Presentación de PowerPoint - Dengue Vaccine Initiative
Presentación de PowerPoint - Dengue Vaccine Initiative
The changing view of the priority of dengue disease as seen by WHO and its regional office Organización Panamericana De la Salud Dr. José Luis San Martin Regional advisor of dengue program. OPS/OMS America’s Dengue Prevention Board Brasilia, Brazil. August 22nd-23th, 2011 Areas or countries at risk Source: Countries report PAHO/WHO Incidence evolution of dengue since 1980 Source: Countries report PAHO/WHO Morbility of dengue in four subregions of America Source: Countries report PAHO/WHO *2011: 31st epidemiolofy week. Percentual distribution of the Morbility by countries of greater notification in the America’s, 2003-2010 100% Resto 90% 19.2% México 80% 70% Honduras Costa Rica Venezuela 60% Colombia 50% 80.8% 40% Brasil 30% 20% 10% 0% 2003 Brasil 2004 Colombia 2005 2006 Venezuela 2007 Costa Rica 2008 Honduras 2009 México 2010 Resto Source: Country report to OPS/OMS Current situation in our Region By the end of december 2010, over 36 countries had reported 1.699.379 dengue cases, 50.235 severe dengue cases and 1.185 fatalities: case fatality rate (cfr): 2,3. Outbreaks in sourh hemisphere during the first semester of 2011: Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay. Current outbraks: Bahamas, Panama, St. Lucia. All four serotipes of dengue are active and circulating. Till 31st EW, 2011, 890.756 dengue cases, 10.816 severe dengue cases and 488 fatalities (cfr: 4,5) have been reported. Circulation of dengue serotypes in the Americas 2006-2010 MEXICO DEN 1,2,3,4 DEN 1,2,4 HONDURAS DEN 1,2,3,4 NICARAGUA EL SALVADOR DEN 1,2,3 DEN 1,2,3,4 REP. DOMINICANA: DEN 1,2,4 MARTINICA: DEN 1,2, 4 VENEZUELA GUYANA FRANCESA: COLOMBIA DEN 1,2,3,4 DEN 1,2,3 DEN 1,2,3,4 DEN 1,2,3,4 ECUADOR DEN1,3 BRASIL: DEN 1,2,3 DEN 4 2010 PERÚ DEN 1,2,3,4 DEN 1, 2,3 BOLIVIA: DEN 2,3 PARAGUAY: DEN1,2, 3 ARGENTINA DEN 1, 2,3 ISLAS PASCUA: DEN 1 DEN 1 Fuente: Boletines de país. Countries with greater mortality and case fatality rate by dengue in the Americas (Period 2000-2009) and 2010 Deaths Percentage Percentage accumulated Case fatality rate Cases in 2010 Brasil 996 46.2 46.2 4.0 673 República Dominicana 316 14.7 60.9 14.1 51 Colombia 300 13.9 74.8 0.7 217 México 150 7.0 81.8 0.3 20 Hondura 85 3.9 85.7 0.5 83 Nicaragua 84 3.9 89.6 4.0 3 El Salvador 64 3.0 92.6 3.4 2 Guatemala 58 2.7 95.3 12.7 41 Venezuela 37 1.7 97.0 0.1 n/d Ecuador 33 1.5 98.5 2.0 2 Puerto Rico 32 1.5 100.0 12.2 33 2,155 100.0 4.9 1,125 Countries Total • 11 Countries concentrates 95 % of the deaths by dengue in the region. • 2155 was the total number of deaths by dengue in this period. • The region reported in 2010: 1,174 deaths for dengue (57% Brasil and 18% Colombia). •The case fatality rate in 2010 was 2,61% Country with greater case fatality rate. Determinants of dengue transmission Unprecedented population growth (megacities) Uncontrolled and unplanned Urbanization; Inadequate environmental management; Migration and tourism; Climate change Poverty and extreme Poverty Dengue en las Américas 2000-2009, la Respuesta de los países. OPS/OMS 1947-1970 ERADICATION of Aedes ae. OPS – CD1.R1 Comunicac ión Social Vigilancia Epidemiológ ica Manejo Integrado de Vectores EGIDengue Atención al paciente 2010 Nueva Guía de atención a enfermos de dengue 2009 2008 2007 2007 CSP27.R15 2005 2004 2009 Nueva Guía diagnóstico, tratamiento, prevención y control del dengue 2010 2007 Entrada en vigencia RSI (2005) 2003: CD44.R9 OPS La Estrategia de Gestión Integrada (EGI – Dengue) 2. GT – Dengue 2003 2002 2001 2001 CD43.R4 Nueva generación de Programas Ambiente 2006 Laboratórí o Integrated Management Strategy for dengue prevention and control (IMS-Dengue) Epidemiologic Surveillance Integrated Vector Social communication control Integrated Management Strategy Laboratory Environment Patient care Countries with IMS-dengue 21 countries and 4 sub-regions (Central America, MERCOSUR, Andean and Caribbean have the IMSDengue. Event Management system (EMS) Brotes en hemisferio Sur, 2011 Perú, Iquitos enero 2011 Bolivia, Beni enero 2011 Casos sospechosos, confirmados y fallecidos por dengue Bolivia 9 de febrero de 2011 Intervenciones: Perú, Iquitos febrero 2011 LABORATORY SURVEILLANCE RELDA: Laboratory network of dengue in the Americas Network of WHO collaborating centers and national laboratories of dengue references in the Americas WHO Collaborating Centers Argentina Brasil Caribe inglés Cuba Puerto Rico National Laboratories of dengue reference Colombia El Salvador Guayana francesa México Nicaragua Paraguay Resolution CSP27.R15 Integrated Vector Management (IVM) DENGUE YELLOW FEVER Aedes aegypti MALARIA CHAGAS Anopheles LEISHMANIASIS Triatoma WEST NILE VIRUS FILARIASIS SAN LUIS ENCEPHALITIS Lutzonia HANTAVIRUS Culex HORIZONTAL LINES OF ACTION • Strengthen epidemiological and entomological surveillance. • Promote advocacy, social movillizations and synergies for primary attentions in health. • Rational use of pesticides. • Strengthen legislation and public policy Organización Panamericana De la Salud Integrated Vector Management (IVM) Roedores Dengue in the Americas Support Requested • Better Outbreak Responses • Increase Clinical and patient care capacities to avoid deaths. • New Entomology and Vector control strategies. • Laboratory Diagnostics training/resources support • New interventions on Social Communications • Strengthen the environmental management and legislative aspects • Extrasectorial partnerships (Industry, City Majors) • Vaccine, Research and development • Dengue control in Megacities • Tires/plastics/solid waste disposition and recycling Ideas to remember • The dengue problem goes beyond Health Sector and the current response of prevention and control must not be sectorial, but global. • The presence of macrofactors as determinants of disease transmission make necessary to promote and strengthen public policies that effectively operate on them. • A strategy that integrates key disciplines in the prevention and control have the greatest impact on the disease and is necessary to put the vector in the center of this strategy. • Even with the advent of a vaccine is needed to continue a vector control strategy, who may also transmit other diseases. Áreas con riesgo de importación Programa Regional de Dengue-2011 Our challenges Our challenges Our challenges Cementerio infestado de Aedes aegypti • Backyard housing • Backyard housing in front of a health center Epidemiologic Surveillance Integrated Vector control Social communication Environment Laboratory Patient care Thank you