Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Sanctuary of St. Toribio Romo


Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Sanctuary of St. Toribio Romo
Sts. Peter and Paul
Catholic Church
Sanctuary of
St. Toribio Romo
Iglesia Católica de
San Pedro y San Pablo
Santuario Santo Toribio Romo
Join us on
Peter and Paul Catholic Church Tulsa, OK
Sts. Peter & Paul
1419 N. 67th E. Ave.,
Tulsa, Ok 74115
Rev. Timothy L. Davison, Pastor
Rev. Jeff Fasching, A ssociate Pastor
Tommy Young, Deacon (R et.)
Patrick Martin, School Pr incipal
Maria Walsh, School Secr etar y
Alejandra Olmos, Par ish Secr etar y
Karen Campbell, Dir ector of Religious Education
Parish Office 918-836-2596
Fax 918-836-2597
Rectory 918-933-4272
School Office 918-836-2165
School Fax 918-836-3607
Pre-School 918-836-3114
Web: www.stspeter
6:00 p.m. (English)
7:00 a.m. (Español)
9:00 a.m. (English)
10:30 a.m. (Latin)
12:30 p.m. (Español)
6:00 p.m. (Español)
8:30 a.m. (English)
Mon. - Fri.
7:00 a.m. (Latin)
Tues.- Thurs.
7:00 p.m. (Español)
Tuesday 12:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Thursday 12:00 - 10:00 p.m.
4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
4:00—5:00 p.m.
8:30 - 8:50 a.m.
12:00 - 12: 20 p.m.
5:30 - 6:00 p.m.
From the Pastor
At the last judgment, the
Lord will invite the just to inherit the heavenly
kingdom because of the good deeds they did on
earth. “Come. You have my Father’s blessing! Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry and gave me
food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a
stranger and you welcomed me naked and you
clothed me. I was ill and you comforted me, in
prison and you came to visit me.” (Mt 25, 34-36)
Saint Paul teaches us that God will reward
every person according to his works and that each
one will reap only what hew sows. In his letter to
the Corinthians Saint Paul writes: “ Each will receive his wages in proportion to his toil” (1 Cor.
3.8). Be steadfast and persevering, my beloved
brothers, fully engaged in the work of the Lord.
You know that your toil is not in vain when it is
done in the Lord (Col. 15.58). “Whatever you do,
work at it with all your being. Do it for the Lord
rather than for men, since you know full well you
will receive an inheritance from Him as your reward” (Col. 3.23f).
In all these texts Saint Paul speaks of God
rewarding us according to our good works. Remember Saint Paul’s theology—we are justified by
faith and saved by grace, not by works. It is only
works that proceed from faith and love that bring
an eternal reward. But in order to merit, certain
conditions must be verified with regard to the one
meriting and with regard to the act. With regard to
the one meriting, the person must be in the pilgrim
state and must have the life of grace (2 Cor. 5.10;
Lk. 16.19-31; Heb. 9.27). With regard to the act, it
must be morally good and must proceed from free
The one meriting must be in the pilgrim
state, that is, in this mortal life. One’s eternal destiny is decided at death, ruling out any notion of
meriting or of radically changing one’s spiritual
status through personal acts after death. This is the
clear and unanimous teaching of Holy Scripture,
the Fathers of the Church, and the magisterium.
June 19, 2016
At the end of the world we must all appear before
the judgment seat of Christ where we are to be
judged on what we did in this life, while still “in
the body” (2 Cor. 5.10). As a result of that judgment, “(the wicked) will go off to eternal punishment and the just to eternal life” (Mt 25.46). The
parable of the rich man and Lazarus also points to
the fact that one cannot change one’s final condition after death (Lk. 16. 19-31).
The Magisterium has always taught the following: “Those who die without sin will immediately enter eternal life; those who die in mortal sin
will immediately go to hell where they will remain
forever: and those who are in need of further purification will go to purgatory, after which they will
be admitted into the joys of eternal life. This is the
explicit teaching of the Constitution Benedictus
Deus of Pope Benedict XII and is implied in other
magisterial pronouncements
In addition to the pilgrim state, the one
meriting must also be in the state of grace. Sanctifying grace makes one holy and pleasing to God
and gives an estimable value to one’s good actions
done with love. If one lacks sanctifying grace, one
is spiritually dead, and thus unable to do anything
of value for eternal life. This is clearly implied in
the teaching of Scripture and of the magisterium.
At the Last Supper, Jesus told His disciples
that he is the vine and they are the branches; if they
remain in Him they will bear much fruit, but if they
are cut off from Him they can do nothing for eternal life (Jn 15.4f). Saint Paul teaches that whatever
good deeds one accomplishes, if one does not have
charity (and therefore the state of grace which always accompanies it), one gains nothing “If I give
everything I have to feed the poor and hand over
my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain
nothing,” (1 Cor. 13.2).
In its Decree on Justification, ch. 16, the
Council of Trent teaches: “Jesus Christ Himself
continuously infuses strength into the justified, as
the head into the members (Eph 4.15) and the vine
into the branches (Jn 15.5); this strength always
precedes, accompanies, and follows their good
works which, without it, could in no way be pleasing to God and meritorious.” One who is in a state
of mortal sin is spiritually dead and therefore cannot merit anything!
To be meritorious an act must be morally
good. An act is morally good when it befits one’s
dignity as a rational human being and child of
God. The act must also be done with charity and a
good intention. The more intense the love and the
purer the intention with which one does the work,
the greater is its value. For example, an act, good
in itself, like giving to the poor, is not meritorious
if it is done for a bad intention like to gain the
praise of others.
In addition to being morally good, to be
meritorious an act must be done with free will.
Only an act under our personal control is worthy
of praise or blame, reward or punishment. To be
meritorious or blameworthy, an act must be free
not only from external coercion but also from inner compulsion or determinism. For example,
feelings of spiritual consolation which do not arise
from our own free acts but are simply God’s gift
to us, are not of themselves meritorious, although
they can be very helpful for our spiritual life. On
the other hand, remember that temptations are not
culpable unless we needlessly expose ourselves to
them, entertain them, or consent to them.
Fr. Jeff Fasching
Rachel’s Vineyard
Join us at
Catholic Charities
August 12-14, 2016.
A weekend retreat for
healing after abortion. For more information
and to register, call Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries at 918-508-7142 or e-mail
[email protected]. Must register by Monday, August 8th . Group size is limited. All
inquiries confidential!
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
with Fr. Tim Davison
October 17-27, 2016. Includes
Mt. Carmel, Sea of Galilee, Mt.
Tabor, Nazareth, Bethlehem and
Jerusalem. for more information call Syverson
Touring 1-800-334-5425.
My father didn’t tell me how to
he lived, and let me watch him do
-Clarence Budington Kelland
DDF 2016
The most recent update for the 2016
DDF. We have 3 more parishes that have made
goal this week. Thank you to the pastors and parishioners for your support. PLEASE CONSIDER
OR ESTATE PLAN. Sts. Peter and Paul Church
$14,902.00 $17,850.00 ($2,948.00) 83.48%
Thanks, Suzanne
Frassati Club
On behalf of the Vocations Office, we want
to let you know that the seminarians are putting on
a summer program known as Frassati Club. The
Frassati Club is, in essence, a series of summer
gatherings for guys of high school age and up that
focuses on topics such as discernment, spiritual
growth and what it means to be a Catholic man,
Frassati Club Meeting Dates:
Place: Christ the King Catholic Church, Tulsa.
Dates: June 2nd, 16th, 30th; July 14th, 28th.
Schedule/Agenda of Frassati Club:
5:30-Mass in the Chapel
7:00-8:00-Sports and recreation
Help Wanted
Help wanted at
Hero's Restaurant. Part–
time from 10:00 a.m. to
2:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. to
8:00 p.m. Hero's Restaurant is located at 6508 Admiral PL. Tulsa, OK 74115 pelase call 918-8368995 ask Sam o Noir. Perfect job for students or
woman's schola
A woman's schola is being formed to sing
at the Extraordinary Form (Latin) Masses
on the last Sunday of each month, beginning on Sunday June 26. Singing will be
simple chant, especially in the beginning. The schola
will also be learning and singing traditional hymns in
Latin. Practices will be for approximately 30 minutes
after Sunday Mass each week except for the last Sunday.Women and girls age 12 and older are invited to
If you are interested or would like more information,
please contact Kellie Marquez at 918-272-6890.
QEV, Life
Awareness Project
Thinking about life or curios
as to what is life as a priest,
sister, brother, or married life
would be like? Come to the
QEV, Life Awareness Project, a weekend of intentional discernment about what God is calling you
to do with your life. This will be open to Catholic
SINGLES, ages 17 to 45, and will be held at the
Newman Center at TU, on the weekend of June 24
- 26, 2016. There is no fee for attending. For more
information, Contact [email protected] or
register online at
Ordinary Form:: Twelfth Sunday in Or dinar y Time
Extraordinary Form: Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
June 20th - June 25th
Lectors June 12
E. Bell
Contributions for May 29th
Checks and envelopes
Year to Date
Capital Improvement
St. Toribio Building Fund
For those in need
Infirm Priest
Educational Endowment
Mon. 8:30 a.m.
The Green Family
Tues. 8:30 a.m.
Carl Evans
Wed. 8:30 a.m.
Brandon and Ashley
Walis ( Anniv)
Thurs. 8:30 a.m.
The Deceased Priest of
Scared Heart Parish
7:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Carl evens
The Green Family
8:30 a.m.
Anabelle Dudding +
St. Toribio Carnival
Thanks everyone for
working so hard on the
St. Toribio Carnival. The
Final are not quite in but it
looks likely that the Carnival has brought in over
$8,000.00 after expenses have been paid. That is
really good and that money will go toward reducing the debt on the new chapel. That debt
now stands at $45,565.71. Slowly but surely it is
disappearing. Thanks to all of our benefactors. If
anyone would like to help us reduce it even further please write check a check to Sts. Peter and
Paul Church and Put “for the St. Toribio Chapel”
on the memo of the check.
Yours Gratefully,
Father Timothy Davison
Myrtle Dibble, Rolling Hills, Catoosa; Dana Petrilla, Frances Strietel Villa; Lelia Romine, Franciscan Villa; Belle Conner, The Parke and Ada
Members who are ill and/or homebound:
Owen Campbell, Rita Tilman, Colleen Young,
Andrea Knepp, Dolores Gonzalez , Debbie Dismang, Allan Knepp, Imogene Dismang, Patrick
Kipf , Mr. & Mrs. Donohue, Matthew Messick,
Donna Reneau and Dora Jane Alvarez.
To make changes in this list, please call Alejandra
at the office, 918-836-2596.
Informaciones Generales
Párroco: Rev. Timothy Davison
Vicario: Rev. Jeff Fasching
Oficina Parroquial:918-836-2596
Fax: 918-836-2597
Oficina de la Escuela 918-836-2165
Fax de la escuela 918-836-3607
Kinder 918-836-3114
Sitio web:
Misas en Español
Martes a jueves:
7:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
4:00-5:00 p.m.
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Media hora antes de cada Misa
12:00 - 10:00 p.m.
12:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Adoración toda la noche el primer viernes
de cada mes.
Preparación Pre-Matrimonial:
Llamar 918-836-2596 para una cita con el padre
Después de la cita llame a Miguel & Matilde de la
Torre 4-9:00 pm 918-933-4365 para las clases.
Clase Pre-Bautismal
Cada domingo , Salón Madre Teresa, después de la
Misa de 12:30 pm
Sábado, Salón Madre Teresa, 4:00-5:00 PM. Llame a
Carolina Gutiérrez: 835-7617
Catecismo para Niños
Martes- Preparación Sacramental
6-7:30 PM
Miércoles- Clases De Educación Religiosa 6-7:30 PM
RICA para Adultos (18 años +)
Domingo 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. Salón Madre Teresa
Luis & Remedios Rivas 407-5095
Grupo de Oración
Miércoles, 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Capillita
Del Párroco:
El día del último juicio, el Señor
invita a los justos a heredar el reino
divino por las buenas obras que hicimos
en la tierra. "Venid, benditos de mi
Padre, heredad el reino preparado para
vosotros desde la fundación del mundo. Porque tuve
hambre, y me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y me disteis de
beber; fui forastero, y me recibisteis; estaba desnudo, y
me vestisteis“(Mt 25, 34-36)
San Pablo enseña que Dios nos recompensara a
cada uno de nosotros conforme a su trabajo y que cada
uno esté dispuesto a cosechar lo que siembre. En su carta
a los Corintios San Pablo escribe: “Los que siembran y los
que riegan son iguales, aunque Dios pagara a cada uno
según su trabajo” (1 Cor. 3.8). Por lo tanto, queridos
hermanos, sigan firmes y constantes, trabajando siempre
más y más en la obra del Señor; porque ustedes saben que
no es en vano el trabajo que hacen en unión con el Señor
(1 Cor. 15.58).”Todo lo que hagan, háganlo de buena
gana, como si estuvieran sirviéndole al Señor y no a los
hombres. Pues ya saben que, en recompensa, el Señor les
dará parte en la herencia.” (Col. 3.23f)
En todos estos textos San Pablo habla de Dios
recompensándonos de acuerdo a nuestro buen trabajo.
Recuerden la teología de San pablo– somos justificados
por la fe y salvados por la gracia, no por los actos. Son
solo los acotos producidos por la fe y el amor que nos dan
recompensa eterna. Pero para el mérito, ciertas
condiciones deben de ser verificadas según el mérito y la
acción. Respecto al mérito la persona debe de estar en un
estado de peregrinaje y tener una vida de gracia (2 Cor.
5.10; Lk. 16.19-31; Heb. 9.27). Con respecto al acto, debe
ser moralmente bueno y proceder de voluntad propia.
Para el mérito se tiene que estar en un estado de
peregrinaje, eso es, en la vida mortal. El destino eterno de
uno es decidido en la muerte, descartando cualquier
noción de mérito cambiando radicalmente el estatus
espiritual de uno en base los actos espirituales después de
la muerte. Esta es lección una clara y unánime de las
Santa Escrituras, los Padres de la Iglesia, y el Magistrado.
Al fin del mundo deben aparecer ante el juzgado de
Cristo y ser juzgados por lo que hicieron durante la vida,
mientras estaba en el cuerpo (2 Cor 5.10).
Como resultado de ser juzgado, “los malvados” esos
irán al castigo eterno y los justos a la vida
eterna” (Mt 25.46). La parábola del rico y el pobre
Lázaro apunta al hecho de que uno no puede
cambiar la condición final de uno después de la
muerte. (Lk. 16. 19-31).
El Magistrado diario ha enseñado lo
siguiente: los que se mueren sin pecado
inmediatamente entran a la vida eterna; el que
muere con el pecado mortal inmediatamente irán al
infierno y allí estarán por siempre: y los que
necesitan más purificación irán al purgatorio,
después serán admitidos a la alegría de la vida
eterna. Esta es una enseñanza explicita de la
Constitución Benedictus Deus del Papa Benedicto
XII y es empleada en procedimientos del Magistrado.
En adición al el estado peregrino, unos de los
méritos deber ser el estado de gracia. La gracia
santificante nos hace santos y agradables a Dios y
nos da un valor estimable a las acciones buenas que
hacemos con amor. Si uno no tiene gracia
santificante, uno esta espiritualmente muerto, y por
ende no puede hacer nada de valor para la vida
eterna. Esto claramente está estipulado en la
enseñanza de las Escrituras en el Magistrado.
En la Ultima Cena, Jesús le dijo a Sus
discípulos Yo soy la vid, y ustedes las ramas; el que
permanece unido a él, da muncho fruto; pues sin mí
no pueden hacer nada (Jn 15.4f). San Pablo nos
enseña que cuando una buena acción es completada
sino no caridad (y por ende el estado de gracia que le
acompaña), uno no gana nada “Y si reparto entra los
pobres todo lo que poseo, y aun si entrego mi propio
cuerpo para tener de que enorgullecerme, pero no
tengo amor, de nada me sirve,” (1 Cor. 13.2)
En el Decreto de Justificación, Cap. 16, el
Council of Trent nos enseña: “Jesús Cristo el mismo
continuamente infunde fuerza para justificar, como
cabeza de los miembros (Eph 4.15) yo soy la vid, y
ustedes son las ramas (Jn 15.5); esta fuerza proviene,
acompaña a lo los buenos actos que sin ello no ay
manera de complacer a Dios.” El que está en estado
de pecado mortal esta espiritualmente muerto y por
ende no ay meritado en nada!
El mérito debe de ser moralmente bueno. Un
acto es moralmente bueno cuando beneficia la
dignidad de un humano racional e hijo de Dios. El
acto debe ser de caridad y con buena intención.
Entre más intenso el amor y más pura la intención
cuando uno hace el acto, mayor valor tiene. Por
ejemplo, el acto, bueno en sí mismo, como darle al
pobre, no es mérito si es echo con malas intenciones
para recibir elogio de otros.
Adicionalmente para estar moralmente bien,
para ser méritos el acto deber ser de voluntad
propia. Solamente un acto bajo nuestro control
personal merece elogio o culpa, recompensa o
castigo. Para tener merito o culpabilidad, el acto debe
ser libre de chantaje y de compulsión interna o
determinismo. Por ejemplo, el sentir consolación
espiritual que no bien de los actos de propia voluntad sino
de regalo de Dios, no son méritos pero si pueden
ayudarnos en la vida espiritual. Pero recuerda que las
tentaciones no son culpables so nos exponemos,
entretenemos, o consultamos con ellas.
Padre Jeff Fasching
Lectores, Monaguillos
12 de Junio
Misa de las 12:30 PM
Primera: Paty Estebane
Salmo: Nor ma Rodr iguez
Segunda: Luis Estebane
Oraciones: Reyna Bustos
Monaguillos: Chr istopher López, Rafael Avila,
Yahir y Justin Torres, Johan Vega, Luis Muñoz,
Santiago Avila, Jordan Lopez.
Misa de las 6:00 PM
Primera: Car melita Her edia
Segunda: Gigi Casal
Oraciones: Raul Contr er as
Monaguillos: Adr ián De Santiago, Alexander