scripture readings for the week of the trinity
scripture readings for the week of the trinity
ST. ALOYSIUS CATHOLIC CHURCH HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA CALENDAR Saturday, September 24 26TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4-5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15 PM MASS (+ Mike Croce) 7:00 PM MASS/Spanish (Estrella & Miguel Vallecillos) Sunday, September 25 8:00 AM MASS (Matt Thiel) Rosary7:30 AM 6-8:45 AM Hispanic St. Emmaus Prayer Grp–SebChapel & AC 9:15-10:30AM Children and Adult Faith Formation 11:00 AM MASS (Bob and Mary Hay & Family) Rosary 10:30A 12:15 PM Hispanic Meal – Holy Family Hall 1:00 PM MASS Spanish(+EduardoDeLaSancha) Ros. 12:30 2:15 PM Hispanic Meal – Holy Family Hall 5:15 PM LIFETEEN MASS (Parishioners)Life Night/Parents Monday, September 26 9:00 AM MASS (Stuart King) Sebastian Chapel 5:30 PM Pastoral Council - Parlor 7:00 PM Hispanic Saturday Choirs – Music Room & Lounge Tuesday, September 27 9:00 AM MASS (Brady Stober) Sebastian Chapel 10:00 AM Bible Study - Parlor 1-2:30 PM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd – Nursery 5:45-6:45PM Men’s Cursillo – Parlor 6-8:00 PM Hispanic St. Tomas - Holy Family Hall 6:45 PM Catholic Scripture Study – Video Room 7:00 PM Sunday Choirs Practice – Music Room 7:00 PM Cenacle Prayer Group – Sebastian Chapel Wednesday, September 28 SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 We will have a Newcomer Dinner in Holy Family Hall on Thursday, October 20 at 6:00 PM for everyone that has registered in our parish since April 15, 2016. Please call the office to R.S.V.P. to the letter that was sent to our newcomers this past week and join us for food and fellowship. I hope you plan to join us for the Trunk or Treat at the church parking lot on Friday, October 28 from 6:00-8:00PM. Pick a theme, register your trunk, decorate it, get some candy, and have lots of fun. Many thanks to the Hispanic Emmaus Men’s Group for assisting with the landscaping project at the rectory and for placing railroad tie borders in the south parking lots. St. Aloysius had the largest participation at the Eucharistic Congress on September 9 & 10. Many thanks to the roughly 800 people from our parish who attended the Congress. Fr. Nohé said, “Next year, we will have over 1,000 people!” - Sincerely Yours in Christ Fr. Larry LoMonaco BLESSING OF ANIMALS We will have a Blessing of Animals, next Saturday, October 1st at 9:30 AM (following the 9:00 AM Mass in Sebastian Chapel) in the upper parking lot. Bring your favorite animal….dog, cat, bird, horse, whatever - on a leash or contained in such a manner not to be a safety hazard. The blessing of animals, domestic and agricultural, has long been a tradition in our Church. It asks blessing upon all who have pets to give them a sense of appreciation and to provide proper care for God’s creatures. 4:30-5:45 PM K-6 Faith Formation 5:15 PM MASS (+ Loreta Wolfe) Church Rosary 4:45 5:45-7:00 PM Hispanic Children’s Choir – Sebastian Chapel 6-7:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation – Church 6:00 PM ARK Team/7:00 PM CORE – Lower Level 6:45-8:15PM Jr. High Faith Formation – Holy Family Hall 7:00 PM RCIA – Parlor 7-9:00 PM Hispanic Eucharistic Ministers - Church 7:00 PM Hispanic Sunday Choirs – Music Room Thursday, September 29 9:00 AM MASS (+ Edward Christiansen) Sebastian Chapel 9:30 AM Seniors Exercise Class – Video Room 1-4:00 PM Bridge Club - Parlor 5-6:00 PM Hispanic Altar Servers – Church 7:00 PM Greeters Meeting - Parlor 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group - Sebastian Chapel 7-8:30 PM Volleyball Practice – Holy Family Hall 7:00 PM Hispanic RCIA – Lounge 8:00 PM Hispanic Adoration/Blessed Sacrament - Church Friday, September 30 10AM-12PM Our Lady’s Rosary Guild – Holy Family Hall 12:10 PM MASS(+ Ray Notario) Church Chaplet After Mass 6:15-8PM Summit Youth Ministry – Lower Level 6:30-7:30PM Hispanic Pre-Marriage Team - Parlor 7:00 PM Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Group – Seb. Chapel 7:00 PM Hispanic St. Emmaus – Activity Center Saturday, October 1 9:00 AM 9:30 AM MASS (Parishioners) Sebastian Chapel Blessing of Animals – Upper Parking Lot 4-5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15 PM MASS (+ Anna & Ralph Rapacciulo) 7:00 PM MASS/Spanish (Parishioners) Sunday, October 2 27TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Respect Life Sunday/Stewardship Treasure WE 8:00 AM MASS (Parishioners) Rosary7:30 AM 6-8:45 AM Hispanic St. Emmaus Prayer Grp–SebChapel & AC 9:15-10:30AM Children and Adult Faith Formation 11:00 AM MASS (Parishioners) Rosary 10:30A 1:00 PM MASS Spanish(Parishioners) Rosary 12:30 2:30-3:30PM Life Chain – Highway 70 5:15 PM LIFETEEN MASS (Parishioners) Life Night PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Monica Ebelhack, Phyllis Smith, Pam AuBuchon, Don Duclos, Bob Crispano, Christopher Childres, Mary Lou Lefebvre, Joyce Hodorovick, Tony Llambias, Jessica Duke, Joan Gaudette, Andi Mitchell, Salvatore D’Angelo, Mary Propst, Joan Newman, Caroline E. Price, Judy Davis, Steve Lambrechts, Edith McCellan, Caleb Horner, Eileen Millsaps, Mary Luskey, Caleb Harris, Karen Miller, Cameron Crisp, Barbara Belcher, Roger Stewart, Mario Simoncioni, Gene Sweeney, Barbara Lucas, Gloria Croce, Alton Edmunds, Olin Treadway, Kelly Aldrich, Evelyn Showfety, Michael Lella, Jr., John Stuckey, William Kelly, Peggy Confoy, Pat & Frank von Drehle, Beth Martin, James Stonemetz, Maureen Draver, Morgan Menzyk, Sean Powers, Joseph Bachofner, Cora Woodend, Lynn McCain, and those listed on our Prayer Sheet on the hallway bulletin board. September 17/18, 2016 Offertory $15,309.53 Priests’ Retirement $15,169.70 YTD $16,639.70 GOAL $35,359.00 Thank you! STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT The dishonest manager in today’s parable knew how to manipulate money to his own advantage. But the Gospel warns that no one can serve both God and money. Which do I serve? Is my stewardship such that anyone can tell? We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who seek to “possess lightly,” knowing that Jesus taught about the dangers of clinging to material possessions and always pointed to the real treasures available to us. TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME STEWARDSHIP COMMITMENT Our Stewardship of Treasure Commitment weekend is scheduled for October 1/2. Please prayerfully consider how our Lord has blessed you and the treasure commitment He is asking for your 2017 annual giving. Giving of our time, talent and treasure mainly involves a change of attitude about giving. It is important to think in terms of giving in gratitude to God and using your resources for the good of others. In the area of treasure, some Christians choose the biblical norm of giving ten percent. Some, because of circumstances, give more than that. Others might start at two, three or four percent. When you are at peace about the size of your gift, when you do not find yourself making excuses for its size, when you know in your heart that you have been completely honest with God and yourself, then your gift is the proper size. During each Mass next weekend, you will be given a Stewardship of Treasure Commitment brochure and asked to write down your financial commitment for 2017. You may drop the completed form in the offertory basket then or the next weekend. Other options are to mail the completed brochure or hand deliver it to the church office. May God bless you for all that you do for your parish and for Him! HOMELESS SHELTER DRIVE October is St. Aloysius' month to collect toiletries and personal need items for the Salvation Army Homeless Shelter. The trial/travel sizes available of toothpaste, deodorant, and soap and such are the perfect size for those who are at the Shelter. Also, any other personal need items such as disposable razors, feminine hygiene items, toothbrushes, mouthwash, floss, and ponchos are welcome as well. Please put your donations in the collection bin across from the restrooms next month. Thank you! SUNDAY GIRLS The Sunday Girls will meet for lunch next Sunday October 2nd at El Paso Restaurant, 1709 North Center St, (on 127) at 12:30 PM. For more information, call Phyllis Fisher 256-2260 or Charlene Tice 455-6449. XXVI DOMINGO ORDINARIO Jesús nos invita a dar el buen combate de la fe y a vencer las tentaciones que nos alejan de Él. Stewardship El pecado del hombre rico en la parábola de hoy, no era por que fuera rico, sino porque fallo en compartir su riqueza con el pobre a su puerta. El conocía a Lázaro, tal vez pasaba a su lado cada vez que entraba o salía de su casa, pero no hacia nada por aliviar su sufrimiento. ¿Hay un Lázaro en mi vida? ¿Qué estoy haciendo para ayudarlo? Clínica de Vacuna para la Gripe Se llevara acabo una clínica de vacunas contra la gripe el Sábado, 8 de Octubre de las 6 a 7pm y Domingo, 9 de Octubre de 9 a 11am y de 2:30 a 4:30pm En el Salón de la Sagrada familia. La vacuna no tendrá costo con los siguientes seguro: Medicare, Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC, Aetna, Cigna, United Health Care y Tricare. Si no tiene seguro el costo por la vacuna es de $25.00. Fechas de formación para Bautizar -Octubre 29 Favor de inscribirse con anticipación. La formación empieza a las 9:00AM en el Salón de la Sagrada Familia No se aceptan como padrinos a parejas no casadas por la Iglesia. Fechas para Bautismo Noviembre 5 y Diciembre 3 FLU SHOT CLINIC AT ST. AL’S Rite Aid will be offering a flu shot clinic in Holy Family Hall on Saturday, October 8th from 6:00-7:00 PM; Sunday, October 9th from 9:00-11:00 AM and 2:30-4:30 PM. The flu shots will be free with $0 Copay if you have one of the following insurances: Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC, Aetna, Cigna, United Health Care, and Tricare. If you are not covered by one of these, the cost is $25 in cash. SECULAR FRANCISCANS The monthly gathering of the Fraternity of Br. Francis will be on Saturday, October 8th at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Newton at 2:00 PM in their Holy Family Hall. Visitors are welcome! The trial basis of meeting on the second Saturday has been extended through February. For more information, call Carole Marmorato at 828-578-6801. CHURCH HUMOR! The Sunday Mass coincided with the last day of deer hunting season. The pastor asked if anyone had bagged a deer, but no one raised their hand. The pastor said, “I don’t get it. Last Sunday many of you said you were missing from Mass because of the hunting season, so I had the whole congregation pray for your deer.” One hunter groaned, “Well, it worked. They’re all safe.” ¿Qué es la Administración (Stewardship)? La administración no se trata de solo dar dinero. La administración es un ¡forma de vida! Es un vivir, viviendo en la gratitud por todo lo que Dios nos ha proporcionado. Lo vivimos en cada aspecto de la vida, en nuestras familias, iglesia y comunidad. Se basa en nuestra administración de “apagar por adelantado” y dar de nuestra abundancia. La Administracion (Stewardship) implica el cuidado de personas, recursos, dones y talentos y la gracia de Dios. Su talento es un regalo de Dios para usted. Lo que usted haga con su talento, es un regalo que le da a Dios. Cuando llegamos a ser buenos administradores de todo lo que Dios nos ha dado con las oportunidades que se presentan através de su providencia, ¡lo estamos glorificando, sirviendo al bien común y a la extensión de su reino! Kiosco El quiosco de nuestra parroquia tiene el CD exacto para cultivar y enriquecer su fe católica. Si usted esta buscando unos recursos para alentar a otros a seguir a Jesús en su camino espiritual ¡tenemos las herramientas justas! Si necesita la motivación, orientación o desea profundizar en su fe Católica ¡tenemos lo que necesitas! Por favor venga y eche una ojeada, done $4.00 y comparta su amor por Dios, los temas de los CD varían de mes en mes y están en ingles y español. ¡Nos vemos en el Kiosco! ST. ALOYSIUS CATHOLIC CHURCH HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA Youth Ministry SUMMIT by Life Teen is St. Aloysius’s new opportunity to help high school teens grow closer to Christ, by diving into the upcoming Sunday readings. SUMMIT is open to all high school teens, and will meet Fridays from 6:15 – 8:00 PM in the Lower Level. Sundays from 6:30 to 8:30 PM all high school teenagers are invited to come to the Lower Level for our Life Nights. This Sunday: September 25: Mass Fitness and Parent’s Night. Parents are invited to come ask questions and find out what is going on in youth ministry. Next Sunday: October 2: Get Involved. Teens will learn how they can get involved in the parish. This Friday September 30: Stir it up! PREGNANCY CARE CENTER The Hickory Pregnancy Care Center is a non-profit ministry offering ongoing support to pregnant women and their families, as well as post-abortion support groups. They will again this year provide us with baby bottles to be filled with our monetary contributions. The bottles will be passed out after all Masses next weekend, October 1st and 2nd. Instructions to return them to the PCC before October 30th will be printed on the bottles. Another option is for you to return them to our parish office during office hours. Questions? Please call Mary O’Brien at 397-8610. CATHOLIC MEDIA Dynamic Catholic donated copies of their brand new bestselling book titled Resisting Happiness. “Do you feel that your life lacks meaning and purpose? Do you find yourself avoiding the real issues in your life and focusing on the superficial? Are you ignoring your dreams?” Resisting Happiness is free and will be available after all Masses on October 1st and 2nd. Go to the parish kiosk and ask for your free copy. The free books are limited, and a certain quantity will be distributed at each Mass. Questions? Call Barbara Speers at 828-495-7405 or email [email protected] Thank you to… Von Drehle Corporation Parishioners for sponsoring an ad in our weekly bulletin. PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 LAST WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FOUR FAITH FORMATION CLASSES COULDN’T MEET, BECAUSE THEY HAD NO CATECHIST TO TEACH THEM! NO ONE HAS STEPPED FORWARD. WILL YOU HELP? We are still in need of Catechists from 4:30 to 5:45 PM on Wednesday afternoons for: Grades 4 through 6 who have had no previous Faith Formation or are preparing to receive their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist this year. If you think God might be calling you to this rewarding ministry, please call Monica Ebelhack at 327-2341 or email [email protected] as soon as possible First Eucharist Parents – Pictures are available for pickup on the table outside of Fr. Nohe’s Office until October 2 nd. They are divided according to the date and Mass time your child received their First Eucharist. Only take the envelope with your child’s name on it. THINKING OF JOINING THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? So, you’re developing your faith. Great! Do you have questions? Is it a little overwhelming? What do I need to do? How will I know when I am ready to move forward? Many adults entering the Catholic Church, or those just thinking about it, follow a process known as RCIA – The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. RCIA meets from 7:00 to 8:15 PM on Wednesday nights in the Parlor. Please join us and bring your questions and your faith stories. This Wednesday’s topic: “Mary, the Mother of God.” If you would like more information, please contact Monica Ebelhack at 828-327-2341 or email [email protected]. . SUNDAY ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT This Sunday, we continue with Fr. Albert Hasse OFM, “Keeping the Fire Alive / Navigating the Challenges in the Spiritual Life” with this morning’s lesson The 4 D’s of the Spiritual Life, based upon Luke 22:39-46. Think back to a time when you struggled with your prayer life. Did anything good come from it? What seemed to be the dominant feeling you had during this period of time: anger, frustration, confusion, discouragement, or anxiety? What, if anything, did you say to God about these feelings? Join us for prayer, the lesson and discussion. For next week, please read Matthew 14:22-33. SENIOR EXERCISE CLASS Our Senior Exercise Class continues each Thursday at 9:30 AM in the Video Room. This class is LOW intensity and NO impact. It is designed to improve range of motion, balance and strength. Chairs are available. It is a fun class led by a certified personal trainer and former nurse. Call Jane at 828-569-1056 for information and to register. NEXT WEEK’S READINGS 1st Reading – Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2:2-4 Responsorial - Psalm 95 2nd Reading – 2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14 Gospel – Luke 17:5-10