WOC2016 Submitted Program Top Posters and Videos
WOC2016 Submitted Program Top Posters and Videos
WOC2016 Submitted Program Top Posters and Videos Top 10 Posters: #1 Author: Tariq AlDebasi Title: A Successfully Treated Case of Aspergillus Flavus Fungal Keratitis Caused by Stale Bread Corneal Injury. Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=3841 #2 Author: Jaime Lozano-Alcázar Title: Síndrome de iris flácido en pacientes bajo tratamiento con antagonistas alfa-1 adrenérgicos y sus complicaciones durante cirugía de catarata. Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=3827 #3 Author: Manuel Paez Escamilla Title: Oclusión de la Arteria Central de la Retina en paciente de 9 años con Yuxtaposición Aorto-Caval, Estenosis infundibular, Dextrocardia y Heterotaxia Visceral Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=4547 #4 (Tie for 4th) Author: Aldo Oregon Title: Efficacy and safety of Bromfenac 0.09 (Zebesten ofteno ®) vs Nepafenac 0.1% (Nevanac ®) in the profilaxis of ocular pain, anterior segment inflammation and cystoid macular oedema (Irvine-gass syndrome) in subjects undergoing phacoemulsification/IOL implantation. Clinical trial. Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=4294 #5 (Tie for 4th) Author: Mayela Olazabal Title: CARACTERÍSTICAS CLÍNICAS, HALLAZGOS FLUORANGIOGRÁFICOS Y TOMOGRÁFICOS EN UN CASO CON RETINOPATÍA DE PURTSCHER Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=4667 #6 (Tie for 4th) Author: Pablo Baquero Ospina Title: GRANULOMA EN CONJUNTIVA DE PÁRPADO SUPERIOR, CAUSADO POR FIBRAS SINTÉTICAS; TEDDY BEAR GRANULOMA Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=4371 #7 (Tie for 4th) Author: Fatima Romero Caballero Title: COMBINACIÓN INTRAVITREA DE DEXAMETASONA MÁS RANIBIZUMAB EN EL EDEMA MACULAR REFRACTARIO A ANTIANGIOGENICOS. HOSPITAL CENTRAL MILITAR-MEXICO DF Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=3759 #8 (Tie for 4th) Author: Pablo Guzman-Salas Title: Intraorbitary Gun Pellet, Perfect Vision, a True Dilemma Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=3698 #9 (Tie for 5th) Author: Adolfo Peña Aceves Title: PREVALENCIA DE ASTIGMATISMO PREOPERATORIO EN PACIENTES SOMETIDOS A CIRUGÍA DE CATARATA EN MÉXICO Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=4160 #10 (Tie for 5th) Author: Sara Lichi Ruiz Dias Title: EXPERIENCIA CON EL USO DE RANIBIZUMAB INTRAVÍTREO EN CASOS DE RETINOPATÍA DEL PREMATURO EN EL HOSPITAL CENTRAL MILITAR - MEXICO DF PERIODO 2014 Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=3761 Top 5 Videos: #1 Author: Nikhil Gandhi Title: Anterior Capsular Contraction Syndrome- A different surgical approach Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=3348 #2 Author: Karla VanDick-Sanchez Title: Dealing with the unexpected, management of congenital cataract with phacoemulsification in a patient with persistent Hyaloid Artery. Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=3387 #3 Author: Ingrid Pita Ortiz Title: Parálisis bilateral de los movimientos horizontales: Síndrome de Koolen-De Vries Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=3353 #4 Author: Rafael Paz-Franco Title: Assisting my keratoplasty with a femtosecond laser Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=3369 #5 (Tie for 5th) Author: Maria Costa Title: Surgical and Cross-linking management of infectious keratitis after lamellar traumatic wound Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=3382 #6 (Tie for 5th) Author: Carla Vitelli Title: Manejo de la Pseudocámara Anterior Persistente en Queratoplastía Lamelar Anterior Profunda (DALK) Link to abstract: https://www.wocabstracts.org/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&style=1&ev=3383