To travel from Madrid city center to Colmenarejo Campus by public
To travel from Madrid city center to Colmenarejo Campus by public
To travel from Madrid city center to Colmenarejo Campus by public transport The recommended route is the fastest of all possible combinations Description of route: • Origin: Madrid city center • Destination : Colmenarejo Campus • Estimated cost: 1 € (underground) + 2.85 € (bus) • Public transport: underground + bus Detailed instructions: 1. Origin: Madrid city center. 2. Go to Moncloa station (lines 3 and 6). 3. Transfer at Moncloa station in Moncloa Transport Interchange from metro to bus. Metro station is in Nivel -2. Go to Nivel -1, Bay (dársena) 9 - Island 1 4. Bus from Moncloa Transport Interchange to Colmenarejo Campus. Intercity Bus Line 631. Madrid - Galapagar – Colmenarejo Estimated time: 50 min. The stop for the venue is the last one