

Pg. Two/Dos
St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta
August 10, 2014
444 N. AZUSA AVE., + VALINDA, CA 91744-4299
Parish Office: (626) 964 - 4313
Parish Fax:
Bienvenidos a Santa Marta...
Si esta visitándonos o nuevo en nuestra comunidad, estamos
bendecidos de que usted este aquí para adorar con
nosotros y le damos la bienvenida. Nuestro Pastor,
Sacerdotes Asociados, Personal y Familia Parroquial
extender la hospitalidad de Jesucristo a usted. Si desea
obtener más información acerca de nuestra parroquia, por
favor llame o pase por nuestra oficina parroquial.
Rev. Mauricio O. Goloran III (Fr. Mau), Pastor
Rev. Ramon Orozco (Fr. Ramon), Associate
Rev. Joseph Adhunga, AJ (Fr. Joseph), Associate
Msgr. Aidan Carroll, In Residence
Deacon Couple
Victor & Dolly Tiambeng
Administrative Staff
Robert Martinez ……………………. Administrative Assistant
Jorge Rodriguez …………..……...….…………...Plant Manager
Alejandra Lopez …………………………………… Bulletin Editor
Deacon Vic Tiambeng…………………...…………… Webmaster
St. Martha’s School …….……….…….…...….(626) 964-1093
Sr. Azucena del Rio, R.A.D., ………………...…………Principal
Office Hours: …………………..……………8:00 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Religious Education ……….……………...……(626) 912-2581
Sara Monte ………………………………….…………………Director
Hours: Monday - Wednesday / Lunes a Miércoles
Thurs., Fri. & Sun./ Jue., Vie. y Dom.
Saturday / Sábado
2 p.m. - 7 p.m.
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Ed Macalalad & Yolanda Gonzales.….…… (626)964– 1903
Monday & Wednesday 6:30pm - 9pm
Thursday, Friday, Saturday by appointment only.
Sunday 9am - 12pm (noon)
Christian Service/Bethany Center
Lupe Coronado .……………………..…….……..(626) 968-0291
Mondays & Thursdays 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Catholic Instruction (RCIA)
Suki Lagman (English)……..………..………….(626) 367-4327
Ojie Engalla (English)…………………………...(626) 383-8459
Carmen Umaña (Spanish)..………….…………(626)931-9277
(626) 913 - 2953
Welcome To St. Martha Church…
If you are visiting or new to our community, we are blessed
that you are here to worship with us and we welcome you.
Our Pastor, Associate Priest, Staff and Parish Family extend
the hospitality of Jesus Christ to you. If you would like more
information about our Parish, please call or stop by our Parish
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:www.StMarthaVal.Org
Office Hours
Monday - Saturday / Lunes - Sábado: …….…….……8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Thursday / Jueves: ……………………………….………….CLOSED / CERRADO
Sunday / Domingo: ……………………………….………….8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Weekdays: 7 - 9 p.m. by appointment only.
Mass Schedule / Horarios de Misas
Saturday (Vigil):
5:00 p.m. (English), 7:00 p.m. (Español)
6:30, 9:00 a.m. & 12:00 noon (English)
7:30, 10:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. (Español)
12:00 noon (First Sunday: English with Tagalog Hymns)
5:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass (English)
Weekdays / Entre Semana
Mon., Wed., Thurs., 8:00 a.m.; Sat.: 8:30 a.m. (English)
Martes y Viernes: 8:00 a.m. (Español)
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. (English)
Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena after Mass.
Holy Days / Días de Precepto
7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
8:00 a.m. (Bilingual), 7:00 p.m. (English)
First Friday / Primer Viernes
8:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Bilingual / Bilingües
ADORATION 10:00 a.m. Friday to 8:00 a.m. Saturday
Every Friday/ Cada Viernes
6:00pm to 7:00pm Holy Hour/ Hora Santa
Every Second Friday/ Cada Segundo Viernes
6pm to 7pm Holy Hour for Pro-Life/ Hora Santa Pro-Vida
Confessions / Confesiones
Monday– Friday/Lunes - Viernes
6:15 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.
NO Confessions
4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sacrament of Baptism / Sacramento de Bautismo
By appointment only. Parents must register at the rectory, well in
advance. Parents and Sponsors must attend a class before ceremony.
Solo con cita. Los padres deben registrarse en la rectoría, con
anticipación. Los padres y padrinos deben atender una clase antes
de la ceremonia.
Sacrament of Matrimony / Sacramento de Matrimonio
By appointment only. Couples should see priest/deacon at least 6
months prior to wedding. Date is discussed at your meetings with a
Solo con cita. La pareja debe ver al sacerdote/diácono por lo
menos 6 meses antes de la boda. Se hablara sobre la fecha en sus
reuniones con el sacerdote/diácono.
Pareja de Encuentro Matrimonial
Jose ♥ Beatriz Rosales …………………...……………..626) 931-0775
Archdiocesan Vocation Office
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 19° Domingo Ordinario
August 10, 2014
Pg. Three/Tres
GRATITUDE………………..and so, a million Thank yous to the Larios Electrical Company for donating 52pcs. Energy Saver fluorescent bulbs to brighten our church and for
the nice new Exit Signs donated and installed by Mr. Jose Larios; to San Lorenzo Ruiz
Parish Church Community in Walnut for their dedication, love and Christian charity to
the poor, for donating bags and many bags of canned goods and food items to our Bethany Center to be distributed to the families in need; to the San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish Food
Bank Ministry volunteers who helped our volunteers hand out food to families in need; to
the Sunday Mass offerers ( families and individuals ) who responded to the “Feed my
Sheep” ministry of our St. Martha Parish Ushers (English & Spanish ) and brought
canned goods and other food items to be offered during the Mass for the poor. To you
who unselfishly demonstrated and exemplify the spirit of our patron, Saint Martha, Patroness of Hospitality and Welcome, once again our heartfelt Thank you! Salamat!
Gracias! And many blessings to you.
Holy Day of Obligation
August 15th
Every August we celebrate on the 15th of the month, the
Feast of the Assumption of Mary. This is a Holy Day of Obligation for all Catholics. It is our loving and joyful duty and
obligation to participate in Mass on this special feast.
The Assumption of Mary celebrates that the Virgin Mary,
Mother of God, was “assumed” into heaven, that is taken up
body and soul. We do not speak of Mary as having died, but
rather of her falling asleep, then being assumed into heaven by
her Son; that is her body and soul being taken up into heaven by
her Son. Traditionally we refer to her falling asleep as the
“Dormition of Mary”.
There is an important difference between the Ascension of
Jesus body and soul into heaven and the Assumption of Mary.
Please note that they are two different words. Jesus “ascends”
into heaven on his own divine power, always in perfect union
with the Father and the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, Mary is
called into heaven by her Son as always in perfect union with
the Father and the Holy Spirit. Mary does not go up in body
and soul on her own power, but rather she is called to heaven in
body and soul by the power of God, who is the Holy Trinity:
The Father and the Son (her Son Jesus) and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus ascends into heaven because he is God, he is divine; Jesus
is going home to where he came from.
Masses for the Feast of the Assumption of Mary are:
Bilingual Mass
Aug. 14th
Bilingual Mass
Aug. 15th
Bilingual Mass
Día Santo de Obligación
15 de AGOSTO
Cada Agosto celebramos el día 15 del mes, la Fiesta de la
Asunción de la Virgen María. Este es un Día Santo de
Obligación para todos los Católicos. Es nuestro amoroso y
jubiloso deber y obligación de participar a Misa en esta fiesta
La Asunción de la Virgen María celebra que la Virgen
María, Madre de Dios fue “apropiada”, en cuerpo y alma al
cielo. No hablamos de María como si se hubiera muerto, sino
de que se haya dormido, después fue el apropiada al cielo por
su hijo; en cuerpo y alma. Tradicionalmente nos referimos a que
se quedo dormida como la "Dormición de María".
Hay una importante diferencia entre la Ascensión del cuerpo
y alma de Jesús al cielo y la Asunción de la Virgen María. Por
favor observen que son dos diversas palabras. Jesús "asciendo"
al cielo con su divino poder, siempre en perfecta unión con el
Padre y el Espíritu Santo. María no sube en cuerpo y alma por
su propia energía, sino que ha sida llamada al cielo en cuerpo y
al alma por el poder de Dios, quien es la Santísima Trinidad: El
Padre, el Hijo (su Hijo Jesús) y él Espíritu Santo. Jesús asciende
al cielo porque Él es Dios, Él es divino; Jesús se va a casa de
donde vino.
Misas para la Fiesta de la Asunción de María son:
Misa Bilingüe
Aug. 14th
Misa Bilingüe
Aug. 15th
Misa Bilingüe
We look forward to celebrating this magnificent feast with you!
¡Los esperamos para celebrar esta magnífica Fiesta con usted!
Thank you and God bless.
Gracias y Dios los Bendiga.
Father Mau
Padre Mau
Pg. Four/Cuatro
St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta
August 10, 2014
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adult
Do you know someone who is 18 years and over and
* desires to know more about our Catholic faith;
* has been baptized in another Christian tradition but is interested in
knowing about the Catholic faith;
* has never been baptized
* has been baptized Catholic but has not celebrated Eucharist and/or
* has the desire to be reconnected to the Church and to enter more
fully into our Catholic faith.
Then have them come and be part of the Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adult Process.
Here’s what to do:
Pickup a Registration form, which are available in the rectory, life teen
office or at the registration dates listed below.
•Bring your Registration form, Birth Certificate, Baptismal and First
Communion Certificates (If you have them)
If you have any questions, please call:
English: Ojie Engalla
(626) 383-8459 OR
Suki Lagman
(626) 367-4327 OR
Bambi Castelo
(626) 641-4238
We look forward to seeing you there……… God has called you each
by name.
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos
Si usted tiene 18 años o más y
* desea aprender acerca de nuestra fe católica,
* ha sido bautizado en otra tradición cristiana pero está
interesado en saber sobre la fe católica
* nunca ha sido bautizado
* ha sido bautizado católico pero no ha celebrado la Eucaristía y / o
* tiene el deseo de volver a conectarse con la Iglesia y para entrar
más completa en la fe católica
Entonces pídales que venga y formen parte del Programa de Rito de
Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos.
Esto es lo que tiene que hacer:
Recoger una forma de inscripción, que están disponibles en la
rectoría, oficina de vida juvenil o en las fechas de registro indicadas a
• Traiga su forma de inscripción, Certificado de Nacimiento,
Certificados Bautismo y Primera Comunión . (Si los tienes)
We are in need of volunteers to help in giving out food items and goods to the people
in need in our Christian Service Center,
Bethany Center, on Mondays and Thursdays, from 3:30pm to 7:00pm. Or you can
help for one hour or two in any of the days
during the week. Please call Lupe Coronado @ 626-968-0291 and sign up NOW!
The Archdiocese is inviting parishes to participate in the New Evangelization project which
is focused on 're-proposing' the Gospel to those
who have experienced a crisis of faith: those
who have Fallen away, Driven away or Bored away.
We are seeking for volunteers who are willing to be trained for
one year (February 2015 till February 2016) and committed to
implement the parish plan, which will be created during the
training, for the following year. The days of training are weekdays and done once a month starting from 9:30am till 3:30pm.
If interested or you think God is calling you to this ministry,
please call the rectory (626-964-4313) and provide your name,
address and phone, so we can call you for an interview. Or send
email to Deacon Vic Tiambeng at: [email protected]
Let us pray for our brothers and sisters who are going through
this crisis of faith and also pray that God may bless our efforts
to call them back to Him.
La primera clase de RICA se celebrará de 7pm a 9pm
Español: el Martes, 2 de septiembre 2014 en el Salón 7
Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con los
miembros del equipo de RICA.
Carmen Umana (626) 931-9277
Esperamos verlos allí ......... Dios a llamado a cada uno por nombre.
Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14;
Mt 17:22-27
Ez 2:8 — 3:4; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111,
131; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22; Ps 113:1-6;
Mt 18:15-20
Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-59, 61-62:
Mt 18:21 — 19:1
Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2;
Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b57; Lk 11:27-28
Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:1012, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56
Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Ps 51:12-15, 1819; Mt 19:13-15
Is 56:1, 6-7; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8;
Rom 11:13-15, 29-32; Mt 15:21-28
August 10, 2014
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 19° Domingo Ordinario
Pg. Five/Cinco
AUGUST 9th & 10th
9 & 10 DE AGOSTO
First of all, Thank You! to all who contributed items for
our pantry last month. Your donations allowed us to
serve families in our community.
Primero, Muchas Gracias! A los que contribuyeron artículos
para nuestra despensa el mes pasado. Sus donaciones nos
permitieron servir a familias en nuestra comunidad.
We desperately need:
Canned Goods (soups, fruits), Cereals, Mac & Cheese,
Tuna, Crackers, Vienna Sausages, Beans, Rice, Tomato
Sauce, Juices, Milk (fresh or powdered), Trail Mix or
Granola Bars, Spaghetti & Spaghetti Sauce, Top Ramen,
Coffee, Baby Diapers (size 3 & 4), Can Openers (for
homeless bags).
Necesitamos urgentemente:
Comestibles Enlatados (sopas, frutas), Cereales, Mac &
Cheese, Tuna, Galletas Saladas, Salchichas Vienna,
Frijol, Arroz, Salsa de Tomate, Jugos Chicos, Leche
(fresca o en polvo), Barras de Granola, Spaghetti & Salsa
para Spaghetti, Top Ramen, Café, Panales para Bebe
(talla 3 & 4), Abrelatas.
On the weekend of August 9th & 10th you will have three
options in delivering your gifts:
1. Your family may be invited to bring up your gifts
during the Offertory at the Mass you regularly attend.
2. You may hand your gifts to a Bethany Center Volunteer in the church patio on your way in to Mass.
3. You may bring your gifts directly to Bethany Center
on Monday or Thursday, 3pm to 7pm, or you may
call Lupe Coronado at (626) 324 – 3968, to arrange a
delivery time that is convenient for you.
El fin de semana del 9 & 10 de Agosto usted tendrá tres
opciones para entregar sus regalos:
1. Su familia podrá ser invitada a presentar sus regalos
durante el Ofertorio en la Misa.
2. Puede entregar sus regalos a Voluntarios del Centro
Betania en el patio de la Iglesia.
3. Puede llevar sus regalos directamente al Centro Betania
el Lunes o Jueves, de 3pm a 7pm, o puede llamar a Lupe
Coronado al (626) 324 -3968 para programar una
entrega mas conveniente para usted.
Mandatory Attendance
for All Altar Servers and Parents
On Tuesday, September 23, 2013 @ 7:00pm in the Hall.
Junta obligatoria
para todos los Monaguillos y Papás
El Martes, 23 de Septiembre a las 7:00pm en el Salón.
At St. Martha
Every Tuesday Evening
(Starting September 2, 2014)
With Father Mau and Tony Padriga
7:00pm - 9pm
A.V. Room
Register now at 626) 964-4313
Together in Mission 2014
Thank you so much to all who have pledged and paid your
All pledges are tax deductible!
Muchas gracias a todos los que han hecho el compromiso y han
pagado ese compromiso a la campaña.
¡Todas las promesas son deducible de impuestos!
Parish Goal/Meta Parroquial
Amount Pledged/Cantidad Prometida
Amount Paid/Cantidad Pagada
Unpaid Pledges/Promesas Pendientes
Thank you so much for your generosity. —Fr. Mau
Las clases de Biblia en Santa Marta
Y el Jueves, 5 de Septiembre 2013
De 9:00 am a 11:00 am en el Salón de Música
O de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm
En el salón # 8
¡Todos son Bienvenidos!
más información llamar a Virginia Castro:
(626) 810-3519
Pg. Six/Seis
St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta
Life Teen Registration: Open to ALL High
School Teens
If you will be enrolling in the 9th grade in September and wish to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First
Communion and/or Confirmation, then register today.
Space is Limited!
- Registration forms are available at the Rectory and at the
Life Teen Office.
- More Information is posted outside the Life Teen Office.
Important Dates:
- Orientation Dates:
Year 1 (English & Spanish):
Monday, August 25th in the Church at 7 - 9pm
Office Hours are listed in the front of the Bulletin.
Registro Vida Juvenil: Abierto a todos los
adolescentes de secundaria.
Si te vas a inscribir en el noveno grado en
septiembre y desea recibir los Sacramentos de Bautismo,
Primera Comunión y / o Confirmación, regístrate hoy.
REGISTRATION 2014 - 2015
(626) 912-2581
We are taking “Registrations” for Preparation
of First Communion and Continuation of Religious
Education. Please refer to the bulletin for office time schedule.
Classes will start in September.
(626) 912-2581
Estamos aceptando “Registraciones” para
preparación de Primera Comunión y clases de
Continuación de Educación Religiosa. Por favor
referirse al horario de oficina en el boletín. Las clases
comenzaran en Septiembre.
Bishop Amat TD Club 2014 Kick-Off Dinner
Calling Bishop Amat Alumni and extended Amat
family to attend the 5th Annual
Kick-Off Dinner in support of the 2014 Bishop Amat Football
Special Guest Speaker - Kory Minor (Class of 1995)
WHEN: Friday, August 22, 2014 from 6:30 pm – 11:00 pm
WHERE: Industry Hills Expo Center, 16200 Temple Ave.,
City of Industry, Ca. 91744
COST: $50 per person, $90 per couple, and $500 per table (10)
Tickets are available at Bishop Amat High School’s Front Office (14301 Fairgrove Ave, La Puente, CA 91746) or by calling the BAHS Alumni Office at 626.962.2495, extension 7403.
August 10, 2014
“Where Every Student Excels”
(626) 964-1093
The school is closed for the summer but we still have a few
openings for some grades. If you are interested, please call the
school office at (626) 964-1093 for information on testing dates
and times, when the school office will be open, and for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Parent Orientation dates.
Thank you and may God bless you with a great summer,
Sr. Azucena, Principal
Friday August 15, 2014
From 2:00pm - 6pm
In Rm. 11
Paper Drive / Colecta de Papel
Saturday/Sábado, August 16th
From/De: 8:00 am - 12:00 noon/tarde
The truck will be at the school grounds.
El camión estará estacionado en la cancha de baloncesto.
Unlike The Rest Of His World
GOD Does Not Take A Vacation!
Rather, God continues as always to care
for and to love all His children. As God
never takes a vacation from us, we must never take a vacation from God.
Please remember that we DON’T close for the summer
and expenses, particularly, the electricity bill (air conditioning) are hard to handle when commitments to Sunday Collection are not kept. Don’t forget to give back to GOD for all
the goodness you receive throughout the year. Let’s always
remember to make God part of our lives, even when we are
on vacation!
Thank you for your generosity!
DIOS No Toma Vacaciones Como El Resto del Mundo!
Diferente al resto de nuestro Mundo, Dios no toma
Mas bien Dios continua como siempre
cuidando y amando a todos sus hijos. Como Dios nunca
toma vacaciones de nosotros, nunca deberíamos tomar
vacaciones lejos de Dios.
Por favor recuerden que la Iglesia no se cierra durante el
Verano, y los gastos, particularmente el cobro de la
electricidad (aire acondicionado) son muy altos y difícil de
cubrir cuando los compromisos a la Colecta Dominical no
son cumplidos. No olviden devolver a Dios por todo el bien
que reciben durante todo el año. ¡Siempre recordemos
hacer a Dios parte de nuestras vidas, aún cuando estemos
de vacaciones!
Gracias por su generosidad!
Pg. Seven/Siete
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 19° Domingo Ordinario
August 10, 2014
Drop off your donations at: 444 N. Azusa Ave, Valinda, CA (Basketball Court) on: August 16. 2014 ~ 11:00 a.m. - 1:00p.m.
House wares - e.g. dishes, glasses, flatware, utensils, vases, lamps
Handbags & luggage
Clean domenstics - e.g. curtains, linens bedspreads, blankets, area rugs
Books, except old encyclopedias & old marked-up textbooks
Sports & other trading cards
Records, CDs, videos & DVDs
Electronics - e.g. CD & DVD players, game systems
Computers & peripherals
Phones - including cell phones
Small working appliances - e.g. blenders, mixers, microwaves, toasters,
toaster ovens
Art - e.g. painting, photographs, lithographs
Collectibles, knick-knacks & decorations
Sporting goods & bicycles
anything broken, damaged or not working, except computers or electronics
Large exercise equipment
Toys, except collectibles, antiques & clean stuffed animals
Mattresses & futons
Large appliances - e.g. refrigerators, stoves, washer-dryers, air conditioning units
Automobile parts of any kind - e.g. tires, rims, hubcaps
Bathroom & kitchen fixtures
Hazardous materials - e.g. paint, household chemicals, insecticides
Perishables items - e.g. food, medicine, out of date cosmetics
Gas-powered equipment - e.g. gas grills, lawnmowers
Medical equipment, except walkers & wheelchairs in good condition
Baby equipment or furniture - e.g. strollers, car seats, carriers, cribs,
play pens, play yards
Children’s clothing with metal, painted appliqué or drawstrings
Children’s jewelry
Unsafe children’s items - e.g. puzzles & games with small pieces
Weapons - e.g. guns, knives, swords, ammunition
Recalled items
Clean stuffed animals & toys
La Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Tiempo de verano, tiempo seguro
Summertime, safe time
All teachers, staff and volunteers in the Archdiocese must
undergo fingerprinting and criminal background checks.
Archdiocesan guidelines and abuse prevention training programs currently in use in the Archdiocese emphasize the
importance of parents knowing who has access to their children at school and other church-sponsored activities. Summertime
is here, and parents should remain vigilant regarding who is
granted access to their children. Make sure camp counselors have
undergone criminal background checks. And, make sure you know
the camp’s “daily routine.” In particular, make sure that no camp
activity results in a child being left alone with one adult. All activities should be supervised by more than one adult, and the camp
should be open to unannounced drop-in visits from parents. For
more information email: Dn. Jaime Abrera, Fingerprint Department,
[email protected]
For particular help, you may call Victims Assistance Ministry
at (213) 637-7650
Todos los maestros, empleados y voluntarios de la
Arquidiócesis deben someterse a verificación de
antecedentes penales y huellas digitales. Actualmente las
normas de la Arquidiócesis y los programas de
entrenamiento en la prevención del abuso ponen énfasis en
la importancia de que los padres deben saber quién tiene acceso a
sus hijos en la escuela y cuando participen en actividades
patrocinadas por la Iglesia. El verano ya está aquí y los padres
deben mantenerse vigilantes con respecto a quien tiene acceso a
sus hijos. Asegúrese de que los consejeros del campamento hayan
sido sometidos a una verificación de antecedentes
penales. Y, asegúrese de saber cuál es la “rutina diaria” del
campamento. En particular, asegúrese de que ninguna actividad
del campamento resulte en que ningún niño se quede a solas con un
adulto. Todas las actividades deben ser supervisadas por más de
un adulto y el campamento debe estar abierto a que los padres
visiten el campamento sin previo aviso. Para más información,
escriba a: Dn. Jaime Abrera, Fingerprint Department,
[email protected].
Pg. Eight/Ocho
St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta
Abby Ortiz
Adam Calderon
Adoracion Panqilinan
Alejandro Ramos
Alex Lee
Alfred Serra
Alton Perez
Antonia Salas Lomeli
Antonio Behena
Anthony Ibarra
Ambrocio Romero
Aurelio Garcia
Aurora Ruiz
Bartolome Ramos
Bernardo Bautista
Billy Cota
Brian Anthony Mott
Bruno Castro
Carlota Sano
Caro Tan
Carmelita Ramos
Carmen Vazquez
Carmelo Grande
Cayetana Ramos
Cecilia Saval
Celedonio Buban
Corina Abeyta
Cherylle Lauder-Lariño
Cris & Chit Alejo
Chito Veneracion
Corazon Blanco
Daniel A-Richard
Daniel Ponce
Danillo Ramos
David Penard, Jr.
Deacon Gus Sabenius
Deacon Jesse Batacan
Deacon Vic Tiambeng
Deandra Trujillo
Destiny Trujillo
Desiderio R. Santos
Dionecio Vaca
Ding Frijas
Dolly Ferriols
Dr. Orly Cagatao
Edith Bautista
Elsie E. Garcia
Emilie Caumeran
Emmanuel Aquino
Enelda Galo
Enya Madalang
Ernesto Perez
Enrique Zoria
Evelyn Quintana
Evelyn Mendoza
Fernando Castaneda
Felicisimo Aquino
Fidel Rodriguez
Florentina Motus
Frances Castañeda
Francisco De La Torre
Fred Easterling
Gert Hollmann
Guadalupe Diaz
Guadalupe Dualan
Guillermo Garcia
Hamberto Alvarez
Helen Estolano-Dizon
Hugh Bennett
Ian Matsumoto
Ignacio Perez
Inocencio Ongjoco
Isaias Santiago
Isela Hermer
Jaime Garcia
Jacob Pizzo
Jaqueline Burruel
Javier Gonzalez
Javier Lopez
Jesus Peña
Jimmy Manipis
Jocelyn Bates
John D’Cruz
Jojo Alba
Jose Mata-Santiago
Joseph Lee
Josie Gomez
Joy Garan
Joy Mercado
J.S. Sabino
Judith Sales
Karen Joyce San Miguel
Kailee Marcial
Kianna Emma Santos
Laura Bautista
Leonor Dorlant
Leticia Arias
Lilian Maniago
Linda Balete
Lita de la Cruz
Lita Pablo
Lydia Roldan
Lolita Mercado
Loise Gonzales
Lourdes Santiago
Lupe Martin
Luz & Patty Vazquez
Luz Ramirez
Luz Zaragoza
Luz & Salomon Zermeno
Manuel Acevedo
Manuel Nuñez
Maria Alfaro
Maria Alvarez
Maria Arambula
Maria Danford
Maria del Pilar Sayune
Maria Isabel Garcia
Maria Martinez
Maria Theresa Labra
Marilyn Gutierrez
Maricela Mata
Mario Mendoza
SSGT. Mario E Vasquez
Ma. Ines Sanchez
Marissa Tuazon
Margarita Terraza
Marlyn D.Garcia
Marta Lopez
Mary Garcia
Merced Herrera
Mercy Garce
Nancy Gaw
Natalia Rojo
Natividad Nieves
Nelia Africa
Nicolas Pena
Norma Mayo
Oscar Lanuza
Pablo Ayala
Paquita del Rio
Paquita Sy
Pearl Nacey
Pedro Xavier Lopez
Pete Romano
Precious Edang
Placida C. Zuniga
Ramiro Vasquez
Ramon Ortegaso
Raquel Ramos
Rey Parungao
Ricardo Belleza Dy
August 10, 2014
Rick Kashenberg
Rita Tariga
Roberto Delgado
Roberto Enriques
Roberto y Rosa Leyva
Rosalina Torres
Rosalinda Patola
Rose Chavez
Rosemary Gabriel
Rosina y Victoriano Acevedo
Rosita Villareal
Ruben Almenendram
Rudy Sanguyo
Sam Bautista
Sandy Bueno
Severino Gecha
Shirley Villagracia
Simon Tunque
Sol Villafuerte
Sonny Bergaño
Susana Villote Villagracia
Teresita E. Alojipan
Teresita P. Caeg
Tony Solorio
Veneranda Ramos
Victor Gecha
Violeta Mendoza
Virginia Alvarez
Virginia V. Santos
Yolanda Guerra
Wilma Mackey
Please Pray for these
Priest who are ill…..
Sacerdotes que están
enfermos .....
Rev. Tomas Elis
Rev. Frank Ferrante, CMF
Father Rody Gorman
Msgr. John Hughes
Fr. Isaac Kalina, O.S.B
Father Paul Manzano
Monsignor John Mihan
Father John Neiman
Father Wayne Noble
Father Jose A. Ortiz
Msgr. William O’Toole
Msgr. John Rawden
Father Frank Russo, Jr.
Father David Velazquez
Father Demetrio Bugayong
August 10, 2014
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 19° Domingo Ordinario
Pg. Nine/Nueve
Aug. 10:
Aug. 11:
Aug. 12:
Aug. 13:
Aug. 14:
Aug. 15:
Aug. 16:
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Clare
St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Ss. Pontian and Hippolytus
St. Maximilian Kolbe
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Stephen of Hungary;
Blessed Virgin Mary
Cool 2b Catholic Youth Rally
Monday, September 15, 2014
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Tickets: Free Due to generous underwriting, tickets are now
Tickets are required for entry. Reserve your tickets!
Music provided by Jacob and Matthew Band
Greeting from Archbishop José H. Gomez
Spiritual remarks - Sister Regina Marie Gorman, O.C.D.
Parking available after 3:00 p.m. at the Cathedral
Food will be available
No outside coolers will be allowed
Beginning Experience: Grief Recovery Weekend for
Widowed, Separated and Divorced Individuals
September 26-28, 2014
A “Beginning Experience” weekend will be held at the Holy
Spirit Retreat Center in Encino for those who have experienced the loss of a spouse through death or divorce/
separation. This program helps a person move from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning with renewed
hope. Beginning Experience is recognized by the Office of
Family Life for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
For info/registration, contact :
Peg Setti (818) 767- 1007 or Brenda Mikhail (818) 352-5265
Maria Rojas (310) 365-0186 (bilingual Spanish)
The Beginning Experience website is
or email: [email protected].
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat weekend
for Healing after Abortion
Rachel’s Vineyard retreat is for men and women
struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain
of abortion. The retreat is designed to help participants work
through repressed grief and anger in a safe, nonjudgmental
setting and come to acceptance, healing, and hope for the future. Developed in the Roman Catholic Tradition, it utilizes
spiritual exercises and rituals to help grieve the loss of unborn
children and to accept God’s forgiveness. All inquiries and
registrations are confidential.
October 11-13, 2013
Duarte, CA
Cost: $215. per person
For registration or more information please call:
866-2-RACHEL 866-272-2435 www.rachelsvineyard.org
** Parish Life **
Music Rm.
Rm. 11
A.V. Rm.
- Medical Mission 9am - 12pm
- Santos Angeles Coro 8:30am - 10:30am
- Legion of Mary Mother of Christ 1:30pm - 3pm
- Encuentro Matrimonial 11am - 1pm
- Emmanuel Choir 1pm - 3pm
Music Rm.
A.V. Rm.
Rm. 3
Rm. 1
- Peace & Joy Choir Practice 7pm - 9pm
- Pastoral Council 7pm - 9pm
- Eng. Lectors’ 7pm - 9pm
- Cristo Vive Coro 7pm - 9pm
Music Rm.
Rm. 11
- Spa. Lectores 7pm - 9pm
- Liturgical Mtg. Conference 7pm - 9pm
- Liturgical Mtg. Conference 7pm - 9pm
- Nueva Vida Coro 7pm - 9pm
- Legión De María Medalla Milagrosa 9am - 10:30am
A.V. Rm.
- English Bible Class 7pm - 9pm
Music Rm.
Rm. 11
Rm. 7
Rm. 6
Rm. 3
- Misioneros Católicos de Jesús 7pm - 9pm
-Flautas del Señor Coro 7pm - 9pm
- Santos Angeles Choir 6:30pm - 9pm
- Ministerio de la Divina Misericordia 7pm - 9pm
- Movimiento Familiar Cristiano 6pm - 9pm
- Catechist Bible Classes 6pm—9pm
Music Rm.
Rm. 11
A.V. Rm.
- Quinceañera Practice 7pm
- Peace & Joy Choir Practice 7pm - 9pm
- Nueva Vida 7pm - 9pm
- Al- Anon 7pm - 9pm
Music Rm.
Rm. 11
Rm. 8
Rm. 6
Rm. 5
Rm. 4
Rm. 3
Rm. 1
- Flautas del Señor 6pm - 9:30pm
- School Uniform Sale 2pm - 6:30pm
- Cristo Vive 7pm - 9pm
- El Señor es mi Pastor 7pm - 9pm
- Santos Angeles 6pm - 9pm
- MFC 7pm - 9pm
- English Lector’s 7pm - 9pm
- Emmanuel Choir 6:30pm - 8:30pm
- God’s Children Choir 6:30pm - 9pm
Music Rm.
A.V. Rm.
Rm. 11
Rm. 8 & 7
- Cristo Vive Retreat 7am - 7pm
-God’s Children Choir Practice 2pm - 4pm
- Vientos de Paz Coro Practica 5pm - 7pm
- Legión de Nuestra Sra. de Lourdes 9am - 10:30am
- God’s Children P/G. 6pm - 9pm
- CLP & CFC 6pm - 9pm
Pg. Ten/Diez
St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta
August 10, 2014