Experiencias de la participación/coordinación de proyectos
Experiencias de la participación/coordinación de proyectos
Experiencias de la coordinación de un proyecto europeo (IEE) “BETTER” JORNADA INFORMATIVA Oportunidades de financiación en energía y medioambiente en H2020 18 Febrero 2016 - CIEMAT Natalia Caldés Gómez Unidad de Análisis de Sistemas Energéticos Departamento de Energía– CIEMAT ¿Habéis coordinado o estáis coordinando un proyecto europeo? ¿Os habéis planteado alguna vez coordinar un proyecto europeo? Si tienes una buena idea… y has identificado un H2020 call ¿Por qué no? • • • • • • • • No tengo experiencia previa ¿Tendré capacidad para coordinar y liderar? ¿Será mucha carga de trabajo? Tengo formación y experiencia como investigador pero… ¿Tendré apoyo? Miedo escénico No sé si tengo suficientes contactos fuera de España… etc, etc.…. ¿Al final …valdrá la pena el esfuerzo y la experiencia? PD: No tendrás un “bonus económico” pero si un “bonus” profesional y personal. ¿Es positivo para tu institución, tu departamento o tu unidad? • Adquisición de nuevos conocimientos en resolución de conflictos, gestión de equipos, liderazgo, nuevas tecnologías, operaciones (planificar, coordinar, supervisar, reportar, etc.), psicología, planificación económica, etc. • Nuevos contactos (MUCHOS)…que pueden dar lugar a nuevas oportunidades de colaboración, proyectos de investigación, etc. • Visibilidad y Reconocimiento a nivel nacional e internacional. • Nuevos contactos en la Comisión Europea. • Financiación para la investigación • ¡Muchas tablas! …. • Positivo para tu carrera profesional / CV investigador • Posibilidad de conocer, aprender, identificar nuevas ideas de investigación… • Seguridad en tus capacidades y habilidades • Conocimientos de cómo elaborar y evaluar propuestas. • Muchas lecciones aprendidas (luces y sombras). Pero….. • MUCHO TRABAJO (investigación*, administ.y de gestión) • …Algún disgusto y alguna cana. 1- Introducción al programa IEE (2007-2013) 2- Proyecto BETTER 3- Experiencia -Fase de preparación de la propuesta -Fase de ejecución del proyecto 4- Recomendaciones 5-Conclusiones ¿Qué es el Intelligent Energy Europe Programme? El programa H2020 engloba 3 programas programas/initiatives: FP7 + CIP + EIT https://ec.europa.eu/energy/intelligent/projects/ 1- Introduction al programa IEE (2007-2013) 2- Proyecto BETTER 3- Experiencia -Fase de preparación de la propuesta -Fase de ejecución del proyecto 4- Recomendaciones 5-Conclusiones ANTECEDENTES – Directiva de Renovables Directive incorporates some instruments to promote international cooperation in order to meet the 20% EU 2020 target. COOPERATION MECHANISMS RES Directive RES-Directive 2009/28/EC binding targets: • 20 % RES gross final consumption by 2020; • Nat. targets: flat rate approach adjusted to GDP. • Statistical Transfers (Art 6) • Join projects within MS (Art 7) and with 3rd countries (Art 9) • Join support schemes (Art. 11) Greater flexibility: allowing MS with low/expensive potential/generation cost partially meet their National targets in other countries. Reduce the overall costs to meet RES 20% European target. BETTER* OBJECTIVE: The core objective of BETTER is to assess, through case studies, stakeholders involvement and integrated analysis if and under what conditions, cooperation with neighboring countries : (i) can help Europe achieve its RES targets in 2020 and beyond, (ii) trigger the deployment of RES electricity projects in third countries and (iii) create synergies and win-win circumstances for all involved parties. *Bringing Europe and Third Countries Closer Together; IEE/11/845/SI2.616378; 2 M€; Inicio 7/2012; 33 meses de duración Integrated assessment will be undertaken from the “EU plus third countries” perspective, including: • Detailed quantitative cost-benefit evaluation of feasible policy approaches and power system analysis. • Other possible “co-effects” (socio-economic and environmental imapact, energy security, etc) will be analysed. Case studies in N. Africa, W. Balkans and Turkey will investigate in detail the technical, socio-economic and environmental aspects of RES cooperation. COMMUNICATION & DISSEMINATION Top-Down Bottom-up STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVEMENT METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK 1- Introduction al programa IEE (2007-2013) 2- Proyecto BETTER 3- Experiencia -Fase de preparación de la propuesta -Fase de ejecución del proyecto 4- Recomendaciones 5-Conclusiones Fase de preparación de la propuesta Calentando motores…. • ¿Idea…..energía y ganas ? • Primer borrador de “concept note” • Tema relevante (H2020 Work Plan) • Utiliza el “Guidance template” y “Guide for applicants” (copia instrucciones) • Estudia y considera los criterios de evaluación (Call) • Persona (coordinador); integra/redacta/se responsabiliza • Plan de trabajo (deadline /plazos) - EMPIEZA CON TIEMPO Centro de Energéticas, Investigaciones y Medioambientales Tecnológicas Consorcio ¡ FUNDAMENTAL ! • Estructura/WP – identifica a los mejores/relevantes/complementarios • “Bottom-up approach” • Una buena idea atrae a un buen consorcio • Interesados (actividad e involucrados) • Buena comunicación (medios disponibles) • Proceso participativo y democrático con un líder • Geográficamente representativo / equilibrado Centro de Energéticas, Investigaciones y Medioambientales Tecnológicas BETTER CONSORTIUM PARTNERS CIEMAT (Spain) Centro de Invest. Energ. Mediamb. Tecn DLR (Germany) Deutsches Zentrum Für Luft-und raumfahrt e.V ECN (Netherlands) Who we are? Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands JOANNEUM (Austria) Forshungsgesellschaft Mbh NTUA (Greece) National Technical University of Athens OME (France) Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie PIK (Germany) Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research TUWIEN (Austria) Vienna University of Technology UNDP (International) United Nations Development Programme Aspectos a tener en cuenta en la propuesta… Relevancia de la acción Calidad de la metodología de implementación Ambición y credibilidad de los impactos Valor añadido Europeo Recursos orientados a la acción Centro de Energéticas, Investigaciones y Medioambientales Tecnológicas Relevance of the action • BETTER is aligned with the program/call/theme/ • EG“Altener – Electricity from renewable energy sources” “Strategic initiatives: …strategic analysis addressing new cooperation mechanisms of the RES directive, along with grid network analysis and planning initiatives involving authorities, grid operations and other stakeholders….” • ¿Value Added compared to existing initatives? BETTER starts from the knowledge generated by other projects/initiatives (RES4LESS, RESHAPING, REPAP…pero también ..Desertec, Mediterranean Solar plan,etc ) • Responds to the need to remove existing barriers and is supported by key stakeholders (19 LoS from REE, IBERDROLA, DESERTEC, IDAE , German Ministry of Environment, etc) • It contributes to the implementation and future development of relevant policies for Europe (eg: implementation of Art. 9 of the RES Directive) Centro de Energéticas, Investigaciones y Medioambientales Tecnológicas Quality of the implementing methodology • Work Packages – Logical/sequential WPs • BETTER had a communication & dissemination plan with key stakeholders– • • Stakeholder Consultation meetings, National workshops, Stakehold. plattform BETTER web-site, brochures, leaflet, newsletters, etc • The project aproach was adequate to achieve its objectives • Example: • Assess the role of the 4rth coop mechanism (joint projects with 3rd countries) • Action plan (info on costs, mkt opportunities, SWOT, practical know-how) • Policy recommendations, • Solid stakeholder network to foster RREES coop and knowledge transfer, and generation of knowledge Centro de Energéticas, Investigaciones y Medioambientales Tecnológicas Ambition and credibility of the impacts • “Outputs/Outcomes” have been identified • Impact will be measured with “SMART” indicators (specific, measurables, accepted, realistic and time dependent). • Impacts and sustainability beyond the end of the project have been defined. Examples: • By 2020, the framework for joint projects with 3rd countries will be adopted y 5 MS • By 2020, there will be increased foreign investment in 3rd countries RES mkts • Project results will contribute to EU energy and climate policies beyond 2020 Centro de Energéticas, Investigaciones y Medioambientales Tecnológicas European Value Added • BETTER evidences the benefits of transnational cooperation against a fragmented approach. • BETTER has a European Approach • Example: “Project events, workshops and dissemination will be similarly promoted at the European as well as studied regions level” • Potential to disseminate the project solutions/outcomes • Example: (workshops, website, social media, direct relation with European associations, etc) Centro de Energéticas, Investigaciones y Medioambientales Tecnológicas EVALUACIÓN Relevance of the action: 9/10 Quality of the implementing methodology- 7/10 Ambition and impact credibility - 7/10 European Value Added - 9 / 10 Action oriented project - 7/10 Total score: 39 sobre 50 Centro de Energéticas, Investigaciones y Medioambientales Tecnológicas EVALUATION “The proposal aims to analyzse the implementation of the cooperation mechanisms between MS and 3rd countries as foreseen in the RES directive. The action might increase the persent knowledge and provide guidance for decission makers and if successful it might contribute to pave the way for cooperation inititaives between EU and third countries. Moreover, the consortium is professional and the European added value is significant.” “Althought the project has ambitious objectives and demonstrates capability to understand critical developments needed and challenges there is room for further improvement. The methodology needs some clarifications and streamlining. The complementarity with ongoing activities should be better demonstrated. The real engagement of the stakeholders is not fully convincing and the dissemination and communication plan needs further improvement. Performance monitoring and the quantification of the expected impact should be enhanced. The budget is substantial and some cost and co-financing needs to be clarified” Centro de Energéticas, Investigaciones y Medioambientales Tecnológicas Resumiendo (preparación de propuesta): Si tienes una buena idea y has identificado un call …. ¡Es una gran oportunidad! Organízate y trabaja de forma eficiente. Planifica el trabajo (científico y administrativo) Busca un buen consorcio/equipo. Aprovecha la ayuda de la C.E. y de la N.C.P./O.P.E. …….. ¡¡¡BUENA SUERTE!!! Centro de Energéticas, Investigaciones y Medioambientales Tecnológicas 1- Introduction al programa IEE (2007-2013) 2- Proyecto BETTER 3- Experiencia -Fase de preparación y negociación de la propuesta -Fase de ejecución del proyecto 4- Recomendaciones 5-Conclusiones 1- Introduction 2- IEE Programme (2007-2014) in Spain 3- Own experience coordinating an IEE funded project 4- Making your progress a success (IEE Staff) Impact / Performance Indicators Project objectives Strategy Action EU has ambitious targets → expectations of IEE projects is high Take your performance indicators seriously: they have been formulated in order to ensure that you and EC can check how successful the project is implemented Record and show impacts of your project Install appropriate monitoring system from beginning of the project - make efforts to quantify your results and impacts Provide reasons if indicators are not achieved 36 Communication – the mission Communication is key for your project • Right from the project start, throughout the project duration • Audience driven: what is in it for me? • Pro-active: emphasis on marketing • Targeted and focussed • Clear, simple and professional • Don’t forget the IEE logo & disclaimer rules ! 37 Communication – the Project Website • Is: the “business card” of the project • Should be: up-to-date and attractive for your target groups • Should not be: a pure management tool for project team • Forbidden: project jargon such as ‘Deliverable n° x’, ‘work package y’ All public deliverables should be available for downloading as soon as they are completed. Check out the website tips in the "Day-to-day management" corner on the IEE website! 38 www.better-project.net Communication Joint efforts – EACI and you! 40 Suggestions for management Keep regular contact with your Project Officer. Inform your Project Officer well in advance about project meetings. Always put the Financial Officer in copy when the issue at stake has contractual or financial implications Ask, if you are not sure Flag problems as soon as possible: partners should inform the coordinator, and the coordinator should inform EACI as soon as possible about: potential problems and bottlenecks, deviations from the work plan, financial issues, etc. We also like to receive good news, so please feel free to contact your Project Officer to inform him/her of positive outcomes, achievements you are proud of, news to spread, etc (during and after the end of the project) 41 Frequent mistakes (general) Lack of focus on concrete outcomes and impacts on the market; inadequate monitoring of performance indicators Insufficient efforts to ensure involvement and participation of stakeholders – low participation in AB, at events, lack of feedback, low interest shown by market actors for the project outcomes and deliverables Unprofessional website, not user friendly, mainly used as internal management tool; outdated and/or overambitious, remains empty in many sections Lack of communication and interaction between partners resulting in failure to achieve European Added Value • partners working in parallel with limited real interaction • lack of interaction at meetings (too much presentations, presentations, presentations) • lack of cross-country overview, analysis 42 Frequent mistakes : deliverables Be careful in (re-)using of existing material ! Please respect two conditions: • Quote the references in a serious, transparent and professional manner • Do not charge again to the project Produced material/deliverables are not attractive for target group(s) • Inappropriate language (project slang such as work package, deliverable, …) • No author indicated, no date of publication, no quality control • Poor English • Poor layout Public deliverables (brochure, video, website, event invitation etc.) have no IEE logo and/or disclaimer • Rule: No logo - no payment !! 43 Tips: Do´s Read the contract Take your contract & work programme seriously Focus on project outcomes & results Monitor your impact Involve stakeholders Keep regular contact with your Project Officer Put the Financial Officer in copy if contractual / financial issue Ask, if you are not sure 44 ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS! [email protected]