Living Legend, Johnny "Dandy" - Pete Nater`s Salsa Legends and


Living Legend, Johnny "Dandy" - Pete Nater`s Salsa Legends and
Living Legend, Johnny “Dandy”
Rodriguez Endorses Salsa
Legends And Masters Academy
Jose Madera, Living
Legend/Leyenda Viviente
Interview/Entrevista Parts 1-6
I had the honor to ask this living legend, Jose Madera, a few
questions about his influences and highlights of his career.
(No se olviden qu hay subtitulos en Espanol, cortesia de Edgar
José Madera
(Percussion &
Orestes Vilato
Part/Partes 1-4
I had the honor and privilege Tuve el honor y el privilegio of
interviewing this living legend and hero of mine de entrevistar a esta
leyenda viviente, uno de mis héroes (Subtitulos cortesia de Edgar
Living Legend, Eddie Torres
Interview, Part 1
Eddie Torres shares about his beginnings and the
people who influenced him, early in his career.
Larry Harlow’s Interview and
his endorsement of Salsa
Legends And Masters Academy
We were very fortunate to interview Larry Harlow, a/k/a “El
Judio Maravilloso” recently. He’s still a very busy guy. He
talked about his early days in the business and other things.
Here are parts 1 and 2. Use the closed caption feature for
Spanish subtitles