Newsletter Issue 18 - Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern


Newsletter Issue 18 - Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern
Issue 18
“Taste for Life” A Food & Wine Event
October 5, 2013
“Taste for Life” a Food and Wine Event was held at the very beautiful Oak Hollow
Farm located in the historic orchard community of “mile high” Oak Glen. The property was originally part of Wood Acres; the popular orchard featured on the late
Huell Howser’s California Gold. A special thank you to Dr. Ali and Brenda Ebrahim for
opening the doors to their beautiful home and hosting an amazing event.
Everyone enjoyed the afternoon with music provided by Shades of Blue. We would
like to thank all of our sponsors for their support: Wildermuth Environmental Inc.,
Samir Tadha Dental Corporation, Southern California Gas Company, and Little
Smiles Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. To our donors – we greatly appreciate
your generosity: Dr. Ali & Brenda Ebrahim, Riverside International Wine Competition, Stacey Aldstadt, State Street Winery, Johnny and Cynthia Jaquez with Johnny
Jaquez Photography, Brandy Henson with Kokolarue, Law’s Oak Glen Coffee Shop,
and Cardenas Markets Catering. A special thank you to Peter Brierty for his support
of the event as Master of Ceremonies.
Thank you to all who participated, we really hope you had a memorable night at our
6th Annual “Taste for Life.”
“El Gusto de la Vida”
5 Octubre 2013
“El Gusto de la Vida,” un evento de comida y vino, se llevó a cabo en la Granja de
Oak Hollow situado en la comunidad histórica de Oak Glen. La propiedad fue originalmente parte de Wood Acres; la granja popular destacado en el programa Oro de
California de Huell Howser. Un agradecimiento especial al Dr. Ali Ebrahim y Brenda
por abrir las puertas de su hogar.
Todos disfrutaron de la tarde con música proveido por el grupo “Shades of Blue.”
Nos gustaría dar las gracias a todos nuestros patrocinadores por su apoyo: Wildermuth Environmental Inc., Samir Tadha Dental Corporation, Southern California Gas
Company, y Little Smiles Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. A nuestros donantes
- agradecemos enormemente su generosidad: Dr. Ali & Brenda Ebrahim, Riverside
Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose
mission is to provide emotional, social, educational and emergency assistance to families
who have or have had children with cancer.
We are committed to supporting the families emotionally so they feel less isolated, frustrated and fearful in dealing with the problems that cancer can manifest within the family
structure. By the age of 20, one child or teen in 330 is diagnosed in the United States.
More children die of cancer than of any other disease, including asthma, diabetes, cystic
fibrosis, congenital anomalies and AIDS, COMBINED.
[email protected]
Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California, Inc. relies on donations from individuals, businesses, organizations and clubs in the community to continue to provide assistance and support to
children and their families.
Formerly known as Candlelighters
WINTER 2013 • Page 2
Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California’s
John Benstead
Ines Stewart
Bernard Kersey
Terry Lundy
Peter Brierty
Brenda Ebrahim
Susan McKee
Lisa Bates
Armida Kersey
Stacey Aldstadt
VP Finance
Executive Director
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
International Wine Competition, Stacey Aldstadt, State Street Winery,
Johnny y Cynthia Jaquez con Johnny
Jaquez Photography, Brandy Henson
con Kokolarue, Law’s Oak Glen Coffee
Shop, y Cardenas Markets Catering.
Un agradecimiento especial a Peter
Brierty por su apoyo del evento como
Maestro de Ceremonias.
¡Gracias a todos los que participaron,
realmente espero que hayan tenido
una noche memorable en nuestro
Sexto Anual “Gusto de la Vida.”
Board Member
Halloween Party
October 19, 2013
From the Department of
Pediatrics Hematology / Oncology
Antranik Bedros, MD
Albert Kheradpour, MD
Every Fall Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California invites
families to join them for their Annual
Halloween Party. This year, Greenspot
Farm in Mentone, welcomed the
group of over 100 children and their
parents to enjoy an afternoon of family fun on October 19th.
Children arrived in their best costumes as they enjoyed a tractor ride,
trips to the petting zoo, games, light
refreshments and more. Riverside City
College Cosmetology students joined
in the event festivities by providing
face painting for all guests. CCFSC also
provided Halloween decorations and
gifts for all the children to take home
along with a pumpkin fit for carving.
The Halloween Party is such a special
outing for our little ones and their
families. We put all these families together and give them hope. The newly diagnosed families see other kids
who have made it, they’re older and
it gives them the hope that their kids
will soon arrive to where they are. It
takes away a lot of fear.
A special thank you to: Greenspot
Farm, National Charity League, Edison
Volunteers, CCFSC Volunteers, George
and Sharon Apker, Judy Wescott – Kiwanis, RCC Cosmetology and Jarritos
for making this event possible.
P.O. Box 1663
Loma Linda,CA 92354
EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: (909) 558-3419
FAX: (909) 558-3420
11155 Mt. View Ave., Suite 105
Loma Linda, CA 92354
“Those who are not looking for
happiness are the most likely
to find it, because those who
are searching forget that the
surest way to be happy is to
seek happiness for others.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
American Minister & Civil
Rights Leader
WINTER 2013 • Page 3
Fiesta de ‘Halloween’
19 Octubre 2013
Cada otoño La Fundación de Cáncer Infantil del Sur de California invita a familias
a su fiesta Anual de Halloween. Este año , Greenspot Farms en Mentone, dio la
bienvenida al grupo de más de 100 niños y sus padres para disfrutar de una tarde
de diversión en familia el 19 de Octubre.
Los niños llegaron con sus mejores disfraces y disfrutaron de un paseo en tractor, viajes al zoológico de mascotas, juegos, refrescos y más. Estudiantes de la
Escuela de Cosmetología de Riverside City College se unieron a las festividades
del evento, proporcionando pintura de cara para todos los niños. CCFSC también
proporcionó decoraciones de Halloween y regalos para todos los niños para llevar
a casa, junto con una calabaza.
La fiesta de Halloween es una excursión muy especial para nuestros niños y sus
familias. Juntamos a todas estas familias y les damos esperanza. Las familias de
los nuevos diagnósticos conocen a otros niños que han sobrevivido y terminado
tratamiento, son mayores y les da la esperanza de que sus hijos lleguen pronto a
donde están ellos. Eliminamos un poco el miedo del diagnóstico.
Un agradecimiento especial a: Greenspot Farm, la Liga Nacional de la Caridad, Voluntarios de Edison, Voluntarios de CCFSC, George y Sharon Apker, Judy Wescott Kiwanis, Cosmetología de RCC y Jarritos por ayudarnos hacer posible este evento.
October 20, 2013
Miguel Manzo was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at the young age of 2. Fast forward a few years and he is now a healthy 10
year old baseball player in the So Cal Muscle 10U Baseball League. On October
20th, the So Cal Muscle 10U Baseball League held the “Strike Out! Cancer” 10U
Baseball Tournament in Moreno Valley in which the 10 participating teams raised
a donation for Childhood Cancer Foundation. We also took this opportunity to
provide information material on the signs and symptoms of childhood cancer,
important for early detection which is key in saving the lives of young people
battling this disease.
Thank you to the Manzo family for planting the seed of support, and a special
thank you to the So Cal Muscle 10U Baseball League and all participating teams
of the “Strike Out! Cancer” 10U Baseball Tournament!
20 Octubre 2013
Miguel Manzo fue diagnosticado con cáncer, neuroblastoma, a la temprana edad
de 2 años. Ahora es un niño sano de 10 años, jugador de béisbol en la liga ‘So Cal Muscle 10U.’ El 20 de Octubre, la liga ‘So Cal
Muscle 10U’ tuvo el torneo de Beisbol “Strike Out! Cancer” en Moreno Valley, en la que los 10 equipos participantes recaudaron
una donación para la Fundación de Cáncer Infantil. También tomamos esta oportunidad para ofrecer material de información
sobre los signos y síntomas de cáncer infantil, importante para la detección precoz, que es clave para salvar las vidas de los
jóvenes que luchan contra esta enfermedad.
Gracias a la familia Manzo por ofrecer su apoyo, y un agradecimiento especial a la liga ‘So Cal Muscle 10U’ y los equipos participantes del torneo de Beisbol “Strike Out! Cancer.”
left: 1st place major division - Easton elite
right: 1st place AA division - desert bbc
WINTER 2013 • Page 4
October 23, 2013
Childhood Cancer Foundation families were given the opportunity to visit Marvelous Mystics on Parade on October 23, 2013 at
the Sturges Center for the Arts in San Bernardino thank you to R.E.W. and Associates. The show is a live “G” rated stage show for
the entire family. The kids are invited to participate with the show and everyone had a great time.
Proceeds for the event went to benefit Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California. Our families really enjoyed the show and had a great time participating. We would like to thank R.E.W. & Associates for their continued support of Childhood Cancer Foundation and our mission to offer support to
families with a child with cancer.
23 Octubre 2013
Las familias de La Fundación de Cáncer Infantil fueron dadas la oportunidad de visitar a “Místicos Maravillosos en Desfile” el 23 de Octubre en el Centro de Sturges para las Artes en San Bernardino gracias a R. E. W. y los socios. La exposición es en vivo y clasificado “G” para la familia entera. Los niños son invitados a participar con la exposición y todos disfrutan
de un gran tiempo. Los fondos recaudados por el evento beneficiaron a La Fundación de Cáncer Infantil del sur de California.
Todas las familias disfrutaron de la exposición y tuvieron un gran tiempo participando. Querremos dar gracias a R. E. W. y Socios
por su apoyo continuó de La Fundación de Cáncer Infantil y nuestra misión para ofrecerles apoyo a familias con un niño/a diagnosticado con cáncer.
fall Quarter-Rama
October 26, 2013
Childhood Cancer Foundation introduced a new, fun fundraising event earlier this year – QuarterRama – a quarter auction fundraiser. The first event was held March 9th and the fall event on October 26th with a combined total of over $2,500 raised for CCFSC.
Brand new products were auctioned for just quarters. Participants were given auction paddles, allowing them to bid 1, 2, 3, or 4
quarters max on the items they wanted. A bid of quarters was announced for each item and participants placed their bids in a jar
on the table and raised their paddles. Numbers were drawn and called, and many went home with amazing items.
Items included in the auction were generously donated by Sweets-N-Treats, Buckleberry Lane, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Jewels by
Park Lane, Miche Bag, Gold Canyon Candles, Cookie Lee, Scentsy, Avon, Debs Partee & Gifts, The Pampered Chef, Sublime Temptations, Lisa Bates, Denise Sandoval, and Brenda Ebrahim. Your generosity is invaluable! The next QuarterRama is scheduled in the
Spring 2014, contact CCF to participate. (909) 558-3419
26 Octubre 2013
La Fundación de Cáncer Infantil presentó un nuevo evento para recaudar fondos - QuarterRama - una subasta. El primer evento
fue el 9 de Marzo y el mas reciente el 26 de Octubre donde se colecto más de $2,500 para beneficiar a CCFSC.
Nuevos productos de marca fueron subastados por menos de un dolar. Los participantes recibieron paletas de subasta, y se les
pidió una oferta de 1, 2, 3, o 4 cuarto de dólar para cada regalo. La oferta se anunció para cada regalo y los participantes colocaban sus ofertas en una jarra en la mesa y levantaban sus numeros. Los números fueron escojidos, y muchos se fueron a casa con
regalos sorprendentes.
Los artículos incluidos en la subasta fueron donados generosamente por Sweets-N-Treats, Buckleberry Lane, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Jewels by Park Lane, Miche Bag, Gold Canyon Candles, Cookie Lee, Scentsy, Avon, Debs Partee & Gifts, The Pampered Chef,
Sublime Temptations, Lisa Bates, Denise Sandoval, y Brenda Ebrahim. Su generosidad no tiene precio!
WINTER 2013 • Page 5
November 26, 2013
Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California has been very fortunate to be
able to offer the Thanksgiving Basket program for families with special needs during
the Thanksgiving season. Through the kind donations of various members in the community we were able to offer over 80 Thanksgiving Baskets to families with a child currently receiving treatment for cancer. Each basket contained all the fixings for a nice,
traditional Thanksgiving dinner plus extra items for about a week’s worth of meals.
Every family was excited to join us at the CCFSC office to pick up their baskets of goodies. We greatly appreciate the continued support and dedication to this program and
would like to thank all of the donors who contributed of their time and finances to put
these baskets together.
Thank you to the San Bernardino Animal Control, San Bernardino Finance, Western
Dental, San Bernardino City Public Works, Community Development Services, Beaver
Medical Group, San Bernardino Water Dept, Sarah Gonzalez Family & Friends, Brenda
Ebrahim, Elena Klopfer, Riverside County Church of Christ, San Bernardino Police Department, Sara Guzman, and the Norco Scholar Association at Norco College. We appreciate all of your kindness and support!
26 Noviembre 2013
La Fundación de Cáncer Infantil del sur de California ha sido muy afortunada en poder
ofrecer el programa de Canastas de Acción de Gracias para familias con necesidades
especiales durante la temporada de Acción de Gracias.
Por las donaciones amables de varios miembros en la comunidad, pudimos ofrecer
más de 80 Canastas de Acción de gracias a familias con un hijo/a actualmente recibiendo tratamiento para el cáncer.
Cada canasta contuvo todos los arreglos para una cena agradable y tradicional de Acción de gracias más artículos extra para aproximadamente una semana de comida.
Cada familia estuvo emocionada en acompañarnos en la oficina de CCFSC para recoger
sus canastas de comida.
Apreciamos mucho el apoyo y la dedicación continua a este programa y querremos
dar gracias a todos los donantes que contribuyeron de su tiempo y finanzas para juntar
todas las canastas. Gracias a: San Bernardino Animal Control, San Bernardino Finance,
Western Dental, San Bernardino City Public Works, Community Development Services,
Beaver Medical Group, San Bernardino Water Dept, Sarah Gonzalez Family & Friends,
Brenda Ebrahim, Elena Klopfer, Riverside County Church of Christ, San Bernardino Police Department, Sara Guzman, y Norco Scholar Association at Norco College. ¡Apreciamos toda su caridad y su apoyo!
2014 Upcoming Events
April 12
May 3
June 22
September 3
September 14
September 24
October 18
November 1
December 7
Hair Cut-A-Thon
Spring Egg Hunt
Family Picnic
Candle Lighting Ceremony
Kids Walk
Memorial Candle Lighting Ceremony
Halloween Party
Fall QuarterRama
Christmas Celebration
WINTER 2013 • Page 6
Christmas Celebration
December 8, 2013
The Loma Linda Drayson Center was transformed into a Winter Wonderland for Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California’s 32nd
Annual Christmas Celebration presented by the California Correctional
Peace Officers Association on the evening of December 8th. The annual celebration is provided by Childhood Cancer Foundation with the
desire to provide families who are battling cancer the opportunity to
enjoy the holidays in a safe environment.
More than 600 children and parents arrived to enjoy of the day’s holiday celebration. As the children arrived they were surrounded with over
20 craft tables and activities to choose from. Christmas music filled the
gym with holiday cheer. Families enjoyed pizza, donated by Domino’s
Pizza in Redlands, and other goodies while listening to an interactive
music program. One of the most important guests of the party, Santa
Claus, arrived shortly after Mariachi Itiel’s performance to visit with
each child. Each child received a wrapped gift from Santa and had a
family photo taken. It’s in our hearts to make sure this holiday is the
best for all of our children. This event provides a couple care and stress
free hours of fun for all the patients, siblings, and even the parents to
enjoy. Santa was in need of some extra holiday magic this year. Over 70
bicycles were provided through a campaign spearheaded by the Alexis
Victoria Salon & Spa and the CCFSC Board of Directors, spreading smiles
through all the children who received one.
There are really too many people to thank for making this event special for the children and their families. But we do wish to recognize the
tremendous contribution of the use of the Drayson Center and the
support provided for this event by the California Correctional Peace
Officers Association, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, Loma Linda
University Children’s Hospital Foundation, The Gas Company, San Bernardino Public Employees Association, Women of the Moose Big Bear
#0359, Alexis Victoria Salon & Spa – Staff & Clients, Domino’s Pizza of
Redlands, Drayson Center, Ines & Joe Stewart, San Bernardino County
Fire Department, Loma Linda University Campus Engineering, Redlands Fire Department, Redlands Police Officers Association, San Bernardino Water Department Customer Service, San Bernardino Water
Department Mid-Manager’s Association, Stacey Aldstadt, The Raincross
Quilt Guild, and Zareh Sarrafian – COO LLUMC. We would like to thank
all the volunteers that gave of their time to help CCFSC provide a magical Christmas Wonderland for all of our families. Last, but definitely not
least, we would like to send a special thank you to Santa Claus, George
Finkle, for spreading the Christmas cheer!
Celebración de Navidad
8 Diciembre 2013
El Centro Drayson fue transformado a un paisaje invernal para la Fiesta
de Celebracion de Navidad de la Fundación de Cáncer Infantil presentado por los de California Correctional Peace Officers Association en la
noche del 8 de Diciembre. La celebración anual es proporcionada por
la Fundación de Cáncer Infantil con el deseo de ofrecer a las familias
que están luchando contra el cáncer la oportunidad de disfrutar de Las
Navidades en un ambiente seguro.
Más de 600 niños y sus padres llegaron a disfrutar de la celebración.
WINTER 2013 • Page 7
Los niños fueron rodeados con más de 20 mesas de artesanía y actividades.
Música de Navidad llenó el gimnasio con alegría. Las familias disfrutaron
de pizza, donado por Domino’s Pizza in Redlands, y otros bocados mientras
disfrutaban de un programa de música interactiva. Uno de los invitados
más importantes, Papá Noel, llegó poco después de la presentación del Mariachi Itiel para visitar con cada niño. Cada niño recibió un regalo envuelto
de Papá Noel y una foto en familia. Está en nuestros corazones, asegurarnos
de que esta fiesta es lo mejor para todos nuestros niños. Este evento les
ofrece a nuestras familias unas horas de entretenimiento libre estrés y lleno
de diversión para todos los pacientes, hermanos, e incluso los padres.
Realmente hay demasiados personas que merecen nuestro agradecimiento por ayudarnos hacer este evento especial para los niños y sus familias.
Pero sí queremos reconocer la inmensa contribución de la utilización del
Centro Drayson y el apoyo brindado para este evento por California Correctional Peace Officers Association, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians,
Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital Foundation, The Gas Company,
San Bernardino Public Employees Association, Women of the Moose Big
Bear #0359, Alexis Victoria Salon & Spa – Staff & Clients, Domino’s Pizza of
Redlands, Drayson Center, Ines & Joe Stewart, San Bernardino County Fire
Department, Loma Linda University Campus Engineering, Redlands Fire
Department, Redlands Police Officers Association, San Bernardino Water
Department Customer Service, San Bernardino Water Department MidManager’s Association, Stacey Aldstadt, The Raincross Quilt Guild, y Zareh
Sarrafian – COO LLUMC. Nos gustaría dar las gracias a todos los voluntarios que dieron de su tiempo para ayudar CCFSC proporcionar un paraíso
mágico de Navidad para todas nuestras familias. Por último, pero no menos
importante, nos gustaría enviar un agradecimiento especial a Santa Claus,
George Finkle, por su alegría de Navidad!
Holiday Gift Donation
December 2013
The children and parents from the Mae Boyar Before & After School Club
have been very generous in providing holiday smiles to patients throughout the years. This year was no exception. Through the coordination efforts
of Bryn Kropp, Site Director, Childhood Cancer Foundation received over 60
Christmas gifts to deliver to patients registered with the organization.
We are very thankful for the generosity of the little hearts that participate
in the Mae Boyer Before & After School Club, it is through donors like them
that we are able to continue to share hope.
Diciembre 2013
Los niños y padres del programa ‘Mae Boyar Before & After School Club’
han sido muy generosos en proveyendo sonrisas a lo largo de los años. Este
año no fue la excepción. A través de los esfuerzos de coordinación de Bryn
Kropp, Directora del Programa, la Fundación de Cáncer Infantil recibió más
de 60 regalos de Navidad para entregar a los pacientes registrados con la
Estamos muy agradecidos por la generosidad de los pequeños corazones
que participan en el programa ‘Mae Boyar Before & After School Club,’ es
a través de los donantes como ellos que podemos seguir compartiendo
WINTER 2013 • Page 8
December 11, 2013
Childhood Cancer Foundation unveiled the 2014 “When I Grow Up” Calendar on
December 11 at the Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. The 2014 Calendar
features 12 beautiful child models pictured in scenes capturing their dreams for
when they “grow up.” Although our models represent various professions, they
share a common bond: cancer. Every three and a half minutes a parent hears the
devastating news, “Your child has cancer.” With these words, normal life stops and
a difficult new journey begins; a journey that will test families physically, emotionally, socially, and financially. The children and families we are so privileged to
serve come from all corners of our community and from all different backgrounds
and circumstances, cancer knows no race or economic status. The focus of the
calendar is to highlight how all these children share a bond of Hope through every dream for the future. Featured in the cover shot is Francisco Avina, age 5 and
members of the San Manuel Fire Department. San Manuel Band of Mission Indians has sponsored the production of the calendar. Sponsors and donors also
include: Johnny Jaquez Photography, Kissui Baby and Children Boutique, State
Farm – Loma Linda, The Art Institute-Inland Empire, Chaparral Motorsports, San
Manuel Fire Department, City of San Bernardino Water Department, Sturges Center for the Fine Arts, and Loma Linda Pediatric Hematology Oncology.
The calendar is photographed by Johnny Jaquez from Johnny Jaquez Photography. – Calendars are NOW AVAILABLE online at Or contact CCFSC to order via phone (909)5583419. While supplies last.
11 Diciembre 2013
Dimos a conocer el calendario de 2014 “Cuando Crezca” el 11 de Diciembre en
el Hospital de la Universidad de Loma Linda. Aparecen 12 modelos en el calendario representados en escenas que capturan sus sueños para el futuro. Aunque
nuestros modelos representan diferentes profesiones, comparten algo en común:
cáncer. Cada tres minutos y medio un padre escucha la devastadora noticia: “Tu
hijo tiene cáncer.” Con estas palabras, se detiene la vida normal y comienza un
nuevo viaje difícil, un viaje que pondrá a prueba las familias físicamente, emocionalmente, socialmente y económicamente. Los niños y las familias que tenemos
el privilegio de servir vienen de todos los rincones de nuestra comunidad y de
todos los orígenes y circunstancias, el cáncer no distingue entre raza o situación
económica. El objetivo del calendario es demonstrar la forma en que comparten
esperanza entre cada sueño para el futuro. Incluyidos en la foto de portada es
Francisco Avina, de 5 años y los miembros del Departamento de Bomberos de
San Manuel. San Manuel Band of Mission Indians ha patrocinado la producción
del calendario. Patrocinadores y donantes también incluyen: Johnny Jaquez Photography, Kissui Baby and Children Boutique, State Farm – Loma Linda, The Art Institute-Inland Empire, Chaparral Motorsports, San Manuel Fire Department, City
of San Bernardino Water Department, Sturges Center for the Fine Arts, y Loma
Linda Pediatric Hematology Oncology.
El calendario fue fotografiado por Johnny Jaquez Photofraphy – Las ventas del calendario así como nuestros otros
recogedores de fondos nos ayudan a continuar todos los servicios que proporcionamos.
Los calendarios están AHORA DISPONIBLES en nuestra página web www.ccfsocal.
org/calendar. También disponible a través de correo – contacte a CCFSC (909)5583419. Hasta agotar existencias.
WINTER 2013 • Page 9
Holiday Cupcake Decorating Party
December 19, 2013
The Art Institute of California, Inland Empire opened its doors to patients and
siblings this holiday season for a Holiday Cupcake Decorating Party on December 19th. Children were welcomed by the culinary students where they
enjoyed an afternoon of cupcake decorating, gingerbread house decorating,
arts & crafts, and a photo with Santa. There was no shortage of special treats!
We are very grateful to Chef William Ramsey, Assistant Academic Director
AICAIE and Amy Heil, Baking and Pastry Student, for their joint efforts in organizing this amazing community outreach day for our families.
Fiesta de decoración de Pastel
19 Diciembre 2013
El Instituto de Arte de California, Inland Empire abrió sus puertas a los pacientes y sus hermanos en esta temporada de Las Navidades para una Fiesta de
Decoración de Pastel el 19 de Diciembre. Los niños fueron recibidos por los
estudiantes de cocina donde disfrutaron de una tarde de decoración de pastel, decoración de casas de pan de jengibre, artesanías, y una foto con Santa.
No había escasez de regalos especiales!
Estamos muy agradecidos con Chef William Ramsey, Subdirector Académico
AICAIE y Amy Heil, Estudiante de Panadería y Pastelería, por sus esfuerzos
conjuntos en la organización de este día increíble de alcance comunitario
para nuestras familias.
ice town
November 16, 2013
Chaperones Kristin and Stephanie, along with the teens from Teen
Connection put their ice skating skills to the test at the Ice Town Ice
Rink in Riverside.
Before hitting the ice, we enjoyed a pizza dinner as we shared some
laughs at the Childhood Cancer Foundation office. Once at the ice rink,
we had fun weaving in and out of all the people there. There were a
few hiccups, but everyone did pretty good. The trip was a lot of fun and
the group was awesome.
Thank you to our volunteer Kristin for joining us on this trip and
throughout the year!
Viaje de Patinaje en Hielo
16 Noviembre 2013
Acompañantes Kristin y Stephanie, junto con los adolescentes del grupo Conexión de Jóvenes pusieron sus habilidades de patinaje sobre
hielo a la prueba en la Pista de Hielo “Ice Town” de Riverside.
Antes de patinar en el hielo, disfrutaron de una cena de pizza en la Oficina de La Fundación de Cáncer. Una vez en la pista de hielo, se divirtieron mucho entrando y saliendo de todas las personas allí. Había unas
cuantas caídas, pero le fue muy bien a todos! El viaje fue muy divertido
y el grupo fue impresionante.
¡Gracias a nuestros voluntarios Cristina por acompañarnos en este viaje y durante todo el año!
WINTER 2013 • Page 10
HappY birthday
Aaden Pence
Allyssa Gaona
Amber Hazlett
Andres Delgadillo
Anthony Carreira
Anthony Oros
Artherley Williams
Benjamin Dhami
Breezia Landeros
Bryan Sou
Christian Cisneros
Connie Romero
Cristian Urias
Daniel Arellano
Daniel Cano
David Ortiz
Destiny Hernandez
Edward Liebe
Emmanuel Moctezuma
Emmanuel Vega
Felipa Saldivar
Felynne Olivo
Gabriel Lopez
Gabriel Lopez
Gonzalo Del Toro
Heaven Mesa
Helen Trevino
Hunter Goetsch
Ivan Marquez
Jalissa Strickland
Jayson Brown
Jazmin Bravo
Jazmin Lopez
Jennifer Jimenez
Jheyson Torres
John Nguyen
Jordan Macias
Jose Angel Perez
Joseph Avila
Joseph Latiolait
Katie Ludwig
Kenya Casillas
Laura Villegas
Lola Ortega
Lucero Rendon
Maria Vargas-Ramirez
Marysela Hernandez
Mathew Garcia
Matthew Soto
Max Salazar
Max Salazar
Mayra Garcia
Michael Byrne
Michael Gutierrez
Nancy Hernandez
Natalie Chavarria
Paola Cerezo
Parker Cherry
Paula Galvan
Reyli Salazar
Robert Perez
Roberto Martinez
Rosealee Winslow-Andrade
Rulyn Winkle
Ryan Ambrosius
Shelby Black (Houchens)
Stephanie Campos
Susana Chavez
Tristen Crouser
Tyler Wood
Vanessa Arellano
Wyatt Wick
Yareli Delgadillo
Zane Childress
Adrian Avelar
Alejandro Acosta
Alex Jennings
Alexa Mora
Alexander Salcedo
Alizbet Pineda
Angela Henein
Anthony Pineda
Blake Derksen
Brandon Terry-Espinosa
Brianna Lipps
Bryan Vasquez
Charlotte Rose Pitt
Danielle Hallworth
Denise Goss
Dennis Taylor
Desiree Esparza
Elijah Derain
Elle Talala
Emri Sjostrom
Ethan Novoa
Frank Martinez
Ireland McCollum
Isaac Harney
Isabella Romero
Izaiah Urista
Jairo Gutierrez
Jayveantay Richardson
Jerry Valdepena
Jessica Ortiz-Jacovo
John Baker
Joshua Buendia
Juan Hernandez
Juan Marin
Justin Leonard
Karen Tortolero
Karley Tinsley
Khloe Arguelles
Luis Angel Feregrino
Maria Martinez
Marrisa Ocasio
Maya Medina
Melissa Loera
Mia Leon
Nancy Aguilar
Natalie Tanner
Omar Hernandez
Ricardo Morones
Robert Jennings
Sabrina Archer
Sarah Valenzuela
Savannah Castillo
Sergio Juarez
Silvia Garcia
Stacey Simon
Susan Balkhi
Tony Ruelas
Tyler Franklin
Ulises Rosas
Urijah Serrano Soto
Valarius Hernandez
Abrar Hakim
Aidan Inman
Alicia Mireles
Alondra Tamayo
Amalia Willner
Andres Garcia
Angel Amaral
Anthony Arguelles
Avery Lucero
Brandon Vergara
Brian Palacios
Brian Rojas
Bryan Equihua
Celena Madeo
Christopher Johnson
Christopher Vailolo
Cristal Soria-Medrano
Daniel Tahhan
David Magana Rodriguez
Francisco Avina
Gabriel Dominguez
Gia Torres
Gisele Vega
Guillermo Sanchez
Isabel Uraga
Jessica Munoz
Jesus Perez
Jordan King
Joseph Villalobos
Josiah Johnson
Julian Armenta
Julian Park
Karla Estrada
Karolina Lemus
Kayla Davis
Keirsten Hull
Khamareeuh Thomas
Lacy Siko
Mariah Torres-Moreno
Melissa Lira
Noah Najarro
Noee Ramirez-Hernandez
Oscar Garcia
Raquel Ramirez
Robert Torres
Rodolfo Escobar
Roxanne Barba
Ruben Hurtado
Sandra Cisneros
Shaylyn Hoffman
Surf Verboom
Tabeeb Hossain
Ted Baker
Thomas Amato
Vivian Gonzalez
Zebulon Souza Jr.
WINTER 2013 • Page 11
Alexis Victoria Salon & Spa
Allstate Giving Campaign
Avis Plumbing
California Correctional Peace Officers
Carmen Vasquez
Con Arrieta
Danica Price
David Sowers
Edison Employee Giving
Fidelity Charitable
Jamie Hyatt
Joe & Ines Stewart
John Claus
Kathryn Richel
Leslie Hicks
Loma Linda University Children’s
Marlene Rombach
Peter Brierty
Redlands Fire Department
Benevolent Fund
REW & Associates
San Bernardino County Firefighter
San Bernardino Public Employees
San Bernardino Streak Baseball
San Bernardino Water Department
Customer Service Department
Sempra Employee Giving
So Cal Muscle 10U Baseball
Southern California Edison
Stacey Aldstadt
Stoney Beck
Susan Justice
TE Connectivity Foundation
Terry Irrgang
The Gas Company
Tony Stewart Foundation
Truist Employee Giving
United Way of the Inland Valleys
Wayne Funn
Wells Fargo Community Support
Women of the Moose Big Bear
Cynthia Ochoa
Dan Flanders
David Porras Pottery
Dawn Bryan
Ferrari Carano Vineyards & Winery
Field Stone Winery
Gina Colby
KVCR Radio
Mae Boyar Before & After School Club
Maridiana - Umbria, Italy
Mendoza Performance Horses
Moms Country Orchards
Morongo Casino Resort & Spa
Nancy Hannah & Linda Morrow
Nino Gonzalez
Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa
RHS ACS & Octagon Club
Ricky & Elena Klopfer
Rory Ward
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
Youth Council
Sarah Vorhauer
Southwest Airlines
State Farm – Ken Williams Office
Terry Lundy
Tobias F Maynard Dentistry
Tony & Maria Losee
Total Wine & More
Wildland Images
Acacia Vineyard
Alexis Victoria Salon & Spa
American Sewing Guild
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
Bernie & Armida Kersey
Bradford Portraits
Brandt Family
Brandy Henson
Brenda Benninger
Brenda Ebrahim
Buckleberry Lane - Sarah Applebaum
Callaway Vineyard & Winery
Carol Meisner
Cherry Valley Nursery
Cloud 9 Medi Spa
Corazon de Santa Fe
Arlene Barton in memory of Barbara Anthony
HRIS in memory of Nancy Hadaway
Jill Beverlin in memory of Nancy Hadaway
ITT Corporation in honor of UTC Riverside Continuous Improvement Team
San Bernardino Court Services in honor of Patti Termini
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
San Bernardino, CA
Permit No. 2051
PO Box 1663
11155 Mt. View Ave, Suite 105
Loma Linda, CA 92354
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contribution? If so, Please
call us at (909) 558-3419 or
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Donation under the Wish List
section. Donations can also
be made over the phone or
via mail. Call CCFSC for more
information. (909) 558-3419.
In-kind donations help us off
set the costs of our various
events. To make a donation
contact us at (909) 558-3419
or visit our website and click
on Wish List to view a list of
items to consider donating.
Our events would not be possible without our volunteers.
To join as a volunteer visit and click
on Volunteer Opportunities
under the About Us section
or contact us via email at
[email protected].
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