WW FEB 10 2016.pages - St Frances of Rome School


WW FEB 10 2016.pages - St Frances of Rome School
February 10, 2016
St. Frances of Rome
Important Dates
February 11 - Field Trip
Grades 5-8
February 12 - Grade 8
Fundraiser -$2 DRESS
Ash Wednesday
Today is the beginning of Lent. Please view the
information below.
Valentines Dance - 6-9PM
Schedule for Ash Wednesday and all of Lent.
February 13 - Bread of Life
Ash Wednesday: Ashes will be distributed at 8:00a.m.
(English Mass), 6:00p.m. (English service), and 7:00p.m.
(Spanish Mass).
Wednesday Eucharistic Adoration: Adore the Lord
in the Eucharist each Wednesday of Lent between
8:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. and 7:00p.m.–8:00p.m.
Stations of the Cross: The church will be open for
private devotions on Fridays from 7:00a.m–7:00p.m.
Stations will be led in English at 6:00p.m. each Friday
February 14 Happy Valentines Day
February 15 - NO SCHOOL
Presidents Day
February 17 - Eucharistic
Adoration for students
February 23 - Picture Day
February 26 - End of 2nd
Cheese Pizza Lunch
[email protected]
Confessions: Every Saturday 3:00p.m.–4:00p.m,
every Wednesday during the Holy Hour from 7:00p.m.-8:00p.m.
24 Hours for the Lord: From noon on Friday, March 4
to noon on Saturday, March 5.
Fast and Abstinence Rules: Please remember that
abstinence from meat is to be observed by all Catholics
14 years old and older on Ash Wednesday and on all the
Fridays of Lent. Chicken and pork count as meat,
as well as beef. Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday
by all Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. This
means that those who are bound by this may take only
one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted if
necessary to maintain strength according to one‘s needs,
but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted.
The Special Paschal Fast, as well as Abstinence,
are prescribed for Good Friday and encouraged for
Holy Saturday.
Preach the Gospel; when necessary use words
St. Frances of Rome
Lent 2016
This year, our
collections in the Rice
Bowl will be donated
to Father Alfred's
village in Uganda,
February 10, 2016
Nuestro horario para Miércoles de Ceniza
y toda la Cuaresma
Miércoles de Ceniza: Habrá distribución de cenizas
a las 8:00a.m. (misa-inglés), 6:00p.m. (servicio-inglés) y 7:00p.m.
Adoración Eucarística: vengan a adorar el Señor Sacramentado
todos los miércoles de 8:30a.m.–2:00p.m. y 7:00p.m.–8:00p.m.
Viacrucis: el templo se quedará abierto para devociones privadas
todos los viernes de 7:00a.m.–7:00p.m. Se rezará el viacrucis en
grupo, en español, a las 6:30p.m.
Confesiones: sábados de 3:00–4:00p.m.
24 para el Señor: 12:00 del mediodía del viernes 4 al mediodía
del sábado 5 de marzo.
Field Trip Thursday
Grades 5-8 will attend
a field trip on
Thursday, Feb. 11th.
Hot lunch will be
provided after the field
trip for students who
placed an order.
Students who did not
place an order should
bring their lunch from
Caritas Application
-English Caritas Scholars
Application Link:
-Spanish Caritas Scholars
Application Link:
[email protected]
Reglas para el Ayuno y la Abstinencia: Todos los católicos
mayores de 14 años, deben abstenerse de comer carne el Miércoles
de Ceniza y todos los viernes de Cuaresma. El pollo y el puerco
también se consideran carne de la misma manera que la de res.
El ayuno debe ser observado el Miércoles de Ceniza por todos los
católicos que han cumplido los dieciocho años pero no han llegado
a los cincuenta y nueve. Estas personas sólo pueden tomar una
comida completa, y dos comidas pequeñas si son necesarias
para mantener las fuerzas, de acuerdo a las necesidades
individuales, pero no se permite alimento sólido entre las comidas.
El ayuno así como la abstinencia Pascual especial obliga el
Viernes Santo y es recomendada en el Sábado Santo también.
Mardi Gras
Thank you to all Faculty/Staff, Parents and
Parishioners who attended the Mardi Gras
Thank you to Nancy Rivera and the Mardi Gras committee for
organizing and working at the Mardi Gras. All the people there
thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Congratulations to Father Mark
and Jim Zangrilli on receiving their awards.
Even though Mardi Gras is over, you are still responsible for the
$100 raffle money. This is a mandatory fundraiser and all
outstanding money should be turned in to the school office
Please get a SFR Financial Assistance Application ’16-17
from the school office & go online to complete FACTS Grant
& Aid at: https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/42BQZ . Both must
be filled out.
Preach the Gospel; when necessary use words