readings for december 22 this week`s readings parish calendar
readings for december 22 this week`s readings parish calendar
CATHEDRAL OF SAINT MATTHEW THE APOSTLE, WASHINGTON, D.C. READINGS FOR DECEMBER 22 December 22 & 29, 2013 PARISH CALENDAR December 22 – 29 S he was found with child through the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 1:18) For the first two months of a woman’s pregnancy, the new life forms in secret. But that all changes as she begins to show. The interior growth, once hidden, makes a gentle but clear announcement to the world—“I’m pregnant.” Maybe it was around this time that Mary was found to be pregnant. Her child, conceived before she began living with Joseph, was now announcing himself to the world. There could be no mistake: Mary was pregnant. Having been put in a similar situation, many women may have tried to conceal their pregnancy. But all the signs from Scripture portray Mary as forthright about being pregnant. She let it show. There’s a message for all of us here, because in a sense, we’re all “expecting.” According to St. Paul, a new life is forming within us: Christ in you, the hope for glory (Colossians 1:27). And this inner growth cannot remain hidden for too long. At some point, it must show! Don’t be afraid to let the world see the change that has taken place within you. You have experienced Jesus’ peace, his love, his mercy, and his joy. So follow Mary’s example, and let it show! Let your attitude of joy and peace show to those around you at work so that they will begin to believe that they, too, can be changed. Share the kindness and generosity you’ve received from the Lord with your family members, and they’ll see the love of Christ within you. Be forthright about the reason for your joy. Don’t try to hide it. Sure, there will be times when you feel self-conscious or even when you’re misunderstood. But you can be confident knowing that God is with you—“Emmanuel!” His glory will show through you, and he will never leave you. “Thank you, Jesus, for the miracle of new life that you have begun in me. May your presence flow into every part of my life so that other people will hope in you as they encounter me.” Taken from The Word Among Us, December 2013, Vol. 33, Number 1: Used with permission. THIS WEEK’S READINGS Sunday 22 Fourth Sunday of Advent Monday 23 Tuesday 24 Wednesday 25 Nativity of the Lord Thursday 26 St. Stephen Friday 27 St. John Saturday 28 The Holy Innocents SUNDAY 22—Fourth Sunday of Advent MONDAY 23—The Cathedral is decorated for Christmas after the 5:30pm Mass. TUESDAY 24—Vigil of the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord Vigil Masses are at 4:30pm with a musical prelude at 4pm, at 6:30pm (Spanish) and at 10pm (Cardinal Wuerl) with a musical prelude at 9:15pm. The parish offices close at 2pm. WEDNESDAY 25—Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord Masses are at 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am and 1pm (Spanish). The parish offices are closed. THURSDAY 26—The parish offices are closed. Masses are at 8am and 12:10pm only, with no confessions. SATURDAY 28—A rosary procession to the Planned Parenthood facility on 16th Street, NW is held from 8:30 to 9am, after the 8am Mass. RESPECT LIFE MONTHLY ROSARY PROCESSION – The monthly rosary procession to Planned Parenthood on 16th Street, NW will take place Saturday, December 28 after the 8am Mass. To join us, gather inside the Cathedral’s main entrance. For more information on the Respect Life Ministry, contact Justin Silvers at [email protected]. Is 7:10-14 / Rom 1:1-7 / Mt 1:18-24 Mal 3:1-4,23-24 / Lk 1:57-66 2 Sam 7:1-5,8-12,14,16 / Lk 1:67-79 Is 52:7-10 / Heb 1:1-6 / Jn 1:1-18 Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59 / Mt 10:17-22 1 Jn 1:1-4 / Jn 20:1; 2:8 1 Jn 1:5—2:2 / Mt 2:13-18 RALLY & MASS FOR LIFE – The Archdiocese of Washington and Association of Ecclesial Movements and New Communities will sponsor the Adult and Family Rally and Mass for Life on the morning of the National March for Life, January 22, 2014, at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle (Rally at 9am; Mass at 10am, celebrated by Bishop Francisco González, S.F.) Registration is required – register now! See the flyer in this bulletin or the parish website for details. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT (DECEMBER 22) HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH (DECEMBER 29) READINGS FOR DECEMBER 29 P ut on then, as God’s chosen ones … love. (Colossians 3:12, 14) You are about to head out the door for a family photo session when you take a quick look around and groan. Your toddler’s face is dirty, and her hair is tangled. Your teenage son is wearing a ragged T-shirt. Another child is engrossed in a video game he can’t seem to leave. The clothes you are wearing clash with what your spouse has on. Of course, you do what you can to fix these problems, but don’t forget the most important part of your wardrobe. Put on love! Remember, “Love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). You would never walk out the door naked, and you probably wouldn’t walk around your home undressed either. But there are many instances when we are not on our best behavior with the people we spend most of our time with. How often we forget to put on the love that makes it possible to live together in a family or a convent! How easy it is to ignore slips of the tongue or selfish decisions, simply because we are so used to the people around us! So put on love! Love knows it’s not perfect yet, so it makes allowances for other people’s mistakes and forgives their wrongs. Love knows its understanding is limited, so it looks upon other people with respect and tries to learn from them. Love knows the world is full of hurtful words and deeds, so it tries to make the home a haven of kindness and gentleness. Love realizes that growth takes time, so it practices patience. Love gratefully welcomes and treasures every family member, looking for the good in them, however deeply it may be buried. May this be our vision for our families! May we all learn how to put on love day in and day out. Then our homes will begin to feel more and more like the home of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, the Holy Family and our models. “Jesus, thank you for my family. Help us learn how to respect and love each other even more.” Taken from The Word Among Us, December 2013, Vol. 33, Number 1: Used with permission. THIS WEEK’S READINGS Sunday 29 Sir 3:2-6,12-14 / Col 3:12-21 / Mt 2:13-15,19-23 Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Monday 30 1 Jn 2:12-17/ Lk 2:36-40 Tuesday 31 1 Jn 2:18-21 / Jn 1:1-18 Wednesday 1 Nm 6:22-27 / Gal 4:4-7 / Lk 2:16-21 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Thursday 2 1 Jn 2:22-28 / Jn 1:19-28 St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory Nazianzen Friday 3 1 Jn 2:29―3:6 / Jn 1:29-34 The Most Holy Name of Jesus Saturday 4 1 Jn 3:7-10 / Jn 1:35-42 St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Sunday 5 Is 60:1-6 / Eph 3:2-3,5-6 / Mt 2:1-12 The Epiphany of the Lord PARISH CALENDAR December 30 – January 5 MONDAY 30—The Social Justice & Community Services Committee meets at 6:45pm in the East Conference Room. TUESDAY 31—Vigil of the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Vigil Masses are at 5:30pm and 7pm (Spanish). WEDNESAY 1—Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Masses are at 10 and 11:30am. The parish offices are closed. THURSDAY 2—Legión de María se reunirá a las 6:30 de la tarde en el salón de conferencias del Este. FRIDAY 3—First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held following the 12:10pm Mass until 5pm. SATURDAY 4—First Saturday Devotions are held after the 12:10pm Mass, followed by Hospitality in the West Conference Room. SUNDAY 5—Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. Cardinal Wuerl is the celebrant and homilist at the 11:30am Mass. A second collection for Cathedral maintenance is taken at all Masses. Hospitality receptions are held after all Masses except 7am in the North Conference Room. Las clases de Catecumenado y Catequesis Familiar continúan a las 11:00 de la mañana. YOUNG ADULTS The mission of the Cathedral young adult ministry is to support the community of Catholic adults in their 20’s and 30’s who live and work in DC in the continued growth of their faith, discernment of their vocations, and development as stewards of the Church through opportunities for socializing, community service and spiritual reflection. We hope you'll join us for our regular January events - a happy hour, a restaurant outing, a women's group, discussion groups, volunteering, and more! Stay up to date with all of the C†YA events by checking out our website, stmatthewscathedral. org/cya, and joining our listserv. Want to learn more? Email [email protected]. CATHEDRAL OF SAINT MATTHEW THE APOSTLE, WASHINGTON, D.C. December 22 & 29, 2013 ADVENT NEWS AND NOTES MUSIC FIND THE PERFECT GIFT – Find the Perfect Gift this year by making some time for silence to pray and wait for God to speak to you so that you can share the gift of his love with others. To find ways to rediscover the gift God has given you, visit FIRST FRIDAY AND FIRST SATURDAY – First Friday Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held on January 3 following the 12:10pm Mass until 5pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, to the left of the sanctuary. All are welcome to come and adore Our Lord. On Saturday, January 4 all are welcome to First Saturday Devotions after the 12:10pm Mass, followed by Hospitality in the West Conference Room. GREAT ORGAN COMPLETION UPDATE – 175th ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN – We are thrilled that 170 households have contributed more than $62,000 to our campaign to complete our wonderful organ in time for the 175th Anniversary of the Parish. We still have quite a ways to go, but are confident of achieving our goal. We hope that you will consider donating to this worthy effort or adding to your existing contribution. If you are 70 ½ or older, you may wish to take advantage of a Charitable IRA Rollover, which allows you to make charitable distributions from you IRA accounts directly to the Organ Completion Fund. Gifts can be made up to $100,000 and can be used to offset your minimum required distribution. Your charitable distribution must be arranged through your IRA plan administrator no later than December 31, 2013, at which time the law governing Charitable IRA Rollovers will expire. Making a gift of appreciated stock is another tax-friendly way to make a year-end gift. With the stock market at an all-time high, this is the perfect time to consider transferring highly appreciated stocks to the St Matthew’s Organ Completion Fund. You will avoid capital gains tax, and will get a charitable deduction equal to the full value of the donated stock. Most importantly you will be helping us to complete this last project that remains from the Cathedral Restoration. Please consult your tax or financial advisor before making a gift. For more information, please contact Tom Stehle at tstehle@ CHRISTMAS DECORATING – On Monday evening, December 23, after the 5:30pm Mass, we will decorate the Cathedral for Christmas in one session. We need volunteers to unwrap, prepare and place poinsettias, put lights on the trees, and assemble the crèche. To volunteer, contact Pam Erwin at 202-347-3215 x537 or perwin@ CHRISTMAS OFFERING – During Advent, we reflect upon the many blessings of the Lord, including those graces experienced at St. Matthew’s. It is your generous response that enables the building up the Kingdom of God in our parish and our community. We invite you to mail your Christmas offering to the rectory, drop it in the offertory, or donate at (Choose Make a Gift on the front page, then choose Donate under Make a One-Time Gift. After providing your address and credit card information, click Review Donation and Continue. Choose Comments and in the window type “Christmas.”). You also may give via Faith Direct. We truly appreciate your generosity and pray that this Christmas brings many blessings to you and your loved ones. FAITH FORMATION BECOMING CATHOLIC – Throughout the year, adults come forward seeking to learn about the Catholic faith. For those who are interested in learning about the Catholic faith or thinking about becoming Catholic, St. Matthew’s offers Inquiry, a casual, ongoing conversation about the Catholic faith, once a month. Inquiry is the first step in the process of discerning one’s commitment to full initiation in the Catholic Church. Inquiry meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 6:30 to 7:30pm in the East Conference Room. A brief overview of the entire adult initiation process (RCIA), which begins formally in June each year, can be presented after Inquiry for those who are interested. The next Inquiry will be held Wednesday, January 8. For more information, contact Heather Kinney at [email protected]. AWAKEN YOUR FAITH! – Is making Sunday Mass a priority sometimes difficult because of so many competing demands on your attention and time? Are you looking for a way to get more connected to your faith? Starting late January 2014, St. Matthew’s will be hosting Awakening Faith, a chance for you to meet others from the parish in a relaxed small group setting to talk about matters of faith over the course of six weeks. If you are interested, please stay tuned to the bulletin and pulpit announcements starting after the New Year. CATHEDRAL OF ST. MATTHEW THE APOSTLE CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS DAY MASSES Msgr. Jameson and the Staff of the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle wish you and yours a very blessed and Merry Christmas! Monseñor Jameson y el Personal de la Catedral de San Mateo Apóstol les desean a usted y a los suyos una ¡Feliz Navidad! SOLEMNITY OF SOLEMNIDAD DE LA NATIVIDAD DEL SEÑOR THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD CHRISTMAS EVE NOCHEBUENA The Cathedral closes at 1pm and reopens at 3pm. La Catedral se cerrará a la 1 y se abrirá a las 3 de la tarde A CHRISTMAS PRELUDE, 4:00PM PRELUDIO DE VILLANCICOS The Contemporary Choir Coro Contemporáneo VIGIL MASS OF CHRISTMAS, 4:30PM MISA DE VIGILIA DE NAVIDAD Rev. Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson, V.F. Celebrant and Homilist A LAS 4:30 DE LA TARDE Rev. Mons. W. Ronald Jameson, V.F. Celebrante y Homilista MISA DE VIGILIA DE NAVIDAD, 6:30PM Rev. Rafael Barbieri Celebrante y Homilista Coro Hispano Bendición del Niño Dios A CHRISTMAS PRELUDE, 9:15PM The Schola Cantorum and Festival Singers SOLEMN MASS OF CHRISTMAS, 10:00PM † CARDINAL DONALD W. WUERL Archbishop of Washington Celebrant and Homilist Rev. Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson, V.F., Concelebrant Blessing of the Manger Scene MISA EN ESPAÑOL A LAS 6:30 DE LA TARDE P. Rafael Barbieri Celebrante y Homilista Coro Hispano Bendición del Nacimiento CONCIERTO DE NAVIDAD 9:15 DE LA NOCHE Festival Cantores de San Mateo MISA SOLEMNE DE NAVIDAD 10:00 DE LA NOCHE † PRESIDIDA POR EL CARDENAL DONALD W. WUERL Arzobispo de Washington Bendición del Nacimiento CHRISTMAS DAY † ~ Hay intérprete para sordos The Cathedral opens at 8:00AM. Mass Schedule: 8:30AM: Rev. John Hurley 10:00AM: Rev. Mel Ayala 11:30AM: Rev. Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson, V.F. † 1:00PM (en español): Rev. Rafael Barbieri The Cathedral closes after the 1:00PM Mass. The Rectory is closed. †~ Interpreted for the deaf PARKING ON THE HOLIDAYS Penn Parking has informed us of the following holiday hours for the garage next to the Cathedral: Tuesday, December 24 7am – Midnight Wednesday, December 25 - Closed DÍA DE NAVIDAD La Catedral se abrirá a las 8:00 de la mañana. Horario de Misas en Ingles: 8:30, 10:00 y 11:30 de la mañana MISA EN ESPAÑOL 1:00 DE LA TARDE P. Rafael Barbieri, Celebrante y Homilista Coro Hispano La Catedral cerrará después de la Misa de 1:00. La rectoría estará cerrada. APARCAMIENTO EN DIAS NAVIDEÑOS El aparcamiento Penn que está a la derecha de la Catedral, nos ha informado del horario durante los siguientes días: Martes 24 de diciembre de 7 de la mañana a medianoche Miércoles 25 de diciembre - Cerrado CATHEDRAL OF ST. MATTHEW THE APOSTLE 1725 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 CATHEDRAL OF ST. MATTHEW THE APOSTLE SOLEMNIDAD DE SANTA MARIA, MADRE DE DIOS SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Wednesday, January 1 Holy Day of Obligation The Cathedral opens at 9:00AM. Mass Schedule for the Holy Day: Vigil Mass, Tuesday, December 31 5:30PM: Rev. John Hurley Vigil Mass, Tuesday, December 31 7:00PM (en español): Rev. Rafael Barbieri 10:00AM: Rev. John Hurley 11:30AM: CARDINAL DONALD W. WUERL † The Cathedral closes at 1:00PM. The Rectory is closed. Miércoles 1 de Enero Día de precepto La Catedral abre a las 9 de la mañana Horario de misas día de precepto: Misa de vigilia martes 31de Diciembre 5:30 de la tarde: p. John Hurley Misa de vigilia en español 7:00 de la noche: p. Rafael Barbieri 10:00 de la mañana: p. John Hurley 11:30 de la mañana CARDENAL DONALD W. WUERL † La Catedral se cerrará a la 1:00 de la tarde La rectoría estará cerrada SOLEMNITY OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD SOLEMNIDAD DE LA EPIFANÍA DEL SEÑOR Sunday, January 5 Regular Schedule of Masses 11:30AM: CARDINAL DONALD W. WUERL † Domingo 5 de Enero Horario regular de misas 11:30 de la mañana CARDENAL DONALD W. WUERL † Archbishop of Washington Celebrant and Homilist Arzobispo de Washington Celebrante y Predicador FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Sunday, January 12 Regular Schedule of Masses FESTIVIDAD DEL BAUTISMO DEL SEÑOR Domingo 12 de Enero Horario regular de misas †~ Interpreted for the deaf † ~ Interprete para sordos PARKING ON THE HOLIDAYS Penn Parking has informed us of the following holiday hours for the garage next to the Cathedral: Tuesday, December 24, Christmas Eve 7am – Midnight Wednesday, December 25 Closed Tuesday, December 31, New Year's Eve 7am – 9pm Wednesday, January 1, New Year’s Day Closed APARCAMIENTO EN DIAS NAVIDEÑOS El aparcamiento Penn que está a la derecha de la Catedral, nos ha informado del horario durante los siguientes días: Martes 24 de diciembre Noche Buena de 7:00 de la mañana a medianoche Miércoles 25 de diciembre Navidad Cerrado Martes 31 de diciembre Fin de Año de 7:00 de la mañana a 9:00 de la noche Miércoles 1 de enero Año Nuevo Cerrado CATHEDRAL OF ST. MATTHEW THE APOSTLE 1725 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT (DECEMBER 22) NOTICIAS DE LA PARROQUIA ENCUENTRE EL REGALO PERFECTO – Regalo perfecto este año al hacer un tiempo de silencio para orar y esperar que Dios le hable a usted personalmente y para que pueda compartir el don de su amor con los demás. Visite: y encuentre la manera de redescubrir el don que Dios le ha dado. OFRENDAS FLORALES – Cada año se hacen todos los esfuerzos posibles para decorar la Catedral para la Navidad de una manera que refleje verdaderamente la noble sencillez de esta época. Para hacerlo de nuevo, necesitamos de su apoyo generoso. Usted puede mandar su ofrenda de flores a la rectoría, ponerla en la cesta de la colecta, o donar en la página digital de la Catedral o a través de Fe en Directo. Sabemos que en esta época, hay muchas solicitudes, por eso, realmente apreciamos cualquier donación. OFRENDA DE NAVIDAD – Durante el Adviento, tenemos la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre las muchas bendiciones del Señor, en particular los dones que se experimentan en San Mateo. Dependemos de su generosidad, la cual nos permite construir el Reino de Dios en nuestra parroquia y en nuestra comunidad. Los invitamos a que manden su donación de Navidad a la rectoría, ponerla en la cesta de la colecta, o donar vía (Elija Make a Donation en la primera página, a continuación elija donar donde dice Make a One-Time Gift. Después de proporcionar su dirección y la información de la tarjeta de crédito, haga clic en Review Donation y Continuar. Elija Comments y en la ventana escriba Navidad.) También puede dar a través de Fe en Directo. Agradecemos sinceramente su generosidad y pido a Dios que esta HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH (DECEMBER 29) Navidad traiga muchas bendiciones a usted y toda su familia. CATEQUESIS – Les dejamos saber que los domingos 22, 29 de diciembre y 5 de enero no habrá clases de catecismo y catecumenado. Las clases se reanudarán el domingo 12 de enero con el mismo horario. ¡Feiz Navidad y Prospero Año! ÚNASE CON EL MINISTERIO DEL RESPETO A LA VIDA PARA LA PROCESIÓN MENSUAL DEL ROSARIO – La procesión mensual del rosario es el sábado 28 de diciembre, después de la misa de las 8:00 de la mañana. Nos reuniremos dentro de la Catedral en la entrada, para caminar a Planned Parenthood clínica de abortos. Para más información sobre oportunidades de servicio, por favor póngase en contacto con Justin Silvers al [email protected]. Para español, llame a Norma Canedo en la rectoría. PRIMER VIERNES Y PRIMER SABADO – Primer viernes de exposición y adoración del Santísimo Sacramento se celebrará después de la misa 12:10 del mediodía hasta 5:00 de la tarde este viernes 3 de enero en la Capilla del Santísimo Sacramento, situada a la izquierda del santuario. Todos son bienvenidos a venir y adorar a nuestro Señor. El sábado 4 de enero todos son bienvenidos a participar en las devociones del primer sábado después de la misa de 12:10 mediodía, seguida de hospitalidad en el salón de conferencia del Oeste. SE NECESITA CD PLAYERS PARA EL PROGRAMA DE ESL – El programa de ESL está buscando donaciones de CD players, usados o nuevos, para utilizar en las clases de ESL. Los libros que se usan en el programa de ESL vienen con CDs que se utilizan durante el tiempo de la clase. Necesitamos cinco CD players y deben tener sus propios altavoces para permitir que toda la clase pueda escuchar el audio. Para donar o si tiene más preguntas, póngase en contacto con Krista Cox al [email protected]. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN – El grupo de oración se reúne los martes a las 7:00 de la tarde, en el salón de conferencias del Oeste. El objetivo del grupo es profundizar en nuestra fe por medio de las Sagradas Escrituras. Para más información llame a Fátima al 202-347-3215 X543. LECTURAS 22 DE DICIEMBRE H oy San Mateo nos cuenta que José y María estaban comprometidos en matrimonio y, antes de casarse, María resultó embarazada, por lo que José pensó abandonarla en secreto, para no perjudicarla. Así pensaba hacerlo, pero se le apareció un ángel en sueños y le dio a conocer el plan de Dios, especialmente lo que sucedería con el niño que iba a nacer. José, obediente a Dios, siguió las indicaciones del ángel. José era un hombre sencillo, pero a la vez santo, humilde y moderado, el esposo perfecto para la Virgen María y modelo por excelencia de los maridos y padres de familia de hoy. En efecto, el padre de familia enseña más y mejor con su ejemplo que con órdenes y voz fuerte. El silencio apacible, cuando va acompañado de una conducta recta y obras de amor y servicio es más elocuente que cualquier expresión de enojo o impaciencia. CATHEDRAL OF SAINT MATTHEW THE APOSTLE, WASHINGTON, D.C. Al respecto, el Papa Emérito Benedicto XVI dijo: “El silencio de san José no manifiesta un vacío interior, sino por el contrario, la plenitud de fe que lleva en su corazón y guía cada uno de sus pensamientos y de sus acciones. Un silencio gracias al cual José, al unísono con María, conserva la Palabra de Dios, conocida a través de las Santas Escrituras, confrontándolas permanentemente con los acontecimientos de la vida de Jesús; un silencio entretejido de oración continua, de bendición del Señor, de adoración de su voluntad y de confianza absoluta en su providencia. “¡Dejémonos ‘contaminar’ por el silencio de san José! Tenemos necesidad de ello en un mundo a menudo tan ruidoso, que no favorece en absoluto el recogimiento ni la escucha de la voz de Dios. En este tiempo de preparación para la Navidad, cultivemos el silencio interior, para recibir y conservar a Jesús en nuestra vida.” “Amado Jesús, concédeme un corazón sencillo, para pensar bien y refrenar mi lengua antes de hablar y más bien imitar a san José en su paz y su docilidad a tu voluntad.” LECTURAS 29 DE DICIEMBRE A veces en la familia es donde recibimos las heridas más dolorosas, o donde más nos cuesta ser pacientes y amables. Pareciera que la proximidad que se vive en la familia hace aflorar nuestras imperfecciones con más facilidad. ¿Qué se puede hacer cuando nuestro hogar tiene muy poco de parecido con el de la Sagrada Familia? Primero, tomar el consejo de san Pablo y revestirnos de virtud. ¿Cómo? Hemos sido elegidos y amados por Dios; Jesús nos ha redimido y ¡tenemos al Espíritu Santo que habita en nosotros! Estas son tres verdades poderosas que nos dicen que hoy mismo podemos empezar de nuevo, aunque sea dando pequeños pasos. Todas las historias personales son diferentes: unos tienen vivos a sus dos padres, otros uno solo; unos tienen hijos pequeños, otros tienen hijos adultos con sus propias familias; unos forman parte de una comunidad religiosa; otros están lejos de sus familias por cumplir misión militar, prisión o dificultades personales. Pero cualquiera sea la situación, todos podemos dar un paso más. Por ejemplo, invitar a toda la familia a rezar el rosario y leer el Evangelio una vez a la semana o al mes. Otra posibilidad es invitar a la familia a una hora de adoración eucarística en la parroquia de vez en cuando. Las historias de la Biblia o las vidas de los santos a la hora de acostarse son útiles para establecer vínculos de fe con los más pequeños. Los adolescentes se interesarán en escucharnos si les dedicamos tiempo para hablar francamente de sus dificultades y compartir con ellos nuestras propias experiencias. Sea lo que sea que hagas en este sentido, ten la confianza de que mientras más te acerques al Señor, mejor será tu testimonio de vida, y mientras mejor imites a Cristo, mejor será el efecto en tu familia. “Padre celestial, ayúdame a lograr un cambio espiritual en mi familia este año. ¡Jesús, María y José, recen por mí y mi familia, y por todas las familias del mundo!” Escogida con el permiso de La Palabra Entre Nosotros, Vol. 33, Número 1: diciembre 2013. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Domingo 22 Is 7:10-14 / Cuarto Rom 1:1-7 / Mt 1:18-24 Domingo de Adviento Lunes 23 Mal 3:1-4,23-24 / Lc 1:57-66 December 22 & 29, 2013 2 Sam 7:1-5,8-12, 14-16 / Lc 1:67-79 Miércoles 25 Is 62:1-5 / Natividad He 13: 16-17, del Señor 22-25 /Mt 1:1-25 Jueves 26 He 6:8-10; 7:54-59 / San Esteven Mt 10:17-22 Viernes 27 1 Jn 1:1-4 / San Juan Jn 20:1; 2-8 Sábado 28 1 Jn 1:5-2:2 / Los Santos Mt 2:13-18 Inocentes Domingo 29 Ecl 3:3-7,14-17 / Col 3:12- 21 /Mt 2:13-15,19-23 La Sagrada Familia Lunes 30 1 Jn 2:12-17 / Lc 2:36-40 Martes 31 1 Jn 2:18-21 / Jn 1:1-18 Miércoles 1 Núm 6:22-27 / Santa Gál 4:4-7 / Lc 2:16-21 María Madre de Dios Jueves 2 1 Jn 2:22-28 / San Basilio y Jn 1:19-28 san Gregorio Nacianceno Viernes 3 1 Jn 2:29―3:6 / Santísimo Nombre Jn 1:29-34 de Jesús Sábado 4 1 Jn 3:7-10 / Santa Isabel Jn 1:35-42 Ana Seton Domingo 5 Is 60:1-6 / Ef 3:2-3,5-6 / Mt 2:1-12 La Epifania del Señor Martes 24 To arrange a Mass intention, speak to our receptionist in the Rectory. There is no fee but an offering is customary. Intentions are reserved in advance so particular dates may be unavailable. Se les recuerda a todas las personas que deseen ofrecer misas por sus difuntos, que tienen que reservarlas por lo menos con tres meses de antelación debido a que solo tenemos una misa en español. Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle English as a Second Language Program Programa de Inglés como Segundo Idioma General Information The English as a Second Language (ESL) Program forms part of the Cathedral’s Social Justice & Community Services Ministries. This all-volunteer program provides English language instruction to adults (ages 18 and up) during three semesters each year: Fall, Spring and Summer. Language instruction is provided at Level 1 (Beginner) through Level 5 (Advanced) and classes are held at St. Matthew’s Education Center, 1726 N Street, NW. The following is information regarding the upcoming Spring Semester. Información General El Programa de Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL, por sus siglas en inglés) forma parte de los ministerios de Justicia Social & Servicios Comunitarios de la Catedral. Es un programa de voluntariado que proporciona enseñanza del idioma inglés para adultos (de 18 años de edad en adelante) durante tres semestres al año: Otoño, Primavera y Verano. Las clases de inglés se imparten desde el Nivel 1 (principiante) hasta el Nivel 5 (avanzado) en el St. Matthew’s Education Center (Centro de Educación de San Mateo), que está ubicado en 1726 N Street, NW. Lo siguiente es información sobre el próximo Semestre de Primavera. English Classes for Adults The 13-week Spring semester will extend from January 14 to April 10. During this period, classes will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30pm, with optional pre-class tutoring between 6:00 and 6:30pm. Language instruction will be provided at Level 1 (Beginner) through Level 5 (Advanced). Students may register, in person, starting on Thursday, January 9, between 6:00 and 8:00pm, at St. Matthew’s Education Center, 1726 N Street, NW. At registration, each student will be assessed to determine the appropriate class level in which he/she will be placed. Student registrations will be accepted until February 4. The cost of the 13-week semester is $40. For more information, please visit the Cathedral website and click on “English Language Classes” under the “Social Justice” tab, or contact Krista Cox at [email protected]. Clases de Inglés Para Adultos El semestre de otoño, con una duración de 13 semanas, se impartirá del 14 de enero al 10 de abril. Durante este periodo las clases se llevarán a cabo los martes, miércoles y jueves por la tarde, de 6:30 a 8:30 pm, con clases previas de asesoría opcional de 6:00 a 6:30 pm. Las clases de inglés serán impartidas desde el Nivel 1 (principiante) hasta el Nivel 5 (avanzado). Los estudiantes pueden inscribirse en persona a partir del jueves 9 de enero, de las 6:00 a las 8:00 de la tarde en el St. Matthew’s Education Center (Centro de Educación de San Mateo), que está ubicado en 1726 N Street, NW. Durante la inscripción a cada estudiante se le hará una evaluación para determinar cuál es su nivel de clase más apropiado. Se aceptará la inscripción de estudiantes hasta el 4 de febrero. El costo del semestre, con duración de 13 semanas, es de $40. Para más información, por favor visite a la página de web de la Catedral y haga clic a la frase “Clases de Inglés” bajo la ficha de “Social Justice”, o póngase en contacto con Krista Cox al [email protected]. Volunteers Needed for ESL Program: Teachers, Tutors & Persons of Hospitality We are looking for volunteers to serve as teachers, tutors, and persons of hospitality one night per week (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) in the Spring Semester of the ESL Program. Please see above for more details. While volunteers are not required to have formal training in teaching English as a second language, we expect their native language to be English. Also, volunteers are expected to have at least one university degree. Classes for the Fall Semester are textbook based and will be taught in English only. If you are not comfortable teaching a class on your own, we can pair you with a more experienced teacher. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Krista Cox at [email protected]. Important: All Fall Semester volunteers (new and returning) will be required to attend the pre-semester “Preparation, Planning and Orientation” meeting on Wednesday, January 8, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. ESL Program meetings are held at St. Matthew’s Education Center. Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle Spanish as a Second Language Program General Information The Spanish as a Second Language (SSL) Program is an all-volunteer program that provides Spanish language instruction to adults (ages 18 and up) during three semesters each year: Fall, Spring and Summer. Language instruction is provided at Level 1 and Level 2 and classes are held at St. Matthew’s Education Center, 1726 N Street, NW. While the SSL Program seeks to provide Spanish language instruction to persons engaged in serving their brothers and sisters in the Hispanic communities of the Washington, DC metropolitan area, the program also accepts students who are interested in learning Spanish solely for their personal enrichment. Spanish Classes for Adults The 13-week Spring semester will extend from January 14 to April 10. During this period, classes will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Language instruction is provided at two levels. No prior knowledge of Spanish is necessary for Level 1. Enrollment in Level 2 is accepted only with prior consent of the Level 2 instructors. Priority registration for Level 2 will take place through January 21 and offered to students who are parishioners at St. Matthew’s, particularly those currently involved in a ministry. After January 21, additional students will be permitted to enroll, space permitting. Students may register, in person, starting Thursday, January 9, between 6:00 and 8:00pm, at St. Matthew’s Education Center, 1726 N Street, NW. The cost of the 13-week semester is $80. For more information, please visit the Cathedral website and click on “Spanish Language Classes” under the “Social Justice” tab, or contact Krista Cox at [email protected]. Volunteer Teachers Needed for SSL Program We are looking for volunteers to serve as teachers one night per week (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) in the Spring Semester of the SSL Program. Please see above for more details. While volunteers are not required to have formal training in teaching Spanish as a second language, we expect their native language to be Spanish. Also, volunteers are expected to have at least one university degree. Classes will be taught in Spanish only. If you are not comfortable teaching a class on your own, we can pair you with a more experienced teacher. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Krista Cox at [email protected]. Important: All Spring Semester volunteers (new and returning) will be required to attend the pre-semester “Preparation, Planning and Orientation” meeting on Wednesday, January 8, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. SSL Program meetings are held at St. Matthew’s Education Center. Se solicita maestros voluntarios para el Programa SSL Estamos buscando voluntarios para servir como maestros una noche por semana (martes, miércoles, o jueves) durante el Semestre de Primavera del Programa SSL. Por favor mire arriba para más detalles. No es un requisito que los voluntarios tengan una capacitación formal como maestros de español como segundo idioma, sin embargo esperamos que la lengua materna de los voluntarios sea el español. Además, se espera que los voluntarios tengan por mínimo un título universitario. Las clases serán impartidas sólo en español. Si usted no se siente a gusto dando la clase por sí solo podemos acomodarlo junto con algún maestro con más experiencia. Si usted está interesado en participar como voluntario por favor póngase en contacto con Krista Cox al [email protected]. Importante: Se pedirá a todos los voluntarios del semestre de Primavera (nuevos o que regresan para continuar sirviendo) que se reúnan como equipo el miércoles 8 de enero, de 6:30 a 8:30pm. Las reuniones del Programa SSL se llevan a cabo en el St. Matthew’s Education Center (Centro de Educación de San Mateo). FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT (DECEMBER 22) HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH (DECEMBER 29) PARISH PILGRIMAGE VOCATIONS St Matthew’s Marian Pilgrimage to Vienna, Salzburg and Prague Registration Deadline: February 1, 2014 Time is running out to sign up for the 2014 Pilgrimage to the Majestic Alpine Region of Europe. Please consider joining us for a spiritual and enriching journey to various Shrines and holy places throughout Prague, Vienna and Salzburg. It is guaranteed to be the experience of a lifetime! The group will leave Washington on April 23, 2014 and return on May 4, 2014. The registration deadline is February 1. All who are interested are invited to attend an informational meeting after the 5:30pm Mass on Saturday, January 11 in the North Conference Room. Refreshments will be served. Registration is available at cathedral. Please contact Marie Mattingly at emarie63@verizon. net or Maria Menacho at menacho.maria@ with any questions. PRAY FOR VOCATIONS – On Saturday, January 18 from 9am to 2pm, the Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Vocation Society will host a day of recollection and prayer for priestly vocations, led by Msgr. Robert Panke, at Annunciation Church (3810 Massachusetts Ave., NW). For more information, visit or contact Maris Moriarty at [email protected]. FAITH IN ACTION REQUEST FOR DONATION – The ESL program is seeking donations of CD players, used or new, for use in class. The books used in the program come with CDs to use during the class period. We need five CD players with their own internal speakers to allow the entire class to hear the audio. To donate or if you have questions, please contact Krista Cox at [email protected]. SERVICE OPPORTUNITY AT MARTHA’S TABLE – Volunteers are needed to help with food preparation at Martha’s Table on 14th and V Streets, NW on Saturday, January 11 from 10am to 1pm. The food will be delivered by McKenna's Wagon to those in need in different locations around DC. Martha’s Table addresses emergency needs with food and clothing programs and breaks the long cycle of poverty with education and family strengthening programs. MASS INTENTIONS December 22– January 5 Sunday, December 22 7am – Jose & Rebecca Tatala 8:30am – Cybil Britton Denton 10am – All Parishioners 11:30am – Frantiska Lyskova 1pm – Papa Francisco (living) 5:30pm – John Bovello Monday, December 23 7am – Alfonso Armada 8am – Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Martino, Jr. 12:10pm – Kin Quickel (living) 5:30pm – Kurt L. Packaerd & Gloria Mora (living) Tuesday, December 24 7am – Thomas Walker 8am – Teresa M. Spadaro 12:10pm – Fr. Christopher Turczany (living) 4:30pm – All Parishioners 6:30pm – Feliciano, Amanda, Armandito, Jacobo Espinoza 10pm – Patricia Coppola Wednesday, December 25 8:30am – Sofia Marquez 10am – Joseph Thanh Le 11:30am – Brendan Kelly 1pm – Isabel F. Clelia C. Thursday, December 26 8am – Our Lady of Guadalupe 12:10pm – Frantiska Lyskova Friday, December 27 7am – All Parishioners 8am – Yolanda Horan 12:10pm – Robert M. Rose 5:30pm – Rosa Muzo Saturday, December 28 8am – David P. & Bridget T. Mora (living) 12:10pm – Mr. & Mrs. Jon Robinson & Lucas (living) 5:30pm – Arway Sayeh-Swepson (living) Sunday, December 29 7am – All Parishioners 8:30am – Consuello Herron 10am – Frantiska Lyskova 11:30am – Doris Farah 1pm – Maria Velez Posada 5:30pm – Sarah & James Tressler (living) Monday, December 30 7am – Vianella Veras 8am – Danny Kudelka 12:10pm – Kelvin Adams 5:30pm – Prosper Dohnani Tuesday, December 31 7am – Leonard T. Zelonis (living) 8am – Sean Moroney (living) 12:10pm – Vanda Pascoal Santos 5:30pm – Aldrich Senar (living) 7pm – Armilda Aguirre Wednesday, January 1 10am – Sofia Marquez 11:30am – Maury Lipnick Thursday, January 2 7am – All Souls 8am – Alfonso & Mercedes de Araque 12:10pm – Christopher Valiente 5:30pm –Nelson Mandela Friday, January 3 7am – Irma Marich (living) 8am – Conrado Sabelino 12:10pm – Moises Lopez 5:30pm – Judy Dubowik Saturday, January 4 8am – All Parishioners 12:10pm – Maria Agustina Montes 5:30pm – Rebecca Nchama Sunday, January 5 7am – Thanh Le 8:30am – Margaret Samolyk 10am – William P. Clark 11:30am – Marianna O’Hearn 1pm – Aida Botero de Chavez (living) 5:30pm – Dr. Richard Lee Fields Looking for a convenient way to support our parish offertory? Faith Direct is the innovative solution that allows you to support our parish using electronic funds transfer from either a credit card or bank account. It is a hassle-free, simple solution for today’s busy families. Sign up using the enrollment form on the other side or go online to and use our parish code DC284 to enroll today! How does Faith Direct work? Faith Direct is a secure system that works directly with your bank or credit card–much the same as other direct payments you may have set up for utility bills or mortgage payments. When do transactions take place? Transactions take place once per month on the 4th or the next business day. The total amount of your gifts for that current month (both offertory & second/special collections) will be debited in one monthly total. The Cathedral will receive the funds 4 business days later. Can I stop, increase, or decrease my payment at any time? Yes, by calling Faith Direct at 1-866-507-8757 (toll free) by emailing [email protected], or by logging in to your account through How does the Cathedral benefit from my participation with Faith Direct? The Cathedral will see a substantial increase in net revenue, a decrease in administrative costs, and a clearer picture of cash flow for their needs. If you have any questions about the Faith Direct program, please call 1-866-507-8757 {toll free} or send an email to [email protected], or contact Pam Erwin at the Rectory at 202-347-3215 x537 or [email protected]. Church Name E-GIVING ENROLLMENT FORM Enrollment Form Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle 1725 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 For Online Enrollment Use Church Code: DC284 C Faith Direct . Attention: Enrollment . P.O. Box 7101 . Merrifield, VA 22116-7101 . 1-866-507-8757 {toll free} . “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace.” (Peter 4:10) (Note: Total contribution amount will be debited on the 4th of the month or the next business day. The total amount will be determined by the number of Sundays in the month. Some months have 5 Sundays.) Weekly Offertory contribution: $____________ You may also choose to give to the following second and special collections. The amount indicated will be debited in the month listed as part of the regular monthly transaction. COLLECTION Cathedral Maintenance Music Ministry Poor Box/Outreach Solemnity of Mary Church Missions within the US Churches in the Developing World Ash Wednesday Holy Thursday Holy Land Easter Flowers Easter Sunday (In addition to regular Sunday gift) Catholic Relief Services AMOUNT $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ MONTH Monthly Monthly Monthly January January February March March/April March/April March/April $________ March/April $________ May COLLECTION Holy Father Catholic Communications & Human Development Assumption Catholic University Propagation of the Faith/ World Missions All Saints Day All Souls Day * Archdiocesan Priests' Retirement Retirement Fund for Religious Immaculate Conception Christmas Flowers Christmas AMOUNT MONTH $________ June $________ August $________ August $________ September $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ October November November November December December December December * Please call the church at 202-347-3215 with the names of your intentions for this collection. I would like to enroll in the Faith Direct program for the benefit of the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle. I understand that my total monthly I would like to enroll in the Faith Direct program. I understand that my total monthly contribution amount will be transferred contribution amount will be transferred directly from my checking account or credit card as stated above, a record of my gifts will appear on my bank directly from my checking account or credit card as stated above, a record of my gifts will appear on my bank or credit card stateor credit card statement, and my transfers will begin on the 4th or next business day of the month following my enrollment. I understand that I can ment, and my transfers will begin next month. I understand that I can increase, decrease or suspend my giving by contacting Faith increase, decrease, or suspend my giving by contacting Faith Direct toll free at 1-866-507-8757. Direct free at 1-866-507-8757. {Allasgifts providedClearing to your Church originating comply as Automated {All giftstoll provided to your Church originating Automated House transactions with USClearing law.} House transactions comply with U.S. law.} Signature: X Date: Name(s): (please print) Church Envelope #: Street Address: City/State/Zip Code: Telephone: E-mail: K Name as I/we would like it to appear on Offertory Cards: K I do not wish to receive Offertory Cards to place in the collection basket as a sign of my electronic giving. If you choose to enroll by mail, you can contact Faith Direct at 1-866-507-8757 {toll-free} to set up online access to your account. For Checking Account Debit: Please return this completed form and a voided check to Faith Direct Enrollment. For Credit Card Debit: Please complete the following… K VISA K MasterCard K American Express Credit Card #: K Discover Expiration Date: Print Name as Appears on Card: Signature: If you have any questions about the Faith Direct program, please contact us at 1-866-507-8757 {toll free} or [email protected].