somos el mundo
somos el mundo
City Schools of Decatur World Language Elementary Program somos el mundo Second Grade Vocabulary, Unit 1: Mi escuela These pronunciation guides are created to help you. They are not perfect. Some sounds are slightly different from how they are represented here WORDS MEANING PRONUNCIATION EXPRESSIONS/COMMANDS hola hello OH-lah buenos días good morning BWAY-nohs DEE-ahs buenos tardes good afternoon BWAY-nohs TAHR-days buenas noches good night BWAY-nohs NO-chess adios goodbye ah-dee-OHS ¿cómo te llamas? what is your name? COH-moh tay YAH-mahs me llamo...... my name is...... may YAH-mohs mucho gusto pleased to meet you MOO-choh GOO-stoh siéntate sit (command) see-ehn-tah-TAY levántate stand (command) lay-VAN-tah-tay levanta la mano raise your hand (command) lay-VAN-tah lah MAH-noh escucha listen (command) ehs-KOO-cha ven come (command) vehn repite repeat (command) ray-PEE-tay silencio silence see-LEHN-see-oh mira look (command) MEE-rah por favor please pohr fah-VOHR gracias thank you GRAH-see-ahs de nada your welcome day NAH-dah ¿dónde está/estás? where is it/are you? DOHN-day ehs-TAH/ehs-tahs City Schools of Decatur World Language Elementary Program somos el mundo Second Grade Vocabulary, Unit 1: Mi escuela WORDS aquí MEANING here PRONUNCIATION ah-kee SCHOOL ITEMS el lápiz the pencil ehl LAH-peez la pluma the pen lah PLOO-mah el papel the paper ehl pah-PEHL las tijeras the scissors lahs tee-HAIR-ahs la carpeta the folder lah cahr-PAY-tah el cuaderno the notebook ehl kwahr-DAIR-noh los crayones/las crayolas the crayons lohs cray-OHN-ehs el marcador the marker ehl MAHR-kah-dohr la hoja de trabajo the worksheet/handout oh-ja deh trah-BAH-joh la tiza the chalk lah TEE-zah el tablero the chalkboard lah pee-ZAHR-rah el libro the book ehl LEE-broh el mapa the map ehl MAH-pah el globo the globe ehl GLOH-boh el reloj the clock ehl ray-LOH la alfombra the carpet lah ahl-FOHM-brah el tapete the rug ehl tah-PEY-tey la clase the class lah CLAH-sey City Schools of Decatur World Language Elementary Program somos el mundo Second Grade Vocabulary, Unit 1: Mi escuela WORDS MEANING PRONUNCIATION la puerta the door lah PWAIR-tah la ventana the window lah vehn-TAHN-ah el piso the floor ehl PEE-soh la mesa the table lah MAY-sah la silla the chair lah SEE-yah el escritorio the desk ehl ehs-kree-TOHR-ee-oh la computadora the computer lah cohm-poo-tah-DOHR-ah COLORS rojo red ROH-hoh verde green VAIR-day azul blue ah-ZOOL amarillo yellow ah-mah-REE-yoh café brown cah-FAY blanco white BLAH-koh negro black NAY-groh morado purple moh-RAY-doh anaranjado orange ah-nah-RAHN-hah-doh rosado pink ro-SAH-do PEOPLE/PLACES AT SCHOOL el/la maestro/a the teacher ehl/lah mah-EHS-troh/trah el/la estudiante the student ehl/lah eh-stoo-dee-AHN-tay City Schools of Decatur World Language Elementary Program somos el mundo Second Grade Vocabulary, Unit 1: Mi escuela WORDS MEANING PRONUNCIATION el/la directoro/a the principal lah dee-rehk-TOHR-ah el director the principal (male) ehl dee-rehk-TOHR el conserje the custodian ehm-play-AH-doh day leempee-AY-zah la bibliotecaria the librarian (female) lah bee-blee-oh-TAY-kah-reeah la secretaria the secretary lah say-kray-TAH-ree-ah la biblioteca the library lah bee-blee-oh-tay-KAH la cafeteria the cafeteria lah cah-fay-tair-EE-ah la oficina the office lah oh-fee-SEE-nah el patio de recreo the playground PAH-tee-oh day reh-KRAY-oh TRANSPORTATION el bus escolar/el camión the school bus ehl BOOS ehs-coh-lahr el coche/ auto the car ehl COH-chay/ AH-oo-toh la bicicleta the bicycle lah bee-see-CLAY-tah ORDINAL NUMBERS primero first pree-MEHR-oh segundo second seh-GOOHN-doh tercero third tehr-CER-oh cuarto fourth QWART-oh quinto fifth KEEN-toh sexto sixth SEHS-toh séptimo seventh SEPH-tee-moh City Schools of Decatur World Language Elementary Program somos el mundo Second Grade Vocabulary, Unit 1: Mi escuela WORDS MEANING PRONUNCIATION octavo eighth ohc-TAV-voh noveno ninth noh-VEHN-oh décimo tenth DEH-cee-moh VERBS caminar to walk cah-mee-NAHR escribir to write ehs-kree-BEER doblar to fold doh-BLAHR cortar to cut cohr-TAHR pegar to paste pay-GAHR copiar to copy coh-pee-AHR dibujar to draw dee-boo-HAHR DAILY EXPRESSIONS hoy es ..... today is ...... oy s ....... ayer fué yesterday was ...... ah-YAIR ph-oo-eh mañana será tomorrow will be........ mahn-YAH-nah seh-rah el día the day DEE-ah la semana the week seh-MAH-nah el año the year ayn-oh hace frío it is cold FREE-oh hace calor it is hot cah-LOHR nublado cloudy noo-BLAH-thoh está lloviendo it is raining yoo-vee-N-doh el invierno winter in-VEEAIR-noh City Schools of Decatur World Language Elementary Program somos el mundo Second Grade Vocabulary, Unit 1: Mi escuela WORDS MEANING PRONUNCIATION el verano summer veh-RAH-noh el otoño fall n-TOH-nyoh la primavera spring pree-nah-VEH-rah DAYS lunes Monday LOO-nays martes Tuesday MAHR-tays miércoles Wednesday mee-AIR-koh-lays jueves Thursday HWAY-vays viernes Friday vee-AIR-nays sábado Saturday SAH-bah-doh domingo Sunday doh-MEEN-goh These pronunciation guides are created to help you. They are not perfect. Some sounds are slightly different from how they are represented here.