- Collegium Ramazzini
- Collegium Ramazzini
RAMAZZINI DAYS 2014 Scientific Session II:"Breakthroughs and best practices in regional and global scientific collaboration" An ItalianItalian-Latin America scientific network to collaborate on asbestos asbestos--disease prevention Pietro Comba (Italy (Italy)) and Benedetto Terracini (Italy Italy)) 24 – 26 October 2014 Carpi, Italy SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION Dissemination, training and research on prevention of asbestos-related disease in countries where the use of asbestos is still legal, or has been recently banned, with special reference to Latin America SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION NETWORK ISS - Istituto Superiore di Sanità > Unit of Environmental Epidemiology, Department of Environment and Primary Prevention > Publishing Unit (Dissemination and Cooperation) INAIL – Research Sector, Department of Occupational Medicine CRA Lazio – Latium Region Asbestos Centre, Local Health Unit Viterbo DEP Lazio – Department of Epidemiology of Latium Region Health Service Prof. Benedetto Terracini - University of Turin Ministry of Health, Universities and NGOs of Latin American Countries COLOMBIA COOPERATION NETWORK Conferencia Internacional de Salud ambiental y ocupacional BOGOTÀ, 19-20 February 2014 Proyecto «Arte, Enfermedades, Política» BOGOTÀ, 5-7 November 2014 Universidad Nacional, Dep.to de Salud Pública Instituto de Salud Pública Universidad de los Andes, Dep.to de Ingeňeria Ambiental ECUADOR COOPERATION NETWORK Environment and Health Prevention of AsbestosRelated Disease Quito, March 2006 [C.R.] Quito y Guayaquil, November 2008 Quito, November 2011 Quito, February 2014 Corporación IFA , Quito (desde 2003)- [C.R.] - Corporación para el desarrollo de la producción y del medioambiente laboral Ministerio de Salud Pública, Dirección Nacional de Salud y Ambiente Facultad Latino Americana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Maestría en Estudios Socioambientales Univ. Tecnológica Equinoccial Quito BOLIVIA SEMINAR: SALUD OCUPACIONAL y AMBIENTAL ISSUES: asbestos; silica; contaminated sites; air pollution LA PAZ, 10-12 November 2014 COOPERATION NETWORK Embajada del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia en Italia Ministerio de Salud Pública Relaciones Internacionales Dirección General de Promoción de la Salud Unidad de Promoción de la Salud, Área Salud Ambiental Instituto Nacional de Salud Ocupacional Annals of Global Health, in press PREMISE Notwithstanding the overwhelming scientific evidence of asbestos carcinogenicity, this agent is still largely used in the world. The Italian experience shows that in the process that lead to prohibition of asbestos use, a major role was played by studies documenting the health impact of asbestos in Italy • Neoplasms causally associated with asbestos: mesothelioma of pleura, peritoneum, pericardium, and tunica vaginalis testis and cancer of the lung, larynx, and ovary. • The number of mesothelioma cases within a population can be estimated: - directly from: mortality data, if reliable, or from pathology registries, where available - indirectly: from data on asbestos consumption • Contrary to mesothelioma, the etiology of pulmonary, laryngeal, and ovarian cancers is multifactorial • Population Attributable Fraction (PAF): the proportion of cases which would be prevented if exposure to asbestos was eliminated • Limited to lung cancer, PAF can also be estimated using a reasonable ratio between mesothelioma and occupational lung cancer cases. PAF PAF=∑((Pi*RRi)-1)/ ∑Pi*RRi) Pi is the proportion of the exposed population in the exposure category i RRi is the risk for the disease in the exposure category i relative to the risk in the reference exposure category (i.e. the population not exposed) Driscoll et al. Occupational carcinogens: assessing the environmental burden of disease at regional and local levels. Geneva, WHO 2004 (Environmental Burden of Disease Series, N° 6) INFORMATION NEEDED TO COMPUTE PAFs a) proportion of the workforce employed in each sector b) proportion of workers exposed to asbestos in each sector c) occupational turnover d) levels of exposure e) proportion of the population in the workforce f) relative risk for each considered disease for different levels of exposure (when available) Relative risk for asbestos related cancers other than mesothelioma site High exposures Low exposures Whatever exposure RR lung LCI UCI** RR UCI* UCI* RR * * 1.48 1.44 1.52 1.18 1.13 1.23 larynx ovary 1.44 1.77 1.37 2.28 *Confidence interval – lower limit **Confidence interval - upper limit UCI* UCI* * 1.19 1.64 Goodman et al 199918 IOM 200619 Camargo et al 201120 DISCUSSION & CONCLUDING REMARKS Inter-country differences in the reliability of the background statistics. The peculiarity of the estimates in Brazil might reflect the limited use of amphiboles Two conclusions : - Urgent need for remediation of asbestos contamination and a national asbestos ban - Improvement in the quality of asbestos-related environmental and health data The estimates are exploratory. They intend to stimulate the construction of “local” databases regarding the extent to which asbestos is or has been present in the occupational environment In each economic sector, prevalence of exposure may be specific in Latin American countries and may have been different form the ones in Western European countries in the Nineties Estimates of the PAFs need more precise data on the proportion of workers exposed to asbestos in each productive sector, on the occupational turnover, and on levels of exposure Scientific papers in English and Spanish open–access publications for training and dissemination activities Asbestos case and its current implications for global health. Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità 2013;49(3):249-251. Marsili D, Comba P. Italy-Latin America cooperation: a contribution to training on prevention of asbestos-related diseases / Cooperación Italia-América Latina: una contribución a la formación en la prevención de las enfermedades relacionadas con el asbesto. Roma: Istituto Superiore di Sanità; 2013. (Rapporti ISTISAN 13/31). Marsili D. (Ed). International scientific cooperation on asbestos-related disease prevention in Latin America. Annals of Global Health. 2014 in press. Marsili D, Comba P, Pasetto R, Terracini B. Estimates of asbestos burden of occupational cancer in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. Annals of Global Health. 2014 in press. Pasetto R, Terracini B, Marsili D, Comba P.