Turnout Flyer ALL LISTED.qxd


Turnout Flyer ALL LISTED.qxd
The re ’ s Bl o od on
S mi thfie ld P rod u ct s
Smithfield Packing operates the world’s largest porkprocessing facility in Tar Heel, N.C. It employs 6,000 workers
and slaughters 32,000 hogs a day--that’s 2 hogs every
second. But workers do this under conditions that are more
favorable to the hogs than the workers.
Smithfield in Tar Heel:
• Has repeatedly been found guilty of threatening, abusing, and using violence
against workers.
• Fires injured workers and denies them workers’ compensation.
• Stirs racial tensions among workers.
• Exploits immigrant workers.
Some of the products that come out of the Tar Heel plant
are in your grocer’s meat case.
You c an h elp b ring J ustice t o S mithfield.
Richmond, Va.
June 19
7 p.m.
Cedar Street Baptist Church
2301 Cedar St.
Chicago, Ill.
June 20 2.p.m.
Union Stockyards Gate
Halsted St. and Exchange St.
New York, N.Y.
June 20 2 p.m.
The Praise Tabernacle
57 Rogers Ave. (between Bergen St.
and St. Marks Place) in Brooklyn
Boston, Mass.
June 21
6 p.m.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
201 Washington Ave.
(at Broadway) in Chelsea, Mass.
Atlanta, Ga.
June 22
11:00 a.m.
IBEW Auditorium
153 Richardson Street SW
Washington, DC
June 22
3 p.m.
All Souls Church
1500 Harvard St., NW
Raleigh, N.C.
June 22
5 p.m.
Harris Teeter at North Hills Mall
4421 Six Forks Rd.
For more information, contact Rigo Valdez: 415-2215-4
4422 or [email protected]
A project of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union
• www.ufcw.org
La Sa n g re c orre s obre
prod u ct o s d e S mi thfie ld
Smithfield Packing opera la procesadora de carne de cerdo más
grande del mundo en su planta de Tar Heel, Carolina del Norte.
Tiene 6,000 empleados y sacrifica 32,000 cerdos
diariamente—es decir, dos cerdos cada segundo. Pero los
trabajadores realizan sus tareas en condiciones que son más
favorables para los cerdos que para los trabajadores.
Smithfield en Tar Heel:
• Ha sido encontrada culpable en repetidas ocasiones de amenazar, abusar
e inclusive usar la violencia en contra de los trabajadores.
• Despide trabajadores incapacitados y les niega la compensación para
• Promueve tensiones raciales entre los trabajadores.
• Explota a los trabajadores inmigrantes.
Algunos de los productos que provienen de la planta en Tar Heel están en
los mostradores de carnes en tu supermercado.
Tú p uedes a yudar a h acer j usticia e n S mithfield.
Richmond, Va.
19 de junio
7 p.m.
Cedar Street Baptist Church
2301 Cedar St.
Chicago, Ill.
20 de junio
Union Stockyards Gate
Halsted St. and Exchange St.
New York, N.Y.
20 de junio
2 p.m.
The Praise Tabernacle
57 Rogers Ave. (between Bergen St.
and St. Marks Place) in Brooklyn
Boston, Mass.
21 de junio
6 p.m.
St. Luke’s Church
201 Washington Ave.
(at Broadway) in Chelsea, Mass.
Atlanta, Ga.
22 de junio
11:00 a.m.
IBEW Auditorium
153 Richardson Street SW
Washington, DC
22 de junio
3 p.m.
All Souls Church
1500 Harvard St., NW
Raleigh, N.C.
22 de junio
5 p.m.
Harris Teeter at North Hills Mall
4421 Six Forks Rd.
Para más información, contacto Rigo Valdez: 415-2215-4
4422 o [email protected]
Un proyecto de la United Food and Commercial Workers International Union
• www.ufcw.org