GL544 A/B - GL744 A/B
GL544 A/B - GL744 A/B
Goal GL544 A/B - GL744 A/B DESCRIPTION SEWING “CLOSEDTOE” A machine that revolutionized the way of making men's socks. Loop closing of the toe is performed entirely by the knitting machine itself, without the need of any additional device.The advantages for the users are: saving in labour, space and the possibility of having a superior quality sock finishing, resistance and comfort, compared to socks made using conventional systems. Single-cylinder, 4 feed machine for the production of socks and pantyhose in plain fabric, standard terry or sandwich terry Hosiery garments with reciprocated or pouch heel, and tubular styles. Electronic programming of the full knitting cycle, article and knitting adjustment. Machine Memory capable of storing various articles, with 8 sizes each. Raising yarn finger plate for easy access to the sinker cap. Automatic article change by the machine’s keyboard or via DIGRAPH3 PLUS. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS GL544F/H “SbyS” Ø cilindro 4” Finura: de 8 ½ a 19 Velocidad máxima: tanto en malla lisa como en rizo: 400 rpm.(las velocidades máx. que se pueden alcanzar dependen de distintos factores: "hilados, tipos de elaboración, lubricantes, etc.") Movimiento de la máquina con motor BRUSHLESS coaxial con portacilindro. Sistema electrónico de selección aguja aguja para la ejecución de dibujos. Nueve grupos de selección electrónicos. Cuatro grupos de guíahilos de mando neumático. (9 en la 1ª alimentación y 7 en todas las demás) + 1 alim. color y 3 guíahilos. Guíahilos del elástico en la segunda y en la cuarta alimentación con alimentador independiente. Regulación de la malla con mando electrónico mediante motor paso a paso. Movimiento de los cursores levas levanta-agujas de impulso neumático. Cadena electrónica con posibilidad de concatenación automática de varios programas. Alimentador de goma positivo. Cuadro de mandos preparado para la conexión al sistema "Nautilus" de Dinema, a pedido. Doble martillo baja aguja. Alza Borde Motorizado. Parada de la cuchilla circular cuando no se precisa el corte del hilo Display del teclado en colores (touch screen) Posibilidad de Sierrita con velocidad variable a pedido. Posibilidad de Tapa de las Platinas Motorizada a pedido. Posibilidad a petición levas camiseta de entrenamiento motorizado Puerta USB. Single or double welt with 1 or 2 feeds with, if required, elastic on each course or on alternated course. Socks and pantyhose produced on 4 feeds with reciprocated or pouched heel&toe or tubular fabric in plain, standard or sandwich terry (half&full terry on the same sock). Possibility of plating on all feeds 2 color striping plus ground color on the two feeds. Socks produced with two elastic feeds. 4 color patterns plus ground on the same course when knitting on a single feed, up to a total of 12 progressive colors in the pattern, plus 3 ground colors. 3 color patterns plus mesh or elastic ground on the same course when knitting on a single feed. 2, 3 or even 4 color “real Jaquard” styles with combinations of laid-in elastic compression articles. Standard and sandwich terry fabric produced with the same sinker cap. Possibilty of tuck stitches mesh on four feeds. Possibility of variable increment of the elastic motor on the course. Possibility upon request of Sole reinforcement on 4 feeds. 180° reversed toe, left and right socks, 2color heel and toe Dimensions Weight machine Kg: 240 Yam creel Kg: 65 Gauge Model GL544 A/B Ø 4 ” 1/2 7 96 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 8 9 10 11 108 116-120 132 144 Needle thickness= 0,7mm Needle thickness = 0,85mm Needle thick. = 1mm Gauge Model GL744 A/B Ø 1/2 7 84 9 10 11 96 108 120 3”½ Needle thick.= 0,85mm Needle thick.= 1mm N.T.=0,7mm Number of needles depends on diameter and gauge Lonati S.p.A. 25124 Brescia (Italy). Via Francesco Lonati, 3. Tel. 030 23901 Fax 030 2310024. The technical details given above are not binding and they can be changed by LONATI S.p.A. - Lonati S.p.a - V. 16 - 20/2/2015