St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma July 10, 2016


St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma July 10, 2016
St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 10, 2016 MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK July 9, 2016 – July 17, 2016 SATURDAY, JULY 9 Isaiah 6:1­8; Psalm 93:1­2,5; Matthew 10:24­33 ​ ​
Carol Jo La Sala by Carl and Marie Jaitta SUNDAY, JULY 10 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 p.m.
Deuteronomy 30:10­14; Psalm 69:14,17,30­31,33­34,36­37; Colossians 1:15­20; Luke 10:25­37 (#11543 9:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
† ​
Cyprian Lukong by Maria Lukong FOR THE PEOPLE MASS IN ENGLISH † ​
Roberto Carlos Medina Santos by Familia Medina­Santos MONDAY, JULY 11 – St. Benedict Isaiah 1:10­17; Psalm 50:8­9,16­17,21,23; Matthew 10:34­11:1 6:30 a.m. ​ ​
Matt Horn by Pat Horn TUESDAY, JULY 12 Isaiah 7:1­9; Psalm 48:2­8; Matthew 11:20­24 5:30 p.m.
† ​
Ken Pitts by Mary and Larry Steichen WEDNESDAY, JULY 13 Isaiah 10:5­7,13­16; Psalm 94:5­10,14­15; Matthew 11:25­27 6:30 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
MASS IN SPANISH THURSDAY, JULY 14 – St. Kateri Tekakwitha Isaiah 26:7­9,12,16­19; Psalm 102:13­21; Matthew 11:28­30 8:15 a.m.
Greg Main by Jeanne Anne and Reece VanHorn FRIDAY, JULY 15 – St. Bonaventure Isaiah 38:1­6,21­22,7­8; Isaiah 38:10­16,16; Matthew 12:1­8 6:30 a.m.
† ​
Harold Koerner by Ernie and Barbara Koerner SATURDAY, JULY 16 Micah 2:1­5; Psalm 10:1­4,7­8,14; Matthew 12:14­21 5:00 p.m.
Theresa Nagel – Smith by Barbara Nagel SUNDAY, JULY 17 SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Genesis 18:1­10; Psalm 15:2­5; Colossians 1:24­28; Luke 10:38­42 (#1156) 9:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
† ​
Sandra Brockhage by Jan and Mary Latta † ​
Pedro Pasillas by Familia Pasillas SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
July 10, 2016 FOR THE PEOPLE † ​
Roberto Carlos Medina­Santos ​
by Familia Medina­Santos NEW RECTORY 07/03/2016 Cost of New Rectory* $453,000 Cash & Pledges received ($359,369) Cash Needed to Cover Cost $93,631 Contingency Reserve $10,000 Cash Needed to Cover Cost & Reserve* $103,631 5 year Loan from Archdiocese* $112,000 Outstanding Pledges $(80,054) ESTIMATED​
Additional Gifts & Pledges Needed* $31,946 *DOES NOT INCLUDE INTEREST ON LOAN Mass Attendance – July 2 and 3, 2016 5:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 268 465 558 215 7:00 p.m. 168 1674 TOTAL Summary of Weekly Contributions Goal for Fiscal Year 06/30/2017 is $1,341,600 Week Ending Parish Support Auto-Withdrawals Holy Days TOTAL COLLECTED FINANCIAL TARGET SURPLUS/DEFICIT (+/-) 7/3/16 $16,363 $16,369 25,800 ($9,431) Number of weeks meeting Target out of Total Weeks Year–to–Date $16,363 $16,369 25,800 ($9,431) 0 of 1 Archdiocese Legacy Loan Information Monthly Collections July Collections Loan Amount Less Principal Less Add’l Pmt Current Loan Amount Month-to-Date 7/3/16 Loan $3,913 Interest $3,913 Payment $133,115 $21,507 0 $234 $21,741 0 $111,608 $234 $21,741 Legacy of Faith – July 3 and 4, 2016 Cash Received This Week Total Received: Pledges & Gifts $3,913 $7,387,502 SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Total Outstanding Pledges Total Cash and Pledges Cost of Construction (without interest) July 10, 2016 $136,374 $7,523,876 $7,466,473 WORSHIP Holy Mass Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, July 10​
, 2016 Saturday Vigil Mass ​
5:00 ​
. Sunday 9:30 a.m., 12:00 Noon (Spanish), 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 10, 2016 Eucharistic adoration and​
devotions continues all summer long – come and grow closer to Jesus this summer – love gathers here​
See note below Wednesday July 13, 2016 ­ Chapel 6:30 a.m. Holy Mass 7:00 a.m. Exposition and All Day Adoration 3:00 p.m. – Devotions Great Hour of Mercy 6:00 p.m. Repose of the Sacrament for 6:30 p.m. Holy Mass Anointing of the Sick and Benediction Love gathers here. ­ Amor se retune aqui. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Anointing of the Sick If Anointing needed urgently call Church Office, 751­7115 Anointing in the Chapel following Mass at 6:30 p.m. on July 13 Rosary and Devotions Tuesday, 1:00 p.m., Chapel Fourth Wednesday – Rosary for Life­ Chapel First Sunday 3:00 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet EDUCATION/ FORMATION RCIA Inquiry (Pre­catechumenate) Schedule 2016 Gatherings are in either Meeting Room 2 or 3, 3:30 p.m​
. July 24 What Is the Meaning of Mass? August 28 SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Catholics and Church
July 10, 2016 Confirmation News "If you have already attended a parent meeting, and picked up your handbook and registration materials, you do not have to attend again. IF YOUR STUDENT HAS ALREADY COMPLETED YEAR 1 OF THE CONFIRMATION PROGRAM, you will ​
still need​
to attend a meeting. There are a lot of changes to the program and all registration forms need to be submitted before your student will be allowed into class in September."
Youth Group Open to all youth grades 6­12. Rolando: ​
426­5848 High School Monday June 27, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. It's Come and See 'Life' night. Our night includes Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, reflection and discussion of a relevant life topic, games and fellowship. Come and See how wonderful the Lord is! Middle School Sunday June 26, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. NO MEETING DUE TO THE STEUBENVILLE CONFERENCE JOIN US FOR TWO SUNDAY TALKS THE WORKS OF MERCY MEET IN ROSS HALL FOR TALKS AND BREAK­OUT GROUPS WITH FATHER WOLF AFTER SUNDAY MASS 10:45 AM TO NOON. JULY 17 – THE SEVEN CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY. JULY 31 – THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY. “In this Jubilee Year, may the Church echo the word of God that resounds strong and clear as a message and a sign of pardon, strength, aid and love, May she never tire of extending mercy…wherever there are Christians, everyone should find an oasis of mercy.” P
SUBSTANCE ADDICTION MINISTRY If you or a loved one are suffering from drug and/or alcohol abuse and need confidential assistance, please call the ​
SAM hotline, 405­397­9497​
. SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 10, 2016 WE NEED VOLUNTEERS To revitalize the St. Eugene Project Gabriel Ministry. Project Gabriel is a confidential, compassionate parish ministry helping women struggling with unplanned pregnancies. Project Gabriel Training Catholic Charities, 1232 N. Classen, 9 a.m., July 9. Call, 533-3000 ext. 244, for information. St. Vincent de Paul We are receiving many calls for food. Summer is here and kids are out of school. Many families rely on schools for breakfast and lunch. We are reaching out to our parishioners for foods aimed towards kids. Spaghettios, beanie weenies, peanut butter and jelly, mac and cheese, crackers, canned fruit, snack pudding packs, spaghetti, cookies, and cereal. Thank you for your generous support. Prayer Vigil to Protest Abortion Clinic Group meets Monday­Saturday 11:30 a.m. – NOON th​
1240 S.W. 44​
Street, OKC Mass following at St. James, Monday – Wednesday For more information call: 405­636­6800 COMMUNITY LIFE Seniors A pilgrimage to the Holy Doors at St. Gregory’s and the Infant of Prague is planned for August 4. Crossing through the Holy Doors by the faithful can gain a special indulgence during this Jubilee Year. SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 10, 2016 17th
Annual Midwest Catholic Family Conference August 5­7, Century II, Witchita, KS Be inspired by converts Jennifer Fulwiler and Tim Staples as they share how the moral clarity of the Catholic Church changed their lives. The conference provides many outstanding speakers for all age groups. Brochures avaqilable on the table outside of Ross Hall or visit ​ or call, 316­618­9787, for more information. SCF Gets Ready for Fall Study Looking for a great way to grow your faith and dig into Holy Scripture with others? Then consider being a facilitator for a small community of faith group this fall. Individual groups of 7­10 meet once a week for 1½ hours during day or evening. We will be discussing the Gospel of Matthew. Contact Mary or Darrell Suto, 241­5074, ​
[email protected] FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE Spanish Pre­ Cana August 20, 2016 8:30 a.m. Call Lisa, 405­7109­2709 for information † Fortnight for Freedom Receive Daily Emails with Prayers and Religious Liberty News Subscribe at † Retreat in Daily Life Register July 1­ August 31 Call Nancy, 715­0283 or Danna, 263­4472 or Joe Froehle, 341­2515, for information † 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Summer Sessions in July Call Dennis, 359­0578, for information † FOCCUS Training Training for FOCCUS Facilitators Saturday, August 27, 8:00 a.m. SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 10, 2016 Call Susan Givens, 657­2211, for information † Charismatic Catholic Prayer Meetings Every Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Catholic Pastoral Center, Room C­1 Bring Your Bible. For Information, Toni Calvey, 630­0539 or toni­[email protected] † Catholic Young Adults of OKC 18­39 married or single​
[email protected] †​
Children’s Ministry Helpers Needed for Charismatic Prayer Meeting. Stipend available. e­mail Norma, ​
[email protected]​
for information. CALENDAR OF EVENTS
Sunday, July 10
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
12:45 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
6:30 a.m.
7:00 a.m.
Youth Ministry – Youth Room MASS – CHURCH Blood Pressure Screening – Ross Hall Reading Program ­ School Coffee and Donuts – Ross Hall Baptism – Church Knights of Columbus – Meeting Room 1 Confirmation Parent Meeting – Meeting Rooms Small Comm. of Faith – Bride’s Room MASS IN SPANISH – CHURCH Pan y Café – Ross Hall Reading Program – School Middle School Youth Group – Gym Confirmation Parent Meeting – Meeting Rooms 2 and 3 Matachines ­ Gym MASS – CHURCH High School Youth Group – Gym MASS IN SPANISH – CHURCH Pan y Café – Ross Hall Monday, July 11
MASS – CHAPEL Summer Camp – Ross Hall/Gym SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
8:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
July 10, 2016 Youth Ministry – Youth Room Small Community of Faith – Meeting Room 1 Basketball – Gym Toastmasters – Meeting Room 2 Hispanic Prayer Group – Ross Hall/Chapel CCO Training – Bride’s Room Tuesday, July 12
7:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Summer Camp – Ross Hall/Gym/Nursery MASS – CHAPEL Hispanic Choir – Church Wednesday, July 13
6:30 a.m.
7:00 a.m.
7:00 a.m.
MASS ­ CHAPEL All Day Adoration – Chapel Summer Camp – Ross Hall/Gym/Nursery Wednesday, July 13 CONTINUED 8:00 a.m.
Youth Ministry – Youth Room 6:00 p.m.
Basketball – Gym 6:00 p.m.
Bell Choir ­ Church 6:30 p.m.
7:00 a.m.
8:15 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Thursday, July 14
Men’s Ministry – Meeting Room 3 Summer Camp – Ross Hall/Gym MASS – CHAPEL Familias Para Cristo – Chapel Friday, July 15
6:30 a.m.
7:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
MASS – CHAPEL Summer Camp – Ross Hall/Gym/Nursery Basketball – Gym Quinceañera Practice – Church Festival of the Americas Committee – Hispanic Office Saturday, July 16
8:00 a.m.
Filipino Group – Gym SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
3:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Cursillo Movement – Meeting Room 2 Filipino Group – Meeting Room 1 Reconciliation – Church MASS – CHURCH 8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
July 10, 2016 Sunday, July 17
Youth Ministry – Youth Room MASS – CHURCH Coffee and Donuts – Ross Hall Baptism – Church Small Community of Faith – Ross Hall Small Community of Faith – Bride’s Room MASS IN SPANISH – CHURCH Pan y Café – Ross Hall Middle School Youth Group – Gym Matachines ­ Gym MASS – CHURCH High School Youth Group – Gym Boy Scouts – Meeting Room 1 MASS IN SPANISH – CHURCH Pan y Café – Ross Hall Santa Misa Domingo, 10 de julio, 2016 XV domingo del tiempo ​
ordinario Misas: ​
Sábado 5:00 p.m. Domingo: 9:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (español), 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. (español) Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Miércoles, 13 de julio del 2016 6:30 a.m. Santa Misa 7:00 a.m. Exposición del Santísimo 3:00 p.m. Devociones­ Hora de Gran Misericordia 6:00 p.m. Reposo del Santísimo Sacramento 6:30 p.m. Santa Misa, y Bendición Sacramento de Reconciliación ­ Iglesia Sábados, 3:30 a 4:30 p.m. Unción de Los Enfermos Si necesita la Unción de Los Enfermos urgentemente, sírvase llamar al 751­7115.​
El Padre Wolf o Padre Brashears ofrecerá la Unción de los Enfermos durante la Misa de 6:30 p.m. el 13 de julio del 2016 Rosario y Devociones­Capilla Lunes 8:00 a.m. en la Iglesia ­ Martes 1:00 p.m.,­ cada cuarto miércoles del mes al medio día – Rosario por la vida,­ Primer domingo del mes 3:00 p.m. Divina Misericordia Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 10, 2016 Permite a tu Iglesia Oh Señor, garantía de libertad e inmunidad de todo mal, - da paz y orden a todas las naciones, - y haz que la tierra resuene de polo a polo con un solo grito; - Alabando al Divino Corazón, que forjo nuestra salvación; - ¡Para El gloria y honor por siempre! Amen Consagración al Sagrado Corazón de Jesus El horario de la oficina hispana es de lunes a jueves de 8:00 a.m. a 5:30 p.m. Y los domingos ​
después de misa de 12:00 p.m. hasta
las 2:00 p.m.​
La oficina Hispana estará cerrada del 10 al 24 de julio, reabrirá el 25 de julio.
Reunión de Padres para Confirmación 2016-2017
Es para los padres de los jóvenes de 8º grado de la escuela de San Eugenio, Educación Religiosa de San Eugenio, padres de los estudiantes de pre­Confirmación y los candidatos de Confirmación I. Los padres recibirán un manual y el programa con los cambios para el año entrante, tanto como las formas de registración. Habrá 2 reuniones en español el domingo 10 de julio de 2 – 3:00 pm y domingo 7 de agosto de 2­ 3:00 pm. Habrá 2 reuniones en inglés – domingo, 10 de julio de 10:45 a.m. al medio día. Y domingo 7 de agosto de 10:45 a medio día. ​
Los padres deben atender a UNA REUNION​
. Para más información favor de contactar a Patty a [email protected]​
. Movimiento Católico Familias Para Cristo
*Es un apostolado de la iglesia dedicado a la evangelización y formación integral de la familia. *Tenemos retiros, grupos de apoyo, asambleas de oración, conferencias familiares, matrimoniales y juveniles; encuentros espirituales, estudios bíblicos, talleres de discipulado, y visitas a los hogares. *Para más información, sírvase llamar a Joel al 405­788­2391 o a la Oficina Hispana al 405­751­7115. El grupo se reúne los jueves en la Capilla a las 7:00 p.m. ​
¡Ven y acompáñanos! Platicas Pre­bautismales Las pláticas pre­bautismales para el mes de julio serán el 19 y 26 de 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – en la escuela, segundo piso. Los padrinos y los padres tienen que asistir a las dos clases. Recuerden los bautizos son el segundo domingo de cada mes después de misa de 12:00 pm. Favor de pasar a la Oficina Hispana para registrarse. ​
Durante los meses de verano no habrá cuidado de niños para las pláticas. Sobres y Cambio de Dirección
No se olviden de usar sus sobres durante la colecta. Si por alguna razón necesitan una carta de la parroquia, esta es la es la única manera que tenemos de comprobar que son miembros activos y poderles ayudar. Si han cambiado de dirección, pueden usar uno de los sobres blancos que encontraran en las bancas. Incluyan su nombre completo con el cual están registrados en la parroquia. Al igual su antigua y nueva dirección. También pueden pasar a la Oficina Hispana para cambiar la dirección. Grupo de las Mujeres en Acción
El grupo de las mujeres es un ministerio que se reúne el último jueves de cada mes de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm en el salón de juntas número 2. Somos un grupo de apoyo para la comunidad. Tenemos charlas sobre la salud, el bien estar en el hogar y mucho más. Si deseas más información favor de llamar a Ana Laura Muñoz al 405.898.5012 o a la oficina hispana al 405.751.7115 Movimiento Católico Familias Para Cristo
*Es un apostolado de la iglesia dedicado a la evangelización y formación integral de la familia. *Tenemos retiros, grupos de apoyo, asambleas de oración, conferencias familiares, matrimoniales y juveniles; encuentros espirituales, estudios bíblicos, talleres de discipulado, y visitas a los hogares. *Para más información, sírvase llamar a Joel al 405­788­2391 o a la Oficina Hispana al 405­751­7115. El grupo se reúne los jueves en la Capilla a las 7:00 p.m. ​
¡Ven y acompáñanos! Grupo de Jóvenes de High School lunes​
11 de julio (7:30­ 9:30pm)
Reflexionaremos en el quinto mandamiento con relación a nuestra propia vida y a la sociedad. Acompáñanos a pasar un momento divertido con Cristo. Domingo 10 de julio, 1:30 – 3:30 pm
Reflexionaremos en el quinto mandamiento con relación a nuestra propia vida y a la sociedad. Acompáñanos a pasar un momento divertido con Cristo. Grupo de Oración Renovación Carismática Católica *Clases de crecimiento,​
estudio y reflexión los lunes de 7:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. en la capilla. Hay cuidado de niños. *El último lunes del mes tenemos adoración al Santísimo Sacramento. *También el primer viernes del mes tenemos servicio de comunión y adoración al Santísimo. *Si deseas más información, favor de contactar a Carla Chavarría al 405­365­1709 o Wilson Martinez al 405­824­3828 Here are a few poems from my ​
Living Catholic ​
radio program:
The Dishwasher There may be a way to fill a dishwasher sure and ordered SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 10, 2016 Glasses hung and all rungs filled in perfect lines and set borders I know, so many dispute the correct manners and means You’d think, in a blink, one could load the dishes and start the machine But I know, below, where the business of water and cleaning is done The machine should lean into the task at hand and start and run But all is in thrall to whatever lies dirty: plate or pan or dish Each load is a goad to the ideal of what can be used and wished There’s never, ever a time we just wash what we want to put away But accommodate the fate of whatever’s gotten dirty that day As in much of life, the wife of time is need and circumstance And the spouse of the house is mostly randomness and chance The Sounding Doorbell The doorbell rang the other day and I turned away My own Bob Cratchit come to see me, again, with his Tiny Tim out in the car Now, I have already been Ebenezer, the latter Scrooge who ran out of his house to delight in the snow and the glory of Christmas morning. Who has now become worn and tired of the endless needs of the endless poor, who are poor in the blighted lands of our age where among the tall­standing corn the ears are green or they’re wormy or withered or pulled And are not enough So I hid, standing at the sink, immobile, among the trill rings and waited, trusting no one could see until my chance for sainthood grew tired of me and left away I wonder, the gift of holiness lies at the margin of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ and, at the dying swell of the last push of the doorbell, SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 10, 2016 will the final day when we see all that is hidden, reveal me holding Tim’s hands? Or, crouching in the shadow of Ebenezer’s ledgers? Christmas came a week ago and I missed it, too busy in the kitchen The Healing Touch “You have a healing touch,” she said, as my hands went to her forehead to pray “I already feel the power of God, through you. Just trust and say what you need to say.” It’s odd to hear the coaching words from one fading from life, is now far gone Perhaps sick enough to disassociate our conventions of melody and song Or, she has let go of the secret conspiracy of practical expectations and careful sight So that now, for the first time, she’s seeing truth of life in all its vigor, connections and bight Healing is more than a return to the active stasis of bodily operations As if the body were but chemicals and organ parts bubbling in intricate fermentation Is the inestimable power of divinity piercing the veil of pain in human touch God present to us, from the gift of weakness, bandage and crutch She closed her eyes, resigned after her small prayer and brief word To surrender to the moment of God’s beginning journey: blessed, content, heard The Wedding Season “And with my body, I thee worship,” he said The first of the responses, in duo Repeated from the phrases solemnly read With rings and blessings’ solemn accrual With his body, not his words or his mind He will fully and wholly bring his espoused To the capacious hallways of the divine Where the life beyond life is sustained and housed And she also with him does repeat With all intents and purposes the same To overcome the lack in our first defeat And heal the wounded heart and soul left lame SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 10, 2016 Far from the straight rows there in Eden Beyond the limits angels’ flaming swords He the fullest help of her and she, him They become the other’s minister and lord It is almost too much to hope, heaven Contained in the frail, trembling “I Do’s” But the small ‘yes’ is but today’s leaven Rising the weakest flesh upward in lieu A Screen Shot When I click the folder on my laptop screen and the file appears with the titles and descriptions lined and orderly ready to open I marvel at the mania for order and neatness we have built we have become the image of engineers who have made a world as tidy and proper as a German dining room Will there ever be the s c a tte r o f e n v el o pe s on the coffee­stained pages the scrap paper of thought to become real art? Or are we to be condemned to orderly thought and alphabetic lists forever? Or worse, a mania for all in lines and rows and battalions that didn’t work out so well for those who preferred their scattered arrangements SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 10, 2016 to the imposition of invasions and correction, the Eastern Europe of thought and practice Real freedom is found in truth and such a telling can be orderly but not at the beginning So to the rows of files and the lovely justified edges of our documents May they be but the programmers poems to settle the bubbling roil of our thoughts as they condense to the stories we tell and become the files we know A Prayer in Our Day God of all we see in microscopes and that which catches even the piercing eye Grant, we pray, our needs come to us in the intricacies of living – as they around us lie For we trust, in our age and time, not in the powerful courses of transcendent Divine Such is fantasy to us­grounded in the rock solid facts of the world we unearth and refine So we ask the little, baubled things floating before us on the thin air of wanting And hunger for the merest list, crumbs of the banquet feast of candelabra light and colorful bunting Give us the least, it is all we want, all we need, in our lives today, as we pause to look And sprinkle out the merest dusting of your present love in our narrow cracks and tiny nooks We need nothing more, nor even Thee, except in these shortest moments of wistful considering god of our age, give us so little we need not even know of Thee: content us with forgetting At The Altar When he and she meet, quavering altarside Whether bright afternoon or dark eventide He catches her gaze and with solemn words Promises his life will, to hers, undergird She, also, staring at his intent eyes SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 10, 2016 Pledges a word, her days, his, overlie Such we see, so often we scarcely note What is asked and given in rite and rote Lives melted until they full disappear Reformed and congealed; they made new, come near But the promises greatly astounding Goes beyond common sight now abounding For we are Christ Himself fully to see Among those given each to each freely The Savior not in heaven now living But among he and she – in their lives giving As they surrender in their timid yeses God enters the world; He, them and us, blesses The Lighted Easter Candle After the Easter masses were done after all the graces poured upon the gathered many The lights were cycled to off and the doors closed shut against their seams and jambs So that the grace of resurrection, carried by the fragile testimony of quaking disciples might wing homeward from pews and kneelers and hymns All dark, but for the steady flame of the Easter candle, tall burning and forgotten in the rush to leave So that, in the dark of Easter gathering twilight a light remained, glowing circle in the now illumined space That the vacated tomb of the risen Lord, empty of the oldest story ­defeat and death and disappointment­ like the candle wicks’ persistent flame, surprised Here Below Jumble, tumble, humble life SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 10, 2016 lived in the world we know Tough, rough, gruff days we walk through here below Bright, light, right promise makes all things ring true Old, cold, bold words and meanings have the power of the new Unless, hopeless, powerless we, passive, all captured our minds Lost, tossed, dross is the hope we struggle always to find Inspired, desired, rewired is the world we’re meant to inherit Bereaved, relieved, we heed the voice telling our souls to bear it Fr. Don Wolf
SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​ St. Eugene Catholic Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 10, 2016 SIGN­UP TODAY!!!!! Tired of writing a check every week? Sign­up for Automatic Withdraw. Forms in the Church Office or on our website at: ​