Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 26, 2014
Mass Schedule
Monday through Friday: 8:00 am
8:00 am - 5:00 pm - 8:00pm (Spanish)
4:00 - 4:45 pm - Reconciliation / Confessions (bilingual)
8:00 am - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Spanish) - 6:00 pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Every Friday after 8:00 am Mass - Benediction 12:00 pm
First Friday of the Month
after 8:00 am Mass - Benediction 6:30pm
St. Anthony's — Pescadero
696 North Street, Pescadero, CA 94060
Saturday: 6:00 pm (Spanish) - Sunday: 9:00 am
Our Lady of Refuge — La Honda
146 Sears Ranch Road, La Honda, CA 94020
Sunday: 10:30 am
Our Parish Clergy
Rev. Shouraiah Pudota: [email protected]
Rev. Joseph Previtali: [email protected]
Twitter : “@FatherPrevitali”
Rev. Charles Onubogu: In Residence
Deacon John McGhee
Parish Coordinators and Staff
RCIA | Adult Faith Formation:
Carlos and Celina Rivera (Spanish)
Religious Education K-6th Grade: Claudia Miramontes
Weddings: Juana Ruano
Youth Confirmation: Elizabeth Neapolitan
Dear Parishioners:
Religious commitment at the well of life
42. Martha: Martha is our sister whose faith was appreciated
by God. All: Make us faithful in our convictions.
43. John the Baptist: He is our Brother who said, ”He must
increase, but I decrease “. All: Help us to live in lowliness.
44. Thomas: He is our Brother, who believed Christ with eyewitness. All: Help us Lord to believe.
45. Judah Iscariot: He is our Brother, who betrayed Jesus for
silver. All: Help us not to be money-minded.
46. Peter: He is our Brother who was a impulsive and successor of Jesus Christ. All: Bless us to have a strong faith in our
commitment to God.
47. Mary: Mary is our sister who centered her life in God.
All: Lord , inspire us to surrender our lives to You.
48. Lazarus: He is our Brother, who raised to new life. All:
Lord, grant us to be ever new always.
Estimados Feligreses:
Compromiso religioso en el poza de la vida,
42. Martha: Martha es nuestra Hermana, quien su fe fue apreciada por Dios. Todos: Haznos fieles a nuestras convicciones.
43. Juan El Bautista: El es nuestro hermano, quien dijo:”El se
aumentara y Yo me disminuyere”. Todos: Ayudanos a vivir en
44. Tomas: El es nuestro hermano, quien creyo en Cristo como testigo. Todos: Ayudanos Señor a creer.
45. Judas Iscariote: El es nuestro hermano, quien traiciono a
Jesus por dinero. Todos: Ayudanos a no tener el dinero en
nuestras mentes.
46. Pedro: El es nuestro hermano quien fue impulsivo y sucesor de Jesus Cristo. Todos: Bendicinos para tener una fe fuerte
en nuestro compromiso con Dios.
47. Maria: Maria es nuestra hermana quien centro su vida en
Dios. Todos: Señor, inspiranos a entregar nuestra vida a ti.
48. Lazaro: El es nuestro hermano, quien desperto a una nueva vida. Todos: Señor, concedenos siempre a ser nuevos.
Parish Office: Monday–Friday 9:00am-1:00pm ; 2:00pm-4:30pm
650-726-4674 FAX: 650-726-0980 Religious Ed 650-726-5587
Email: [email protected]
May God Bless you all,
Fr. Shouraiah Pudota
As a Catholic community, we strive to grow in faith together through the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Parish Announcements
Gregorian Chant Class
Father Joe is teaching a Gregorian chant class! All are warmly
invited to seize this unique opportunity to enjoy the spiritual
depths of our common Catholic musical tradition!! Our next
meeting is Thursday November 13, at 8:00pm at St. Anthony’s
in Pescadero
Padre Jo esta enseñando una clase de Canto Gregoriano!! Todos estan invitados cordialmente a aprovechar esta oportunidad unica para disfrutar de las profundidades espirituales de
nuestra musica tradicional Catolica. Nuestra proxima reunion
sera el Jueves 13 de Noviembre en San Antonio, Pescadero
In our church we have votive candles with a glass vase. This
is for fire safety protection . People have been taking the
glass vases and this is not supposed to happen. When you
light your candle you don’t take the glass vase. So far we
have lost 36 glass vases and this represent another cost for
our parish. Please if you see people taking the glass vases
explain this to them and ask them to leave the vases in the
candle rack. Thank you all.
En nuestra Iglesia tenemos las velas con una base de vidrio,
es para nuestra proteccion . Pero algunas personas se han
llebado estas vases y esto no debe de estar pasando. Cuando
usted prente su vela no se llevan la vase de vidrio. Hasta
ahora 36 vases de vidriose han pertido y esto representa una
costo mas para nuestra parroquia. Por favor si usted mira a
alguien llevandose las vases de vidrio expliquele que estas no
se deben llevar. Gracias a todos por su colaboracion.
Pray for Our Parishioners Who are Sick
Pray that God’s healing power will fill them with
strength and hope. To add a name, please call the Parish Office.
Joe Ashe
Derek F. Bacon
Raymond Bondongo
Micah Warner-Carey
Chuchi Ceja
Greg Cowan
Marcel Culp
Alan Deese
Michael Santiago
Mary Elliott
Alteamor Espejo
Abby Franco
Gustav Felmery
Nancy Madieros
Rosario Salas
Juanita Lahip
John Medina
Jena Losch
Mary Ann Koepf
Sam Reynal
Sarah Santana
Lourdes Amaguer
Graciela Martinez
Shantelle McNabb
We would like to thank all of our parish members who helped
on the Pumpkin Festival. We thank Sanco Builders, Peace and
Justice Group, Santiago Group , Youth Group and Alas Group
who were in charge of the parking, and for the time and effort
they put in this job. They raised $11,041 and we want to give
our thanks to The San Mateo Group for the donation of
Queremos darle las gracias a todos los miembros de nuestra
parroquia que ayudaron en el Festival de la Calabaza. Gracias
a el Negocio de Sanco Builders, Paz y Justicia, El Grupo Santiago, Grupo de Jovenes y el Grupo Alas que estuvieron encargados de el parqueo y por el tiempo y esfuerzo que todos
ellos dedicaron a este trabajo el cual recaudo $11,041 y tambien queremos agradecer a el Grupo San Mateo por la donacion
de $390.00
November Events
November 1st: Blessing service for All Souls 11:00am, Skyline Cemetery.
November 2nd: All Souls day at Our Lady of the Pillar.
(please call the parish office to let us know all those who
have died in the year November 2013 to November 2014)
November 8: Dinner for all volunteers. Please call Parish
office of Jose Acosta to RSVP.
November 14: Confirmation at Our Lady of the Pillar.
November 15:3rd. Annual WINE TASTING Fall Fundraise
for the Table Of Plenty hosted by Clyde Beffa (K&L Merchants) in partnership with Sr. Jeanette Braun
November 22: Advent retreat for all the Parishioners.
November 30: First Sunday of Advent.
Eventos de Noviembre
Noviembre 1ro.: Bendicion de todas las Almas, en el cementrio de Skyline a las 11:00 am.
Noviembre 2 : Dia de Todos los Santos en Nuestra Señora de
El Pilar( Por favor llame a la oficina para informar de las
personas que han muerto de Noviembre 2013 a Noviembre
Noviembre 8: Cena para los voluntarios., favor llamar a la
oficina o a Jose Acosta para hacer su reservacion.
Noviembre 14: Confirmacion en Nuestra Señora de El Pilar
Noviembre 15: Recaudacion de Fondos de la Mesa de la
Noviembre 22: Retiro Espiritual para los feligreses de nuestra
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Update
Thank you to all those who have already given. It is our
responsibility to reach our goal:
Assessment Collected Balance
$ 57,500
$ 3,400
St. Anthony's $ 3,100
"The Lord loves a cheerful giver. May we learn to be
generous in giving free from the love of material
possessions" — Pope Francis
Parish Scripture Study | You’re INVITED!
Veni, veni Sancte Spiritu. The Holy Spirit came down upon the Church during Pentecost. Join us to learn about
the inspired writer of the Acts of the Apostles and the
Gospel of Luke. We have a new session starting...
and you’re invited. Everyone is welcome!
The Gospel of St. Luke
Tuesdays - 7:30 pm
Held in the Rectory Conference Room
Please RSVP at the Parish Office (650) 726-4674.
Your Offerings | Supporting Our Parish
1st Collection 2nd Collection
Our Lady of the Pillar
$ 3,906
$ 1,165
Our Lady of Refuge
$ 420
$ 157
St Anthony’s
$ 285
$ 132
This week’s Second Collection: for the Annual Appeal
November 2:
November 9:
November 16:
November 23:
Building Funds
Annual Appeal (AAA)
Campaign for Human Development
Annual Appeal (AAA)
Mass Schedule and Intentions
Saturday Evening October 25, 2014
5:00 pm
Sal Bettencourt +
Aldo Andreotti +
8:00 pm
Francisco Miramontes +
Salvador Virgen +
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
October 26, 2014
Idalina + Francisco Costa +
Maria Bertao +
Joe Sousa +
Everardo Barriga +
Maria Flores +
Monday October 27, 2014
8:00 am Eduardo & Maria Silveira +
Tuesday October 28, 2014
8:00 am Guiseppe Garbini and Aldo Andreotti
Wednesday October 29, 2014
8:00 am Luis and Bernardette +
Thursday October 30, 2014
8:00 am Leonardo & Paciencia Supnet
October 31, 2014
8:00 am Manuel Machado & Family +
Saturday November 1. 2014
8:00 am All Saints Day
St. Anthony’s
6:00pm October 25, 2104 Souls in Purgatory
9:00am October 26, 2014 Don Peery +
Our Lady of Refuge
10:30am October 26, 2014 Gus Roelands +
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