Harry Potter and the Sorcerer`s stone


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer`s stone
Área de lectura
Libro: Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone
Author: J.K. Rowling
Mediateca, E.N.P. 9
1. Answer the following questions before starting reading the book.
a. Have you read any of the Harry Potter series books?
i. IF YOU HAVE: Which ones? Did you like them? Why? Why not?
ii. IF YOU HAVEN’T: Why not?
b. Have you watched any of the Harry Potter movies?
i. IF YOU HAVE: Which ones? Did you like them? Why? Why not?
ii. IF YOU HAVEN’T: Why not?
c. What do you expect from the book that is different from the movies? Is there something you
hope to confirm?
2. For you to understand the book better it’s recommended that you look up the following words in a
Chapter 1
5. clutching p. 4
1. gossiped p. 2
6. rooted p. 5
1. screeched p. 19
2. pecked p. 2
7. spectacles p. 8
2. frantically p. 23
3. cloaks p. 3
8. rummaging p. 9
3. hoodlums p. 25
9. irritably p. 10
4. sniggered p. 25
10. gingerly p. 16
5. coils p. 27
4. enraged p. 3
Chapter 2
6. gibber p. 29
Elaborado por: Lic. Romina Marcela Rubio Moedano
Área de lectura
Libro: Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone
Author: J.K. Rowling
Mediateca, E.N.P. 9
Chapter 3
1. knickerbockers p. 32
8. ruefully p. 59
17. pliable p. 82
Chapter 5
18. gawking p. 86
2. elastic p. 34
1. gleamed p. 63
3. porridge p. 35
2. transfiguration p. 66
4. scruffs p. 36
3. cauldron p. 67
5. trodden p. 39
4. phials p. 67
6. tufts p. 41
5. sherry p. 68
7. wrenched p. 41
6. flutter p. 69
8. ambling p. 44
7. bloke p. 70
Chapter 4
19. laden p. 86
9. swarthy p. 72
2. grate p. 48
10. hurtled p. 74
3. cowering p. 49
11. infernal p. 76
4. quailed p. 50
12. befuddle p. 80
5. ashen p. 52
13. minuscule p. 81
6. rubbish p. 53
14. stammering p. 81
7. ranting p. 53
15. gruffly p. 81
Chapter 6
1. punctures p. 89
2. ruddy p. 90
3. disgruntled p. 94
4. babble p. 94
5. billowing p. 96
8. apothecary p. 71
1. glinting p. 46
6. prefects p. 96
7. clambered p. 97
8. prickle p. 107
9. tinge p. 109
10. riffraff p. 109
11. thronging p. 111
16. spindly p. 82
3. Answer the following questions based on the reading
a. How do you describe the Dursley family?
b. At the beginning of the story, there are many strange things happening around England. Mention
5 events that tell us something peculiar was happening:
Elaborado por: Lic. Romina Marcela Rubio Moedano
Mediateca, E.N.P. 9
Área de lectura
Libro: Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone
Author: J.K. Rowling
c. Describe professor McGonagall and professor Dumbledore. Write some phrases that back up
your answer.
d. How does professor McGonagall react to Albus’ decision about Harry’s future before he goes to
e. How do professor McGonagall, Dumbledore and Hagrid feel about leaving Harry at the doorstep?
Backup your answer with examples from the text.
Use at least six adjectives or phrases to describe Harry Potter
Elaborado por: Lic. Romina Marcela Rubio Moedano
Área de lectura
Libro: Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone
Author: J.K. Rowling
Mediateca, E.N.P. 9
g. When Harry is experiencing strong emotions, strange things happen. Mention 3 events Harry
can’t explain how they happen.
h. Why was Harry blamed for what happened with the Boa constrictor?
List the places to which the letters are addressed:
4. Order the following events in the correct sequence:
a. _____
Uncle Vernon cancelled the letter box.
b. _____
Harry Potter actually received his first Hogwarts letter.
c. _____
Hagrid explained how Harry Potter’s parents died.
d. _____
Harry was moved to a room.
e. _____
Uncle Vernon cancelled the letterbox.
Harry was left at Mrs. Fig’s house.
5. Put the people and things in the box next to the shop where Harry found them:
Elaborado por: Lic. Romina Marcela Rubio Moedano
Mediateca, E.N.P. 9
Área de lectura
Libro: Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone
Author: J.K. Rowling
/ a bell / Wands / jars / / narrow boxes / travelling cloaks / Griphook / Barrels / Goblins /
uniforms / A horrible smell / / a small grubby bag / / peculiar symbols / powders / Galleons,
Sickles and Knuts / gold letters / ingredients / / books / dress robes
a. Gringotts:
b. Madam Malkin’s:
c. Flourish and Blotts:
d. Apothecary:
e. Olivander’s:
Elaborado por: Lic. Romina Marcela Rubio Moedano