August 15 NACA Meeting - North Austin Civic Association
August 15 NACA Meeting - North Austin Civic Association
Volume 11, No. 07 August, 2013 Circulation 4000 August 15 NACA Meeting After several speakers cover CPR training, energy conservation and community revitalization, NACA members will enjoy some ice cream and conversation at the meeting on Thursday, Aug. 15 at the North Austin YMCA/Rec Center, 1000 W. Rundberg, at 7 p.m. Speakers include Hilary Higdon, an Austin firefighter and EMT, on some quick CPR training, Miles Whitten of Circular Energy speaking about residential solar energy and Melinda Schiera and Ann Teich giving an update on efforts to get a rental registration ordinance passed. NACA officers will report on the Restore Rundberg initiative. Little Free Library By Caro Dubois NORTH AUSTIN CIVIC ASSOCIATION (NACA) President John Green...........................512-339-2301 Vice President Ann Teich.............................512-797-7724 Secretary Matt Myers...........................512-748-2425 Treasurer Brian La Cour......................512-837-2324 APD District Representative Frank Wilson........................512-974-8135 ANC Representative Domenic & Melinda Schiera... 512-573-6620 NACN Representative Gabe Rojas...........................512-468-4455 PO Box 180803 Austin, TX 78718 Hi Neighbors! Just wanted to invite you to visit our little free library box at 8601 Bridgeport, on the corner of Bridgeport and Fairfield, and it's hanging on the fence along the side of Fairfield. The idea is to take and/or leave books on the honor system. So far, children's books have definitely been the most popular items taken, but turnover has been pretty high overall. It's a great way to clean out old books from your house and maybe find something new to read. NEXT MEETING Date................................................... 08/15 Time............................................ 7:00 p.m. Place.....N. Austin Community Center (YMCA) on 1000 W. Rundberg IN THIS ISSUE August 15th NACA Meeting....................1 Little Free Library.....................................1 To learn more about the Little Free Library movement, you can check out the website: Now is the Time........................................2 Read on! Emily, Ben, Daphne (3 years), and Woody (4 months) Clean Street Schedule...............................3 SECCION EN ESPAÑOL Bob Baker Memorial.................................3 Sección en Español...................................4 Consiga Artículos en Español en la Página 4 Walkers Needed........................................8 Now is the Time By John Green “May you live in interesting times...” the supposed but never documented Chinese curse seems to be alive in NACA. The summer is winding down and school is starting back up and now: NACA is poised to become a considered area of Austin. We are situated between The Domain and the soon-to- come North Lamar Transportation project investment as well as the Crestfield development just to the south on Lamar. Further, we are in physically perfect location for Google Fiber, a creative destructive force in communications. Investment brackets us. Our neighborhood is seeing an increasing turnover of real estate to many new young folks. We have 125+ nationalities, numerous active faith groups including Austin Interfaith. Have you surveyed the different restaurants here? We compete with any New York City neighborhoods on diversity of great cuisine. We reflect America: some retired, many different, techy, and immigrant. And we have issues: slum housing, homelessness, safe & affordable housing, and crime. Boy do we have crime and now we have the momentum to stop and change the momentum. I’ve been involved in NACA for about 10 years, I’ve been more active for 3, with this past year a firehose drinking event. My next article will attempt to list the prior 15 years that has poised NACA neighbors to reap a great lifestyle now. I believe it is time for action and you need to help (please): 1) Rental Registration is a real possibility. NACA favors a city wide registration of rental properties. We consider inspections for non-code violating properties once every 5 years or change of ownership. These inspections would include interior and exterior of rental properties. This data set will provide for an inventory of housing needed to both allow searches for renters and accountability for slum lords. This inventory can also be quite useful in times of disaster or emergencies. However if you’re an owner and in constant code violation, you could get shut down. That action would mean some properties become unavailable and this may impact the poor. Because of that risk NACA began “Safer Housing for Austin”. We are working with advocates for the poor to mitigate this risk to the rental registration effort. The Austin Apartment Association (AAA) and the Austin Board of Realtors (ABOR) are against any form of rental registration. To them and their fine leadership I say “hogwash”. The offending owners are members of your organization and you’ve (AAA and ABOR) done nothing to address the issues with them for 20 years. Enough. Time for trust but verify with rental registration and accountability. NACA wants to advocate for a proactive City of Austin (COA) Code Enforcement department. In order to do this, Code needs tools like rental registration and the municipal court that understand how to enforce repeated code violation with teeth (i.e. owner accountability). 2) Restore Rundberg Initiative (RRI) RRI is a US Department of Justice (DOJ) grant for a 3 year $1 million grant to Austin Police Department (APD). The University of Texas’ Law Entrepreneurship and Community Development Clinic and University of Texas’ The Population Research Center have been researching Rundberg area issues for 8 years, in different capacities, and have provided APD, NACA and City Council dramatic examples of progress when “broken windows” are promptly fixed. This leads to the need for NACA to support our NACA Contact Team member (Brian Almon) applying for a position on the RRI Board. We need a seat at this table. We need to provide the best possible direction to maximize and potentially grow the RRI in NACA. As always, NACA hopes to (Continued on Page 4) NACA NEWSLETTER STAFF Linda Moore/Editor....................................................... 512-836-0160 Nathalie Cappione/Layout.................................. [email protected] Speedy’s Printing.......................................................... 512-454-9320 Mary Tokumaru/Walker News........... [email protected] Contributing Staff: Linda Moore, John Green , Caro Dubois, Susie Milam If you have News or Event Information contact Linda Moore YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS FROM NACAPAGE 2 Bob Baker Memorial By Linda Moore When Bob Baker died on May 23, the church he and his wife Angela attended was filled with friends and neighbors from NACA and elsewhere. Here are a few highlights of his life: He was born on March 2, 1931 in Center Grove, Indiana and joined the Air Force in 1950 and worked in military intelligence during the Korean War. He took advantage of the GI Bill to get an engineering degree at Purdue University. In 1958, he moved to Albuquerque NM to work at Sandia Labs where he did nuclear weapons research. It was there that he met his future wife, Angela, and they married in June 1960 and had five children. Bob and Angela moved to the NACA neighborhood in 1997, after he retired from a distinguished career that included testing nuclear weapons systems and observing nearly 40 atmospheric atom bomb tests. He was president and chairman of the board for the American Society of Nondestructive Testing. Bob was active in Habitat for Humanity, the Knights of Columbus at St. Albert the Great Catholic Church, Austin Interfaith, and NACA. He will be remembered by the coffee group for bringing jokes to the group every Friday. A memorial donation will be made by NACA in Bob’s honor to Habitat for Humanity, where he was active up until his last illness in helping build homes. (Continued from Page 3) communicate with the City, advocate for safe and improving lifestyle in our neighborhood and work with other like minded Austin groups, agencies and associations. As always I *urge* y’all reading this article to join NACA now. $15 /year! The North Austin Garden Show, our restaurants, Google Fiber, the community involvement of the YMCA, Austin Interfaith, Lanier High School, APD and you make the North Austin Civic Association neighborhood fun to live here. Let’s keep the momentum. Register to vote, support your neighborhood, rental registration and the Restore Rundberg Initiative now. Have a great end of summer! Clean Streets Schedule By Susie Milam Welcome to all current Beautification Volunteers and those who would like to join the group to help with street cleanup. Volunteers work for two hours on the second Saturday of the month nine times a year. Bags, gloves, safety vests, long-handled grabbers, and water are provided. Come join the group making NACA a clean neighborhood! To sign up, or for more information, call Susie Milam (491-9159). --------Clip & Save--------Clip & Save---------Clip & Save--------- September 14, 2013 Rutland (Lamar to Parkfield) – meet at H-E-B parking lot, NW corner October 12, 2013 Payton Gin (Lamar to Ohlen) – meet in front of Lanier H.S. November 9, 2013 Rundberg (Parkfield to Lamar) – meet at Taco More parking lot, NW corner of Rundberg and Parkfield intersection January 11, 2014 Rutland (Lamar to Parkfield) – meet at H-E-B parking lot, NW corner February 8, 2014 Fairfield (Jamestown to Research) – meet on Fairfield behind Lanier H.S. March 8, 2014 Rundberg (Parkfield to Lamar) – meet at Taco More parking lot, NW corner of Rundberg and Parkfield intersection April 12, 2014 Ohlen/Research/Payton Gin triangle– meet at Brethren Church, 1706 Payton Gin (park on Galewood) May 10, 2014 Payton Gin (Lamar to Ohlen) – meet in front of Lanier H.S June 14, 2014 Mearns Meadow (Rundberg to Parkfield) – meet at Quail Creek Park YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS FROM NACAPAGE 3 SECCION EN ESPAÑOL Artículos Reunión NACA el 15 de Agosto Después de que nuestros presentadores terminen sus charlas sobre resucitación cardiopulmonar (RCP), revitalización de la comunidad; los miembros de la Associación Civil de el Norte de Austin (NACA) podrán disfrutar de helados y compartir un tiempo agradable entre miembros en la reunión el 15 de Agosto a las 7:00 pm en el YMCA de el Norte de Austin localizado en 1000 W. Rundberg,. competir con cualquier vecindario de Nueva York por la diversidad de cocinas espectaculares que tenemos. Somos la reflección de América: Algunos están retirados, otros trabajan en el área de la technología, y otros son inmigrantes. Tenemos problemas: Residencias poco atendidas, personas sin hogar, y crimen. Mucho crimen y ahora es el momento de pararlo. He formado parte de NACA por 10 años, he sido un poco más activo los últimos 3 meses. En mi próximo artículo haré un listado de los 15 años previos que han hecho que nuestra comunidad sea una gran área para vivir. (Continua en la Página 6) Los presentadores de esta reunión serán Hilary Higdon, miembro de el cuerpo de bomberos de Austin y paramédico, quién dará un entrenamiento básico sobre resucitación cardiopulmonar (RCP), Miles Whitten de Circular Energy hablará sobre energía solar para las residencias y Melinda Schiera y Ann Teich darán un avance sobre los esfuerzos para aprovar normas para el registro de rentas. Los oficiales de la Associación Civil de el Norte de Austin (NACA) darán un reporte sobre la iniciativa de restoración de la calle Rundberg. Ahora es el Momento Por John Green "Que puedas vivir en un tiempo interesante..." el supuesto, pero nunca documentado proverbio chino parece estar vivo en la Associación Civil de el Norte de Austin (NACA). El verano está terminando y las clases empezarán pronto, NACA está lista para ser considerada como una de las areas en Austin para vivir. Estamos situados entre el Domain, el proyecto "en desarrollo" de Transportación de el Norte de la Lamar, el proyecto Crestfield al sur de la Lamar. Además estamos fisicamente en la ubicación perfecta para Google Fibra, una nueva iniciativa de internet, cable y otros proyectos de alta definición. Nuestro vecindario está experimentando un aumento de residentes de edades más jovenes. Tenemos más de 125 nacionalidades, numerosos miembros activos creyentes incluyendo Austin Interreligiosos. ¿Há visto la variedad de restaurantes que tenemos? Podemos YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS FROM NACAPAGE 4 NACA A D V E RT I S I N G R AT E S Business Card........$25 per issue 1/4 Page. . ...............$50 per issue 1/2 Page. . .............$100 per issue Full Page.............$200 per issue Advertisers who pay for at least 3 advertisements get a $5 discount per issue. Advertisements should be emailed to [email protected] and checks sent to: NACA, P.O. BOX 180803, Austin TX 78718 FLOWERS ARE BLOOMING! Celebrate Spring WITH SOME TA S T Y S N A C K S S u n r is e Mini-Mart Stop by our neighborhood store at 1762 Colony Creek 512-836-9761 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS FROM NACAPAGE 5 (Continuación de la Página 4) Creo que es tiempo de actuar y necesitamos su ayudar (por favor) 1) El Registro de Renta es una posibilidad real: NACA constituye una gran parte de las áreas de Austin con propiedades en renta. Consideramos inspecciones para cualquier violación fuera de el código cada 5 años, o a lo que la residencia cambia de dueño. Estas inspecciones incluyen la parte interior y exterior de las propiedades en renta. Con estos datos podremos saber cuales propiedades están en renta y cuales son consideradas casas en mal estado. Este inventorio también puede ser util en caso de algún desastre o emergencia. Sin embargo, si usted es dueño y esta constantemente violando el código, se le podrá cerrar la casa. Esto significa que algunas propiedades no estarán disponibles y esto podría impactar a las personas de bajos recursos. Por ese riesgo, NACA comenzo "Casas Seguras en Austin" Estamos trabajando con los defensores de el pobre para mitigar este riesgo en los esfuerzos de el registro de renta. La Asociación de Apartamentos de Austin (AAA) y la Junta de Corredor de Bienes Raíces de Austin (ABOR) están en contra de cualquier registro de renta. A ellos y a sus líderes les digo "que asco". Los dueños ofensores son miembros de su organización y tu (AAA y ABOR) no han hecho nada para solucionar el problema por 20 años. Esto conduce a la necesidad de que NACA apoye a nuestro miembro de equipo de contacto (Brian Almon) a aplicar por una posición dentro de la junta de (RRI). Necesitamos una silla en esa mesa. Necesitamos proveer la mejor dirección posible para maximizar y potencialmente aumentar el RRI en NACA. Como siempre, NACA espera comunicarse con la ciudad, defender la seguridad y mejorar el estilo de vida en nuestra comunidad y trabajar con ortos grupos, agencias y asociaciones en Austin que piensen como nosotros. Como siempre les *recomiendo* a todos los que leen este artículo formar parte de NACA ahora por tan solo $15 el año! El Show de Jardines de el Norte de Austin, nuestros restaurantes, Google Fibra, el YMCA de la comunidad, Austin Interreligioso, La Escuela Secundaria Lanier, El Departamento Policial de Austin, y usted, hacen de la Associación Civil de el Norte de Austin un lugar divertido para vivir. Sigamos así! Regístrese para votar, apoye ahora a el Registro de Rentas de su vecindario y la Iniciativa de Restoración de Rundberg. Que tenga un feliz fin de verano! Suficiente. Tiempo para confiar, pero, verificando y haciendo responsable a el ofensor con el registro de renta. NACA defiende la proactividad de el Departamento de Ejecución de el Código de la Ciudad de Austin (COA). Para hacer esto, el código necesita herramientas como el registro de renta y la corte municipal que entiende como hacer cumplir las leyes, a aquellos que violen el código repetidamente. (ejemplo: Hacer a los dueños de casas responsables por sus violaciones). 2) La Iniciativa de Restoración de Rundberg (RRI) (RRI) es una beca de 1 millón de dólares por 3 años otorgada por el Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos a el Departamento Policial de Austin (APD). La Universidad de Texas Leyes Empresarios, la Clínica de el Desarrollo de la Comunidad de la Universidad de Texas, El Centro de Investigación de la Población, han estado investigando áreas problemáticas de la calle Rundberg por 8 años en diferentes capacidades, y le han dado a el Departamento Policial de Austin, NACA y el Ayuntamiento ejemplos dramáticos de progreso como ventanas rotas que son reparadas rapidamente. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS FROM NACAPAGE 6 LIVE LONGER LIVE BETTER The North Austin YMCA is here to help active older adults live better and enjoy life more. Whether you’re looking to remain fit and active, recover from an injury, relieve arthritis pain, or you just want to connect & have fun with your peers, Y programs are a perfect place to start. Active Older Adults programs include: l l l l Active O Adult Cla lder ss FREE fo es rY Members Aqua Arthritis Gentle Yoga Masters Swimming Zumba Gold and more! North Austin YMCA 1000 W. Rundberg l 512-973-9622 YMCA of Austin NPark July 2013 NACA.indd 1 Swim Lessons Now Enrolling! 6/6/2013 2:44:01 PM Wednesday: 6:30 PM (English) YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS FROM NACAPAGE 7 Walkers Needed We need a new distributor for Area 3 to deliver bags of newsletters to the area from Payton Gin (south), to Parkfield (west), to Rutland (north), and Lamar (east). Within the area there are 15 walkers who get bags of newsletter. Please contact Eleanor Langsdorf at 873-0480 if you are interested in being the Area 3 distributor. AREA 1: No Walkers Needed AREA 2: Rundberg(12/W. of Parkfield); Rutland(60/W. of Parkfield); Tronewood(5); Briardale(26); 8900-9307 Hunters Trace(40). AREA 3: Grouse Meadow + 1201-1205 Rutland(58); Quail Field Circle (13/ E. of Parkfield), Grouse Meadow + 12011205 Rutland (58). AREA 4A: 10305-10410 Golden Meadow(26); Newfoundland Circle(29). AREA 4B: Kramer Ln.(4/W. of Parkfield); Lambert Cir.(29); Golden Meadow(28) + Little Pebble(20); Pine Knoll(57). Newsletter Walkers distribution areas. AREA 5: Bird Creek(66) + Fieldwood(80). N A C A MEMBERSHIP FORM Enclosed are my dues for 2013 $15 for Regular Membership, $25 for Silver Membership, or $50 for Gold Membership _ Help Deliver Newsletter _ Help Maintain Heron Hollow _ Attend City Council/Planning Commission Meetings _ Help with Code Enforcement _ Be a Beautification Volunteer Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Email Pay online at or mail this form & check to: NACA Treasurer PO BOX 180803 Austin TX 78718 Check here if you do not want name and address on the NACA website. Serving Austin and Surrounding Cities Since 1977 Quality Printing at Reasonable Prices Locally Owned and Operated Business Cards Letterheads Envelopes Invoices Work Orders Brochures Door Hangers Fliers Newsletters Weddings - Anniversaries - Quinceañeras - Graduation Invitations in English or Spanish Call or come by and let us meet your needs for Business or Personal Printing 111 W. Anderson Ln. Ste. E-315, Austin TX 78752 Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM 512-454-9320 Se Habla Español YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS FROM NACAPAGE 8