all sesions of area D


all sesions of area D
Programa oficial del Congreso Internacional
" Edificación sostenible. Revitalización y rehabilitación de barrios" Area D. City, building and tourism: a Mediterranean challenge.
Sesion 1D
Conflicts between Tourism and Sustainability. A Theoretical Debate
Moderador: Rubén C. Lois González Miércoles 28 de abril 17.00h a 18.30h
Sala: 2A
Tourism for a Sustainable Redevelopment of Towns and Territories
Gabriella Pultrone
Italian Tourist Districts: an Opportunity for a Sustainable Land Rehabilitation
Alessandra Barresi
Impact of Tourism on Urban Metabolism and the Sustainability of Medium Size Mediterranean Cities
Stefano Giussani, María Helena Luengo, Georgina Rondón
Tourism and Regeneration
Rosa María Añón Abajas, Amadeo Ramos Carranza
A strate for to rism and rban re eneration in al eria
A strategy for tourism and urban regeneration in algeria
DIAFAT Abderrahmane Sesion 1D
Tools and Methodologies. Sustainable Rehabilitation and Construction of Touristic Buildings and Spaces Chairman: Petros Petsimeris Thrusday 29th of April 12.05h ‐ 13.30h
Room: 2A
Building Rehabilitation under Environmental Impact Reduction Objectives: Two Pilot Dwelling and Hotel Cases in the Platja de Palma Area, Mallorca
Fabian López, Albert Sagrera, Gerardo Wadel Design of sustainable tourist resorts. Methodology based on water and energy flows. Laura Ivern Oliveras, Pere Alavedra Ribot, Eva Cuerva Contreras, Joan Gallostra Isern
A Strategy for the Zero CO2 Balance in an Existing Mediterranean Toruristic Development
Ramón Rodriguez Cabezon
Xenios Project. The Development of an Environmental Evaluation Tool for Hotel Buildings Toni Floriach i Puig
Programa oficial del Congreso Internacional
" Edificación sostenible. Revitalización y rehabilitación de barrios" Sesion 3D
Tourism and City. Urban Rehabilitation of Degradated Historical Centers and Touristic Settings
ChaIrman: Onofre Rullan Salamanca Thrusday 29th of April 17.00h a 18.30h
Room: 2A
Restoration of the Great Inn for Touristic purpose in the Walled City of Nicosia, Northern Cyprus
Mukaddes Fasli
Hopes and Contradictions: Local Efforts of Development and Conservation – The Antakya Experience
Seda Çalışır Hovardaoğlu, Ozan Hovardao÷lu
Recycling Processes Applied to Mas Tourism
Eva Llorca Afonso , Héctor García Sánchez
Integral Urban Areas and Residencial Building Rehabilitation. The Case of Platja de Palma
Fernando Fernández Alonso