November 23rd, 2014 - Holy Cross Catholic Church
November 23rd, 2014 - Holy Cross Catholic Church
Iglesia de Holy Cross November 30th, 2014 (575) 523-0167 Events of the Week Eventos de la Semana (Events subject to change) Altar Bread & Wine: CandlesBlessed Sacrament: Special Intentions & in Thanksgiving by Charles & Rita Lamb Our Blessed Mother St. Jude: In Thanksgiving By Juanita Bustamante St. Joseph: St. Anthony +Doris Ouren By Christine Conway Family In Thanksgiving By Helen Molina Mon. Nov. 24 7:30a.m. 12:10 p.m. Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/Lk 21:1-4 Rubina Altamirano For Health By Her Grandparents +Deceased Members of Sue Miller Family Tue. Nov. 25 7:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m. Rv 14:14-19/Lk 21:5-11 In Thanksgiving By Lupe Mirabal To Our Blessed Mother Prayers Answered Wed. Nov. 26 7:30 a.m. Rv 15:1-4/Lk 21:12-19 Deceased Members of Roman Family By Mary +Jim Gleason By Don & Carol Mundy 8:15 a.m. 12:10 p.m. Thurs. Nov. 27 9:00 am Fri . Nov. 28 7:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m. Rv 20:1-4—21:2/Lk 21:29-33 +Deceased Members of Class of 1966 Lourdes Academy By Mary Sat. Nov. 29 4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Rv 22:1-7/Lk 21:34-36 Sun Nov. 30 Is 63:16b-17, 19b, 64:2-71Cor 1:3-9/ Mk 13:33-37 +David Apodaca The Apodaca Family +Manuel Turrey By Connie Turrey +Richard Kuhlemeier By Mary Lou Scheel Parishioner By Msgr Anderson +Rafael & Elodia Chavez By Maria B. Armijo +Bennie Aldaz By Daughters Repose of Arnoldo Gonzals By Ermila Avena & Family 8:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Monday, Nov. 24 8:00 am 5:00 pm 5:15 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Adoration Bingo Small Group Meeting Talleres de Oracion y Vida Hispanic Women’s Rosary Hispanic Men's Rosary Tuesday, Nov. 25 8:00 am 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Adoration Bingo Coro Guadalupano Talleres de Oracion y Vida Book Club Spanish Bible Study Boys Scouts Venture Crew MS CHA RLH LR MS102 MR MS Wednesday, Nov. 26 8:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Adoration Faith Formation Thanksgiving Gathering Set up Spanish RCIA English RCIA (Inquirers) High School Faith Formation CHA SCH RLH MR LIT MS Thursday, Nov. 27 12:00 pm Thanksgiving Gathering RLH Friday, Nov. 28 8:00 am 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Adoration St Mary’s Theology Class Trash & Treasure Set Up CHA RLH RLH Saturday, Nov. 29 8:00 am 6:30 pm Prayer & Life Workshop Desert Movimiento Familiar Cristiano MR Sunday, Nov.30 9:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am Sunday Bunch RCIA Adult Confirmation MR CR Students of Faith Formation Today is the end of the church year. We hear about the second coming of the Lord Jesus. As the shepherd gathers his flock, Jesus gathers his covenanted people. His flock recognizes its ruler, and he chooses those who have been faithful. He leads his flock through the valley of death to share God’s own life. Are we ready for this adventure? Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, S.T.D. © 2002, OCP. All rights reserved. Collection for the week of 11/16/2014 Financial Data was not available at time of bulletin deadline Please see parish bulletin board in Gathering Space for These details or contact the parish office. CHA RLH CR MS Rect CHA Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe Nota del Pastor Asociado Monsignor John Anderson, P.A. Fr. Jose Martin Alcantar, OFM El proximo jueves ya viene la cena del pavo! O mas bien dicho, la celebracion de “accion de gracias”, o sea, el famoso “tanksgiving day”!. Ojala que muchas familias puedan disfrutar la reunion familiar, asi como el exquisito y tradicional pavo relleno, y desde luego, dirigir a Dios su corazon lleno de gratitud por todos los beneficios recibidos a lo largo de este ano !. Sabemos que aqui en los Estados Unidos esta hermosa celebracion parte desde el ano 1623, cuando el gobernador de la colonia de peregrinos Plymonth Plantation en Masachusetts declaro: “Todos Ustedes, peregrinos, con sus esposas e hijos, congreguense en la casa comunal, en la colina… para escuchar al pastor, y dar gracias a Dios todopoderoso por todas sus bendiciones”. La celebracion del Thanksgiving Day tiene un origen cultural y religioso, y a lo largo de los anos se ha venido dando como una bella tradicion. Esta celebracion ha sido reconocida, promovida y autentificada de manera oficial por I returned last Saturday evening from our 10 day pil- las autoridades de los Estados Unidos. En 1777 por el Congreso, en 1795 Jorge Washinton, primer presidente de los grimage to Venice and Rome. All 35 of us would testify to Estados Unidos lo proclamo como “dia nacional de accion de the special shrines of the saints that we visited along the gracias”. Y en 1863 fue confirmada dicha proclamacion por way, and especially the wonderful audience we had in Abraham Lincoln, senalando el ultimo jueves de noviembre Rome with Pope Francis and our Mass at St Peter’s in the como dia de accion de gracias. Shrine of Our Lady of Lithuania, which is just across the Desde nuestra perspectiva Cristiana es bueno y justo hallway from the tomb of St. Peter. You and your loved que en este dia nuestros corazones se eleven agradecidos al ones were remembered in all of our Masses and visits to Creador. El Salmo 33, 2-3 dice: the Blessed Sacrament. Believe it or not, we walked over “ Den gracias a Dios con la citara, toquen con el arpa de diez 50 miles during our ten days. cuerdas, cantenle un cantico nuevo, y acompanen la musica con aclamaciones “. Please help to prepare for the visit by Fr.Yozefu SsePor ello, a la vez que disfrutamos gratamente de makula, more commonly known as Fr. Joseph for his work- nuestras reuniones y la cena familiar es justo que agradezshop on Healing the Family in January, by attending Wade camos a Dios por tantas bendiciones. Por la vida, por la faCornelius’ series on the Battle for our Faith on Sunday milia, por la salud, por el don del trabajo, por la alegria de vivir, por la capacidad que Dios nos ha dado para amar, por nights. The talks cover the first 4 chapters of the book by la fuerza que nos da para seguir adelante. Fr. Joseph and are well worth your attendance. Agradezcamos tambien por su Hijo Jesucristo, por la I will be starting a short class series on next Monday gran familia de la Iglesia, por el Papa Francisco y todos los night on Advent – preparing for the Second Coming. We will pastores. Tambien por tantos hombres y mujeres comproreview the prophecies and readings having to do with the metidos con Dios y empenados a hacer el bien en favor de “end times” and the coming of the long-awaited Messiah the los demas. first time in Bethlehem. Bring your bible and a friend and a snack. Viva! Cristo Rey! We celebrate the feast of Christ the King this weekend to honor his reign over all kingdoms and all people; in our hearts and in our minds. At his second coming He will be visible to all in His splendor and glory. Pope Pius XI instituted The Feast of Christ the King in 1925 for the Universal Church in his encyclical Quas Primas. He connected the increasingly denial of Christ as King to the rise of secularism. At the time of Quas Primas, many Christians (including Catholics) began to doubt Christ's authority and existence, as well as the Church's power to continue Christ's authority. Pius XI, and the rest of the Christian world, witnessed the rise of non-Christian dictatorships in Europe, and saw Catholics being taken in by these earthly leaders. These dictators often attempted to assert authority over the Church. Christ’s reign in our hearts can never be overcome as long as we acknowledge Him as Lord and Savior. Preparing for the Second Coming Holy Cross Health Corner Join Monsignor Anderson for his class November’s on preparingTopi for the second coming Please Watch “Notes From The Cross” With Msgr. John Anderson, P.A. Saturday and Sunday at 9 a.m. On cable Channel 98 starting on Monday December 1st at in the Gathering Space. inforHe will November 9th, our 7pm health corner will feature review the prophecies and the readmation on Home Healthcare to include safety, fall prethatMark have your to do calendars. with the “end vention & muchings more. times” and the coming of the long awaited Messiah the first time in Bethlehem. Bring your bible and a friend, and a snack to share will also be welcome. Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church (575) 523-0167 Please Pray for the sick of our Parish/ Oren por los enfermos de nuestra Parroquia Patricia Raineri, Daniella Ramirez, Joe R Chavez, Carol Mundy, Jesus Montoya, Jill Salas, Cindy McCormick, Vince Romero, Frank Sanchez, Jesse Wells, Mary McCarty, Rosalee Chavez Las Cruces, NM Parish Family Thanksgiving Dinner If you would rather not cook for one or two people this Thanksgiving join us this year for a Parish Family Thanksgiving Dinner. Your RSVP and a side dish for 10 people is all that is needed. Come to the Rafaela Lucero Hall at 12:30 pm on Thanksgiving Day, November 27th. Meal will start at 1:00 pm, and go until everyone is done! All are welcomed. I thank all of you at Holy Cross for your warm welcome last weekend when I was there for Unbound. Thanks to your generosity, there are now 67 more little ones and Please RSVP to Theresa Daviet 323-1991 or Elizabeth at the parish office 523-0167. elders who have sponsors. You are bringing them hope for more of God’s blessings. They thank you and I thank you. May God Is God calling you to the Pro-Life Movement? continue to bless you abundantly. And may the Organ Medical research has shown that when an Mountains continue to give glory to God. 8 week old human baby is pricked in the palm of his hand by a needle, he opens his Les doy gracias a todos Uds. en Holy Cross por recibirme mouth and pulls his hand away. There is con tanto cariño la semana pasada cuando estaba con Uds. also an increase in heart rate as a repor Unbound. Gracias a su generosidad, ahora hay 67 más sult. This shows that an 8 week old baby in pequeños y ancianitos que tienen patrocinadores. Uds. les utero can feel pain. Why do we allow this están trayendo más esperanza por las bendiciones de Dios. barbaric torture of human life by abortion? Ellos les dan las gracias y yo también. Que Dios siga bendiciéndoles abundantemente. Y que las Montañas del OrCall our “ Respect for Life” couple from Holy Cross gano sigan dandóle Gloria a Dios. Church. Fr. Joseph Uecker, C.PP.S. Art & Marilyn Kerschen 575-647-3235. Bella Voce De Las Cruces Will be singing for the 4:30pm mass Saturday, December 6th, 2014 Bella Voce is a local semi-professional choir specializing in accapella sacred music. Previous performance venues include weddings, memorial services, conferences, as well as religious services and masses. “The Catholic Children’s Bible” For Sale If you would like to purchase a Children’s bible for your little one’s, the Faith Formation team is selling these bibles in English and in Spanish for $20. These bibles are illustrated beautifully and the translation is easy enough for children to read comfortably. You can purchase them at the parish office, or you can ask your child’s catechist for more information. Supplies are limited, so get yours today! December’s 7th Health Fair Topic: Christmas around the World Contact the Parish Office for more information. Office Closed The parish office will be closed on November 27 and November 28 in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Thank you! Thanksgiving Break There will be NO Faith Formation (for all) Classes on Wed 26th of November nor on Sunday November 30th. We wish all of our families a great Thanksgiving Holiday. Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration/Celebracion Dec 9- 7pm: Rosary/Rosario Bilingue 8pm: Reflection/Reflexion 830pm: Reception/Café/Donas Dec 107pm: Rosary/Rosario Bilingue 8pm: Reflection/Reflexion 830pm: Reception/Café/Donas Dec 117pm: Apparition Reflection/ Representation de Apariciones 9pm: Mass/Eucaristia Bilingue Dec 127:30am/12:10pm Mass/Misa Come celebrate our Lady with us! Iglesia de Holy Cross (575) 523-0167 23 de noviembre 2014 Youth Ministry Note Worthy's s From our Youth Director’s Desk [email protected] Youth Ministry Booster Club Meeting Please join the Youth Ministry Booster parents on Sunday, November 23rd in the Small Chapel at 3:15pm to help discuss upcoming fundraisers that will help our teens go to Youth Rally, Retreats, and help support Modern Disciples Youth Nights. Email Lucy Rathgeber for more information at [email protected] or call Joey at the parish office. Biscochos Sale December 13th and December 14th, the Youth Ministry group will be selling yummy Biscochos. Save the date and bring your cookie money. For more information please call Joey at the parish office at 523-0167. Join us Sunday, November 30th, from 8am-11:30am for an amazing Pancake Breakfast! Funds raised will help our youth defray the cost of attending retreats, and Youth Rally and help sponsor Modern Disciple Youth Activities. Contact Joey for more information or on how you can help support our youth! Faith T-Shirts On Sale If you are looking for Christmas gifts, the Youth Ministry will be selling T-shirts with Faith Filled messages on December 13th, and 14th in the Gathering Space. Our young people will also be accepting orders for these shirts as well through December. VOCATIONS CORNER Jesus called each one us to a vocation, not just our priests and religious. Our Church needs committed lay ministers to spread the Gospel in our world. Some of us have heard the Word of God preached by lay ministers at a special time of year in our parishes. Some of our parishes may have lay pastoral associates who administer the parish because there is no full-time priest/pastor. Most of us encounter lay ministers of the Eucharist at our Sunday celebrations, as lectors and altar servers. Many of the homebound are regularly visited by lay ministers of care who pray the Scriptures with them and distribute Communion. These are but a few of the ministries that lay people are called to. Ask yourself — how can I serve? Do you have your “shoulder to the wheel?” Are you “pulling an oar in the ship of our Church?” Can you befriend the lonely, visit the sick, assist the elderly, prepare and give homilies? If so, sound off. Let us inform our pastors of the talents we are ready to freely offer to serve our parish. Christ said, “I came to serve, not to be served.” How about you? Serra Catholic Vocations of the Mesilla Valley (575) 522-5925 Contact the Parish Office for more information, 523-0167. Snap shot of Pope Francis at the general audience taken by Deacon Gurrola from their trip to Italy this last week!