norte basin onshore exploratory potential norte
norte basin onshore exploratory potential norte
ONSHORE EXPLORATORY POTENTIAL - NORTE BASIN URUGUAYAN BASINS LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC COLUMN SOURCE ROCKS Mangrullo Fm. Cordobés Fm Fm. Unit Facies TOC % Kerogen type Cordobés Fm. (Early Devonian) Marine shales 3.6 I and II Cerro Pelado Fm. (Early Permian) Marine shales 1.5-2/ 0.5-1.5 I and II / II and III Fraile Muerto Fm Fm. (Early Permian) Marine shales 0 5-2 0.5-2 III Mangrullo Fm Fm. (Early Permian) Marine oil shales 10-12 I RESERVOIR ROCKS EXPLORATORY WELLS & SEISMIC SURVEYS The Paraná Basin is a large intracratonic basin which extends over 1 400 000 km2 in several South American countries. 1.400.000 countries In Uruguay, Uruguay it is known as the Norte Basin, Basin and crops out in an area of more than 90.000 90 000 km2. The Early Devonian to Late Cretaceous sedimentary fill has a maximum drilled thickness of 2.500 2 500 m. m Ø San G S Gregorio i F Fm. (Late Carboniferous) Fluvio-glacial Fl i l i l diamictites and sandstones 18 25% 18-25% Tres IIslas T l F Fm. (Early Permian) D lt i sandstones Deltaic d t 20 30% 20-30% Buena Vista Fm. (L t Permian) (Late P i ) Aluvial, ffluvial and aeolian li sandstones d t and conglomerates 12-18% % Tacuarembó T bó Fm. F (L t J (Late Jurassic) i ) Fluvial, Fl i l llacustrine t i and d aeolian li sandstones d t 12 18% 12-18% Cuaró Fm. (E l Cretaceous) (Early C t ) Basic dykes and sills 3-30% Mercedes Fm. (Late Cretaceous) Aluvial and fluvial sandstones and conglomerates l t 18-27% - Gas shale potential of the Devonian Cordobés Formation. In February 2010, the North American company p y Schuepbach p Energy gy LLC was granted a 10,000 g , km2 p prospection p permit in central Uruguay. p g y - Devonian sequence, including braided-delta and sandy litoral plain (Cerrezuelo Fm.), shallow shelfal (Cordobés Fm.), and sandy litoral plain deposits p ((La Paloma Fm.). ) - Permian P i sequence, comprising i i glacial l i l to t glacio-fluvio-lacustrine l i fl i l ti (S (San G Gregorio i Fm.), F ) glacio-marine l i i (C (Cerro P l d Fm.), Pelado F ) deltaic d lt i (Tres (T I l Fm.), Islas F ) marine (Fraile Muerto Fm.), restricted marine-lagoon (Mangrullo Fm.), shelfal to transitional (Paso Aguiar Fm. and Yaguarí Fm.) and fluvio-aeolian deposits p ((Buena Vista Fm.). ) - Late Cretaceous sequence, sequence comprising fluvio-aeolian fluvio aeolian deposits (Guichón Fm ) and aluvio-fluvial Fm.) aluvio fluvial deposits (Mercedes Fm.). Fm ) Facies Recent exploratory efforts in the Norte Basin are centered in: Four sequences are recognized: - Juro-Cretaceous J C t sequence, including i l di b basaltic lti flows fl (G (Gaspar F ) fluvioFm.), fl i l lacustrine ti and d aeolian li d deposits it (Itacumbú (It bú Fm. F and d Tacuarembó T bó Fm.) F ) and d finally huge volumes of basaltic flows (Arapey Fm.). Unit BOUGUER GRAVIMETRY Seismic line (see below) Early Cretaceous basic dykes and sills of the Cuaró Fm. cut units of all but the later secuence. secuence Deep depocenter (not drilled yet) - Coal C l potential t ti l off the th Permian P i Tres T I l Formation Islas F ti (correlated ( l t d with ith the th Brazilian Rio Bonito Formation). ANCAP and the Facultad de Ciencias are performing a detailed mapping of the facies of the upper third of the Tres Islas Formation, and will p perform a few exploratory p y drills in order to assess thickness,, lateral extent and q qualityy of the coal beds. The closest example is the Candiota Coal Mine, in Rio Grande do Sul, 40 km north of the national boundary. boundary The Uruguayan coal is expected to have similar properties to the Brazilian coal. coal - Oil shales of the Permian Mangrullo g Formation ((correlated with the Brazilian Rio Bonito Formation). ) The Uruguayan g y company p y CENESTE S.A. has been granted two small exploration permits in NE Uruguay. COAL PROSPECTIVITY 2D seismic (1.600 km), gravimetric (24.600 km2) and magnetometric surveys y were p performed in the Norte Basin. Between the 1950s and 1980s ten exploratory p y drills were made ((16.900 m drilled in total). ) Although g all were declared dry wells, some levels with interesting source rock potential were encountered These source rocks are thermally immature, encountered. immature unless in the vicinity of Cretaceous dykes and sills, sills where is often correlated with gas shows. shows In the late 1970s and early y 1980s and evaluation of the oil shale resources was accomplished. As a result of the Fischer assay, it was calculated that the mineable oil shale bed would yield 277 million barrels of shale oil and 30 million tons of sulphur. sulphur INTERPRETED SEISMIC LINE GAS SHALE & OIL SHALE PERMITS SCHEMATIC WSW-ENE WSW ENE CROSS-SECTION CROSS SECTION CENESTE S S.A. A