13-14 de febrero – primer domingo de la Cuaresma y día de San


13-14 de febrero – primer domingo de la Cuaresma y día de San
13-14 de febrero – primer domingo de la Cuaresma y día de San Valentín: ¡no se olvide de decirles
“te quiero” a sus seres amados!
Los domingos de este período sagrado, las Santas Escrituras nos ofrecen un “mapa” para cada
semana de la jornada cuaresmal. En el primer domingo de la Cuaresma, en los tres ciclos litúrgicos,
Jesús se retira al desierto para ayunar y orar—solo.
El Evangelio: El relato de las tentaciones de Jesús es un excelente recordatorio del misterio de la Encarnación.
Tal como nosotros, Jesús era humano. Y así como nosotros Él podría sucumbir a la tentación de satisfacer su
hambre, buscar placer en el mundo material, actuar con soberbia y abusar de su poder. Pero no: Jesús resiste
a todas las tentaciones. ¡Él no tiene que probarle nada a nadie! Él no se deja seducir por Satanás. ¿De qué
manera Su ejemplo se aplica a nuestras propias vidas?
“Sea misericordioso” es el tema de nuestra práctica cuaresmal para todas las edades. El Evangelio vive
cuando nos disponemos a actuar con nuestras manos, pies, voces y corazones. Por esta razón cuando
realizamos actos de solidariedad y compasión los declaramos Obras de Misericordia Corporales y Espirituales.
El Papa Francisco nos ha exhortado a practicar actos de misericordia especialmente en este Año Santo de la
Misericordia hasta su conclusión en noviembre de 2016. Junto a la fuente bautismal Ud. podrá dejar sus cintas
y tarjetas donde ha escrito su promesa de cumplir actos de Misericordia y, de esa forma, ¡actuar como Su
agente en la tierra!
Important Dates:
Wed., Feb. 17, KOVAR Pizza Fundraiser through Domino’s Pizza
Sun., Feb. 28, 6:15 p.m. Campus Support Spaghetti Dinner, Church Hall
Mon., March 7, 5:00 p.m. Lenten Soup & Bread Dinner, 7:00 p.m. Communal Reconciliation Service
Sat., March 12, 5:00 p.m. St. Patrick Feast Day Mass, 6:15 p.m. Irish Banquet at W&L’s Evans Hall
A VIRTUS Session will be offered at our Parish House on Sunday, February 21, at noon. A light lunch will
be offered prior to this three-hour session. This is a great opportunity for parishioners to become VIRTUStrained in order to teach, lead, supervise, chaperone, or drive within our parish youth programs, such as
Vacation Bible School, Religious Education classes, and Youth Ministry activities. If you host our youth for
parish events in your homes or drive them to parish or diocesan events, you must be VIRTUS certified. More
info: Cindy Bither, [email protected]
Upcoming Bell Ministry rehearsals on Mondays, February 22 and 29. Rehearsals at 5:30 p.m.—6:30
p.m. We in the Music Ministry are preparing for our patronal feast day celebration on Saturday, March 12 at
the 5:00 p.m. Mass at which we look forward to having our entire parish, present to celebrate as a faith
community under the patronage of glorious St. Patrick. Please mark your calendar!
Vacation Bible School: It’s time to plan for this summer’s totally Catholic VBS: Cave Quest – Following
Jesus, the Light of the World! Please Email Kathleen Nowacki-Correia, DRE, if you’d like to be part of our
leadership team, comprised of seven VIRTUS-certified adults: [email protected]. Dates/times for
VBS will be discussed.
St. Patrick Library: Did you know St. Patrick’s has a library? There are many resources available for your
use in the Parish House living room. Items are shelved by categories such as Devotions/Prayers, Saints,
Sacraments, etc. There is charge and no time limit on how long you can keep them. Have books or movies
that you no longer need and want to share with others? We will gladly accept your religious articles for our
library. Throughout the month of February there will be a box in the Narthex near the collection baskets; we
will add them to our library.
Catholics in the Capital: The Virginia Catholic Conference invites Catholics to come to Richmond to advocate
for life and justice during this winter’s General Assembly session on Wednesday, Feb. 17. (On Feb. 17 the
Conference and Virginia Bishops will also host Virginia Vespers at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in
Richmond at 5 p.m. All are invited.) To attend Catholics in the Capital Days, contact your senator and
delegate to set up your appointments, and then register at [email protected]. We’ll provide you with
legislative updates, talking points and refreshments at our offices prior to your legislative visits. Learn more
at www.vacatholic.org.
Homebound Ministry: Please contact the parish office if you are aware of a parishioner who is unable to
attend Mass due to injury, chronic illness or hospitalization and would like to receive communion. Also, the
Prayer Shawl ministry has shawls and lap pads for those who are sick. Please notify the parish office to
request one.
Eucharistic Adoration: We have some generous parishioners who have pledged one hour every
Wednesday to Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament! We thank them on behalf of the
parish. They are obtaining from the Holy Trinity many graces for the parish, for their families and for
themselves. It is also wonderful that people who cannot commit to an hour do drop in for a few
minutes, and they are very welcome. They too are greatly blessed. Is it possible that God is calling
three more people from the parish so that we can continue having Adoration from after 7:30 a.m.
Mass until 4:00 p.m.? We must have more than one person in Adoration every hour. We still need three
people to complete our schedule from 11 a.m.-12 p.m.; from 12-1 p.m.; and from 1-2 p.m.! Let us all pray
together that three angels will come to our rescue!
Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions:
Universal: That we may take good care of creation, a gift freely given, cultivating and protecting it for
future generations. Evangelization: That opportunities may increase for dialogue and encounter between
the Christian faith and the peoples of Asia.
Virginia Vespers - Evening Prayer for the Commonwealth: Virginia’s Catholic Bishops welcome
government leaders and the public to the first Virginia Vespers to pray for the needs of Commonwealth. At
the midpoint of this year’s Virginia General Assembly session Virginia Bishops Francis X. DiLorenzo and Paul
S. Loverde and their public policy agency, the Virginia Catholic Conference, invite government officials and
the public to the first-ever Virginia Vespers: Evening Prayer for the Commonwealth at the beautiful, historic
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Richmond at 5 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 17. Join lawmakers and public officials
of all faiths, clergy, educators, social service practitioners, parishioners and other people of goodwill at this
vital gathering. A reception follows. Register at www.vacatholic.org.
2016 Women's Cursillo Weekend: Thursday, April 21 - Sunday, April 24 at Camp Overlook near
Harrisonburg. Catholic Women are invited to spend an inspiring long weekend with other women who want
to deepen their relationship with God and enrich the way each lives out her faith every day. The weekend
will be led by a team Catholic women who have made a Cursillo weekend before, along with Fr. Dan Bain
and Ms. Patty Huffman participating as spiritual directors. Mass will be held each day, along with engaging
reflection times and talks on specific issues of Catholic Christian living. Great food and fun included. Cost:
$60.00. For information and downloadable applications, go to www.valleycursillo.com or call Rob and Ann
Michel at 434-978-3954. Application due date: Monday, April 11.
2016 Men's Cursillo Weekend: The Men's Cursillo will be held on October 20-23 at Camp Overlook.
The Office for Black Catholics invites young adults to attend a day of meaningful reflection on where we
have been, where we are and where we are headed on Saturday, February 27, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Holy
Rosary Catholic Church, Richmond. The day will include talks, fellowship and prayer. Fr. Chester Smith,
S.V.D., facilitator. Child care will be available. Cost: $5.00, includes lunch and materials. Please RSVP no
later than Monday, February 22, to [email protected] or call Katie Lemza, (804) 622-5179.
Celebrate our Patron Saint - St. Patrick
Saturday, March 12, 2016
At the beautiful Evans Hall, Washington & Lee University
5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass at St. Patrick Church
6:15 p.m. Cash Bar
6:30 p.m. Irish Buffet Dinner
Sign-up for reservations after Mass in the narthex or during the week in the Parish House.
13 years old - Adults $20
Youngsters 6-12 $7
Children 5 & under free
(The children’s dinner includes chicken fingers and French fries.)
Deadline for reservations noon on Friday, March 4, 2016
Please make checks payable to “St. Patrick Church.”