I Am the Bread of Life/Yo Soy el Pan de Vida
I Am the Bread of Life/Yo Soy el Pan de Vida
I Am the Bread of Life/Yo Soy el Pan de Vida GIA Publications, Inc. owns the copyright to the music and text for the song you have requested. For all uses and territories you must hold a current license from GIA Publications, Inc. to use this song. If you do not hold a current reprint license you must obtain one by contacting: GIA Publications, Inc. 7404 South Mason Avenue Chicago, IL 60638 Phone:(708) 496-3800 Toll free: (800) GIA-1358 (442-1358) FAX: (708) 496-3828 Website for permissions: www.giamusic.com/copyright The song you have requested is copyrighted. Copyright law requires you to obtain a license before reproducing any copyrighted material. There are a number of broad-based licenses available that provide permission to reproduce material from a number of rights holders. LicenSingOnline.org is one such license. Copyright law also requires you to print copyright lines with all reproductions of copyrighted material. This document created for: Ann Ratliff PO BOX 1478 NEWTON, IA 502081478 00006590 2011-01-24 1-800-548-8749 [email protected] 314 141933 I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE Yo Soy el Pan de Vida Suzanne Toolan, RSM Verses 1. I am the Bread 2. The bread that I 3. Un you less 4. I am the Res 5. we Yes, Lord, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. shall life Son am are not of the of the the hun ger; world, Man life. Christ, No one can come you shall live drink of e ven though who has of will life. give eat rec tion, lieve ur be You who come to me is my flesh for the of the flesh of the I you that and who be lieve in me shall not and if you eat of this and drink of his in If you be lieve the Son of thirst. bread, blood, me, God, and to me un less the Fa ther beck ons. for ev er, you shall live for ev er. his blood, you shall not have life with in you. you die, you shall live for ev er. come to the world. in Refrain And I will raise Yo los re su up, ré, ci and I will raise Yo los re su you ta ci up, ré, you ta up ré and I will raise Yo los re su ci on the en el day. fi nal. last dí a you ta Text: John 6:35–58; 11:25–27; English, Suzanne Toolan, RSM; Spanish tr. anon., rev. by Ronald F. Krisman. Text and music © 1966, 1970, 1986, 1993, 2003, 2004, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE (CONT 2) Yo Soy el Pan de Vida Verses 1. 2. El 3. 4. Yo 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Yo soy el Pan pan que yo Si us te soy la Re Sí, Se ñor, no ten vi Hi soy el de da. Vi da ré des no co men su rrec ción, cre e mos drán ham bre. En da del mun do. Los jo del Hom bre, y la Vi da. Si Me sí as, el mí que no en cre co be mí Hi A mí es mi la que an: no ten men de es ben de us te jo drán te su des de ven gan: car ne, la car ne del Yo tú e res sed. pan san gre, no cre en, Dios, que to Refrain 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Na vi be aun has die vi ben que ve vie rán de ha ni ne a mí por siem pre, su san gre, yan muer to, do al mun do si mi Pa vi no po drán vi pa dre vi te vi ra no rán ner rán re lo a por mi por di tra siem vi siem mir e. pre. da. pre. nos.