english program 1
english program 1
1 http://es.sansebastianregion.com/ Venue of the European Conference KURSAAL CONGRESS CENTRE http://www.kursaal.eus/es/ DONOSTIA- SAN SEBASTIÁN Official Languages: Spanish & English There will be simultaneous translation Spanish-English and English-Spanish PRESIDENTS OF THE EUROPEAN CONGRESS José Luis de la Cuesta Arzamendi Iñaki Subijana Zunzunegui DIRECTOR OF THE EUROPEAN CONGRESS Izaskun Porres García 2 Scientific Comittee Ivo Aersten. Professor of the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) John Braithwaite. Professor at the Australian National University (Australia) Ana María Carrascosa Miguel . Magistrate of the Spanish General Council of the Judicial Power (Spain) María Victoria Cinto Lapuente. Magistrate and Member of the General Council of the Judiciary Power (Spain) Frieder Dünkel. Ernst-‐Moritz-‐Arndt-‐Universität Greifswald (Germany) Enrique Echeburua Odriozola. Professor of Clinical Psychology (UPV/EHU) (Spain) Iñaki Esparza Leibar. Procedural Law Professor (UPV/EHU) (Spain) Juan Manuel Fernández Martínez. Magistrate and Member of the General Council of the Judiciary Power (Spain) Esther Giménez-‐Salinas i Colomer. Member of the Honour Committee of the University of Ramon Llull Stephan Parmentier. Professor of the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) Helena Soleto Muñoz. Professor of the Carlos III University (Spain) Josep María Tamarit Sumalla. Professor at Lleida University and Oberta University of Catalonia (Spain) Organizing Committee Inmaculada Iraola Piñuetaco Lourdes Labaca Zabala María Lourdes Arastey Sahún Miren Odriozola Gurruchaga Isabel Germán Mancebo Ainara Miranda Solano Pascual Ortuño Muñoz Miguel Alonso Belza Gema Varona Martínez Rosa María Freire Pérez María Josefa Barbarin Urquiaga Manuel Valín López Marta Sánchez Recio Isabel Trespaderne Beracierto Laura de Lorenzo Aracama Belén Hernández Moura Javier García García Lourdes Fernández Manzano Leticia Badiola Alberto Sanz Garitaonandia Virginia Mayordomo Rodrigo Ana Pérez Mach 3 PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY, 15th JUNE 2016 19:00-20:00h Credentials. Kursaal *See speakers’ bios and CVs on the web* THURSDAY, 16th JUNE 2016 MORNING 08:45-09:15 09:30-10:15 Credentials. Kursaal. OFFICIAL INAUGURATION Welcome addresses 10:30-11:30 INAUGURAL LECTURE Chairs Lourdes Arastey Sahún. Magistrate. Supreme Court José Luis de la Cuesta. Director. IVAC-KREI. Hon. President AIDP Speaker Esther Giménez-Salinas i Colomer (University of Ramon Llull, Spain) The restorative concept as a principle in conflict resolution 11:30-12:00 Break 12:00-13:30 RESTORATIVE JUSTICE IN EUROPE: CURRENT SITUATION Chairs Isabel Germán Mancebo. Researcher. IVAC-KREI. Donostia/San Sebastián Helena Soleto Muñoz. Professor. University Carlos III. Madrid Speakers Frieder Dünkel (University of Greifswald, Germany). Restorative Justice in Europe Lorenn Walker (Restorative lawyer, USA). Restorative Justice and reintegration ATERNOON 15:00-15:30 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 15:30-20:00: WORKSHOPS (see programme below) 4 FRIDAY, 17th JUNE 2016 MORNING 09:00-11:00 WHY DO VICTIMS PARTICIPATE IN RESTORATIVE JUSTICE? Chairs Rosa María Freire. Magistrate María Varona. Senior Researcher. IVAC-KREI 11:00-11:30 Speakers Tinneke Van Camp (University of Sheffield, UK). Victims’ Pro-social Motivations Sandra Walklate (University of Liverpool, UK). Restorative Justice: Therapy and/or Reconciliation? Break 11:30-13:00 THERAPEUTIC PERSPECTIVES ON JUSTICE Chairs María Victoria Cinto Lapuente. Member of the Spanish Council of the Judicial Power Iñaki Subijana Zunzunegui. President. Provincial Audience. Gipuzkoa Speakers David Wexler (Clinical psychologist, San Diego, USA). Law Reform using the Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Design and implementation Luis Enrique Osuna Sánchez (Magistrate, Spain). Therapeutic Justice 13:15-13:45 REINSERTION AND RESTORATIVE JUSTICE IN THE BASQUE GOVERNMENT COEXISTENCE POLICIES Chairs Ana Aguirre Zurutuza. Vice-minister of Justice. Basque Government Manuel Valín Lopez. Director of Justice. Basque Government Speaker Jonan Fernández Erdozia. Secretary General of Peace and Coexistence Reinsertion and Restorative Justice in the Basque Government Coexistence Policies AFTERNOON 15:00-15:30 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 15:30-20:00: WORKSHOPS 5 SATURDAY, 18th JUNE 2016 MORNING 10:00-11:45 CURRENT PRACTICE AND THEORY OF THE RESTORATIVE JUSTICE Chairs Álvaro Cuesta Martínez. Member of the Spanish General Council of the Judiciary Manuel Lezertua Rodriguez. Basque Ombudsman Speakers Katarzyna Janicka Pawlowska (European Union). Restorative Justice in Europe Antony Pemberton (Intervict, The Netherlands). Challenges of Restorative Justice from a Theoretical Construction 11:45-12:15 Break 12:15-13:00 RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AT THE DECISION-MAKING STAGE Chair María Concepción Saez Rodríguez. Magistrate of the Spanish General Council of the Judicial Power Ana María Carrascosa. Magistrate of the Spanish General Council of the Judicial Power Speaker Otmar Hagemann (Kiel University, Germany). Restorative Justice at the decision stage 13:00-13:45 CLOSING LECTURE Chairs Josu Erkoreka Gervasio. Minister of Public Administration and Justice. Basque Government Juan Manuel Fernández Pacheco. Member of the Spanish General Council of the Judiciary Power Juan Luis Ibarra Robles. President of the Hight Court of Justice of the Basque Country Speaker Adela Asua Batarrita, Vicepresident of the Spanish Constitutional Tribunal Constitutional Guarantees of the Diverse Forms of Justice 13:45-14:30 CLOSING SESSION 6 WORKSHOPS’ PROGRAM The Workshops will be held on Thursday June 16th and Friday June 17th . The schedule of the workshop sessions will be from 15:30 to 17:30 and 18:00 to 20:00, with a break of 30 minutes between 17:30 and 18:00. The Workshops have mainly a practical purpose. Their goal is to turn them into experimental laboratories as forums for further analysis. Therefore, they are not going to be based on lectures. They are dynamic workshops where all the participants will have the chance to debate and exchange ideas. We look for translating theory into practice. Most workshops are in Spanish but there are some with simultaneous translation and others with informal translation into English and English into Spanish. Please, check with the workshop directors. 7 - THURSDAY, 16th June: 16:00-18:00 Workshop on RESTORATIVE JUSTICE: AN EASIER WAY TO COLLABORATIVE STRATEGIES BETWEEN THE PROVINCIAL-LOCAL ADMINISTRATION AND THE JUDICIAL SISTEM TO DEVELOP COMMUNITY SERVICE AS A PENAL SANCTION Place: SALA KUBO. TABAKALERA Directors: DIPUTACIÓN FORAL GIPUZKOA http://es.sansebastianregion.com/ Speakers: Laura de Lorenzo Inmaculada Gárate Juan Colina Mikel Diez Free entrance - FRIDAY, 17th June: 15:30 - 20:00 h Workshop on MEDIATION IN THE FIELD OF HEALTH Place: Edificio Carlos Santamaría (UPV/EHU), Plza. Elbuyar 2, San Sebastián Director: Isabel Trespaderne Speakers: Gloria Novel Sara Davi Sandra Váquez Laura Alonso 8 KURSAAL CONGRESS PALACE. DONOSTIA- SAN SEBASTIÁN Workshops’ Programme THURSDAY, 16th June 2016 15:30 -17:30 h KURSAAL 1 KURSAAL 4 KURSAAL 5 KURSAAL 6 KURSAAL 9 W1. Restorative Justice in Gender Violence Offences W3 Mediación Penal Intrajudicial W4. La labor de la persona facilitadora en servicios intrajudiciales de Justicia restaurativa W6. Fundación Signum W8. Abogados/as y Justicia Restaurativa Directors: Izaskun Porres María Josefa Barbarín Directors: Ana Carrascosa Rosa Freire Directors: Idoia Igartua Alberto Olalde Directors: Carmen Iborra Rosa Mijangos Directors: Miguel Alonso Ainara Miranda Participants: Christa Pelikan Hilde Van Geel Roberto Moreno Participants: Patricia Guiarte Juan Morcillo José Castilla María Eugenia Ramos Participants: Carmen Velasco Participants: Ana Boix Simultaneous translation English/Spanish KURSAAL 1 KURSAAL 4 W2. Tratamiento Integral de la Violencia W3. Mediación Intrajudicial Penal Director: Pascual Ortuño Participants: Jean Baptiste Vieu Lars Ola Zatterquist Emilia Iglesias Luis de Arcos Mercé Cartier Spanish/French Simultaneous translation 18:00 -20:00 h KURSAAL 5 KURSAAL 6 KURSAAL 9 W5. Forgive and Forgood W7. Técnicas de Mediación Penal W9. Justicia restaurativa y victimización terrorista Directors: Ana Carrascosa Rosa Freire Director: Alberto Saiz Directors: Thelma Butts Carmen Velasco Javier Vinader Directors: Gema Varona Alberto Olalde Participants: Patricia Guiarte Juan Morcillo José Castilla María Eugenia Ramos Participants: Lorenn Walker Jan de Cook Participants: Patricia Guilarte Participants: Rafael Carmona English. Simultaneous translation 9 KURSAAL CONGRESS PALACE. DONOSTIA- SAN SEBASTIÁN Workshops’ Programme FRIDAY, 17th June 2016 15:30 -17:30 h KURSAAL 5 KURSAAL 1 KURSAAL 4 W10. Justicia Terapéutica: un modelo para la salud mental KURSAAL 6 W12. Justicia Terapéutica en el ámbito de familia W14. Mediación Policial W16. Universidad y Justicia Restaurativa. (Cuemyc ) Director: Iñaki Subijana Director: Francisca Fariña Directors: Marta Sánchez Isabel Germán Laura de Lorenzo Directors: Esther Pillado Ramón Alzate Participants: Álvaro Iruin Virgina Barber .Iñaki García Participants: Ramón Arce Mila Arch Isabel Bonilla Participants: Tomás Blanco Policía Autónoma Manuel Ledesma Participants: Pablo Grande Jessica Jullien Belén Hernández KURSAAL 9 W18. Justicia restaurativa y maltrato animal Directors: Gema Varona María González 18:00 -20:00 h KURSAAL 1 KURSAAL 4 KURSAAL 5 KURSAAL 6 KURSAAL 9 W11. Justicia Terapéutica en la ejecución penal. AITA MENNI: Un modelo asistencial W13. Asociación Iberoamericana de Justicia Terapéutica W15. Justicia Restaurativa y Abusos Sexuales W17. Mediación en la Justicia de Menores W19. Mediación CiudadanaComunitaria Director: Francisca Fariña Directors: Gema Varona Noemí Pereda Directors: Javier Zaragoza Patxi López Estefanía Ocáriz Directors: Maria José Rubio Lourdes Manzano Participants: David Wexler María Silvia Oyhamburu Mercedes Novo Esther Pillado Participants: Irene Montiel Judit Abad Monique Anderson Kate Parkinson Gil José Sáez Beatriz Benavente Sonia Cortajarena Javier Paz Ledesma Vicki Bernardet Director: Iñaki Madariaga Participants: Sofía Alvarez de Eulate 10