and presented speeches to their peers and the middle school students
voted by secret ballot. We would like to congratulate our newly elected and installed St.
Hugh School Student Council Members for the 2016-2017 school year.
President: Ana Colitto
8th Grade Representative: Alejandro Álvarez
Vice President: Rodrigo Velazco
7th Grade Representative: Bella Pennekamp
Secretary: Chelsea Pennekamp
6th Grade Representative: Jason Fernández
Treasurer: Carolina Lizama
We appreciate your interest in making St. Hugh School a great place to be and look forward
to your enthusiastic leadership.
St. Hugh has implemented a new reading
program that focuses on assisting students so
that they may reach their highest potential.
Reading Raiders has officially started and is
providing students with daily reading
instruction in a small group environment. This
program caters to the needs of the children
and we look forward to seeing them succeed.
Page 10
St. Hugh
Alumni in the News
The St. Hugh family is extremely proud of our Alumni.
Jonathan A. Aguiar has received recognition in the 2017
National Merit Scholarship Program.
Jonathan is a Semi-Finalist in the 62nd annual National
Merit Scholarship Program with the opportunity to
continue in the National Merit Scholarship Competition.
These students will participate in the National Hispanic
Recognition Program as they scored in the top 2.5% on
the PSAT among Hispanics and Latinos in our region.
Nearly 1.5 million Juniors in more than 22,000 high
schools entered the program by taking the PSAT. He
was among the top 16,000 students in the United States
to receive this honor and opportunity to continue in the
competition for some 7,500 National Merit Scholarships
worth approximately $33 million dollars to be offered
next spring.
Congratulations, Jonathan!
Picture Day: Wednesday, September 28. All students must be
in new uniform.
School Mass and Student of the Month: Friday, September 30,
at 8 am.
Spanish Heritage Week: October 3—7