St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church and School


St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church and School
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church and School
3140 N. 51st Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85031
Parish Office: 623 247 6871 Fax: 623 247 4457 Website:
St. Vincent de Paul Society: Please call 623 845 5564 for assistance
The Epiphany of the Lord
La Epífania del Señor
January 3, 2016
Mission Statement
We are the Body of Christ, dedicated to serve
our multi-cultural community to build a
strong, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, we accomplish this
through communion, faith, traditions, charity
and religious education.
En comuniòn con Cristo, estamos dedicados
a servir nuestra comunidad multi-cultural
para construir una relacion personal, fuerte
con Jesucristo. Guiados por el Espíritu Santo,
cumplimos esto por medio de la fe, tradiciones,
caridad y educación religiosa.
English Vigil
English: 7:30am, 9:30am,
Spanish: 11:30am, 1:30pm,
3:30pm & 6:00pm
Daily Rosary:
6:30am Mon.-Fri.
Daily Mass:
English: 7:00am, Mon.-Fri.
Wed, 8:15am
Spanish: 6:30pm Tues, Fri
8:00am Saturday
Tuesday: 5:30pm
Saturday: 3:00pm onward
or by appointment
The importance of registration in the Church
Many times we are unaware of the importance of being recorded in our home
parish. We do not feel the need. However, it is very important that we do register,
because this is the way the Catholic Church is organized in this country; through
registration the church offers various services.
If you regularly attend St. Vincent de Paul Parish or any other Catholic Church, and
is not registered, we recommend you go to the office to register. It is best you do
not wait to have a need for it.
This will bring many benefits to your family in the future that only registered users
can have, based on their attendance recorded through the use of envelopes during
Sunday Masses. for instance:
• You can ask for spiritual counseling and be treated more quickly and priority.
• You may request and receive any sacrament (Baptism, Marriage, Anointing of the
Sick, First Communion or Confirmation) or services as blessings of homes, businesses, cars, burial place, etc.
• You can enroll your children in the Christian Formation R.E. program (It is a
requirement to be registered and active).
Every Friday in the Church
Benediction 6:15PM
Spanish Mass 6:30PM
• You can request a letter with the total contributions made to the church
throughout the year for tax purposes.. Remember that your donation may be tax
Miraculous Medal Novena
Every Monday after Mass
• Catholic School Parents could receive a tuition break for being registered active
members of their church. These letters are only signed for parishoners who have
been active for 6 months or more shown through the attendance to mass, use of
their envelopes on a weekly basis and volunteer work done at the parish.
Office Hours
Chapel Hours
1st: Go to the parish office and fill out a form with your basic information. It is
completely confidential and free.
Any contribution to the Church is certainly a gift from God and fruit of your
labor. We deeply appreciate every donation, large or small. The maintenance of the
Church (services like A / C, water, electricity, telephone, etc. and arrangements of
buildings) are very costly. But please note that this is a sacred place where all seek
to meet God and receive his grace and consolation through the sacraments and
other services offered here. So please, consider giving the Church with generosity
and joy. In addition, we invite you to make use of offering envelopes, and only then
we will have evidence of their involvement as a practicing Catholic.
Do not delay, sign in at the office as soon as possible!
Stewardship Mission:
One Hour TO the LORD
One Hour WITH the LORD
La importancia de Registrarse en la Iglesia.
Como hispanos, no está en nuestra cultura el registrarse en las parroquias de
nuestros países de origen y por ello muchos no lo hacemos cuando emigramos a
Estados Unidos. No sienten la necesidad. Sin embargo, es de suma importancia que
lo hagamos porque es la manera como está organizada la Iglesia Católica en este
país; a partir del registro se ofrecen los diferentes servicios.
Inglés: 5:00PM
Inglés: 7:30am, 9:30am,
Español: 11:30am, 1:30pm,
3:30pm & 6:00pm
Si usted asiste regularmente a la Iglesia Católica San Vicente de Paúl o a cualquier
otra parroquia, y no está registrado, le recomendamos que vaya a la oficina a
registrarse. No espere a sentir o tener necesidad de hacerlo.
Lun.-Vier. 6:30am
Esto traerá a su familia muchos beneficios en el futuro que sólo los usuarios registrados pueden tener, basado en su asistencia registrada a través del uso de los sobres
durante las Misas Dominicales. Por ejemplo:
• Usted puede solicitar consejería espiritual y ser atendido con más rapidez y prioridad.
• Usted puede solicitar y recibir cualquier Sacramento (Bautismo, Matrimonio, Unción de los Enfermos, Primera Comunión o Confirmación) o servicios como bendiciones de casas, negocios, autos, lugar de sepultura, etc.
• Usted puede recibir formación cristiana o inscribir a sus hijos en el Catecismo (Es un requisito estar registrado y activo semanalmente).
• Usted puede pedir una carta con el total de sus donaciones para hacer sus Impuestos (Taxes). Recuerde que su donación puede ser deducible de taxes. (Por eso es importante entregar su donación con su número de sobre).
• Usted puede pedir una carta de recomendación para la Corte o Migración. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que una carta de la Iglesia es de gran valor,
incluso puede ser esencial para su caso. Así que. Regístrese ya!
Misa Diaria:
Inglés: Lun.-Vier. 7:00am, Miercoles. 8:15am
Español: Martes y Viernes 6:30pm
Sàbado 8:00am
Martes: 5:30pm
Sàbado: 3:00pm en adelante o por cita
Todos los Viernes en la
Bendiciòn 6:15PM
Misa en Español 6:30PM
Cada Lunes despuès de Misa
Medalla Milagrosa (en ingles)
Horas de Oficina
Lunes a Viernes:
1o. Vaya a la oficina de la Parroquia para llenar un formulario con su información básica. Es totalmente confidencial y gratuito. Vea nuestro horario de
oficina en la página 2 (de lunes a viernes de 9:00am a 6:00pm).
Contribuir a la Iglesia es sin duda un regalo de Dios y un fruto de su trabajo.
Apreciamos profundamente cada donación, grande o pequeña. El mantenimiento
de la Iglesia (servicios como A/C, agua, electricidad, teléfono, etc. y los arreglos de
los edificios) cuesta mucho. Pero, por favor, tenga en cuenta que éste es el lugar
sagrado donde todos buscamos encontrarnos con Dios y recibir sus gracias y
consuelos a través de los Sacramentos y demás servicios que aquí se ofrecen.
Así que por favor, considere en dar a la Iglesia con generosidad y alegría. Además,
le invitamos a hacer uso de los sobres para la ofrenda, ya que solo así tendremos
evidencia de su participación como católico practicante.
No se demore, registrarse en la oficina lo antes posible!
Horarios de la Capilla
entrada por el
estacionamiento handicap
Stewardship Mission:
Weekly Parish Activity Schedule
Calendario Semanal Parroquial
Monday/Lunes, January 4th, 2015
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria
Christian Formation
C.F. Parent Classes- Hall
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd- Atrium
Al-Anon - Field House
Estudio de Biblia MSP- room 92
Adult Sacrament Class- Room 91
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria
Christian Formation
C.F. Parent Classes- Hall & Room 91
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd- Atrium
Daily Mass /Misa - Church
Guadalupanas- Guadalupe Chapel & room 92
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria
Planificación natural Familiar-JP2 & 106
Coro de Niños- JP2
ROCK High School Youth Group- Hall
Spanish RICA- Room 100 & Escuela de la Cruz- Library
Legion de Maria- JP2 & Choir Practice- romm 209
Apóstoles de la Palabra- Room 103 & Estudio de Biblia MSP- room 102, 92
Encuentro Matrimonial- Room 101
Alcoholicos Anonimos in Field House
Tuesday/Martes, January 5th, 2015
Wednesday/Miercoles, January 6th 2015
Thursday/Jueves, January 7th, 2015
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria
Estudio Biblico MSP- Capilla de Guadalupe
Llama de Amor- Room 93
Escuela de la Cruz- Room 100 & Rachel’s Vineyard- Room JP2
Choir Practice - Room 209
Holiness of Life Class- Room 101 & Estudio de Biblia MSP- Room 102, 103
Alcoholicos Anonimos in Field House & Reavivamiento Matrimonial -Hall
Friday/Viernes, January 8th, 2015
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria
Daily Mass/Misa - Church
Grupo de Evangelizacion - Room 100 & Retrouvaille- Room 100
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria
Llama de Amor- JP2
Estudio de Biblia con los Misioneros- Room 103
Al-Anon- Field House
Vigil Mass/Misa de Vigilia- Church
Mujeres de Fe “Mamas Solteras”- Room 92 & Estudio de Blia MSP-Room102
Alcoholicos Anonimos in Field House & CERS- Room 101
Divine Mercy Prayer Group-Church
Saturday/Sabado, January 9th, 2015
Sunday/Domingo, January 10th, 2015
Breakfast Hosted by: Grupo Genesis
6:00am Cursillo - Field House
7:00pm Alchoholicos Anonimos in Field House
The Hospital Ministry is in need of new
Ministers to visit the sick at Maryvale
Hospital on Sundays. Please call the parish office if you
are interested in taking part of this rewarding minisitry.
El Ministerio de Enfermos esta en necesidad de nuevos
ministros para llevar comunión a los enfermos de
nuestra comunidad. Estas son personas ancianas, o
enfermos que no pueden salir de sus hogares, pero quieren
recibir comunión.
Para más informes: Noemi Garcia (623) 297-3202
“Your Poor Box at Work”
Today is the feast of the Epiphany, where the
Magi find the newborn King and offer him gifts of Gold,
Frankincense and Myrh. In the spirit of the Magi, please
continue your gifts to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
so that comfort and peace can once again be given to a
newborn child.
May God Bless us All!
Weekly Collection ~ Colecta Semanal
December 19th & 20th, 2015
SOCIETY $306.00
Number of Member envelopes used this weekend: 668
Nùmero de sobres usados este domingo: 668
Mass Intentions / Misas de Intenciòn
Sunday/Domingo-January 3rd, 2016
Dolores Salazar deceased
Edna M. Cruz deceased
Daniel Cruz deceased
Elva Velasquez deceased
Ramon Velasquez deceased
Salvador Garcia Gonzalez deceased
Javier Borja Luna deceased
Francisca Delgado deceased
Teresa Hernandez Mena deceased
Monday/Lunes-January 4th, 2016
For the Poor of our Community
Lily Figueroa deceased
Consuelo Saucedo deceased
8:15am SVdP School
Our Parish Priests
6:30pm Pope Francis
Eloisa Herrera deceased
Tuesday/Martes-January 5th, 2016
Wednesday/Miercoles-January 6th, 2016
Thursday/Jueves-January 7th, 2016
Friday/Viernes-January 8th, 2016
Saturday/Sabado-January 9th, 2016
Victoria Diaz deceased
Bartolo Chavez deceased
for Vocations
Weekly Readings:
Monday: 1 Jn 3:22 -- 4:6;
Mt 4:12-17, 23-25
Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10;
Mk 6:34-44
Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18;
Mk 6:45-52
Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19 -- 5:4;
Lk 4:14-22a
Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13;
Lk 5:12-16
Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21;
Jn 3:22-30
Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7
Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10
Acts 10:34-38
Lk 3:15-16, 21-22
Lecturas de la Semana
Lunes: 1 Jn 3:22 -- 4:6;
Mt 4:12-17, 23-25
Martes: 1 Jn 4:7-10;
Mc 6:34-44
Miercoles: 1 Jn 4:11-18;
Mc 6:45-52
Jueves: 1 Jn 4:19 -- 5:4;
Lc 4:14-22a
Viernes: 1 Jn 5:5-13;
Lc 5:12-16
Sabado: 1 Jn 5:14-21;
Jn 3:22-30
Domingo: Is 42:1-4, 6-7
Sal 29 (28):1-4, 3, 9-10
Hch 10:34-38
Lc 3:15-16, 21-22
Your 2016 envelopes are ready for you to take
home! Please stop by Sharpe Hall to pick
yours up today.
If you were unable to find your member envelopes,
please use any envelope with your member number
temporarily while we find your families member
envelopes. If you are uncertain of what your member
number is please call the parish office.
Keep in mind if you have not kept your member
envelopes active but continue to attend mass at our
parish, you may be set as inactive and will need to
come into the office to re-register. Any questions
please call the parish office.
Para los padres de familia que
inscriben a sus hijos para el año
escolar 2016-2017, por favor tengan
en cuenta lo siguiente:
Para recibir reducción en la Matricula de la escuela Católica, su párroco deberá
determinar si su familia cumple con el
criterio definido por la parroquia en
cuanto los miembros registrados,
Los sobres para el 2016 estan listos para que usted y activos de la parroquia. La definición de estar
se los lleve a casa. Por favor pase al salón
registrado, activo y participando varia por parSharpe y recogalos hoy.
roquia, pero normalmente incluye asistir a Misa
Si no pudo encontrar sus sobres de miembro, favor de contribuir a la ofrenda por medio de su sobre y
usar un sobre provisional con su numero de sobre. Si apoyando a la vida ministerial de la parroquia (dar
tiempo voluntario,
no sabe el numero, por favor llame a la oficina
participar en grupos y eventos, etc.).
parroquial para conseguirlo.
alguna duda sobre el estatus de su familia,
Tome en cuenta si no ha estado usando sus sobres de
por favor comuníquese con la
miembro todos los domingos pero si viene a misa,
oficina párroquial directamente.
puede estar como miembro inactivo y tendra que
Todo alumno de secundaria en
venir personalmente a la oficina parroquial para
escuelas diocesanas que reciben
inscribirse de Nuevo. Cualquier pregunta, llame
reducción de la matricula del año entrante,
a la oficina.
deberán tener su estatus verificado por su
(623) 247-6871
párroco antes de que puedan
inscribirse como Católicos.)
Pastoral Staff
Shine your light on education!
When you redirect your State Tax
Dollars to Catholic Education
Arizona, you are putting our students
on the path to a bright future!
You get: a dollar for dollar AZ tax
credit + a Federal Tax Credit (this
would apply for 2016 taxes) + to know
you blessed a child with a Catholic
Call 1-888-829-2738 or go online to and
designate St. Vincent de Paul Catholic
There are bilingual forms at the back
of the Church. Please take one!
For parents registering
their children for
Catholic Schools
the 2016-2017 school
year, please note:
In order to receive the school’s
reduced Catholic Tuition Rate,
your pastor must determine
whether your family meets the
criteria set by your parish for
Active, Participating members.
The definition of registered,
active, and participating varies by
parish, but usually includes
attending Mass regularly as well
as contributing with an envelope to
the offertory along with supporting
the ministry life of the parish
(like being part of a group or
ministry as well as church events).
If you have questions about your
family’s status, please contact the
parish office directly.
(Note: All Diocesan high school
students receiving the reduced
tuition rate for the coming year must
have their status verified by their
home pastor before they can be
registered as Catholic.)
Rev. José J. Lopez ext: 105
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar:
Rev. Felix Joal Bernales Ext: 106
[email protected]
Rev. Rudy Rosales/Ext: 129
[email protected]
Rev. Benjamin Rivera
Deacon Ernesto Ramirez
Parish Manager
Ofelia Fiorentino ext. 103
[email protected]
Elemetary Formation
Maria Mendoza Ext: 250
[email protected]
Cathesis of the Good Shepard
Maria Mancilla Ext: 250
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
Vanessa Romero Ext: 0
The 2016 Catholic Men’s Conference is
[email protected]
being held on February 6th at Xavier
Josefina Mata
College Preparatory Performing Arts
[email protected]
Center. This is an extraordinary day for
Adult Formation
Fathers, Sons and Friends to spend the day Sister Margery Therese ext: 113
[email protected]
with Jesus. Imagine being in a huge room
filled with fellow catholic men celebrating Youth Ministry
Esmeralda De la Rosa ext: 114
the church and hearing solutions for modern [email protected]
Catholic men in this insane world.
Music Director
Tickets are on sale at
Jose Luis Castro
Festival de la Vida y
la Familia
Enero 10, 2016 9am-5pm
Ven a disfrutar de nuestro fiestón de
Reyes, con el grupo Atencion,
Atencion, con la obra
“Llegaron los Reyes”.
Mucho entretenamiento para toda la
familia, música, regalos y puestos de
información y de comida.
Nos visitaran los 3 Reyes Magos,
Gaspar, Melchor y Baltazar.
Te esperamos.
Boletos disponibles en la oficina
[email protected]
Alberto Vela
Salvador De la Torre
Adrian Jimenez
Altar Servers & Quinceañeras
Conny Estefania
Marriage Preperation
Nancy Perez
St. Vincent de Paul School
Interim Principal
Mr. Enrique Diaz
Sr. Cabrini Thomas
Daughters of Charity
Sr. Mary Loretta
Sr. Marie Do
School Office:
Phone: 623-247-8595
Fax: 623-245-0132
Finance Office Fax:
School Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 7:30am-3:30pm