LMI COPEDIM kick off meeting
LMI COPEDIM kick off meeting
LMI COPEDIM kick off meeting December 3rd 2012, Antofagasta, Universidad Católica del Norte, Room K-121 Every speech (in English or Castellano) lasts 25 minutes, followed by 20 minutes of discussion. 845 Reception and Introduction by R. Riquelme (UCN) and S. Carretier (IRDGET). 915 R. Riquelme (UCN). La evolución de los pedimentos en el Desierto de Atacama y el control de la mineralización supérgena: estado del conocimiento y necesidades de investigación. 1000 T. Bissig (U. of British Columbia). Geomorphologic and climatic controls on supergene and epithermal mineralizing processes. 1045 -1115 Coffee Break. 1115 S. Carretier (IRD-GET). Formación de pedimentos del punto de vista de los modelos numéricos y fı́sicos. 1200 B. Dold (U. Chile). Geochemical and mineralogical control of supergene and exotic mineralizations. 1245 – 1400 Cocktail-lunch. 1400 G. Arancibia (PUC). Datación de minerales supergenos. 1445 S. Brichau (IRD-GET). Quantitative thermochronology: From tectonic to surface processes. 1530 -1700 Free discussion. Pop-ups: everyone is free to present 2 or 3 slides. Partipants are from