27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Joachim Catholic Church


27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Joachim Catholic Church
2 12 50 H es pe r ian B l v d, H ay wa rd , C A 9 45 4 1 | 51 0 -7 8 3 - 2 7 6 6 | w w w .s t jo ac h i m.n et
2, 2016
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday Mass in English
Saturday 4:30 PM
Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM & 12:15 PM
Saturday 3-4:00 PM
Misas en Español
Miércoles 7 PM
Daily Mass
7 & 8:30 AM (Saturday 8:30 AM)
Misas Dominicales en Español
Sábado 6 PM, Domingo 2 & 6 PM
Miércoles 6-7 PM, Sábado 3-4:00 PM
United in faith and guided by the Holy Spirit
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Blondin, the French !ghtrope walker
became world-famous in June of 1859,
when he walked on a !ghtrope
stretched over quarter of a mile across
the mighty Niagara Falls. He became the
first person to accomplish this amazing
feat. He walked across 160 feet above
the waterfalls several !mes, each !me with a different daring
feat - once in a sack, on s!lts, on a bicycle, in the dark, and once
even carrying a stove and cooking an omelet! A large crowd
gathered and a buzz of excitement ran along both sides of the
river bank. The crowd “Oooooohed!” and “Aaaaahed!” as
Blondin carefully walked across one dangerous step a%er
another -- blindfolded and pushing a wheelbarrow. Upon
reaching the other side, the crowd's applause was louder than
the roar of the falls! Blondin suddenly stopped and addressed
his audience: "Do you believe I can carry a person across in this
wheelbarrow?” The crowd enthusias!cally shouted, "Yes, yes,
yes. You are the greatest !ghtrope walker in the world. You can
do anything!" "Okay," said Blondin, "Get in the wheelbarrow....." The Blondin story goes that no one did although all had
faith in his ability! Later in August of 1859, his manager, Harry
Colcord, showed his faith in Blondin and did ride on Blondin's
back across the Falls. In today’s Gospel, Jesus challenges his
disciples to have that kind of faith.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Southern author and poet Laverne W. Hall was asked her
defini!on of faith, she couched it in the following narra!ve.
Summer sun and a lack of rain had le% the fields parched and
brown. As they tended their wil!ng crops, the townspeople
worriedly searched the sky for any sign of relief. Days turned
into arid weeks and s!ll no rain came. The ministers of the local
churches announced that there would be a special service to
pray for rain on the following Saturday. They requested that
everyone bring an object of Faith for inspira!on. At the
appointed hour, everyone turned out en masse, filling the town
square with anxious faces and hopeful hearts. The ministers
were touched to see the variety of objects clutched in prayerful
hands; prayer books, Bibles, crosses, rosaries, etc. Just as the
hour of prayer was concluding, and as if by some Divine cue, a
so% rain began to fall. Cheers swept the crowd as they held
their treasured objects high in gra!tude and praise. From the
middle of the crowd, one faith symbol seemed to overshadow
all the others; a small nine-year-old child had brought an
umbrella! Without speaking a word, the child enunciated that
quality of authen!c Faith which expresses itself in commitment.
By bringing the umbrella, the child affirmed the fact that Faith is
more than intellectual assent to a set of revealed truths or
theological doctrines.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whales can’t swallow people,” the teacher said. “Even though
they are large mammals, their throats are very small.”
“But the Bible teaches us that Jonah was swallowed by a
whale,” the li)le girl replied. “My mom says Bible is God’s
words, and it must be correct.”
“That just can’t be,” the teacher said. “It’s physically
“If so, when I get to Heaven I will ask Jonah,” said the li)le girl.
The teacher looked down at her, smiled and asked, “What if
Jonah went to Hell?”
The li)le girl replied, “Then you can ask him yourself when you
get there.”
Blondin, el equilibrista
Francés llegó a ser famoso
mundialmente en Junio del 1859, cuando caminó sobre una cuerda
floja estirada sobre el cuarto de milla a través de las poderosas
Cataratas del Niágara. Se convirtió en la primera persona en lograr
esta hazaña increíble. El caminó a través de 160 pies arriba las
cascadas varias veces, cada vez con una hazaña audaz diferente una vez en un saco, en zancos, en bicicleta, en la oscuridad y una
vez incluso llevando una estufa y cocinando una omelet! Una gran
multitud se reunió y un murmullo de entusiasmo corrió a lo largo
de ambos lados de la orilla del río. La multitud "Oooooohed!" y
"¡Aaaaahed!" cuando Blondin caminaba cuidadosamente dando un
paso peligroso tras otro--con los ojos vendados y empujando una
carretilla. Al llegar al otro lado, los aplausos de la multitud eran
más fuerte que el rugir de las cataratas! Blondin de repente paró y
se dirigió a su audiencia: "¿crees que puedo llevar a una persona a
través en esta carretilla?" La multitud gritó con entusiasmo, "sí, sí,
sí. Eres el mejor equilibrista del mundo. Usted puede hacer cualquier cosa!" "Bien", dijo Blondin, " siéntate en la carretilla..."
Blondin dice que nadie lo hizo aunque todos tenían fe en
su habilidad! Más adelante en Agosto del 1859, su jefe, Harry
Colcord, demostró su fe en Blondin y lo hizo montando en la
espalda de Blondin a través de las cataratas. En el Evangelio de
hoy, Jesús desafía a sus discípulos a tener ese tipo de fe.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cuando al autor y poeta Sureño Laverne W. Hall le preguntaron su
definición de la fe, ella lo redactó en la siguiente narración. El sol
de verano y la falta de lluvia habían dejado el campo reseco y café.
Como tenían sus cosechas marchitas, el pueblo buscó alguna señal
de alivio en el cielo. Los días se volvieron en áridas semanas y
todavía no había lluvia. Los ministros de las Iglesias locales
anunciaron que habría un servicio especial para orar por lluvia el
siguiente Sábado. Se pidió que todo el mundo llevara un objeto de
fe para inspiración. A la hora designada, todos llegaron en masa,
llenando la plaza con rostros ansiosos y corazones esperanzados.
Los ministros fueron tocados viendo la variedad de objetos sujetos
en las manos de oración; libros de oración, Biblias, cruces, rosarios,
etc. Al concluir la hora de la oración y como si por alguna señal
Divina, una suave lluvia comenzó a caer. Alegría se escuchó entre
la multitud sosteniendo sus objetos preciados en gratitud y
alabanza. Desde el centro de la multitud, un símbolo de fe pareció
eclipsar a todos los demás; un pequeño niño de nueve años había
traído un paraguas! Sin hablar una palabra, el niño enunció la
calidad de la fe auténtica que se expresa en el compromiso.
Al llevar el paraguas, el niño afirma el hecho de que la fe es algo
más que asentimiento intelectual a un conjunto de verdades reveladas o doctrinas teológicas.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Las ballenas no pueden tragarse a personas", dijo el profesor.
"Aunque son mamíferos grandes, sus gargantas son muy pequeñas". "Pero la Biblia nos enseña que Jonás fue tragado por una
ballena", respondió la niña. "Mi mamá dice la Biblia es la Palabra
de Dios, y debe ser la correcta". "No puede ser," dijo el maestro.
"Es físicamente imposible". "Si es así, cuando llegue al cielo le
preguntaré a Jonás," dijo la niña. El maestro miró hacia abajo, sonrió y preguntó: "¿Qué pasa si Jonás fue al infierno?" La niña respondió, "entonces usted mismo puede preguntárselo al llegar allí."
Nota de nuestro pastor:
Readings for the Week
of October 2, 2016
Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4/Ps 95:1-2, 6-9/2
Tm 1:6-8, 13-14/Lk 17:5-10
Gal 1:6-12/Ps 111:1-2, 7-10/Lk 10:25-37
Gal 1:13-24/Ps 139:1-3, 13-15/
Lk 10:38-42
Gal 2:1-2, 7-14/Ps 117:1-2/Lk 11:1-4
Gal 3:1-5/Lk 1:69-75/Lk 11:5-13
Gal 3:7-14/Ps 111:1-6/Lk 11:15-26
Gal 3:22-29/Ps 105:2-7/Lk 11:27-28
Next Sun/Dom:
2 Kgs 5:14-17/Ps 98:1-4/2 Tm 2:8-13/
Lk 17:11-19
FESTIVAL — Oct 1st & 2nd
Saturday 8 AM—9 PM
Sunday 8 AM—8 PM
Faith Formation Office
Parish Office
Oficina de Formación de Fe
Parish Fax
Glenda Aragón
Director of Faith Formation
[email protected]
Parish Email
[email protected]
Parish Office Hours
Monday-Friday 10 AM-7:30 PM
Bilingual available T,W,F 4-7:30 PM
Saturday 10 AM-4 PM
Bilingual available 10 AM-4 PM
Sunday 9 AM-4 PM
Bilingual available 12 PM-4 PM
Rev. Joseph Antony Sebastian, SVD
10 AM to 12 PM
5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment)
lunes, martes, miércoles, y Viernes
10 AM a 12 PM
5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)
Abraham Gonzalez
Faith Formation Coordinator/
Youth Minister
550-6878 / [email protected]
Bertha Cruz
Administrative Assistant
St. Joachim School
Escuela de San Joaquín
Armond Seishas
Sandra Garzon
School Secretary
St. Joachim Pre-School
Rev. Stephen Ayisu, SVD
Marisa Melgarejo
Parochial Vicar
Monday,Wednesday,Thursday,&Friday Director
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment)
lunes, miércoles , jueves y Viernes
10:00 AM a 12:00 PM
5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)
Ariel Mayormita
Music Director/Director de Música
Phone Ext. #223
[email protected]
Flor Herce
Monday—Oct 3rd
Liturgy Committee
7:00 PM — In the Fireside Room. All
members are encouraged to attend
Tuesday — October 4th
Blessing of the Animals
6:30 PM — Placita
Pat Ludwig
Administrative Assistant
St. Vincent de Paul
Office hours
1:00-2:30 PM ONLY
San Vicente de Paul
Gary Enos, President
Viernes 7 de Octubre en el Salón Social
5:30 pm a 7:00 pm y 7:15 a 8:45 pm
Presentado por Ferney Ramírez
Posee amplia experiencia en psicología clínica — Terapia de parejas y
Consejería familiar.
Ha sido profesor de las Facultades de Psicología y Educación, Universidad San Buenaventura, Colombia.
Coordina programas de formación para de familia de las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago.
Angelina Pastrana
Jaime Fanuncio
Ogie Guevarra
Henry Cajilog
Arsenio S. Reyes Jr.
Tina Gonzales
Paul Seishas
Maria Socorro Ortega
Priscila Mcin!re
Be"y Evans
Ellen Rodel Ramil Hilario
Adam Pachkofsky
Robert Burkfield
Diana Cajilog Chua
Teresa Castro
Cesar Gu!errez
Pilar Valenzuela
St Vincent de Paul
September 25, 2016
Food offering for next week:
The Plate Collection
EFT Collection
Canned Meats or
On Line Giving
TOTAL for the WEEK
Carne enlatada o
$ 10,361.50
October 1-8, 2016
Monday 7:30 AM
Communion Service ONLY
Saturday 4:30 PM
Emmanuel Resurrecion ( † birthday)
Mateo Kierulf Sr. ( † birthday)
Lucia Quintong †
Elpidio Rojas †
Saturday 6:00 PM
Arthur Puga †
Sunday 7:30 AM
The Community of St. Joachim
Sunday 9:00 AM
Ha Van Tro †
David, Stella & Terence Pereira †
Dominguez & Gonzalez families †
Sunday 10:30 AM
Sabina Gonsalves †
Tuesday 7:30 AM
Communion Service ONLY
Sunday 12:15 PM
Edgar DeLos Angeles (birthday)
Eduardo Cabal † (1st anniversary)
Wednesday 7:30 AM
Communion Service ONLY
Thursday 7:30 AM
Sunday 2:00 PM
Communion Service ONLY
Maria de Jesus Pelayo
( 1st mes aniversario) Friday 7:30 AM
David & Paula Cruz †
Communion Service ONLY
Sunday 6:00 PM
The Community of St. Joachim
Saturday 8:30 AM
Noel Macapugay † (anniversary)
Please Take Note
Our Priests will both be gone this week . They are
attending a Diocese wide Convocation for Priests .
Since they will be gone , we WILL NOT
morning Masses Monday through Friday or the
Wednesday evening Spanish Mass. Below are the
ONLY services we will have this week
Monday Oct. 3rd—7:30 AM Communion Service
Tuesday Oct. 4th—7:30 AM Communion Service
Tuesday Oct 4th— Blessing of the Animals 6:30 PM
Wednesday Oct. 5th —7:30 AM Communion Service
Thursday Oct 6th — 7:30 AM Communion Service
Friday Oct. 7th
—7:30 AM Communion Service
Saturday October 8th—Resume Regular Schedule
Thank You
VATICAN CORNER It would seem that Pope
Francis' busy schedule would not allow him time to
compose all of the many speeches he must give both at
the Vatican and when on his foreign trips. Like any
modern head of state, there are probably people who
assist him in drafting his talks since he usually must
deliver several a day and when on trips, give frequent
speeches that last longer. In November 2013, the Italian
daily newspaper La Stampa claimed to have identified the
newly named “Coordinator of Papal Speech and Homily
Writing”, a Monsignor Paolo Luca Braida. The Vatican
never confirmed that story. However, it is thought that
Pope Francis may have much more to do with writing
his own speeches than did previous Popes, since they
seem more spontaneous, conversational, and unfiltered,
coming more from his heart than from an anonymous
speechwriter. Pope Francis’ daily homilies that draw worldwide interest are not delivered from written text. At the
morning mass celebrated in the chapel of the guest house where he lives, his homilies are spontaneously given and in
Italian, a language that he knows well but which isn’t his mother tongue. Pope Francis has decided not to allow live
audio or video of those homilies and no complete transcripts be distributed because he fears the loss of the familiar
atmosphere with the attendees, and the spontaneous talk would require his editing for the print. Therefore he has
Vatican Radio summarize and distribute in news stories and blogs his reflections on the daily readings to allow the
public to have access to the main messages. As a Jesuit-trained communicator Francis understands and obeys certain
rules of writing and persuasion. The rule of three is one very powerful and effective guideline. It simply states that, in
short term memory, we can recall words, themes, or ideas when they are grouped in threes. The greatest works of
literature are grouped in three, as are famous quotes, and famous speeches. A few examples are:
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people” - “Faster, Higher, Stronger“- “Friends, Romans,
Countrymen” -“Blood, sweat, and tears” - “Mind, body, spirit” - “Stop, Look, and Listen” - “Faith, Hope, and Charity”.
Here are a few of Francis’ use of the rule of three: “ if we want security, let us give security, if we want life, let us give
life, if we want opportunities, let us provide opportunities” – “trapped in a hopeless maze of violence, abuse and
despair” – “the complexity, the gravity and the urgency of these challenges demand that we pool our resources and
talents.” The rule of three is a fundamental building block of persuasion. Pope Francis, who appears to write many of
his speeches himself, understands that words and language can move people to action.
Source: ncronline.org, cruznow.com, forbes.com
Blessing of the Animals
All Animals
Are welcome
October 4th —
6:30 PM
At the Placita
All animals must be
on a leash or caged
Saturday October 1st ~~~ 8:00 AM — 9:00 PM
Sunday October 2nd ~~~ 8:00 AM — 8:00 PM