César Fernández-Ram´ırez - Grupo de Física Nuclear


César Fernández-Ram´ırez - Grupo de Física Nuclear
César Fernández-Ramı́rez
16th October 2013
Personal Data
Surname, name: Fernández Ramı́rez, César
Birth place and date: Madrid (Spain), March 13, 1978
Nationality: Spaniard
Marital Status: Married to Liliana Pedroza Castillo
Languages: Spanish (native) and English
Physics Analysis Center
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility – Jefferson Lab
12000 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, VA 23606, USA
Phone: (+1) 757-269-7844
Fax: (+1) 757-269-7002
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://nuc1.fis.ucm.es/wordpress/?page id=17
ResearcherID: E-9213-2010 http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-9213-2010
Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=AsSoUjEAAAAJ&hl=en
Since October 16, 2013, Postdoc at
Physics Analysis Center, Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics,
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility – Jefferson Lab
Hadron Spectroscopy
Regge physics
Chiral symmetry breaking. Effective Field Theories of QCD. Chiral Perturbation Theory.
Electroweak production of light mesons and nuclear scattering with electroweak probes.
Quantum chaos in hadrons.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain
PhD in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, June 2, 2006
• PhD Dissertation: Electromagnetic Production of Light Mesons
http://nuclear.fis.ucm.es/research/thesis/cesar tesis.pdf
• PhD “Sobresaliente Cum Laude” (Maximum qualification with Honors) with “Doctor Europeus” Mention.
• Supervisors: Dr. E. Moya de Guerra (IEM and UCM, Spain) and Dr. J.M. Udı́as (UCM,
MSc in Atomic and Nuclear Physics and Renewable Power, June 2003
• Master thesis: Producción de piones en núcleos (Pion Production in Nuclei)
• Supervisors: Dr. E. Moya de Guerra (UCM, Spain) and Dr. J.M. Udı́as (UCM, Spain)
Licentiate in Physics – Theoretical Physics –, June 2001
• Diploma thesis: Estudio del contenido extraño del nucleón (Study of the Strange Content of
the Nucleon)
• Supervisor: Dr. J.M. Udı́as (UCM, Spain)
Grants and
October 16, 2013 - Present
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab), Newport News VA, USA
Physics Analysis Center, Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
Postdoctoral Researcher
March 1, 2011 - October 15, 2013
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain
Nuclear Physics Group, Dept. Fı́sica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
“Juan de la Cierva” Research Fellow, JCI-2009-03910
October 1, 2009 - February 28, 2011
European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*)
and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento, Italy
Postdoctoral Research Associate
December 1, 2007 - September 30, 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge MA, USA
Center for Theoretical Physics (CTP) and Laboratory for Nuclear Science (LNS)
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Grant Ref. EX-2007-0557
July 1, 2007 - September 30, 2007
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain
Dept. Fı́sica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Research Support Contract associated to project FPA2006-07393
August 18, 2003 - November 18, 2003
European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*),
Trento, Italy
Doctoral Marie Curie Fellowship. Contract ref. HPMT-GH-01-00370-11
September 1, 2002 - August 31, 2006
Instituto de Estructura de la Materia (IEM), CSIC, Madrid, Spain
jointly with Universidad de Sevilla (US), Seville, Spain
Dept. Fı́sica Nuclear y Fı́sica Estadı́stica (IEM) & Dept. Fı́sica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear (US)
Grant CSIC-Unidad Asociada. Grant ref. UAC2002-0009
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain
– PhD student
Teaching assistant on 5th year Licentiate Degree in Physics:
’Nuclear and Particle Physics’
Oct 2004 - Feb 2005
– “Juan de la Cierva” Research Fellow
1st year Degree in Physics: ’Laboratory of Physics’
Feb 2011 - Jun 2011
Feb 2012 - Jun 2012
1st year Degree in Chemistry: ’General Physics’
Feb 2013 - Jun 2013
1st year Erasmus Mundus Master Degree in Nuclear Fusion
Physics and Engineering: ’Computational Physics’
Feb 2011 - Jun 2011
Feb 2012 - Jun 2012
Feb 2013 - Jun 2013
Participation in
1. Title: Elaboration of contents, scripts and on-line tutorials for Nuclear and Particle Physics
(Creación de contenidos, guiones, y tutoriales on-line para Fı́sica Nuclear y de Partı́culas)
Funding Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
From Oct 1, 2006 to Sep 30, 2007
Coordinator: José Manuel Udı́as Moinelo
Participation in
Funded Research
1. Title: Structure and Reactions with Exotic Nuclei (Estructura y reacciones con núcleos exóticos,
Funding Institution: DGI – Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spanish Ministry of Education
and Science)
From Dec 31, 2005 to Dec 30, 2008
Lead Researcher: Pedro Sarriguren Suquilbide
2. Title: Experiments with exotic nuclei beams, R&D for FAIR: R3B, EXL, and ELISe (Experimentos con haces de núcleos exóticos, I+D para FAIR: R3B, EXL, y ELISE, FPA2006-07393)
Funding Institution: DGI – Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spanish Ministry of Education
and Science)
From Jan 1, 2007 to Dec 31, 2007
Lead Researcher: José Manuel Udı́as Moinelo
3. Title: Nuclear Physics Group (Grupo de Fı́sica Nuclear, 910059)
Funding Institution: Comunidad de Madrid (Autonomous Region of Madrid)
From Jan 1, 2008 to Dec 31, 2008; Lead Researcher: José Marı́a Gómez Gómez
From Jan 1, 2009 to Dec 31, 2011; Lead Researcher: José Marı́a Gómez Gómez
4. Title: Random matrices, time series and multifractal analysis applied to nuclear and particle
physics (Matrices Aleatorias, Series Temporales y Análisis Multifractal Aplicados a la Fı́sica
Nuclear y de Partı́culas, FIS2009-11621-C02-01)
Funding Institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spanish Ministry of Science and
From Jan 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2012
Lead Researcher: Joaquı́n Retamosa Granado
5. Title: European Nuclear Science and Applications Research (ENSAR, project number: 262010)
Funding Institution: FP7 framework programme, European Union
From Sep 1, 2010 to Aug 31, 2014
Lead Researcher: José Manuel Udı́as Moinelo
6. Title: Non-dynamical equilibrium, ergodicity and chaos in isolated quantum systems (Dinámica
de no-equilibrio, ergodicidad y caos en sistemas cuánticos aislados, FIS2012-35316)
Funding Institution: Ministerio de Economı́a y Competitividad (Spanish Ministry of Economy
and Competitiveness)
From Jan 1, 2013 to Dec 31, 2015
Lead Researcher: Armando Relaño Pérez
• Journal of Physics G
• European Physical Journal A
Publications in
1. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Hints on the quadrupole deformation of the ∆(1232), Physical Review C 73, 042201(R) (2006).
doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.73.042201; arXiv:nucl-th/0601037
2. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Effective Lagrangian Approach to
pion photoproduction from the nucleon, Annals of Physics (N.Y.) 321, 1408-1456 (2006).
doi:10.1016/j.aop.2006.02.009; arXiv:nucl-th/0509020
3. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, A. Relaño, Spectral-fluctuations test of the quark-model baryon spectrum, Physical Review Letters 98, 062001 (2007).
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.062001; arXiv:hep-ph/0701111
4. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Eta photoproduction as a test of
the extended chiral symmetry, Physics Letters B 651, 369-373 (2007).
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2007.06.049; arXiv:0706.0616 [hep-ph]
5. E.M. Darwish, C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Helicity dependence
and contribution to the GDH sum rule of the ⃗γ d⃗ → πN N reaction channels in the energy region
from threshold up to the ∆(1232) resonance, Physical Review C 76, 044005 (2007).
6. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Crossing symmetry and phenomenological widths in effective Lagrangian models of the pion photoproduction process, Physics
Letters B 660, 188-192 (2008).
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2007.11.099; arXiv:0801.2983 [nucl-th]
7. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, M.C. Martı́nez, J.R. Vignote, J.M. Udı́as, Spin asymmetry for the
O(⃗γ , π − p) reaction in the ∆(1232) region within an effective Lagrangian approach, Physics
Letters B 664, 57-63 (2008).
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2008.05.003; arXiv:0805.1858 [nucl-th]
8. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, A. Udı́as, J.M. Udı́as, Properties of nucleon
resonances by means of a genetic algorithm, Physical Review C 77, 065212 (2008).
doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.77.065212; arXiv:0805.4178 [nucl-th]
9. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, A.M. Bernstein, T.W. Donnelly, Low-energy D-wave effects in neutral pion photoproduction, Physics Letters B 679, 41-44 (2009).
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2009.07.011; arXiv:0902.3412 [nucl-th]
10. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, A.M. Bernstein, T.W. Donnelly, Unexpected impact of D waves in
low-energy neutral pion photoproduction from the proton and the extraction of the multipoles,
Physical Review C 80, 065201 (2009).
doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.80.065201; arXiv:0907.3463 [nucl-th]
11. S. Riordan et al. (Hall A Collaboration, 118 authors), Measurements of the electric form
⃗ e, e′ n)pp up to Q2 =3.4 GeV2 , Physical Review
factor of the neutron using the reaction 3 He(⃗
Letters 105, 262302 (2010).
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.262302; arXiv:1008.1738 [nucl-ex]
12. A. Antonov et al. (ELISe Collaboration, 143 authors), The Electron-ion Scattering experiment
ELISe at the International Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) - a conceptual
design study, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 637, 60-76
13. L. Muñoz, C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, A. Relaño, J. Retamosa, Spectral-statistics properties
of the experimental and theoretical light meson spectra, Physics Letters B 710, 139-144
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2012.02.050; arXiv:1203.1472 [nucl-th]
14. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, A.M. Bernstein, Upper Energy Limit of Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory in Neutral Pion Photoproduction, Physics Letters B 724, 253-258 (2013).
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2013.06.020; arXiv:1212.3237 [nucl-th]
15. D. Hornidge, et al. (A2 and CB-TAPS Collaborations, 67 authors), Accurate Test of Chiral
Dynamics in the γp → π 0 p Reaction, Physical Review Letters 111, 062004 (2013).
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.062004; arXiv:1211.5495 [nucl-ex]
1. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Analysis of the quadrupole deformation of ∆(1232) within an effective Lagrangian model for pion photoproduction from the
nucleon, European Physical Journal A 31, 572-574 (2007).
doi:10.1140/epja/i2006-10198-1; arXiv:nucl-th/0611062
2. E.M. Darwish, C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Pion production
off the deuteron with real photons including polarization observables, AIP Conference Proceedings 1006, 165-168 (2008).
3. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, The unexpected role of D waves in low-energy neutral pion photoproduction, PoS CD09 055 (2009).
PoS server: http://pos.sissa.it//archive/conferences/086/055/CD09 055.pdf
arXiv:0912.4158 [nucl-th]
4. L. Muñoz, C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, A. Relaño, J. Retamosa, Chaos in hadrons, Journal of
Physics: Conference Series 381, 012031 (2012).
5. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, L. Muñoz, A. Relaño, J. Retamosa, Spectral-statistics analysis of
the light meson spectrum, EPJ Web of Conferences 37, 04001 (2012).
6. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, The Upper Energy Limit of HBChPT in Pion Photoproduction,
PoS CD12 065 (2013).
PoS server:http://pos.sissa.it/archive/conferences/172/065/CD12 065.pdf
arXiv:1304.4855 [nucl-th]
1. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Producción electromagnética de
piones en núcleos. XXIX Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Fı́sica. Resúmenes de las
comunicaciones, p. 747-748, Eds. L. Vázquez Martı́nez, A. Dobado González, J.P. Sánchez
Fernández, ISBN: 84-688-2573-5. Madrid (Spain). July 6-11, 2003.
2. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Pion electro- and photoproduction
on nuclei in a Lagrangian approach. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Electromagnetically
Induced Two-Hadron Emission, p. 234-239, Eds.: A. Braghieri, C. Giusti, P. Grabmayr, ISBN:
88-85159-20-6. Pavia (Italy). September 24-27, 2003.
3. J.R. Vignote, R. Álvarez-Rodrı́guez, C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Garrido, E. Moya de Guerra,
P. Sarriguren, J.M. Udı́as, Past, present, and future of A(e,e’p)B experiments. Nuclear Theory’23: Proceedings of the XXIII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, p. 85-98, Ed.:
S. Dimitrova. ISBN: 954-580-170-5. Rila (Bulgaria). June, 2004.
4. J.L. Taı́n, A. Lallena (coordinators) et al. (45 authors), Proposal for the construction of the
Gamma-ray beam line at the Spanish synchrotron ALBA. Co-responsible with Dr. J.M. Udı́as
of section E: Photon-nucleon experiments (see Conference Presentations section). December
2004. http://www.cells.es/static/Gamma rays.pdf
5. M. Chartier et al. (116 authors). Technical Proposal for the Design, Construction, Commissioning and Operation of the EXL project (Exotic nuclei studied in light-ion induced reactions
at the NESR storage ring). February 2005.
6. J.M. Udı́as, C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, R. Álvarez-Rodrı́guez, J.L. Herraiz, O. Moreno, E.
Moya de Guerra, J.R. Vignote, Experimentos de dispersión de electrones en ELISe@FAIR
Oral presentation. XXX Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Fı́sica. Resúmenes de las comunicaciones, p. 555-556, Ed.: E. Carballo. ISBN: 84-689-3266-3. Orense (Spain). September
11-16, 2005.
7. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, Electromagnetic Production of Light Mesons, PhD thesis. June
8. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Nucleon resonances: Study of
their properties through photo pion production. Nuclear Theory’25: Proceedings of the XXV
International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, pp. 49-57, Ed.: S. Dimitrova. Rila (Bulgaria).
June 26-30, 2006.
9. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, Partial Wave Extraction from Near-Threshold Neutral Pion Photoproduction Data in S. Ceci et al. (24 authors), Proceedings of the PWA tools in Hadronic
Spectroscopy Workshop (Mainz, Germany). February 2013. arXiv:1304.5896 [nucl-th]
1. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Producción electromagnética de
piones en núcleos. Oral presentation. XXIX Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Fı́sica.
Resúmenes de las comunicaciones, p. 747-748, Eds. L. Vázquez Martı́nez, A. Dobado González,
J.P. Sánchez Fernández, ISBN: 84-688-2573-5. Madrid (Spain). July 6-11, 2003.
2. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Pion electro- and photoproduction
on nuclei in a Lagrangian approach. Poster presentation. Nuclear Gordon Conference 2003
Waterville (ME, USA). July 20-25, 2003.
3. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Pion electro- and photoproduction
on nuclei in a Lagrangian approach. Oral presentation. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on
Electromagnetically Induced Two-Hadron Emission, p. 234-239, Eds.: A. Braghieri, C. Giusti,
P. Grabmayr, ISBN: 88-85159-20-6. Pavia (Italy). September 24-27, 2003.
4. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Lagrangian approach to electroand photo- pion production. Oral presentation. Collaboration meeting “The role of pions and
deltas in nuclear many-body dynamics” organized by Prof. Dr. A. Molinari and Prof. Dr.
T.W. Donnelly. ECT*, Trento (Italy). November 10-14, 2003.
5. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, J.M. Udı́as, E. Moya de Guerra, J.R. Vignote, F.J. Llanes-Estrada,
J.L. Herraiz, A.M. Lallena, J. Vijande, A. Valcarce, Intermediate energy physics at ALBA,
the proposed photon laser backscattering facility for Spain. Workshop of the Working Group
for the preparation of a proposal for the construction of a gamma-ray beam line at ALBA.
Barcelona (Spain). October 28-30, 2004.
6. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Analysis of the quadrupole deformation of ∆(1232) within an effective Lagrangian model for pion photoproduction from
the nucleon. Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics
(QNP2006), pp. 219-221, Eds.: A. Dobado, F.J. Llanes-Estrada, and V. Vento. ISBN: 3-54072515-6 (Eur. Phys J. A 31 (2007) 572-574) Madrid (Spain). June 5-10, 2006.
7. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, Nucleon resonances: Study of
their properties through photo pion production. Nuclear Theory’25: Proceedings of the XXV
International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, pp. 49-57, Ed.: S. Dimitrova. Rila (Bulgaria).
June 26-30, 2006.
8. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, M.C. Martı́nez, E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Udı́as, J.R. Vignote,
Pion photoproduction from nuclei in the low-lying resonance region. Collaboration Meeting
on Electroweak interactions with nuclei and physics of the quark-gluon plasma: Many-body
techniques at high energies and temperatures. Trento (Italy). November 26-30, 2007.
9. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, M.C. Martı́nez, J.R. Vignote, J.M. Udı́as Spin asymmetry for the
O(⃗γ , π − p) reaction in the ∆(1232) region within an effective Lagrangian approach. Invited
poster presentation. Gordon Research Conference 2008 on Photonuclear Reactions, Tilton
(NH, USA). August 10-15, 2008.
10. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, M.C. Martı́nez, J.R. Vignote, J.M. Udı́as Spin asymmetry for the
O(⃗γ , π − p) reaction in the ∆(1232) region within an effective Lagrangian approach. Poster
presentation. EFN08, Santiago de Compostela (Spain). September 17-19, 2008.
11. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, E. Moya de Guerra, A. Udı́as, J.M. Udı́as, Extraction of the properties of nucleon resonances by means of a Genetic Algorithm. Short contribution. Electromagnetic N-N* Transition Form Factors Workshop Newport News (VA, USA). October 13-15,
12. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, The Unexpected Role of D Waves in Low-Energy Neutral Pion
Photoproduction. Short contribution. Sixth International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics,
Bern (Switzerland). July 6-10, 2009. (PoS CD09 (2010) 055).
13. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, A. Relaño Chaos in Baryons. Short contribution. V Encuentro
Nacional de Fı́sica Nuclear, El Escorial (Madrid, Spain). September 27-30, 2010.
14. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, Electromagnetic multipoles extraction from low-energy pion photoproduction data. Invited talk. 28th Students’ Workshop on Electromagnetic Interactions,
Bosen (Saar, Germany). September 4 - 9, 2011
15. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, L. Muñoz, A. Relaño, J. Retamosa, Spectral-statistics analysis of the
light meson spectrum, Oral presentation. 12th International Workshop on Meson Production,
Properties and Interaction (MESON 2012), Krakow (Poland). May 30-June 5, 2012. (EPJ
Web of Conferences 37 (2012) 04001).
16. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, The upper energy limit of Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory
in pion photoproduction. Short contribution. 7th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics
(CD12), Jefferson Lab, Newport News (VA, USA). August 6-10, 2012. (PoS CD12 (2013) 065).
17. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, Partial wave extraction from near-threshold neutral pion photoproduction data. Invited talk. PWA Tools in Hadron Spectroscopy 2013, Mainz (Germany).
February 18-20, 2013. (arXiv:1304.5896 [nucl-th])
18. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, Meson photoproduction from Nuclei at forward angles. Invited talk.
HASPECT ECT*, Hadron Spectroscopy Collaboration Meeting in ECT*, Trento (Italy). July
16-18, 2013.
19. C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, New Analysis of Threshold Photoproduction Data from MAMI.
Invited talk. 13th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure
of the Nucleon (MENU2013), Rome (Italy). September 30-October 5, 2013. (EPJ Web of
Conferences (2014) to be published).
Short Stays in
ECT*, Trento, Italy
Marie Curie Training programme: Nuclear Structure
Visiting Researcher
Visiting Researcher
Aug 18 - Nov 18, 2003
Jul 3 - Sep 16, 2011
Aug 15 - Aug 29, 2012
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab), Newport News VA, USA
detectors assemblage
data acquisition
data acquisition
data acquisition
data acquisition
data acquisition
Apr 3 - Apr 18,
Apr 19 - May 2,
Mar 12 - Mar 24,
Dec 3 - Dec 11,
Jan 12 - Jan 24,
Apr 7 - Apr 10,
– Hall A Collaboration at Jefferson Lab (Newport News, VA, USA)
– EXL and ELISe Collaborations at GSI/FAIR (Darmstadt, Germany)
– CLAS and CLAS12 Collaborations at Hall B, Jefferson Lab (Newport News, VA, USA)
– GlueX Collaboration at Hall D, Jefferson Lab (Newport News, VA, USA)
– A2 and CB-TAPS Collaborations at MAMI (Mainz, Germany)
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab), Newport News VA, USA
Hall A: E02-013, GEN Collaboration
Measurement of the neutron electric form factor GnE at high Q2
Hall A: E05-110, CSR Collaboration
Precision measurement of longitudinal and transverse response functions of quasi-elastic electron
scattering in the momentum transfer range 0.55 GeV/c < q < 0.9 GeV/c
Hall A: E06-007
2007; 2008
Impulse approximation limitations to the (e,e’p) on 208 Pb, identifying correlations and relativistic
effects in the nuclear medium
Hall A: E04-007
Precision measurement of the electroproduction of π 0 near threshold: A test of chiral QCD
Number of articles
Annals of Physics (N.Y.)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A
Physics Letters B
Physical Review C
Physical Review Letters
Total in peer-reviewed Journals
AIP Conference Proceedings
European Physical Journal A
EPJ Web of Conferences
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Proceedings of Science (PoS)
Total in peer-reviewed Proceedings
Other scientific publications
Science Citation Indicators
Number of articles:
Number of articles:
- Google Scholar
Number of articles:
- Combined
Number of articles:
18; Cites: 153; h-Index: 8
21; Cites: 172; h-Index: 7
22; Cites: 238; h-Index: 10; i10: 11
22; Cites: 249; h-Index: 10; i10: 11
Certified by the Spanish National Certification and Quality Agency (ANECA) to be hired by Spanish Universities under the following contractual forms:
• Profesor Contratado Doctor (Tenured Assistant Professor at a State University)
• Profesor de Universidad Privada (Tenured Assistant Professor at a Private University)
• Profesor Ayudante Doctor (Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at a State University)
Computer Skills Operative Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux (administration level)
LATEX, GNUplot, MS Office, OpenOffice, iWork
Parallel Computing, openMPI
Maple, MatLab, Octave, Mathematica, FORM