July 3, 2016 - St. John the Evangelist
July 3, 2016 - St. John the Evangelist
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church 500 East Travis Street Luling, Texas 78648 Rev. Howard Goertz, Pastor Deacon Paul Easterling Patricia Gonzales, Administration Marilyn Williams, Religious Education Haurora Ordonez, Youth Ministry Gloria Riojas, Custodian SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:30 pm (English) Sunday: 8:00 am (Spanish) & 10:00 am (English) Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday 4:45 pm–5:15 pm & Wednesday after 8 am Mass DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday: 6:30 pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 am 24-hour Adoration: Begins Thursday 8:00 am - Concludes Friday 8:00 am PARISH OFFICE: 830-875-5354 FAX: 830-875-3533 Office Hours: Mon. & Fri. 9 am – 1 pm * Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 8 am - 1 pm ~ 2 - 5 pm PARISH HALL: 830-875-9052 PARISH RECTORY: 830-351-5043 PARISH EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] ESTABLISHED IN 1879 St. John the Evangelist www.stjohnluling.com Page 2 REFLECTIONS HAVE A SAFE & BLESSED PEACE 4TH OF JULY WEEKEND! The greeting of peace at Mass adds substance to a message of today’s readings: peace is relational. When we greet in peace the person near us at Mass, we share the touch of a handshake or embrace, sincere eye contact, and friendly words. The scriptures speak of a similar peace. The first reading from Isaiah describes the peace of the holy city, Jerusalem, a place of prosperity and comfort where the “LORD’s power shall be known to his servants” (Isaiah 66:14c). The Christian understanding of peace changes slightly. Paul writes of the “peace and mercy” on all who are created anew. Jesus describes a feeling of peace that will rest on those who accept his disciples and their message. Peace is both an absence of strife and a personal blessing. May we always and sincerely bring peace to our own lives as we share it with others. Father Howard Deacon Paul & Church Staff ST. JOHN’S STAFF VACATION SCHEDULE * * Father Howard Goertz * * Monday, July 4—Tuesday, July 5, 2016 Monday, July 11—Friday, July 29, 2016 A Visiting Priest will celebrate Mass July 16/17 & July 23/24 * * July 4, 2016 - Independence Day * * Church Office Closed ST. JOHN’S PARISH HALL KITCHEN OPEN HOUSE / BLESSING SATURDAY, JULY 9 & SUNDAY, JULY 10 FOLLOWING EACH MASS ********** BURNING OF SANCTUARY LIGHT REFLEJOS LA PAZ El saludo de la paz en la Misa fundamenta un mensaje de las lecturas de hoy: la paz es relacional. Cuando le damos la paz a la persona que está cerca de nosotros en la Misa, compartimos el roce de un apretón de manos o un abrazo, el contacto visual sincero y palabras amistosas. Las Escrituras hablan de una paz similar. La primera lectura de Isaías describe la paz como la ciudad sagrada, Jerusalén, un lugar de prosperidad y de consuelo donde “Los siervos del Señor conocerán su poder”. El entendimiento cristiano de la paz cambia ligeramente. San Pablo escribe sobre “la paz y la misericordia” para todos los que son nuevas criaturas. Jesús describe un sentimiento de paz que se posará sobre los que aceptan a sus discípulos y a su mensaje. La paz es tanto la ausencia de conflictos como una bendición personal. Que siempre y sinceramente traigamos paz a nuestras propias vidas mientras la compartimos con los demás. JULY 2016 FAMILY Offered by: Mary Helen Hernandez WEEKLY OFFERINGS REPORT Weekend of June 25 & 26, 2016 Collections 1st Collection ............................................................ $2,598.63 Children’s Collection..................................................... $49.10 Total ........................................................................ $2,647.73 Needed Weekly ....................................................... $4,198.54 Under weekly needed ............ <$1,550.81> Diocesan Collection Peter’s Pence ............................................................... $657.00 Other Income Votive Candles .............................................................. $34.00 Father’s Day .................................................................... $9.00 Youth Ministry Movie Night (6/15) ............................ $161.00 With God All Things are Possible! Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time page 3 ST. JOHN’S BULLETIN BOARD ST. JOHN’S FALL FESTIVAL Sunday Breakfast ........................................................ Sundays This Sunday, July 3 Queen candidate Yadira Reyna and Family are hosting Sunday Breakfast. Sunday Breakfast is served after both the 8am & 10am Mass in the Parish Hall. Next Sunday, July 10, KC’s will have free Coffee and Donuts after both the 8 am and 10 am Mass for St. John’s Parish Kitchen Open House and Blessing. 2016 QUEEN CANDIDATE Práctica del coro (español) ............................................ Jueves Práctica del coro (español), cada Jueves a las 6 de la tarde en la casa de la parroquia, 400 S. Pecan. CATHOLIC VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL GRADES PRE-K - 6TH PARACHUTE WITH THE ANGELS & ST CATHERINE LABOURÉ TUESDAY, JULY 5 - FRIDAY, JULY 8, 2016 ST. JOHN’S PARISH HALL 8:30 AM - 12 NOON Parachute with the Angels and St. Catherine Labouré, VBS is divided into four age-specific programs. They will encounter exciting characters from the Bible whose lives were transformed by the angels. Who knows? They may meet Mary, the Queen of Angels on the way! Kids will have a soaring good time! Closing Ceremony, Friday, July 8, 2016 St. John’s Parish Hall at 11:30 am Hosted by: St. John’s CRE & Knights of Columbus #8190 YADIRA REYNA (daughter of Nazario Reyna, Jr. & Mayra Corpus) JULY FUNDRAISERS CRISPY TACO, CHALUPA OR TACO SALAD PLATE SALE Saturday, July 2nd * after the 5:30 Mass * Parish Hall SUNDAY BREAKFAST July 3rd & 17th FRUIT CUPS, NACHOS, FRITO PIES Thursday, July 7 * Parish Hall * 3:00 pm BAKE SALE @ CITY MARKET July 16th ********* 2016 KING CANDIDATE MALACHI YBARRA (son of Michael & Amanda Ramirez) JULY FUNDRAISERS BBQ CHICKEN & SAUSAGE PLATE SALE Saturday, July 9th * 4:00PM - 8:30 PM * Parish Hall SUNDAY BREAKFAST July 24th ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY BLACK BAG COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND, JULY 9 & 10, 2016 “MOVIES IN THE HALL” Youth Ministry will be hosting Family Movie Night Wednesday, July 13 @ 6:30 pm at the Parish Hall. Movie: KUNG FU PANDA 3 * Free admission for everyone * Concession Stand will be available for purchases * Bring your blankets and/or lawn chairs * Come early, pick your perfect spot and enjoy the movie! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #8190 ST. JOHN’S COUNCIL Business Meeting Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at 7:00 pm St. John’s Parish Hall All Officers & Trustees are required to attend! General Meeting Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 7:00 pm St. John’s Parish hall All Brother Knights, including Officers & Trustees are encouraged to attend! July 3, 2016 July 9 & 10 Sat. 5:30 pm Lectors Bob Hochstein Eucharistic Ministers Michelle Levesque Jay Crowell Sun. 8:00 am Irma Rios Juanita Cruz Guadalupe Castillo Sun. 10:00 am Sharon Pratka Vikki Gonzales Maria Aguayo Sat. 5:30 pm Altar Server Kailyn Knox Sun. 8:00 am Ileana Rondon Jasmin Castro Sun. 10:00 am Natalie Grifaldo Gabriel Aguayo Sat. 5:30 pm Hospitality Ministers Lane Zumwalt Lillian Weber Sun. 8:00 am Sixto Estrada Yolanda Estrada Sun. 10:00 am Evelyn Hernandez Irene Moore GET A SUBSTITUTE IF YOU CAN NOT BE PRESENT!!! **FOR YOUR INFORMATION** Baptisms: One class is required for parents and sponsors! The next English Baptismal Class will be Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 11:30 am in Classroom 3. Bautizos Se requiere que los Papás y Padrinos asistan a una Clase de Bautismo. El próximo clase de Bautismo es 7 de agosto a 11:30 am en el cuarto 3. Marriage A six-months to one-year notice is required, please call the Church office to meet with the Pastor. Bodas De 6-meses a un año de antemano. Llama a la Oficina. Quinceañera Celebration , for a Quinceañera the family must be registered in the parish and the 14 year old must be already enrolled and attending CRE Classes to be eligible to celebrate in the church. Please call the Church Office to meet with the Pastor. Celebrando Tus XV Años Registrate con 6-meses de antemano y haz una cita con el Sacerdote. Ministry to the Sick When a parishioner is hospitalized, in nursing home or homebound please contact the Church at (830) 875-5354, so that arrangements can be made for them to receive the sacraments. Ministerio de los enfermos Comunicate con la Oficina a 830-875-5354. Healing Service (Anointing of the Sick) On the 2nd Saturday of the Month immediately following the 5:30 pm Mass. Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) English & Spanish Saturdays from 4:45 pm - 5:15 pm and Wednesdays after 8 am Daily Mass. St. John’s Website Please visit our website: www.stjohnluling.com St. John the Evangelist First Saturday, July 2 Readings: Am 9:11-15; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 9:14-17 Mass: 5:30 pm For the Parish Sunday, July 3 “14th Sunday in Ordinary Time” Rdgs: Is 66:10-14c; Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 [1-9] Mass: 8:00 am “Bennie” Sepulveda† (Martin & Mary Frances Medina) Mario Rodriguez† (Severiano & Isidra Rodriguez) 10:00 am Santos Rios†(AD), Refugio Barrientez†(BD) (Gloria Lopez) Monday, July 4 (Independence Day) Readings: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9; Mt 9:18-26 No Mass & Church Office Closed Tuesday, July 5 “St. Anthony Zaccaria; St. Elizabeth of Portugal” Readings: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38 No Mass Wednesday, July 6 “St. Maria Goretti” Readings: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7 Mass: 8:00 am Terry Frerich (SI) (Jane Goertz) Maxine Shirley† Thursday, July 7 (24-hour Adoration begins) Readings: Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15 Mass: 8:00 am Special Intention (Jane Goertz) Friday, July 8 (24-hour Adoration concludes) Readings: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17; Mt 10:16-23 Mass: 8:00 am Fr. Howard Goertz (In Thanksgiving) (Jane Goertz) Saturday, July 9 “St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions; BVM” Readings: Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33 Mass: 5:30 pm Narcisso Saucedo (SI) (Jane Goertz) Joe Cantu† & Steve Cantu† Sunday, July 10 “15th Sunday in Ordinary Time” Readings: Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37; or Ps 19:8-11; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37 Mass: 8:00 am Para la parroquía 10:00 am Julian V. Lopez (BD) (Gloria Lopez) Apolonio Magallanez† (AD) (Family) Dcn. Guadalupe Aguilar, Jenna Baur, Shannon Brandom, Rev. Robert Becker, Nicole Bujnoch, Emily Burke, Jaime & Teresa Calderon, Walley Casarez, Sophia Castillo, Bill Chapman, Lincoln Contreras, Dario & Reina Flores, Diana Flores, Gilbert “Beto” Garcia, Kenny Gibson, Nemesio Gomez, Francisca Gonzales, Jesse M. Gonzales, Joel Gonzales, John Gonzales, Paul Gonzales, Jonah Granados, Michael Hebert, Adeline Heintschel, Roland Hernandez, John Houeye, Taylor Hudgins, John J. Hyatt, Elizabeth Idrogo, Melissa Ivy, Jerry Kidd, Carmen Leal, Jimmy Ledesma, Jr., Alex Lopez, Paul Lopez, Arturo Magallanez, Jimmy D. McIntoch, Juanita Mendoza, Shelley Meyers, Diana Miranda, Jean Netardus, Lucy Oliva, Isabel Orona, Maria Rocha, Alex Rodriguez, Antonia Rodriguez, Leticia Rodriguez, Vicente Salinas, Eligia Salas, Kathrina Simmons, Renee Spencer, Kathy Starch, Virginia Suarez, Andres Valdez, Nicole Watts, Melissa Weiss and Tyreese Williams. St. Vincent De Paul Society Vehicle Donation Program Tax Deductible Free Vehicle Pick-Up 1-888-317-7837 TONY’S PAINT & PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP BODY SHOP TONY GONZALES 830/875-3979 401 E. Fannin ........... Luling, Texas $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Jay Crowell Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Broker/Associate an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA RE/MAX PROFESSIONAL REALTY www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com 1423 E. 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St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Carmen Leal, Jimmy Ledesma, Jr., Alex Lopez, Paul Lopez, Arturo Magallanez, Jimmy D. McIntoch, Juanita Mendoza, Shelley Meyers, Diana Miranda, Jean Netardus, Lucy Oliva, Isabel Orona, Maria Rocha, ...
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