curriculum - Supercomp - Universidad de Carabobo
curriculum - Supercomp - Universidad de Carabobo
CURRICULUM VITAE. MAYO 2010. JOSE JESUS RODRIGUEZ-NÚÑEZ. I.D. V-3.442.264. Universidad de Carabobo. Departamento de Fı́sica - FACYT. Campo de Bárbula. Teléfonos: 58-241-867.41.68; 0416–547.59.40 . FAX: 867.44.55; 842.28.78. e-m: [email protected]. VENEZUELA. 1 DATA PERSONAL DEL DR. JOSE JESUS RODRIGUEZ-NUÑEZ. 1) 2) 3) 4) Lugar de Nacimiento: El Tigre. Anzoátegui. VENEZUELA. Fecha de Nacimiento: 14 de Octubre de 1950. Ciudadanı́a: Venezolana. Status: Casado. Tres hijos. 1- Idiomas. 1. Español. (Lengua materna.) 2. Inglés. 3. Francés. 4. Portugués. 2- Habilidades Computacionales. Esperiencia en Programación en FORTRAN. 3- Historial Académico. Grados Cientı́ficos. 1.- Magister Scientarium I.V.I.C.. Fecha de Graduación: Mayo 1977. Tutor de Tesis: Dr. Andrés Kálnay. 2.- Master en Ciencia. Purdue University. Fecha de Graduación: Mayo 1982. 2 3.- Doctor en Filosofı́a. Universidad: Purdue University. Fecha de Graduación: Diciembre 18, 1982. Tı́tulo de la Tesis: Niveles de Energı́a de Impurezas Donoras en la Presencia de un Campo Magnético. Otros Cursos. 1. Second Plan Keller Workshop. IUPC. Year: 1974. 2. Abstract Algebra. IUPC. Year: 1974. Instructor: Dr. Mauricio Orellana(UCV). 3. Group Theory Applied to Solid State Physics. IVIC. Year: 1974. Instructor: Prof. Dr. Gene Dresselhauss(M.I.T.). 4. FS 5611. Plasma Physics. USB. Quarter: September-December, 1986. Instructor: Prof. Dr. Pablo Martı́n. (USB). 5. Hubbard Model in Metallic Systems. FEC-LUZ. Date: 15-31 July, 1988. 14 Hours. Instructor: Dr. Félix Próspero Marı́n. (UCV). 6. Superconductivity in the Hubbard Model. FEC-LUZ. Date: October 9-23, 1989. 12 Hours. Instructor: Dr. Rodrigo Medina. (IVIC). 7. Fractals and Aggregate Configurations in Lattices. FEC-LUZ. Date: July 27-29, 1990. 06 Hours. Instructor: Dr. Humberto La Roche, Jr. (IVIC). 8. Chaos and Fractals in Dynamical Systems. FEC-LUZ. Date: March 04-15, 1991. 12 Hours. Instructor: Dr. Rafael Rangel. (IVIC). 9. College on Superconductivity. ICTP-Trieste (ITALY). Date: April 27-June 19, 1992. Directors: Profs. C. Balseiro, G. Baskaran and Yu Lu. 10. L’Integrale Functionnelle et ses applications. Les Diablarets (Switzerland). Date: September 21-25, 1993. Profs. Ph. Martin, C. Becchi, X. Zotos and O. Piguet. 22,5 hours. 11. 16th International School of Theoretical Physics: Strongly Correlated Electron Systems and Narrow Band Phenomena in Solids. Ustroń - Jaszowiec, Poland. 16 - 22 September 1992. 12. Molecular Physics. Dr. Olivier Dulieu. (CNRS - France). July 1996. 14 hours. Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Fı́sica. Niterói. Brazil. 3 Cargos Universitarios. 1. La Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo. VENEZUELA. Abril 1989 hasta Junio 1994. Profesor Titular. 2. CENAMEC. Caracas. VENEZUELA. Abril 1985 hasta Abril 1989. Profesor Agregado. 3. Universidad Simón Bolı́var. Caracas. VENEZUELA. Enero 1985 hasta Febrero 1987. Agregado. 4. Universidad de Purdue. Indiana. U.S.A. Teaching Assistent. Septiembre 1980 hasta December 1982. 5. Instituto Universitario Pedagógico IP C). Caracas. VENEZUELA. Septiembre 1972 hasta Agosto 1977. Instructor. 6. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Departamento de Fı́sica. Profesor Visitante. Agosto 1997–Julio 1999. 7. Universidad de Carabobo. Profesor Titular. Septiembre 04, 2000 hasta el presente. Cargos de Investigación. 1. Post-Doctorado. Enero 1992–May0 1993. Université Paris-Sud. Laboratoire de Physique des Solides. Orsay. FRANCE. 2. Post-Doctorado. 01 Junio 1993 hasta 30 Junio 1995. Université de Neuchâtel. Institut de Physique. CH-2000 Neuchâtel. Suiza and IBM Research Division, Zürich Research Laboratory, Ch-8803 Rüschlikon, SWITZERLAND. 3. Investigador Visitante. 01 de Noviembre de 1995 - Julio de 1997. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Instituto de Fisica; Av. Gal. Milton Tavares de Souza, Gragoata S/N; 24210-340 Niteroi RJ, Brazil. 4. Post-Doctorate. 01 de Agosto de 1999 hasta el 30 de Agosto de 2000. Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Departamento de Fı́sica. Av. Itália, Km. 08. Rio Grande–RS. Brazil. 5. Profesor Titular. University of Carabobo. Departamento de Fı́sica FACYT. 04 de Septiembre de 2000 hasta el presente. 6. Senior Research Associate. ICTP–Trieste (2003–2008). 4 Cargos en la Administración Pública. 1. Alcaldı́a de Valencia, Edo. Carabobo, en Comisión de Servicios. Actividades desarrolladas: • Asesor de la Dirección de Desarrollo Económico (DIDE). • Colaborador de la Fundación de Estudios Estratégicos Comunales de Valencia (CEECOVAL). • Coordinador por la Alcaldı́a del Proyecto Universarium de Valencia, cuyo formulador es el Lic. Edison Durán. 4- Actividad de Investigación. 1. Hamiltonianos Efectivos. Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo - Venezuela. Proyecto: CONDES - LUZ. 2. Approximantes de Padé of Dos Puntos. Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo– Venezuela. Project: CONDES–LUZ. 3. Superconductor Fluctuations in the Attractive Hubbard Model. IBM Zürich and Université de Neuchâtel. Switzerland. Fonds Nationale de la Reserche Scientifique. 4. Magnetic and Superconducting Transitions in Hubbard Superlattices. IFUFF and DF-UFSM. 5. IF-UFF and DF-UFSM. Electronic Correlations in the Hubbard Model in Two Dimensions. 6. FAPERGS. Electronic Correlations in in the One Band Hubbard Model: Moment Approach. No.: 97/1093–7. 7. Pseudogap and Phenomelogy of High Temperature Superconductors. With Dr. Cecilia Ventura of Centro Atómico de Bariloche, Argentina. Prof. Dr. Hab. Roman Micnas and Dr. Morten Holm Pedersen are collaborators. 8. Correlações Eletrônicas no Método dos Momentos e Fenomelogia dos Supercondutores de Altas Temperaturas Crı́ticas. Project 002 CNQP– FURG–PIBIC. 9. Problems in Condensed Matter Physics and New Materials. Proyect 5 CDCH-UC 2001-013. May 2001. 10. Electronic Correlations and Fluctuations of the Superconducting Order Parameter. Proyect S1–2002000448 (FONACIT–VENEZUELA). February 13, 2003. For three years. 11. Superconducting fluctuations and Coexistence of Magnetism and Superconductivity. Project CDCH–UC (2004). Three years. 12. Fortalecimiento del Grupo de Fı́sica de Materia Condensada y Nuevos Materiales. FACYT–UC. Partida 407. Anual. . 5- Becas: 1. CONICIT - Venezuela. Master from IVIC: 1975 - 1977. 2. CONICIT - Venezuela. Master and Ph. D from Purdue University: 1977 - 1982. 3. CONICIT - Venezuela. Post–Doctorate from Université Paris–Sud. 1992– 1993. 4. Fonds Nationale de la Reserche Scientifique - Switzerland. Post–Doctor from IBM–Zürich and Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland. 1993 - 1995. 5. CNPq - Brazil. Visiting Scientist. November 01, 1995 - July 31, 1997. 6. Ministerio de Educación y Cultura - España. Visiting Professor of date 1997-06-18. Non accepted 7. PIBIC–CNPq. October 1998–Agosto 1999 8. BIC–FAPERGS.Process N o 98/50351.0. April 1999 9. FAPERGS–Brasil. Visiting Scientist Fellowship, in Fundação Universidade de Rio Grande/RS. August 1999 - July 2000 10. Fellow of the Venezuelan Research Program (PPI), Forth Level (2004) to the present. 6- Publicaciones. 1. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 16, 659–661 (1977). Remarks on Gauge Variables and Singular Lagrangians. Autores: J. Chela–Flores, R. Jánica de La 6 Torre, A. J. Kálnay, J. R. Rodrı́guez–Gómez, J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and R. Tascón. 2. Physics Letters A 104, 106–108 (1984). Superconductivity and the Existence of Nambu’s Three-Dimensional Phase Space Mechanics. Autores: R. Angulo, S. Codriansky, C. González–Bernardo, A. J. Kálnay, F. Pérez–M., J. R. Rodrı́guez–Gómez, J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and R. A. Tello–LLanos. 3. Int. Journal of Modern Phys. B 2, 1079-1084(1988). Autores: J. Chela– Flores, P. Martı́n and J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. A New Effect on the Critical Temperature in Non Rare Earth Ceramic Superconductors. 4. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 29, 467 (1990). Singular Lagrangian for the Polaron. Author: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. 5. Inter. J. Theor. Phys. 30, 857 (1991). Singular Mechanics and the Landau Two–Fluid Model of Superfluidity. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez and R. Tello–LLanos. 6. Phys. Rev. B 45, 8359-8362 (1992). Autores: Pablo Martı́n, J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and J. L. Márquez. Two Dimensional Energy Levels of Hydrogen–Like Atoms in the Presence of a Magnetic Field: Quasi– Fractional Approximation. 7. Transport Properties of Superconductors 25, 681–686 (1990). World Scientific. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and R. Medina. Resonant Superexchange in a 3–D Anisotropic Hubbard Model. 8. Quasi–Fractional Approximant For F3/2 (X) In Fermi Gases. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, F. P. Marı́n and P. Martı́n. Physica Status Solidi (b) 174 K5-K9, (1992). 9. Effect Of Cu And O Orbital Mixing In The Cuprate Superconductors. Physica Status Solidi (b) 179 167-175,(1993). Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez. 10. Effective Single Band Hamiltonian For The Three Dimensional Hubbard Model. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, R. Medina and P. Silva. Physica Status Solidi (b) 176 441-450, (1993). 11. Superexchange Interaction By Direct Oxygen Hopping: Two Dimensions. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, B. Coqblin, H. Beck and J. Konior. Acta Physica Polonica A 85, 317-322 (1994). 12. Effective t-J Hamiltonian for the Copper Oxides. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and H. Beck. Journal of Physics: Condens. Matter 5, L163–L168 (1993). 7 13. Pairs Formation Above Tc . Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, S. Schafroth, T. Schneider, R. Micnas, H. Beck and M.H. Pedersen. Physica C 235-240, 2341 (1995). 14. Tc and pseudogap in the 2-d attractive Hubbard model. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez, S. Schafroth, R. Micnas, T. Schneider, H. Beck and M.H. Pedersen. Physica B 206-207, 654-656 (1995). 15. Effect of Pair Fluctuations on the Electronic Properties of the Negative Hubbard Model. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, S. Schafroth, R. Micnas, T. Schneider, H. Beck and M.H. Pedersen. J. Low Temp. Phys., 98, 315 (1995). 16. Effective RKKY Interaction In the Cooper Oxides. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́– guez - Núñez, H. Beck, B. Coqblin, J. Konior and A.M. Oleś. Phys. Letters A 197, 173 (1995). 17. Normal State Properties of the Attractive Hubbard Model: Moment Approach. Autores: T. Schneider, M. H. Pedersen, and J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez. Z. Phys. B 100, 263 - 276 (1996). 18. Excitation Spectrum of the Attractive Hubbard Model. Autores: R. Micnas, M.H. Pedersen, S. Schafroth, T. Schneider, José Jesús Rodrı́guez–Núñez and H. Beck. Phys. Rev. B 52, 16223-16232 (1995). 19. Superconducting Properties of the Attractive Hubbard Model. Autores: M.H. Pedersen, J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, H. Beck, T. Schneider and S. Schafroth. Z. Physik B 103, 21-28 (1997). 20. Moment Approach for the 2D Attractive Hubbard Model. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, C.E. Cordeiro, and A. Delfino. Physica A, 232, 408 (1996). 21. Double Fluctuations on the Attractive Hubbard Model: Ladder Approximation. Autores: S. Schafroth and J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. Z. Physik B 102, 493 (1997). 22. Some Global Properties of the Attractive Hubbard Model in the Superconducting Phase: T-Matrix Approximation. Autores: S. Schafroth, J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and H. Beck. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 9, L111-L118 (1997). 23. Anomalous Superconductivity in the traditional t-J Model: Moment Approach. Autores: M.P. Sørensen and J. J. Rodrı́guez-Núñez. Physica C 274, 323 - 330 (1997). 24. Self-consistent calculation of particle-hole diagrams on the Matsubara frequency: FLEX approximation. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and 8 S. Schafroth. Int. J. Modern Physics C 8 1145 - 1158 (1997). 25. Beyond the Hubbard-I Solution with a One-Pole Self-Energy at Half– Filling within the Moment Approach: Non-Linear Effects. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and M.A. de Menezes. Physica A 257, 501–508 (1998) 26. Metal-Insulator Transition in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model at Half–Filling with Lifetime Effects within the Moment Approach. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and S. Schafroth. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10, L391–L400 (1998). 27. Erratum: Excitation Spectrum of the Attractive Hubbard Model. Autores: R. Micnas, M.H. Pedersen, S. Schafroth, T. Schneider, J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez and H. Beck, Phys. Rev. B 54, 3662 (1996). 28. Tı́tulo: Evolution of Single–Particle Green Functions with Correlation in the Hubbard Model at Half–Filling: Sum Rules for the Spectral Density. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, S. Schafroth e H. Beck. Physica C 259, 775 (1999). 29. Tı́tulo: One-Electron Green Function for the Hubbard Model Including Next Nearest Neighbor Hopping. Autores: R. Kirchhofer, R. Frésard, H. Beck e J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. Physica C 259, 773 (1999). 30. Tı́tulo: Superconductivity in the Attractive Hubbard Model in Two Dimensions: The Double Hubbard–I Approximation. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez and H. Ghosh. Helvetica Physica Acta 71, 658–566 (1998) 31. Tı́tulo: Evolution of the One–Particle and Double Occupied Particle Green Functions in the Hubbard Moment with Lifetime Effects at Half Filling within the Moment Approach. Autores: S. Schafroth and J. J. Rodrı́guez-Núñez. Phys. Rev. B 60, 5366–5374 (1999). 32. Tı́tulo: Some sum rules for non-Fermi Liquids: new applications taking into account the mass renormalization. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez, I. Ţifrea and S. G. Magalhães. Phys. Rev. B 62, 4026 (2000). 33. Tı́tulo: Superconducting Critical Temperature, for s–wave Symmetry Order Parameter, for Intermediate Correlated Electron Systems. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and A. A. Schmidt. Physica C xxx, xxx (2000). 34. Tı́tulo: Effect of local correlations on s–wave Symmetry Superconductivity. Autores: A. A. Schmidt e J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11, 1149 (2000). 35. Tı́tulo: Theory of isotope exponent for high critical temperature super9 conductors. Autores: E. V. L. de Mello and J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. Physica C 364–365, 144–146 (2001). 36. Tı́tulo: Metal–Insulator transition driven by short–range ferromagnetic correlations. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, M. S. Figueira, E. V. Anda, C. I. Ventura and J. Calegari, Physics Letters A 288, 220–226 (2001). 37. Tı́tulo: The role of the chemical potential in the Bose–Einstein condensation and for a d-wave superconductor. Published in the Einstein Simposium. University of Carabobo (2001). Editor: Nelson Falcón. 38. Tı́tulo: BCS to Bose–Einstein crossover phase diagram at zero temperature for a dx2 −y order parameter superconductor: dependence on the tight binding structure. Autores: M. B. Soares, F. Kokubun, J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and O. Rendón. Phys. Rev. B 65, 174506 (2002). 39. Tı́tulo: On the Derivation of the Ginzburg–Landau Functional for Non– Fermi Liquids: The Role of the Renormalization Mass Factor. Autores: I. Ţifrea, J. Budagosky M. and J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. Phys. Rev. B 66, 104507 (2002). 40. Tı́tulo: Derivation of the Ginzburg–Landau Functional for Non–Fermi Liquids: Renormalization of the Mass. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez, J. Budagosky M. and I. Ţifrea. Acta Physica Polonica B 34, 383 (2003). 41. Tı́tulo: Replay to Comment on ”BCS to Bose–Einstein crossover phase diagram at zero temperature for a dx2 −y2 order parameter superconductor: Dependence on the tight–binding structure”. Autores: J. J. Rodrǵuez– Núñez, O. Álvarez–Llamoza, E. Orozco, O. Rendón, M. E. Soares and F. Kokubun. Phys. Rev. B 68, 066502 (2003). 42. Tı́tulo: Tc and ∆o in a phenomenological ”pseudogap” model Autores: D. Romero, L. Sánchez and J. J. Rodrı́guez-Núñez. Braz. J. Phys. 33, 750–753 (2003). (Proceedings of the International Workshop on Unconventional Superconductivity). Campinas–SP, May 20–24, 2003. 43. Tı́tulo: Superconducting critical temperature vs total electron concentration: two band superconductors. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and A. A. Schmidt. Phys. Rev. B 68, 224512 (2003). 44. Tı́tulo: The BCS-BE crossover phase diagram at T = 0 K for a d– wave superconductor: the importance of the Debye frequency and the tight binding band structure.. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, A. A. Schmidt, O. Alvarez–Llamoza and E. Orozco. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, 4495–4504 (2004). 10 45. Tı́tulo: Effect of a pseudogap on the superconducting critical temperature and on the superconducting order parameter of the same symmetry. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Nuñez. A. A. Schmidt and H. Beck, J. Phys.: Conden. Matter 17, 323–340 (2005). 46. Tı́tulo: Evidence for a metallic–like state in the T = 0K phase diagram of a high temperature superconductor. Autores: A. A. Schmidt, J. J. Rodrı́guez–Nuñez y I. Ţifrea, European Physics Journal B 46, 187– 191 (2005). 47. Tı́tulo: A d–wave pseudogap model beyond BCS for the cuprates. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Nuñez, A. A. Schmidt, H. Beck y M. Valera, Physica B 378–380, 461–462 (2006). 48. Tı́tulo: Erratum: Superconducting critical temperature and the isotope exponent versus total electron concentration for two–band superconductors: Effect of the band structure. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Nuñez y A. A. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. B 73, 139903 (2006). 49. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Nuñez, A. A. Schmidt, H. Beck y M. Valera, J. Phys. : Condens. Phys. xxx, yyy (2006). Tı́tulo: A pseudogap model beyond BCS for the cuprates: the effect of order parameter symmetry, cutoff frequency and band structure. 50. J. J. Rodrı́guez - Núñez, A. A. Schmidt, A. Bianconi y A. Perali, Physica C, 468, 2299–2304 (2008). Tı́tulo: ”Two–band superconductivity in (AlM g)B2 ): critical temperature and isotope exponent as function of carrier ”. 51. V. K. Giménez, J. J. Rodrı́guez - Núñez y A. A. Schmidt. F ARAU T E 3, 31–39 (2008). 52. S. Rafeh, J. J. Rodrı́guez - Núñez y Roba Ezzedin. Revista EDU CERE, 46, Trimestre: Julio - Agosto - Septiembre. Ao: 2009. Tı́tulo: ”Efecto del Enfoque Constructivista en Estudiantes Universitarios”. Trimestre: Julio-Agosto-Septiembre 53. J. J. Rodrı́guez - Núñez, A. A. Schmidt, R. Citro and C. Noce, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 22, 539 - 540 (2009). Tı́tulo: Critical Temperature and Isotope Exponent in a Two band Model for Superconducting F e - picnitides. 54. J. J. Rodrı́guez-Nuñez, A. A. Schmidt y V. K. Giménez. Tı́tulo: Superconductivity and the isotope exponent versus the number of carriers in a changing triangular lattice”. Revista: Superconductivity and Science Technology 22, 1–8 (2009). 55. Autores: Castor L. Maduro - Maytı́n, Marı́a Inés Morales, Marina Maduro 11 - Maytı́n y J. J. Rodrı́guez - Núñez. Tı́tulo: ”How to rehabilitate a vascular patient?”. Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology. (2009). Versión electrónica. Siete (7) páginas. 56. Autores: A. A. Schmidt y J. J. Rodrı́guez - Núñez. Tı́tulo: ”Non Coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism at mean field level: Closing the Dilema?”. Revista: Faraute, xxx, yyy (2010). 57. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez - Núñez. Tı́tulo: ”Geopolı́tica del imperio estadounidense contra la unión latinoamericana y mundial”. Revista: Estudios Culturales 5, enero - junio (2010). 7- Pre-Prints. 1. Tı́tulo: Effective Hamiltonian Derived From The Hubbard Model With Several Orbitals Per Site. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and Rodrigo Medina. 2. Tı́tulo: Constrainted Motion In The Presence Of Gravitational And Magnetic Fields. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. 3. Tı́tulo: Particle - Particle Susceptibility from Higher Moments for the Attractive Hubbard Model: Two Dimensions and Dilute Limite. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, T. Schneider, H. Beck, R. Micnas and S. Schafroth. 4. Tı́tulo: Superconductivity Beyond BCS. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez, S. Schafroth, T. Schneider, R. Micnas, H. Beck and M. Pedersen. 5. Tı́tulo: Comments to Evolution from BCS to Bose condensation: Role of the parameter kF ξ by F. Pistolesi and G.C. Strinati, Phys. Rev. B 49, 6356 (1994). Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, S. Schafroth, T. Schneider, M. H. Pedersen and C. Rossel. 6. Tı́tulo: The Macroscopic Wave Equation for the Condensate and the Crossover Problem in Superconductivity. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez and T. Schneider. 7. Tı́tulo: Self-Energy Due to T–Matrix Corrections: 2-D Continuum Attractive Hubbard Model. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, H. Beck, T. Schneider and M.H. Pedersen. 8. Tı́tulo: Effective t − J Hamiltonian from the Emery model with strong 12 correlated electrons on the oxygen sites. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez, H. Beck, T. Schneider and M.H. Pedersen. 9. Tı́tulo: Effective Action for A Small Superfluid Particle Under Local Correlations. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. In preparation. 10. Tı́tulo: Sum Rules for the Generalized Hubbard Model. Author: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. 11. Tı́tulo: T-Matrix Equations in the Normal State for the Nearest-Neighbor Hubbard Hamiltonian. Author: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. 12. Tı́tulo: On the Kondo Peak in the Hubbard Model. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, E. Anda and M.S. Figueira. 13. Tı́tulo: Comment on “Superconducting phases in the presence of Coulomb interaction: From weak to strong correlations. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and A. Schmidt 14. Tı́tulo: Ginzburg–Landau Expansion for a Two–Band Superconductor: Thermodynamic Properties. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and J. A. Budagosky–Marcilla. 15. Tı́tulo: Isotope effect in High Temperature Superconductors described by an effective two dimensional tight binding band: dependence on the neighbors. Autores: A. A. Schmidt, R. Micnas and J. J. Rodrı́guezNúñez. 16. J. J. Rodrı́guez - Núñez, A. A. Schmidt y V. K. Giménez. Tı́tulo: ”s–wave Superconductivity and the Isotope Exponent, IE, vs the number of carriers in a triangular lattice: applied pressure.” Este pre–impreso está en la base de datos del ICT P –Italia. 17. J. J. Rodrı́guez - Núñez, R. Romero y A. A. Schmidt. Tı́tulo: ”Towards a Phase Diagram of La1−x Srx CuO4 High–Tc Superconductor with Two Competing Order Parameters”. Este pre–impreso está en la base de datos del ICT P –Italia. 18. .Autores: J. J. Rodriguez-Nuez, A. A. Schmidt, R. Citro y C. Noce. Titulo: ”Critical Temperature and Isotope Exponent in a Two-band Model for Superconducting Fe-pnictides”. Revista: Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetismo 22, 539–542 (2009). 19. J. J. Rodrı́guez-Nuñez, A. A. Schmidt y V. K. Giménez. Tı́tulo: Superconductivity and the isotope exponent versus the number of carriers in a changing triangular lattice”. Revista: Superconductivity and Science Technology 22, 1–8 (2009) 20. A. A. Schmidt y J. J. Rodrı́guez - Núñez. Tı́tulo: ”Non--coexistence 13 of superconductivity and ferromagnetism at mean--field level: closing the dilema?”. Enviado para publicación. 8- Teaching Experience 1. Solid State Physics I. Master of Physics. Federal University of Santa Maria. Santa Maria/RS. August–December 1997. 2. Solid State Physics I. Master of Physics. Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (I.V.I.C.). Caracas–Venezuela. 1983. 3. Physics IV Laboratory. Undergraduate Level. Federal University of Santa Maria. Santa Maria/RS. August–December 1997. 4. Physics IV. Federal University of Santa Maria. Santa Maria/RS. February–July 1998. 5. Physics II. Federal University of Santa Maria. Santa Maria/RS. February–Julho 1998. 6. Grader of Physics I. Instituto Universitario Pedagógico de Caracas (IUPC). Two (2) years: 72–73. 7. Mathematical Methods I: Once (1); Mechanics: Twice (2); Statistical Physics: Once (1); Waves: Twice (2). Instituto Universitario Pedagógico de Caracas (IUPC). Caracas–Venezuela. Anos 1974–1977. 8. Teaching Assistent de Eletrodiámica Clássica I (Jackson): Three (3) times; Teaching Assistent of Solid State Theory I: Twice (2); Teaching Assistent of Sound: Once (1). Purdue University. 1980– 1982. Classical Eletrodynamics I and Solid State Theory I are Ph. D. courses. 9. Logic: Once (1); Mathematics: Once (1). Instituto Universitario Tecnológico do Estado Trujillo. 1983. Venezuela. 10. Physics I: Three (3) times. Instituto Universitario Tecnológico Região Capital. 1984–1985. Caracas. Venezuela. 11. Electromagnetism: Four (4) times; Wave guides: Twice (2); Solid State Electronics: Once (1). Simón Bolı́var University. Department of Eletronics. 1985–1989. Caracas. Venezuela. 12. Statistical Physics: Once (1); Quantum Physics: Once (1); Classical Mechanics: Three (3) times; Solid State Physics: Once (1); 14 Electromagnetism: Once (1). 1989–1992. Zulia University. Physics Departament. Maracaibo. Venezuela. 13. Solid State Physics. Université de Neuchâtel. Switzerland, 1994. Undergraduate level. 14. Biofı́sica: Twice. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria–RS. Dezembro 1998 - March 1999. 15. Experimental Physics I. Civil Engeneering. Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Twice. August 1999 and March 2000. 16. Fı́sica Cuántica. Universidad de Carabobo. Departamento de Fı́sica. FACYT. Septiembre 2004 a Julio 2005. 9- Estudiantes entrenados 1. Eddy Debel. Bachelor in Physics. Zulia University. Maracaibo. Venezuela. 1990. Thesis: Padé Approximants for Quantum Wells in Electric and Magnetic Fields 2. Jorge Budagosky. Departamento de Fı́sica. FACYT. Universidad de Carabobo. Graduated on December 2001. Tı́tulo of his work: Ginzburg– Landau functional for non–Fermi liquid near the superconducting critical temperature. 3. Liliana Sánchez. Departamento de Fı́sica. FACYT. Universidad de Carabobo. Graduated in December 2003. Tı́tulo of her Thesis: Effect of the ’Pseudogap’ on the Thermodynamical Properties in the Superconducting Phase. Graduated with Honors. 4. João Ferreira. Departamento de Fı́sica. FACYT. Universidad de Carabobo. Graduated in December 2003. Tı́tulo of his Thesis: Effect of the Coulomb Repulsion on Tc in M gB2 . 5. Gavino José Sánchez. Tesis de Maestrı́a en Enseñanza de la Fı́sica con tı́tulo Propuesta de Laboratorio en Termodinámica para Alumnos de 9no Grado. Fecha de Defensa: Enero de 2004. 10: Estudiantes bajo mi dirección 1. Jean Lucas Lopes de Lopes. Physics Department. Federal University 15 of Santa Maria/RS. Beginer research student. Fellowship from CNPq– Brasil. September 1998–Julho 1999 2. Eleonir João Calegari. Physics Department. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria/RS. Mr. Calegari replaces Lopes de Lopes due to health problems of the the latter 3. Fábio Mallmann Zimmer. Mathematics Department. Federal University of Santa Maria/RS. Beginer research student. Fellowship from FAPERGS–Brasil. From April 1999 to August 1999. 4. Marcello Borgetto. Computer Department. Federal University of Rio Grande–RS. Beginer Research student. From June 2001 to September 2001. Fellowship from CNPq–Brasil. 5. Alexandre Braga d’Avila. Physics Department. Federal University of Rio Grande–RS. Beginer Research student. Fellowship from FAPERGS– Brasil. From March 2001 until September 2001. 6. Cástor L. Maduro Maytı́n. Profesor Asociado de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud - UC. Esta realizando su Doctorado con el tı́tulo Necesidad de incluir el Rango de Movilización (RDM) de la articulación del tobillo, para mejorar el estudio de pacientes afectos de Insuficiencia Venosa Crónica (IVC). 7. Reimer Romero. Licenciado de Fı́sica - FACYT - UC e Instructor del Departamento de Fı́ısica de la Facultad de Ingenierı́a de la UC. El Prof. Romero está realizando su maestrı́a, bajo mi orientación, en el Programa Ingenier’ıa y Computación con el tı́tulo Caracterización Teórico– Cuantitativa del Efecto del Pseudogap sobre la Temperatura Crı́tica Superconductora de los Cupratos Cerámicos. 11- Asistencia a Congresos y Tı́tulos de las Charlas. 1. APS Meeting. March 21-25, 1983. Energy Levels Of Donor Impurities In The Presence Of A Magnetic Field. 2. 33rd National Convention of ASOVAC. 1983. Caracas. Cálculos De Energı́as Donoras En Semicondctores De Brecha Directa. 3. Workshop on Condensed Matter, Atomic and Molecular Physics. ICTP. ITALY. September 06, 1985. Quantization Of The Landau Two16 Fluid Model Of Superfluidity. 4. 37th National Convention of ASOVAC. 1987. Venezuela. Aproximación Quasi-Fraccional Al Atomo De Hidrógeno En 2-D En Un Campo Magnético Externo. 5. 38th National Convention of ASOVAC. 1988. The Mercerau Effect As A Guide For High Temperature Superconductivity. Co-authored with J. Chela–Flores and P. Martı́n. 6. 38th National Convention of ASOVAC. 1988. A New Effect On The Critical Temperature Of Ceramic Superconductors With No Earth Rares. Co-authored as previously. 7. Workshop of Superconductivity and Thin Films. Barbados. December, 1988. A Phenomenological Approach To High Temperature Superconductivity. Co-authored with J. Chela–Flores. 8. International Conference on Transport Properties of Superconductors. Rio de Janeiro. 1990. Resonant Superexchange In An Anisotropic Hubbard Model. Co-authored with Rodrigo Medina. 9. Simposio Latinoamericano de Fı́sica del Estado Sólido. (SLAFES). Caracas. Venezuela. Resonant Superexchange Pairing In Ba1−x Kx BiO3 . Co-authored with Rodrigo Medina. 10. Research Workshop in Random Processes. Barbados. 1990. Effective Hamiltonian For A Hubbard Model With Several Orbitals Per Site. Co-authored with Rodrigo Medina-Arocha. 11. PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 93. Strongly Correlated Electron Systems. Poznań, Poland. June 21 - 24, 1993. Superexchange Inter action by Direct Oxygen Hopping: Two and Three Dimensions. Coauthored with B. Coqblin, Hans Beck and Jerzy Konior. 12. Spring College on Superconductivity. April 27 - June 19, 1992. Effective Hamiltonian For A Multi Band Hubbard Model. 13. Tı́tulo: Effective tJ-model for copper oxydes. Speaker: José Jesús Rodrı́guez - Núñez. January 06, 1994. Institute of Solid State Physics. Budapest (Hungary). 14. Workshop NFP 30 ”Hochtemperatur-Supraleitung”. Baden - Dättwill, Switzerland. February 17 - 18, 1994. Superconductivity Beyond BCS. Speaker: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez together with S. Schafroth, R. Micnas, T. Schneider, H. Beck and M. Pedersen. 15. Miniconférence Sur Les Systèmes Èlectroniques Fortement Corrélés. Vendredi, le 4 février 1994. Université de Fribourg, Institut de Physique, salle 17 0.51. Tı́tulo: Pairs Above Tc in the negative U Hubbard model. Speaker: José Jesús Rodrı́guez–Núñez. 16. Tı́tulo: Existencia de Pares por Encima de Tc en el Modelo de Hubbard Atractivo. Speaker: José Jesús Rodrı́guez–Núñez. Universität de Barcelona. Divisió de Ciències Experimentals i Matemàtiques. Facultad de Fı́sica. Departamento de Fı́sica Fonamental. April 05, 1994. 17. Tı́tulo: Existencia de Pares para T > Tc en el Modelo de Hubbard Negativo. Speaker: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (U.A.M.), Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de Materiales. C-XII. April 07, 1994. 18. Systèmes électroniques fortement corrélés. Université de Neuchâtel. Tı́tulo: Tc and Pseudogap in the 2D Attractive Hubbard Model. Speaker: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez together with S. Schafroth, R. Micnas, T. Schneider, H. Beck and M. Pedersen. 19. Tı́tulo: Evidence for the Existence of Pseudogap and Tc in the Attractive Hubbard Model. Speaker: J. J. Rodrı́guez - Núñez. Miniworkshop on Strong Correlations and Quantum Critical Phenomena, ICTP (Trieste)-Italy, 4-22 July 1994. 20. Tı́tulo: Effect of Pair Fluctuations on the Electronic Properties of the Negative Hubbard Model. Presented by: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez. In collaboration with S. Schafroth, R. Micnas, T. Schneider, H. Beck and M. Pedersen. Poster at International Conference on Magnetic Correlations, Metal - Insulator - Transitions, and Superconductivity in Novel Materials, Wurzburg, 26-30 September 1994. 21. Tı́tulo: Effect of Pair Fluctuations on the Electronic Properties of the Negative Hubbard Model. IBM-Rüschlikon, September 06, 1994. Internal talk. 22. Tı́tulo: The Effect of Microscopic Superconducting Fluctuations above Tc in the U < 0 Hubbard Model. Technical University of Denmark, Institute of Mathematical Modeling. September 1994. Invited talk. 23. Tı́tulo: Pair Fluctuations and the Electronic Properties of the Negative Hubbard Model. École Federal Polytecnique de Lussanne, Department of Physics. November 15, 1994. Invited talk. 24. Tı́tulo: Pairs Formation Above Tc . Fourth International Conference on Materials and Mechanism of Superconductivity, High - Temperature Superconductors (M 2 S − HT SCIV ). Grenoble (France), July 5 - 9, 1994. Poster. 18 25. Tı́tulo: Tc and pseudogap in the 2-d attractive Hubbard model. International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES’94). Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 15 - 18, 1994. 26. Tı́tulo: An effective Hubbard interaction: Between 2 and 3 dimensions. December 10, 1992. Université de Neuchâtel. Invited talk. 27. Tı́tulo: Superconducting Fluctuations above Tc . Zürich University. Arbeitskreis: Computergestützte Physik. June 2, 1994. 28. Tı́tulo: Derivada Funcional para la Autoenergia del Modelo de Hubbard. Universidad de La Laguna. Departamento de Fı́sica Fundamental y Experimental. October 13, 1995. 29. Tı́tulo: What are the effects of Correlations on the Self-Energy?. Instituto de Fı́sica, Universidad Federal Fluminense. December 08, 1995. 30. Tı́tulo: Fluctuações Duplas e Superconductividade no Modelo de Hubbard Atrativo: Além de BCS. Departamento de Fı́sica. Universidade Federal da Santa Maria. September 25, 1996. 31. Tı́tulo: Fluctuações Duplas e Superconductividade no Modelo de Hubbard Atrativo: Além de BCS?. Departamento de Fı́sica. Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul. September 27, 1996. 32. Tı́tulo: Correlações nos Modelos t–J e Hubbard. Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. September 1997 33. Tı́tulo: Não Lı́quido de Fermi no Modelo de Hubbard em Duas Dimensões: Método dos Momentos. Departamento de Fı́sica. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. November 12, 1997. 34. Tı́tulo: On the Kondo Peak in the Hubbard Model: Sum Rules and Equation of Motion Approach. Poster in collaboration with E.V. Anda and M.S. Figueira. XX Encontro Nacional de Fı́sica da Materia Condensada. June 10–14, 1997. Caxambu, MG (Brazil) 35. Tı́tulo: Métodos dos Momentos para o Estudo de Sistemas Fortemente Correlacionados. Seminar given at the Condensed Matter Group. Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina. December 04, 1997. Invited talk. 36. Tı́tulo: Superconductivity in the Attractive Hubbard Model in Two Dimensions: Double Hubbard– Approximation. International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems (SCES’98). Paris, France, 14–18 July 1998. Poster by J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and H. Ghost. 37. Tı́tulo: Evolution of Single–Particle Green Functions with Correlation 19 in the Hubbard Model at Half–Filling: Sum Rules for the Spectral Density. International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems (SCES’98). Paris, France, 14–18 July 1998. Speaker: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez in collaboration with Stefan Schafroth. 38. Tı́tulo: One-Electron Green Function for the Hubbard Model Including Next Nearest Neighbor Hopping. International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems (SCES’98). Paris, France, 14–18 July 1998. Poster by R. Kirchhofer, R. Frésard, H. Beck and J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez. 39. Tı́tulo: Hubbard–III like Mott Metal–Insulator for the Hubbard Model. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria–RS. February 24, 1999 (Brazil) 40. Tı́tulo: Hubbard–III like Mott Metal–Insulator for the Hubbard Model. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria–RS. February 24, 1999 41. Tı́tulo: Cálculo dos parâmetros de Não Lı́quido de Fermi usando o Método dos Momentos de Nolting. Autores: Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and S. Garcia Magalhães. ENFMC–São Lorenzo, May 1999. Panel 42. Tı́tulo: Conceitos Básicos de Supercondutividade Correlacionada. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and A. A. Schmidt. Fundação Universidade de Rio Grande. Departamento de Fı́sica. July 09, 1999. 43. Workshop on Correlation Effects in Electronic Structure Calculations. ICTP–Itália, 12–23 June, 2000. Invited, but I could not attend it. 44. XII Workshop on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems. ICTP–Italy, 17–28, 2000. Invited, but I could not attend it. Ref. 301–1232. 45. Tı́tulo: Efecto de Correlación Larga sobre Superconductividad. Centro de Fı́sica - IVIC. 02 de Noviembre de 2000. 46. Gordon Research Conference on Superconductivity. Oxford, England. September 09–14, 2001. Tı́tulo: BCS–BEC crossover phase diagram for a d–wave superconductor: effect of the band structure. 47. Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientı̀ficas–IVIC, June 2002. Tı́tulo: Spin–charge separation for non–Fermi liquid metals. Invited speaker. 48. Strongly Correlated Electron Systems–SCES’02. Krakow, Poland. July 10–13, 2002. Poster: On the derivation of the Ginzburg–Landau Functional for spin–charge separation metals: the effect of mass renormalization. 49. Institut de Physique, Université de Neuchatel, Switzerland. July 16, 2002. On the derivation of the Ginzburg–Landau Functional for spin– charge separation metals: the effect of mass renormalization. Invited to 20 the Group of Prof. Dr. Hans Beck. 50. Strongly Correlated Electron Systems–SCES’04. Karlsruhe, Germany. July 26–30 (2004). Poster: Metallic–BCS, Metallic–BEC and BCS–BEC phase transitions at T = 0 K for a superconductor in the presence of a pseudogap of the same symmetry. Autores: A. A. Schmidt, J. J. Rodrı́guez–Nuñez and I. Ţifrea. 51. Dipartimento di Fisica ”E. E. Caianiello”. Salerno–Italy. July 24, 2004. Invited talk. Tı́tulo: Effect of a Phenomelogical Pseudogap on Tc and the superconducting order parameter of the same symmetry. 52. Seminario Interno del Departamento de Fı́sica, FACYT–UC. Valencia, 03 de Noviembre de 2006. Tı́tulo: SUPERCONDUCTIVIDAD DE 2D A 3D. 53. Talk: Superconductivity and the isotope exponent vs the number of carriers in a changing hopping triangular lattice. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Nuñez, A. A. Schmidt y V. K. Giménez. ”Spin and Charge Properties of Low Dimensional Systems”. Advance Workshop. 29 June - 4 July 2009. Sibiu - Romania. 54. Talk: The band superconductivity for (AlM g)B2 : Tc and isotope exponent, as a function of the carrier density, n. Seminario del Centro de Fı́sica (IVIC). December 10, 2009. 12- Distinciones. 1. Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Workshop of the Miami University High - Temperature Superconductivity: Physical Properties and Mechanisms. January 5 - 11, 1995. Coral Gables, Florida. U.S.A. 2. Fellowship from the Venezuelan Scientific Council. January 1992 - December 1993. Post Doctorate 3. Fellowship from the Swiss National Foundation for a Post Doctorate. January 1994–June 1995 4. Visiting Scientist from the CNPq (Brazil). November 01, 1995 to July 1997 5. Coordinator of the Project: F-139, Infra–Structure of Computation. Granted by CONICIT–Venezuela. 1991–1992. 21 6. Winner of the Project FAPERGS–Brazil (1997–1998). 7. Best Published Scientific Paper in Physics (1991). Zulia University– FEC–Venezuela. 8. Fellowship by Ministerio de Educación y Cultura (Spain) with date 199706-18 as a Visiting Professor. Non accepted. 9. Visiting Professor. Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. (1999). First place among 20 candidates. Position non assumed 10. Runner Up Professor in the Opening for Professor (Theoretical Physics and Physics Teaching) in the Department of Physics of the Physics Institute, Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). November 10–16, 1998. 9th Place out of 27 candidates (7.65 points) 11. Runner Up Professor in the Opening for Professor (Mathematical Analysis) in the Mathematics Department, Fundação Universidade Federal de Rio Grande (FURG). November 17–18, 1999. 2nd Place out of 4 candidates (7.93 points) 12. Senior Member at International Centre for Theoretical Physics. Trieste– Italy. From 2003 to 2008. 13. Co–Chairman of the oral session Multigap superconductivity at ”Seventh International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors”. Rio de Janeiro, May 25–30, 2003. 14. Oral presentation at the ”International Workshop on Unconventional Superconductivity”. Campinas–SP, May 20–24, 2003. 13- Membrecı́as. 1. Swiss Physical Society (SPS). Since 1993. 2. Brasilian Physical Society (SBF). Since February 1996. 3. American Physical Society (APS). Since April 01, 2002. 22 14- Artı́culos publicados desde 1995 1. Excitation Spectrum of the Attractive Hubbard Model. Autores: R. Micnas, M. H. Pedersen, S. Schafroth, T. Schneider, J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez and H. Beck, Physical Review B 52, 16223 (1995). 2. Moment Approach for the 2D Attractive Hubbard Model. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, C. E. Cordeiro and A. Delfino, Physica A, 232, 408 (1996). 3. Normal State Properties of the Attractive Hubbard Model: Moment Approach. Autores: T. Schneider, M. H. Pedersen and J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez, Z. fur Physik B 100, 263 (1996). 4. Some Global Properties of the Attractive Hubbard Model in the Superconducting Phase: T–Matrix Approximation. Autores: S. Schafroth, J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and H. Beck, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9, L111 (1997). 5. Double Fluctuations in the Attractive Hubbard Model: Ladder Approximation. Autores: S. Schafroth and J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. 6. Superconducting Properties of the Attractive Hubbard Model. Autores: M. H. Pedersen, J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, H. Beck, T. Schneider and S. Schafroth, Z. fur Physik B 103, 21 (1997). 7. Anomalous Superconductivity in the tJ Model: Moment Approach. Autores: M. P. Sorensen and J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, Physica C 274, 323 (1997). 8. Self-Consistent Calculation of Particle–Hole Diagrams on the Matsubara Frequency: FLEX Approximation. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and S. Schafroth, International Journal of Modern Physics C 8, 1145 (1997). 9. Beyond the Hubbard–I Solution with a One–Pole Self–Energy at Half– Filling Within the Moment Approach: Non–Linear Effects. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and M. A. de Menezes, Physica A 257, 501–508 (1998) 10. Mott Metal-Insulator Transition in the Two–Dimensional Hubbard Model at Half–Filling with Lifetime Effects Within the Moment Approach. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and S. Schafroth, Journal of Physics: Consensed Matter (1998, Letters). 11. Erratum: Excitation Spectrum of the Attractive Hubbard Model. Au23 tores: R. Micnas, M. H. Pedersen, S. Schafroth, T. Schneider, J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez y H. Beck, Phys. Rev. B 54, 3662 (1996). 12. Tı́tulo: Evolution of Single-Particle Green Functions with Correlation in the Hubbard Model at Half–Filling: Sum Rules for the Spectral Density. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, S. Schafroth e H. Beck. Physica B (1998) 13. Tı́tulo: One-Electron Green Function for the Hubbard Model Including Next Nearest Neighbor Hopping. Autores: R. Kirchhofer, R. Frésard, H. Beck e J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. 14. Tı́tulo: Superconductivity in the Attractive Hubbard Model in Two Dimensions: The Double Hubbard–I Approximation. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez and H. Ghosh. Helvetica Physica Acta 71, 658–566 (1998) 15. Tı́tulo: One- and Two–Particle Green Functions in the Hubbard Model with Lifetime Effects at Half Filling within the Moment Approach. Autores: S. Schafroth and J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. Phys. Rev. B 60, 5366 (1999). 16. Tı́tulo: Some sum rules for non-Fermi Liquids: new applications taking into account the mass renormalization. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez, I. Ţifrea and S. G. Magalhães. Phys. Rev. B 62, 4026 (2000). 17. Tı́tulo: Superconducting Critical Temperature, for s–wave Symmetry Order Parameter, for Intermediate Correlated Electron Systems. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and A. A. Schmidt. Physica C xxx, xxx (2000). 18. Tı́tulo: Effect of local correlations on s–wave Symmetry Superconductivity. Autores: A. A. Schmidt e J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11, 1149 (2000). 19. Tı́tulo: Theory of isotope exponent for high critical temperature superconductors. Autores: E. V. L. de Mello and J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, Physica C 364–365, 144-146 (2001). 20. Tı́tulo: Metal–Insulator transition driven by short–range ferromagnetic correlations. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, M. S. Figueira, E. V. Anda, C. I. Ventura and J. Calegari, Physics Letters A 288, 220-226 (2001). 21. Tı́tulo: The role of the chemical potential in the Bose–Einstein condensation and for a d-wave superconductor. Published in the Einstein Simposium. University of Carabobo (2001). Editor: Nelson Falcón. 22. Tı́tulo: BCS to Bose–Einstein crossover phase diagram at zero temper24 ature for a dx2 −y order parameter superconductor: dependence on the tight binding structure. Autores: M. B. Soares, F. Kokubun, J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez and O. Rendón. Phys. Rev. B 65, 174506 (2002). 23. Tı́tulo: On the Derivation of the Ginzburg–Landau Functional for Non– Fermi Liquids: The Role of the Renormalization Mass Factor. Autores: I. Ţifrea, J. Budagosky M. and J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. Phys. Rev. B 66, 104507 (2002). 24. Tı́tulo: Derivation of the Ginzburg–Landau Functional for Non–Fermi Liquids: Renormalization of the Mass. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez– Núñez, J. Budagosky M. and I. Ţifrea. Acta Physica Polonica B 34, 383 (2003). 25. Tı́tulo: Replay to Comment on ”BCS to Bose–Einstein crossover phase diagram at zero temperature for a dx2 −y2 order parameter superconductor: Dependence on the tight–binding structure”. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guezNúñez, O. Álvarez–Llamoza, E. Orozco, O. Rendón, M. E. Soares and F. Kokubun. Phys. Rev. B 68, 066502 (2003). 26. Tı́tulo: Tc and ∆o in a phenomenological ”pseudogap” model Autores: D. Romero, L. Sánchez and J. J. Rodrı́guez-Núñez. Braz. J. Phys. 33, 750 (2003). (Proceedings of the International Workshop on Unconventional Superconductivity). 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Depósito Legal ISBN lf04120045302022. 2. GUIA DE LABORATORIO DE FISICA CUARTO AÑO. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, M. Sc. Marı́a Teresa Cruz y Lic. Ayalid Villamarı́n. 2010. 3. GUIA DE LABORATORIO DE FISICA QUINTO AÑO. Autores: M. Sc. Ángela Cova y J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. 4. ”Talleres para la Elaboración de Materiales Didáctivos para Docentes de Fı́sica de Bachillerato”. Dictado en el IUTVAL (Instituto Universitario de Valencia). Valencia, 27 y 28 de Abril de 2010. 16 horas. Financiado por el Fondo Editorial IP AS - M E. Se distribuyó el material en CD. 18- Libros universitarios. 1. CURSO DE SUPERCONDUCTIVIDAD: Introducción y Sistemas Fuerte40 mente Correlacionados. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez, C. Ventura y otros 2009. 2. TERMODINÁMICA Y FISICA ESTADÍSTICA. Autor: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. 3. FÍSICA I. J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez. ”Fı́sica I - Mecánica”. Universidad de Carabobo (2009). 4. FISICA CUÁNTICA. Autores: J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez y Jorge Mahecha (Colombia). 5. J. J. Rodrı́guez–Núñez y Reimer Romero. ”Fı́sica I - Electromagnetismo” (2009). 41